Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 944: Status of the Chamber of Commerce

The latest website: The two things the ancestor Wan Ling said are uncertain.

Ten thousand magic demon consciousness is endless, and it is indeed possible to have the secret technique of spiritual power transforming the consciousness.

But this matter may be, perhaps it is with some special magic weapon.

Besides, the demons have been dead for tens of thousands of years, and they are still dead in the melee.

When the demons invaded, the number of dead human races and demons couldn't be counted. Where can I find them now?

The soul demon clan is not sure if there is any, and it is even more difficult to find it.

"The Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is not far from the Frost Icefield, this soul demon is such a special monster race, the ancestors of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley are not tempted?"

The ancestor of Wanling replied: "How can you not be tempted? There are several sect masters who have been to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The residence of Xuanwu Hall is adjacent to the extremely cold ice field. Which of the previous hall masters has not been to investigate?

But I didn't see anyone who could find any substantive evidence, only a few people said they saw it, but they didn't catch it. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. At the end of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, the Lord of the Four Halls was also a cultivator of God.

In the early days, it was estimated that only Mahayana monks could serve, they could only see, but couldn't catch it.

With my own ability, let alone think about it.

"Look at what I mean, I'm really out of play.

Even the Huashen and the Mahayana monks can't catch it. I am a Nascent Soul monk, so hopeless. "

The ancestor of Wanling shook his head: "That's probably true. Before, the spiritual energy of the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm continued to decline because of the severe damage to the spiritual veins of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

Need to extract a huge amount of spiritual energy to repair, the entire Beiyuan Xiuxian realm has been affected.

The remnant veins of the Tianzhan Mountain range penetrated deep into the extremely cold ice field, and a lot of spiritual energy was drawn there.

Therefore, the concentration of aura on the extremely cold ice field should not be high.

Even if there is a soul demon, it is at most the fifth-order pinnacle.

With your strength, the monster race in the early stage of Tier 6 is also very difficult to win you.

According to the descriptions of some people who claim to have seen spirit monsters, these spirit monsters have weird methods and are good at hiding.

But they have never heard of how strong they are, and there is no record of them fighting against the human race.

The saying that the soul demon is good at attacking by the consciousness of the gods was passed from the demon clan through the half demon.

Even the demon clan has very few legends about the soul demon.

If you have to go, take me with you when the time comes.

With me, no matter how strong the spirit demon attacked, it would never break my defense. "

The specialty of the Wan Ling Pagoda is suppression and ban. Suppression is not just about suppressing opponents, even the opponent's attacks can be suppressed.

As a magic weapon made by Earth Immortal and Da Neng, it is really nothing to deal with the fifth-order peak spirit demon.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "This matter is not in a hurry. After a few years, I will go to Juetianyuan to catch a few ten thousand magic demons to see if they have news about that special demons.

If there is, there is no need to go deep into the extreme cold ice sheet.

If not, I will try my luck in the extremely cold ice field.

However, I don't need you to accompany me. "

After all, sacrifice forged immortal tripod.

The ancestor Wanling glanced at it: "This magical tool seems to be from the hand of the **** refining the gods."

Forging the immortal also showed his figure, and seeing the ancestor of Wanling, he was a little puzzled: "You are the Pagoda of Wanling? I am the magic weapon forging the immortal god, but I heard the master mentioned you.

You should have participated in the battle against the demons. What happened to my master? "

The ancestor of Wanling replied: "The Forging Immortal Goddess sent the eighth-level Guiyuan Sword to the Guiyuan Sword Immortal, and he stayed in the coalition of the Human Race and the Demon Race to refine magical tools for the Human Race Power and Earth Immortal.

Later, because of the tightness of the war, I had to join the war.

In a defeat, the Forging Immortal God was besieged by several demons, and finally blew himself up. "

Hearing these words, Forging Xian Ding Qi Ling looked sad: "I have long sensed that the master is dead, but after all, I didn't see it with my own eyes. I think he might still be alive."

The ancestor Wan Ling sighed, "Don't be too sad, you will get used to it when you change a few more masters."

When Wang Daoyuan heard this, he felt something was wrong.

The ancestor of Wanling went on to say: "Although the forging the immortal cauldron is pretty close, it is also from the hands of a mighty power.

The current rank is still a sixth-grade low-rank, and the strength that can be exerted is probably still higher than mine.

With it following you, there is no need to worry about someone hurting you. "

In the next few years, Wang Daoyuan stayed in Qingli City besides taking time to accompany the two children.

Whether it is to improve the exercises and spells, or the four things of the pill talisman formation, if you don't understand, you can ask the ancestor of Wanling.

An old house where a treasure.

This ancestor of Wan Ling knew enough, no matter what Wang Daoyuan asked, he could give some pointers.

Five years later, Wang Daoyuan's formation, talisman, and level have also been upgraded to Tier 5 top grade.

Under the guidance of the ancestors of Wan Ling, the technique has been improved a bit.

The cultivation speed has increased a bit, and of course the resource consumption has also increased.

The God Lei of Guishui, who focuses on improvement, has also made considerable progress.

Wang Mingren and Wang Mingxian are over sixteen years old. When Wang Daoyuan was sixteen years old, he went out to work, which also set a precedent for the family.

According to the clan rules, the clan members are still considered as adults at the age of twenty, and must work in the family's various industries by then.

However, when you reach the age of sixteen, you can apply to go out to work on your own.

Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian also requested to go to Qingli City to do things, in fact, they were here to practice.

There is nothing to worry about if the ancestors of Wan Ling pointed them out.

The cultivation bases of the two of them had already reached the peak of Qi training, but they were not mature enough to build foundations.

Before the age of twenty, they could only practice a few spells, as well as improve the attainments of the pill talisman formation.

Wang Mingbian has a good talent for refining tools and charms, and now the level of refining and talisman making has reached the first-level top grade.

Wang Mingxian got close to Lingzhi, and he was very talented with Lingzhifu. He is now a second-tier low-grade Lingzhifu.

In addition, she also practiced alchemy.

After all, Lingzhifu also needs to understand Lingzhi's habits and medicinal properties, which has a lot of overlap with alchemists.

Her alchemy level has also reached the first-tier high-grade.

Wang Mingyan's current appearance is eight or nine points similar to Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Mingxian's appearance is basically the same as Zhou Luan.

Apart from temperament, there is no difference at all.

The two little guys have also grown up, and there is not much room for improvement in their own cultivation base and immortal cultivation.

He also planned to go to Jue Tianyuan to catch a few ten thousand magic demons to see if there is any news about spiritual power transforming his spiritual consciousness.

I used the photo beads to record the images of the three brothers and sisters, and also bid farewell to them, along the main line of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, all the way to the south.

Along the way, I saw a lot of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce's industries. When we arrived in the eastern part of Qi, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce's industry was less.

After Song Guo and Zhao Guo agreed to the entry of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, shops of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce soon appeared in various cities.

As the neighboring countries of Song State, the two great powers of Qi and Wu naturally heard the news.

In the previous few years, the two big countries of Qi and several small countries near the Tianzhan Mountain Range sent envoys to the country of Yan.

According to the conditions previously negotiated with Song State, they were allowed to occupy a part of the Tianzhan Mountain area, but they must allow the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to do business in their country.

Moreover, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce's industry is under attack, and they must also help.

After negotiation with these countries, the banner of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can be seen from Shanbei to Nanhuang.

After the Chamber of Commerce enters other countries, there will naturally be more casual repairs, and the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has more people to join.

At present, Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has more than 30,000 foundation-building monks and more than 2,000 Zifu monks.

There are also more than twenty Jindan monks, in addition to the hall master and deputy hall master of Blood Shadow, some casual practitioners have joined.

After Beiyuan Xiuxian realm aura returned to Tier 5, there were also a lot of pill formations in the loose cultivator.

Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is big and recruits talents, so they are naturally more interested.

Except that there is no Yuan Ying monk in town, these people can already catch up with a second-rate big country like Wei.

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