At night, at Sky Bar.

After finishing work, Locke invited David, Mark, and Teddy to come over for a drink, and Randy, Superintendent Mona, and Weilun also came with them.

In the CIA case during the day, after Anna Davis intervened, the CIA directly let the four people leave, and did not sign any confidentiality agreement. It was a typical bullying of the weak and fear of the strong.

After experiencing this incident, Locke wanted to join the detective bureau more urgently. The position of patrolman was really too low.

In fact, Locke was still very curious about the case during the day. Why would a retired CIA scavenger be silenced?

The dead scavenger showed no signs of resistance and was not tortured.

Locke suspected that he might know the murderer, or was directly silenced, because his death seemed very calm, and there was no fear or resentment before his death.

And the killer must be a master among masters. Locke did not find any traces of the killer at the scene.

Obviously, the killer cleared all his traces after killing.

His identity was already obvious to Locke.

This killer is not only a killer, but also a scavenger.

This is the profession that Locke once yearned for the most, because such a comprehensive talent has always been an S-level top talent in the organization.

Unfortunately, his killing skills have always been a weakness, and he can only serve as a scavenger in the end, which belongs to the B-level logistics talent.

David left first after drinking a glass, saying that Catherine finally finished the identification of the body in the case of Irvin Marcus, and went home tonight, and he couldn’t leave Catherine alone at home.

After David left, Locke smiled at everyone: “Do you know what a father like David is called in China?”

After a while, under the publicity of Randy, the big mouth, the fact that David is a daughter slave spread throughout the bar.

“Daughter slave, what a real image!”

“Guys, for David…”

“Cheers to the daughter slave!!!”


Many of Wilshire’s colleagues also raised their glasses and shouted to drink a glass for David, the daughter slave.

After the commotion, Mark finished the wine in his glass and said, “Sorry, guys, I have to go too…” Seeing that everyone was staring at him, he spread his hands and couldn’t help laughing and said, “OK, I admit that I am also a daughter slave. I have to go home and tell Lina a bedtime story, otherwise she can’t fall asleep…” Amid the jokes of the crowd, Mark stood up and patted Locke on the shoulder to thank him for the beer tonight. He hesitated for a moment and patted Teddy again, “Man, you did a good job today…” Until Mark left, Teddy’s face was still full of disbelief, and he said incoherently: “This is the first time Mark has made such a close gesture to me and the first time he has praised me…” Superintendent Mona showed a relieved expression. The entire Wilshire Police Department knew that the relationship between Mark and Teddy was tense. She asked curiously, “What did you do today?”

Teddy looked at Locke and asked, “Can you tell me?”

Locke thought for a moment and thought that it would be fine if he didn’t tell the case. He shrugged and said, “Let me tell you!”

So he told Superintendent Mona and the others about the conflict he had with the Detective Bureau when handling the murder case at the apartment building at 55 Biller Street.

Randy shouted directly: “cool…” He pounded his chest, “Bro, believe me, if I were there, I would stand behind you!” Wei Lun also said with a serious face: “I would…” Superintendent Mona nodded and said: “Good, Teddy, you did a good job on this matter! This shows that Mark has begun to agree with you…” She said to Locke again: “I suggest you report this matter to Captain Jones, otherwise, next time…” Locke smiled and said: “There should be no next time. I made a bet with Tom Williams today, and he lost. If he keeps his promise, this kind of thing should not happen again in the future!” Wei Lun held a beer glass and smiled: “I am curious about what bet you made with Tom Williams? Can you tell me?” Locke hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: “Sorry , I can only tell you that this case is related to the CIA and has been taken over by the FBI. I can’t say anything else…”

Wei Lun understood immediately, and after looking at Superintendent Mona and Randy, he immediately said: “No problem, then this matter ends here!”

At this time, Thaddeus said to Locke with a serious face: “Locke, can I ask you some questions in private?”

Locke looked at him in surprise, and seeing that he was serious, he nodded and said: “OK, then we go first…”

He said to Superintendent Mona, Randy, and Wei Lun: “Guys, tell Old John that tonight is mine…”

Randy screamed exaggeratedly: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you go bankrupt!”

Superintendent MonaHe also laughed and said, “Great, I’ve wanted to try old John’s 30-year-old Macallan for a long time!”

Locke gave a middle finger back and left with Teddy.

Superintendent Mona watched the two leave and asked Randy, “Does Elsa have a conflict with Locke? Elsa wanted to come just now, but Locke didn’t invite her…”

Randy hesitated and said, “Elsa said they rolled the sheets during the training, but they didn’t get together, just…”

Superintendent Mona shrugged, “I see!”

The Sky Bar is not far from the Wilshire Police Station and is close to MacArthur Park. Anyway, they can’t drive, so Locke and Teddy walked along MacArthur Park.

Along the way, Teddy told his troubles, saying that he found that Mark had a bad attitude towards black people when he was patrolling.

He thinks Mark is a racist and prejudiced against black people. “He has always been cold to me. I don’t know how to get along with him. He just patted my shoulder and praised me. This is really the first time…”

Through his contact with Mark during this period, Locke does not think he is a black policeman, but Mark is indeed very strict when enforcing the law against black people.

Locke pondered for a moment and said, “Well, I have actually suffered racial discrimination before?”

Teddy was stunned for a moment, then thought of Locke’s mixed-race identity and asked, “Was it also by white people?”

Locke shook his head, “No, black people…”

In the high school football team in the United States, black people are already the majority. It must be said that this race is really good at running.

Teddy showed an unbelievable look, as if he couldn’t imagine that black people would discriminate against other ethnic groups.

Locke shrugged, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Thedis, although it’s a bit offensive, because of Chief Philip’s achievements, in fact, to some extent, you have already left the black class. Do you really understand your ethnicity?”

Thedis’s father, Philip Martin, is the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Western Division. He is a senior member of the LAPD and a typical example of a black elite with a black skin and a white heart.

Blacks at this level basically have nothing to do with the black community except for their skin color, and they may even cut themselves off from the black community.

Of course, black politicians are an exception, because they still need to cheat the votes of the black community.

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