Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 972: If you want to take it, you must give it first

Latest website: God Xuanbing also followed Guiyuan Jianxian back then. After the battle that year, he never returned to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

What is happening now is still unknown.

Things in the illusion of Tianji Tower cannot be taken out, and when people exit the illusion, they can only take away their memories.

Wang Daoyuan also wrote down all the exercises and secret techniques promoted by God Xuanbing.

"Senior, the junior has a lot of divine consciousness, and it's time to retire."

God Xuanbing nodded: "Go, the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, I beg you."

Wang Daoyuan retired from the illusion after bowing again and again.

As soon as he returned his attention to his body, a sense of exhaustion came.

After staying in the secret realm for more than ten days, more than half of the divine consciousness was consumed.

Especially the improved Five Spirits Transformation Technique, which consumes a great deal of divine consciousness.

He ordered the clone in the Lingzhu space to record the secret technique of the exercises deduced by the **** Xuanbing.

After that, he breathed a sigh of relief, took out some of the flower dew of the horse chestnut ghost face flower from the Lingzhu space and took it down to restore the power of the divine consciousness.

It is better to return to your own territory to cultivate this improved Five Spirits Transformation Immortal Art.

Wang Daoyuan walked out of the Tianji Tower, but he did not expect that the former Sect Master Xuan Tian Zhenren of the Tianji Sect was here.

"The disciple has seen Master Xuantian."

Master Xuantian smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite. When you came here before, I was in retreat. I was a little bit negligent. Please don't blame my nephew.

Now that you come out of the Heavenly Mystery Tower, I want to give it a treat. "

"Uncle Master doesn't need to be like this. I also have occasional feelings in my practice, so I came to the Heavenly Secret Sect to ask all the gods to answer questions.

I don't know if Master Uncle has anything to do with the disciple, just say it. "

The Heavenly Machine Sect also has a great power inheritance, although the background is not as good as the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, it should not be underestimated.

In the future, to unify Beiyuan, the attitude of Tianjizong is still very important.

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

Now the Tianji Sect has something to ask for, as long as he can help, he naturally wants to help.

True person Xuan Tian smiled awkwardly: "Jiu Xiao is not far from the Nascent Soul Realm, and needs to prepare for the birth of a baby.

The Tianji Mountain Spirit Vessel has been restored to the fifth rank, and there is no shortage of spiritual power.

His foundation is also very solid, and birthing a baby is not a problem.

All other preparations have also been made.

Only this aspect of the natal magic weapon is still slightly lacking.

His natal magic weapon is also the Yin-Yang compass, and his talent is comparable to the first generation ancestor of my Xuan family.

Therefore, I just want to ask you to take action and upgrade his natal magic weapon to Tier 5, which can help withstand the catastrophe.

When he crosses the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, the magical artifacts will be baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, as well as the gift of heaven and earth, so that the spirit can be cultivated faster. "

It takes a lot of time to cultivate the spirit of the fifth-order magical artifacts.

If there were Thunder Tribulation and Heaven and Earth Gifts to help, it would indeed be much faster.

The yin and yang compass quickly advances and requires pure yin and pure yang energy.

Except for Wang Daoyuan, who has Chiyang Real Fire and Guishui Mingyan, the others are really difficult to handle.

"You don't have to be polite, Uncle Master, this is just a trivial matter. Now I can upgrade this magical tool to Tier 5, I don't know where Brother Jiuxiao is?"

Zhen Xuan Tian smiled and said, "It's good to have a teacher nephew, you come from afar, and we have to do the friendship of the landlord."

"The disciples have gained something from the Heavenly Chrysanthemum Tower, and I have to hurry back as soon as possible and have a good comprehension. It's better to help Brother Nine Heavens raise the rank of magical artifacts."

"Then there will be Nephew Lao."

After that, the real person Xuan Tian called Xuan Jiuxiao, and the three of them went to the refining room of the Tianji Sect.

Xuan Jiuxiao recruited a Tier 4 pinnacle yin and yang compass: "Brother Lao is now."

When the West Sea Monster Clan invaded, in order to increase the strength of the Human Clan, he helped the yin and yang compass handed down by the Tianji ancestor to restore its rank.

Xuan Jiuxiao's yin and yang compass looks no different from the compass handed down by the ancestor of the Heavenly Mystery Zong, and the method of nurturing should be similar.

He only needs to provide pure yin and pure yang energy, and leave the rest to Xuan Jiuxiao.

Extract pure yin and pure yang energy from Chiyang Real Fire and Guishui Mingyan and inject it into the Yin-Yang Compass.

Xuan Jiuxiao urges the compass to refine pure Yin and pure Yang Qi.

Because this yin and yang compass has never had an instrument spirit, this pure yin and pure yang energy will not be separated by an instrument spirit.

The advancement speed is also much faster, and it only took five or six days for the compass to reach the fifth level.

The previous Compass Shanghai exudes a strong yin and yang qi, but now it has become more restrained after the advancement, and the yin and yang qi exuded is very weak.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "You're done, I can't help you in nurturing.

Brother Jiuxiao, this Yin-Yang compass was forcibly urged to the fifth rank after all, and there is still a big gap.

If you use it in a hurry, your rank may drop, so it's best to nurture it for a while.

Uncle Master, I have to go back to digest the feelings of this trip, so I won't stay here anymore. "

Naturally, a person who cultivates an immortal should be serious about cultivation. Wang Daoyuan has a feeling that Zhentian Xuantian is not easy to stop, so he has to send him outside Tianji Mountain himself.

"Senior Nephew Daoyuan, you must walk more when you have time. I will do my best to be a landlord when that time comes."

Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said, "I will come again when I have time. Uncle Master doesn't have to send it again."

After all, take off the boat and head towards the east.

Three days later, Wang Daoyuan returned to Qingli City in Yan Country.

When he came to the imperial study room, Wang Mingchen saw him come back and asked quickly: "Father, is this a success?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Go to the secret room and talk."

Wang Mingchen followed Wang Daoyuan to the secret room behind the Imperial Study Room.

Wan Ling's ancestor flew out impatiently and asked, "How is it, is the exercise done?"

Wang Daoyuan took out a thick animal skin book and gave it to Wang Mingchen.

"This is based on the inheritance of the soul demon, and there is a technique called Shen Shen Jue, and there is also a secret technique created based on Shen Shen Jue.

Whether it is practicing exercises or performing secret techniques, spiritual power can be transformed into the power of divine consciousness.

He learned about the current situation of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, so he tried his best and spent more than ten years to help me push these things.

If you want to help me win the battle of luck in the future, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley will also have a chance to rise again.

In the Heavenly Mystery Pagoda, I have promised the **** Xuanbing that these inheritances will be shared by the Wang Family and the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Mingchen, this inheritance is left to you for safekeeping.

This is a means that both Da Neng and Dixian desire to obtain, and it must not be easily revealed.

In the future, no matter it is a disciple of the Wang family or a disciple of Ten Thousand Beast Valley, only the most core people can practice this secret technique. "

Wang Mingchen solemnly accepted the animal skin book: "Father, rest assured, I must take care of these things."

The ancestor Wan Ling took the animal skin book, read it carefully, and sighed: "It is indeed Xuan Bing's handwriting, and I have been with him for more than five thousand years.

When he fought against the demons more than 70,000 years ago, he also fought and died.

Unexpectedly, the remaining imprint of spiritual consciousness could help so much. "

The inheritance was handed over to Wang Mingchen, and after confessing some more things, he left Qingli City and returned to the underground cave of Yuquan Peak.

The results of the previous practice in the illusion are all illusory.

Now that it is in reality, we have to do it all over again.

The illusion of the Tianji Pagoda is extremely clever, and the exercises that can be practiced normally in the illusion are the same in the outside world.

Wang Daoyuan opened up the inner sea of ​​knowledge and inner meridian within the Yuan Ying according to the modified technique of the **** Xuanbing.

With the experience from last time, this time is much simpler.

In just over ten days, UU Reading both the Neizhihai and Nei meridians successfully opened up.

Wang Daoyuan extracts spiritual power from the underground lava, and these spiritual powers enter the Nascent Soul.

About half of the spiritual power enters the Sea of ​​Knowledge and transforms into the power of divine consciousness.

With these powers of divine consciousness, Wang Daoyuan's soul strength increased very quickly.

Originally, his divine consciousness cultivation and soul strength were already very close to the limit of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Now that he has a large amount of the power of the gods, it only took less than a year, and the strength of the soul could no longer be improved.

Both the spiritual consciousness and the physical body have reached the limit of the Nascent Soul monk.

The monk of the same rank was completely vulnerable in front of him.

Whether relying on hand-to-hand combat or using spells, you can easily defeat your opponent.


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