Teddy rejected it, saying, “No, I have always been paying attention to my ethnic group. I know my ethnic group very well. I have not left my ethnic group…” Locke thought he should have found the reason and decided to brainwash him. He continued, “I have always had a question. We all know that racial discrimination is wrong and opposing racial discrimination is politically correct. But it seems that no one has ever thought that opposing racial discrimination is actually unfair. You have stifled the freedom of others to express their own ideas. You do not allow others to dislike something. Is this correct?” “Let me give you an example. Some people do not like vegetarianism. Then, vegetarians say it is wrong. This is discrimination against vegetarianism. Isn’t this more intuitive?” “…” Teddy was stunned for a moment and stared at Locke in a daze. Obviously, he had not thought about what Locke said. In the United States, opposing discrimination has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This is politically correct. However, Locke’s words seemed to have no problem with logic, but they were too shocking and simply overturned his three views. Locke asked back, “Do you think I’m a racist?”

Teddy shook his head, so Locke told him about the last time a black female firefighter complained about his racism.

Teddy said in disbelief, “This is crazy, how could this happen?”

Locke spread his hands, looking helpless. Not to mention, MacArthur Park was quiet at night, and it was even darker inside, which looked a bit gloomy. Fortunately, the lights outside were brighter.

He said seriously, “I think people of different skin colors are equal, but you have always put yourself in a disadvantaged position, using the pain you have experienced in the past, hoping to get special care or privileges.”

Locke shrugged, looked directly at Teddy, and asked, “Don’t you think this behavior itself is a kind of discrimination against your own group…”

He sighed, “These behaviors are unfair to other ethnic groups. When you appeal for your rights, you are trampling on fairness. Teddy, it is obvious that you don’t know enough about your ethnic group. I suggest you talk to Ma. “Let’s talk to Locke once. Everything has a reason…”

Teddy looked a little heavy, his mind was a little confused, he thought seriously for a while, and nodded solemnly, “I will, thank you, Locke, for telling me these things, your words inspired me a lot!”

Locke shrugged, “I am also a person of color!”

Teddy showed a speechless look, “Although I am very happy that you admit that you are a person of color, but I have to remind you, Locke, you are very white!”

Locke looked embarrassed, and was about to explain, when he suddenly heard a woman’s call coming from the park.





“Please, please let me go…”


Locke and Teddy’s faces suddenly changed, stopped talking, and rushed into the park as soon as possible.

Locke immediately pulled out his G19 from his back. In fact, the gun was placed in the storage box, and there was only an empty holster on his waist. He reached behind his waist and the G19 appeared in his hand.

He knew that Thaddeus didn’t have a gun, so he handed him his phone and said to him, “Use my phone to call the police, and use your phone to record the video…”

“Uh, I understand…”

Teddeus reacted instantly, dialing 911 with Locke’s phone while turning on the video function of his own phone.

Following the sound of the call, Locke quickly found the crime scene, only to see a black man lying on the ground committing a crime, with two white legs struggling desperately.

Fuck, it’s too late!

It’s already in, damn it!

Locke shouted loudly: “LAPD, get up, raise your hands…”

The woman heard that the police were coming, and she struggled even harder, “Help…, help…”

But the black criminal seemed to have not heard Locke’s warning, and still kept his head down, like a gorilla in heat.


Locke shot at the place five meters away from black. He wanted to shoot directly, but the two were stacked together, and he was afraid of accidentally injuring the victim.

He shouted again: “Please stop your criminal behavior immediately, or the next shot will hit you…” The black criminal was frightened and had to stop. He climbed up from the woman reluctantly, cursing: “Fuck, I’m not done yet!” As soon as he got up, the woman on the ground instantly retreated and curled up into a ball, pulling the hem of her skirt to wrap herself up, crying miserably. This is a very petite young white woman with blonde hair and skin as white as snow, but it’s a pity that she has just been defiled. The black criminal looksHe was 1.9 meters tall, dressed like a homeless man, smelling foul, and very strong. He looked young.

The black criminal raised his hands indifferently, leaving his crude stuff exposed, as if to provoke Locke and the others.

Locke’s eyes were cold, and he pointed the Glock G19 at the criminal and said in a deep voice: “Now lie on the ground, I want to search you…”

The black criminal’s face changed and he cursed: “Fuck, how can I lie down like this, I want to complain to you…”

Locke ignored him and said again: “Please lie on the ground, don’t make any other movements, I want to search you…”

The black criminal heard the threat in Locke’s words, knelt on the ground familiarly, and then slowly lay down, with his buttocks raised.

Locke hurriedly shouted to the livid Thaddeus next to him, “Teddeus, go over and search me…” He also moved towards the victim, but the gun was pointed at the criminal lying on the ground from beginning to end, “Madam, are you injured? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?” The white woman cried, “Yes, please call an ambulance, I’m in pain down there…” Thaddeus hurriedly told the police phone that had not been hung up to call an ambulance, then returned the phone to Locke, and while recording the video, he searched the black criminal on the ground with his other hand, and shook his head to Locke, “No weapons!” Locke breathed a sigh of relief and said : “Lock him up and wait for support…”

Teddys put the criminal’s hands behind his back, then knelt on them and pressed them down, cursing: “You beast are just a scumbag, have you not evolved yet?”

The black criminal immediately sprayed: “Fuck, I will sue you for racial discrimination…”

Teddys was really angry this time, and he put more force on his feet, angrily cursing: “You idiot, don’t you find that I have the same skin color as you?”

The black criminal shouted: “Fuck, you hurt me, if my brother is broken, I will sue you. Help, I can’t breathe…”

Teddys was so angry that he even forgot that he was recording a video, and cursed directly: “Fuck, I didn’t kneel on your neck, so you fucking breathe with your lower body?”

Locke’s scalp was numb when he heard it on the side. Fortunately, these words were said by Teddys, who was also black. If he said it, he would inevitably be suspended for investigation.

At this time, the sound of the police car was finally heard, and soon patrolmen with flashlights came over.

Locke shouted immediately: “Don’t shoot, the criminal has been controlled, my police number is 9988…” “Locke?” “Yes, Teddy is here too…” Wilshire Police Station is the closest to here, so the police who came here are all Wilshire. Locke and Teddy quickly handed the scene over to their colleagues for support. Soon the victimized white woman was also taken away by ambulance, and the black criminal was handcuffed. His thing had become like a slug, and no one was willing to help him put it in. Locke and Teddy told their colleagues about what happened and left. Teddy left his mobile phone as evidence, and the two of them would have to make up a statement tomorrow morning. Teddy was frustrated, staring at the criminal who was escorted into the patrol car, and said frustratedly: “Locke, you are right, it seems that I really don’t understand my ethnicity…”

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