Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 945: Re-enter the Absolute Heavenly Abyss

The latest website: From the eastern part of Qi State all the way to the south, there are fewer and fewer industries with the sign of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The strategy of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is that, whether it is convenient or not, Mao Keng must first occupy it.

After declaring his own existence, other forces did not dare to grab the territory.

The industries occupied by various places add up to four to five hundred shops.

The total number of forest farms, mines, and industries with large tracts of spiritual land would be two or three thousand.

The annual profit is not much. After all, it is still in the early stages of development, and the Lingtian rank has not been mentioned yet, and the produced spirit item ranks are still relatively low.

To develop new industries, it is natural to invest a lot of manpower and material resources.

The spirit stones earned by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce have been invested in the development of the industry and recruiting people, and now it can only guarantee a balance of income and expenditure.

Wang Daoyuan didn't bother these industries either, but flew south with his head sullenly.

It only took three days to arrive at the blood shadow headquarters.

Now in the blood shadow, no one dared to oppose Zhou Luan, and her life was extremely leisurely.

The daily affairs are handled by the elders, and after handling them, it is enough for him to look at them.

A lot of free time can only be used for cultivation.

When Wang Daoyuan walked into the courtyard, Zhou Luan immediately woke up from his concentration.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming, it turned into a red light and threw it into his arms.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Friend Zhou, please respect yourself, I'm not that kind of person."

Zhou Luan coldly snorted, "All three children have been born. What kind of person are you not? Do you have other ideas?"

Wang Daoyuan was persuaded at that time: "Sir, the young master has no intention of this."

"Forgive you for not dare, are Ming Ren and Ming Xian living well with the family? Since you left, I have been worried about them."

"The two of them can still have a bad life? Even the elders of the family have to call them uncles and aunts.

Had it not been for Sending Dahei to look at them, with Ming Blade's temper, he would have been domineering at Yuquan Peak long ago.

Now that they are over sixteen years old, they applied to go out and practice in the Qingli City Palace.

There is Mingchen looking after him, as well as the twelfth uncle and the third brother.

With the guidance of the ancestors in cultivation, what else can be wrong?

However, Ming Chen practiced very fast, and it was now in the middle of Jin Dan.

In another forty to fifty years, you should be able to cultivate to the peak of the golden core and try to break through the realm of Nascent Soul. "

"You said in your letter that Mingxian is a rare Otsuki psychic body. Is this true?"

"The Aoki God Venerable in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is the Otsuki psychic body. The Pagoda of All Souls was his magic weapon. The ancestors of the Myriad Souls have accompanied the Aoki God for thousands of years. Can you still misunderstand it?

Wood cultivators are generally not strong, but Yimu psychic body can communicate with Lingzhi after the foundation is built.

At the Zifu realm, you can directly control Lingzhi, and your fighting skills are not inferior to sword repairs of the same rank.

Moreover, this Otsuki psychic body is also a kind of spiritual body, and the cultivation speed is very fast.

The third brother's grandson, Wang Delin, is a nine-inch three-point water spirit root, who opened up the Purple Mansion when he was less than thirty-five years old.

Mingxian has better talents, and it is estimated that he will be able to open up the Purple Mansion in his thirties. "

Zhou Luan immediately became proud when he heard that her daughter's talent was strong: "The daughter I gave birth to has a good talent."

Wang Daoyuan took out a photo bead: "This is the image left by the three of their brothers and sisters. You haven't seen each other for several years, just to look at the children."

Zhou Luan took the photo beads, injected spiritual energy, and checked the images of the three children.

After reading it, tears flowed down unconsciously.

Wang Daoyuan comforted: "Aren't the children all well? When they have a higher level of cultivation, I will take them to see you.

It really doesn't work, how many more do we have? "

Before Zhou Luan's tears were wiped off, he twisted it on his waist, but didn't twist it.

She looked surprised: "Why is your skin so strong?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "The body refining has achieved some achievements, and the strength of the body is not inferior to the body of the semi-divine beast of the same level.

The one who can beat me in the physical body is also the demigod beast of the dragon family and the Xuanwu line.

How about it? Do you want to try it? "

Wang Daoyuan stayed here for more than a year at the Blood Shadow Headquarters, and Zhou Luan's cultivation has also improved a lot.

After that, he bid farewell to Zhou Luan and left for Jue Tianyuan.

If you want to find news about that special Ten Thousand Magic Demon, you still have to rely on the witnesses at that time.

Jianxian Guiyuan was the leader of the human race at the time, and he must know this kind of information with special value.

Although the Clone Blood Spring also came from Juetianyuan, his range of activities was not large.

Among the demon tribes that I have come into contact with, there is only one that belongs to the ten thousand magic demon, and it is very weak, and there is no great inheritance at all.

For Yuan Ying monk, spiritual power is already very easy to obtain.

After running the exercise for a while, you can gain spiritual power comparable to a high-grade spiritual stone.

The spiritual consciousness can only recover slowly by itself, or with the assistance of spiritual things.

The means of spiritual power transforming divine consciousness can allow the magic magic to exert extremely strong strength.

If there was such a heritage, this tribe of magic magic would have dominated one side long ago.

Wang Daoyuan came to the north bank of Juetianyuan, and he didn't hesitate after having the experience of entering Juetianyuan last time.

He propped up the body protection qi, and flew in directly across the defensive formation.

When I came to the tomb of Guiyuan Jianxian, he saluted the Guiyuan Jian in front of the tomb and said: "Disciples see Master."

The figure of Jianxian Guiyuan flew out of the sword. After helping him restore his state last time, his aura is much stronger now.

"Dao Yuan disciple, but encountered difficulties in cultivation?"

Wang Daoyuan replied: "The disciple was instructed by the Blood Spirit God in the Tianji Tower.

Now that I can transform my spiritual power into qi and blood, my physical strength has greatly improved.

The disciple also wanted to try to transform spiritual power into the power of divine consciousness, but did not find a suitable inheritance in the heavenly secret tower.

After asking the Wanling Tower Tool Spirit, he couldn't help it.

It was just mentioned that when the demons invaded, there was a strange magical demon, whose power of divine consciousness seemed to be endless.

The ancestor of Wanling guessed that he might have the ability to transform spiritual power into divine consciousness.

The ancestors of Wan Ling don't know much about the specific situation.

At that time, Master, you were the leader of the human race, and you should know more inside stories, so the disciples came to ask you. "

Sword Immortal Guiyuan smiled and said, "You are indeed not weak in physical body, you have the meaning of blood spirit god.

Especially when I came here this time, it was a big improvement from the last time.

You have the five elements spiritual fire in your body, and spiritual power is nothing to you.

It’s a good idea to be able to convert excess spiritual power into qi, blood and spiritual consciousness.

Although in the realm of earth immortality, both cultivation and fighting techniques use immortal power.

However, there are very few immortal powers in the entire Qianyuan Realm. If you want to cultivate immortal power, you still have to use the spirit and spirit to transform it. The power of divine consciousness is still the most rare.

When the monk reached the realm of transforming gods, he could already use spiritual power to transform the power of divine consciousness, but it was still not enough.

Mahayana monks spend half of their usual cultivation time on the power of transforming their spiritual consciousness.

Many great powers have been studied for the means of transforming divine consciousness with spiritual power, but I have never heard of anyone who has succeeded. "

"After the disciple cultivates to the peak of the Nascent Soul, he can no longer advance his cultivation, so he converts most of his spiritual power into the power of qi and blood.

Now the physical body is already extremely high, and it is difficult for UU reading to go further.

That's why I want to transform my spiritual power into my spiritual consciousness, and improve my soul strength and spiritual consciousness cultivation. "

Guiyuan Jianxian pondered for a moment: "With your talents, your future achievements should be higher than your big brothers, and Dixian is not a big problem.

The mystery related to divine consciousness is extremely dangerous, why bother to take this risk? "

Wang Daoyuan did not intend to conceal any more, he would use Beiyuan Xiuxianjie as his back garden in the future, and he would rely on Guiyuan Sword Immortal to guard Juetianyuan.

He released Ying Long: "Master knows it at a glance."

As a former human leader, Jianxian Guiyuan knew far more secrets than ordinary monks.

When I saw Ying Long, his face was surprised: "Ying Long? Why do you have this thing?"


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