Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 971: 1 Things are not troublesome 2 Lord

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan has been in this illusion for about six years, and six days have passed since he was outside.

Entering the illusion, it consumes a lot of divine consciousness, and it is not bad for the average Nascent Soul monk to last for a day.

He closed his eyes and carefully sensed his body, and found that the power of the divine consciousness was not much consumed.

Up to now, it has only consumed about one-third, and can still stay in the illusion for more than ten days.

Now when he exits the illusion, the imprint of God Xuanbing's consciousness will lose this memory.

Although you can record the refining tactics first, let Xuanbing Divine Venerable continue the deduction when you come in next time.

But he also needs time to familiarize himself with the exercises again, so naturally it is better to work hard.

"Senior, don't worry, I still have more than half of my spiritual consciousness left, and it won't be a problem to stay for more than ten years."

God Xuanbing nodded: "Then it's okay. The two exercises are merged, and the difficulty is lower.

Introducing the new Five Spirits Huaxian Jue, it should be completed within five years. "

Having said that, he destroyed the **** transformation model he created before, and recreated a human body model that had just entered the Qi training period.

He began to deduced the appearance of the fusion of the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue and the Lian Shen Jue. Although the difficulty is much lower, it is best to deduct it gradually from low to high.

After all, refining the gods is definitely an immature technique, unlike the blood spirit gods back then, there are already mature techniques that can directly deduce the situation in the Nascent Soul Stage.

In order to avoid problems in actual cultivation, it is safer to re-deduced the God-Lian Jue from the beginning together with the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue. By the way, the God-Lian Jue can be perfected again.

Similar to the previous steps, it is still deduced from the way of spiritual power operation.

The integration of the two human exercises makes the difficulty much lower.

It only took less than two years to deduced the way of spiritual power operation to the realm of transforming gods.

Subsequently, the **** Xuanbing continued to perfect the entire exercise.

A year later, he handed a book of animal skins to Wang Daoyuan.

"This technique is enough for you to cultivate to the peak of God Transformation. I verified that there are no major loopholes, and I also modified the minor loopholes.

You have had a baby now, unlike in the model, you can start from scratch.

It is much more difficult to transform an already formed Nascent Infant, so let's try the previous Nascent Infant model first. "

This meta-infant model has been in operation for eight or nine years, and so far, there has been no problem.

"Blood Spirit God Venerable, that reckless man is pretty good, and he has transformed this technique to perfection. There hasn't been any problem for so many years."

With a light wave of his hand, Yuan Ying stopped running.

Afterwards, he pointed his sword with his right hand and pointed it at the center of the Yuan Ying model's forehead.

Close his eyes tightly and inject the power of divine consciousness into the center of Yuan Ying's eyebrows.

After more than a dozen breaths, only a "bang" sounded, the eyebrows of the Yuan Ying model broke, and a small pit appeared.

Wang Daoyuan was frightened, if he tried it himself, he would definitely die.

"It's really difficult to imitate the sea of ​​knowledge in the formed Yuanying."

Afterwards, repair the Yuanying model and try again.

It took nearly a year to finally open up something similar to the sea of ​​consciousness in this Nascent Soul model, which the **** Xuanbing called it the sea of ​​knowledge.

Moreover, the Sea of ​​Knowledge is connected to the internal organs transformed by the seeds of spiritual power, and these connected things are the inner meridians.

When the spiritual power is operating in the Nascent Soul, part of the spiritual power enters the Sea of ​​Knowledge through the inner meridians, and automatically transforms into the power of the divine consciousness.

God Xuanbing took out a jade slip and burned the content on it: "Yes, it can successfully open up the Sea of ​​Knowledge, successfully run the exercises, and the improvement is considered complete.

This is a way to open up the sea of ​​knowledge and inner meridians for the formed Nascent Infant. You should look at it before trying. "

Wang Daoyuan wrote down the contents of the jade slip, and after he left the secret realm, these things were gone.

Afterwards, he began to extract energy from the sea of ​​consciousness according to the content recorded in the jade slip and inject it into the Yuan Ying.

These energies converge into the inner part of Yuan Ying's eyebrows and gradually open up a small space.

When the spiritual power seeds were turned into the five internal organs of the Yuan Ying, some internal meridians were already opened up to connect the five internal organs.

Now it is necessary to connect the previous internal meridians with the Sea of ​​Knowledge, so that the energy between the five internal organs and the Sea of ​​Knowledge can be transformed into each other.

The technique deduced by the **** Xuanbing had no obvious flaws. It only took more than a month for the Sea of ​​Knowledge to be fully formed, and the inner meridians were also completely connected.

Wang Daoyuan ran his exercises, and after his spiritual power entered the Nascent Soul, a part of it was separated and transformed into Qi, Blood and Spiritual Sense.

After running the exercises continuously for more than ten days, there was no problem.

In the past, the Five Spirits Transforming Immortal Technique could only be cultivated to the Nascent Soul, but now with the help of Xuanbing Divine Venerable, it is directly deduced to the peak of Transforming God.

God Xuanbing nodded with satisfaction: "Finally, it's finished. With this technique, after you reach the realm of God Transformation, your cultivation speed will be greatly increased.

What I can do now is to transform my spiritual power into qi and blood and divine consciousness. There is still room for improvement in this technique.

It's just that it's too early, and it won't be too late to improve when you reach the realm of Mahayana.

If you still don’t understand, you can bring it up. "

Wang Daoyuan thought for a moment, and said, "Thank you, seniors, and then create a secret technique with the same function based on the refining tactics."

"Don't you already have exercises? What's the use of secret techniques?"

"Although the juniors have their own techniques, there are very few people who can practice the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue.

Although God Refining Jue can transform spiritual power into spiritual consciousness, it only pays attention to spiritual power and despise spiritual power.

My three children, the eldest, Wang Mingchen, practiced Lihuo Burning Heaven Palace, the second, Wang Mingbian, practiced the killing sword art, and the third, Wang Mingxian, practiced the Yimu psychic art.

There is also a grand-nephew of Tianlinggen with a spiritual body, who practices Xuanwu Yushui Gong.

Their potential is very large, and it is not impossible to cultivate to the realm of power in the future.

These cultivation methods are also very suitable for them, and they can't be allowed to modify their divine tactics.

It is also very difficult to incorporate the functions of refining God Jue into these exercises.

The younger generation wanted to let the senior create another secret technique for them to practice, and the chances of practicing to the realm of power would be greater in the future. "

If Wang Daoyuan himself deduced this secret technique, it would take a long time even if the time of Lingzhu space accelerated to help.

Moreover, there will be many loopholes in the secret technique deduced by one's own knowledge.

The so-called one thing does not bother the two masters, since God Venerable Xuanbing can promote the refining tactic, he can also integrate it into the five spirits of the immortal tactic.

It would not cost much to perform another secret technique.

"There are really many talents among your younger generations. These techniques have been improved by dozens of generations and have been very perfect.

It is very difficult to integrate the refining tactics into it.

Since they are suitable for cultivating these techniques, they really shouldn't modify it anymore, and it's really good to practice a secret technique concurrently.

I have deduced this exercise twice, and the number of revisions cannot be counted. I am already familiar with all the contents.

There is no difficulty in creating the secret technique. Give me some time and I will deduce the secret technique. "

Wang Daoyuan gave him another animal skin book, which God Venerable Xuanbing deduced while recording, and revised it from time to time.

Half a month later, UU read and he handed the animal skin book to Wang Daoyuan: "Okay, you can practice it."

The content of this secret technique is quite a lot, it records four or five pages of animal skin paper, and the general technique is nothing more than that.

Wang Daoyuan started practicing according to the content recorded in the book, and after three days, began to operate the secret technique.

A large amount of pure spiritual power was injected into the sea of ​​consciousness, and some power of divine consciousness was quickly converted.

Although the conversion speed is not as fast as the exercise method, it is not bad.

It is not a problem at all when used in fighting.

Seeing his successful cultivation, God Venerable Xuanbing looked relieved: "Another inheritance for Ten Thousand Beasts Valley."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Senior don't worry, Ten Thousand Beast Valley and my Wang family's children will definitely carry forward the God Refining Art and this secret technique.

When you see your body in the future, he will also be able to look at it and fulfill your lifelong wish. "

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