Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 973: Backhand

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The spirits and spirits have reached their limits. If they can't break through the realm of the gods, there will be no room for improvement in hard power. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

If you want to break through the gods, you can only go to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

Before slaying the spirit demon, it was considered to provoke the spirit demon clan.

Now they can't find their heads, but there is no impermeable wall in the world.

The strongest person on the bright side of Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie is himself, and then he is the number one suspect.

When he left Beiyuan, he left Jia Qi, and the ancestors of the spirits were there, so the monster clan had no threat.

But besides himself, no one else had the means to win the spirit demon.

Wang Mingchen's cultivation base is too low, and now there is only the middle stage of Jin Dan.

With his strength, he can't display the strength of the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda, so it would be good to be able to protect himself.

He learned from the clone Soul Yin that the Soul Jue who could fight against himself was just the Great Elder of the Soul Demon.

The soul demon clan had hundreds of thousands of years of foundation, and the strength and soul must be quite a lot.

If these guys go crazy, the ancestors of all spirits can only protect Qingli City.

Before leaving, still have to leave some means for the family to deal with the spirit demon.

Wang Daoyuan left Yuquan Peak and came to the imperial study room of Qingli City's imperial palace.

"Mingchen, where is the ancestor of Wanling?"

"In return to the emperor's father, the ancestor taught Mingblade and Mingxian in the back room."

Wang Daoyuan took out several pill bottles: "I have something to discuss with him. This is a chalcedony pill, so you should hurry up and cultivate during this time.

After you have a baby, I can rest assured to go to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, looking for opportunities to break through the gods. "

Wang Mingchen took the pill bottle: "Father, don't worry, now the concentration of aura in Qingli City is very close to the fourth-tier top grade.

My cultivation speed is also much faster than before, and within ten years I will be able to break through to the late Golden Core. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded and walked to the secret room behind the Imperial Study Room.

As soon as Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian saw Wang Daoyuan, they hurriedly bowed and said, "See Emperor Father."

The two of them are now over twenty years old, and their cultivation bases have reached the second level of base building.

Wang Mingxian's Yimu psychic body is of great help to cultivation.

Now his cultivation base is very close to the third level of foundation construction, which is significantly faster than Wang Mingyan.

"You don't need to be polite, the father has been running around for cultivation these years, and he has not been able to take care of you."

Wang Mingyan arched his hands and said, "My sister and I have also known many things about my father and the emperor.

We are now grown-ups, cultivating in this palace all day, and we need as many resources as we need.

Compared with when you were a child, it is already very superior, and no other care is needed. "

Wang Daoyuan patted him on the shoulder: "Ming Blade is sensible, you should go to other places to practice first, I have something to discuss with Wanling Patriarch."

The two nodded, and left the secret room.

The ancestor of Wan Ling glanced at him and said with a smile: "Even when the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is in its prime, no one can do this.

Unless you can break through the existing cultivation system, only by breaking through the realm of transforming gods can you continue to improve your spirit, energy and spirit.

It seems that you want to go to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm again, looking for an opportunity to break through the gods.

Before leaving, he was worried and wanted to leave some means to protect the country of Yan. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I'm really old-fashioned, and I have guessed all my ideas.

Originally, I wanted to keep the clone Jia Qi. He already has the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's later stage, and has also learned many methods of mine.

Coupled with some sword puppets I refined, even if the monsters attack in a big way, they are still dead.

But before I captured a soul demon alive, and also killed a soul demon great elder, it can be regarded as a bond with the soul demon clan.

Although the soul demon didn't dare to be arrogant on the human side, the heart of defense was indispensable.

After all, the soul demon came and went without a trace, secretly attacking Yan Kingdom, and no one could keep them.

The soul demon elder I killed before was already at the top level below the transformation of a god.

The soul demon clan has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, with deep roots, and there must be many soul demon with comparable strength.

I am worried that after the matter of taking the spirit demon is exposed, the spirit demon will act on Yan Guo.

With you guarding, don't worry about Qingli City.

But the country of Yan is so big, the tribesmen are scattered all over the place.

You alone can hardly withstand the harassment of the spirit demon.

I just want to refine a magic weapon that specializes in restraining the soul demon, which can be held by a cultivator at the beginning of the Nascent Infant to be able to control the peak soul demon of the Nascent Infant. "

The ancestor of Wanling thought for a long time before he said: "The soul demon clan is a special ghost cultivation, and the whole body is very similar to ghosts.

Ghosts are afraid of many things, such as the thunder, the sun, and the beasts of the white tiger clan.

According to legend, the sun of Qianyuan Realm was transformed by the first golden crow in the world.

The golden crow bloodline has a great effect on the spirit demon, and your red feather crow is good.

Don't look at him now that he hasn't broken through to the fifth rank middle grade, but he can use the power of the sun to confront the enemy.

This method can only increase one or two points of strength when dealing with Human Race.

But when dealing with evil spirits, the power is extremely terrifying.

Mingchen's Nanming Lihuo naturally has a similar function, but his cultivation level is still too low.

If the fat tiger you raise can break through Tier 5, that would be even better.

Soul Devourer Underworld Tiger is the guardian of the gate of the underworld, and the Soul Demon can only be regarded as his snack.

There is also the person in charge of the Baoding line of the Shenbing Pavilion. Although he only has the middle stage of the Yuan Ying cultivation base, he has inherited the Purple Thunder God Flame from the Purple Thunder God Venerable.

This sacred fire contains extremely strong thunder and flame laws, which are the nemesis of all evil.

With them, even if the soul demon came, one or two Yuan Ying's peak combat power would never want to take advantage. "

"I know that, Master plans to live in Yuquan Peak permanently, plus the Linglong Tower is there, it will not be a problem to deal with a soul demon at the peak of Yuan Ying.

I have Chiyang True Fire, Chiyu Crow is not very helpful to me, and it's not bad to stay to see the house.

It's just that I'm worried that there are too many masters from the monster soul demon, and the master and Chiyuwu's cultivation is insufficient, and you will not be able to cope with it.

If it is possible to refine a magic weapon that specializes in restraining spirit monsters, give it to Jaki to use.

Relying on his cultivation base, coupled with magical weapons, winning the Yuan Ying Peak Soul Demon was just a piece of cake. "

The ancestor of Wan Ling thought for a long time before he said: "The soul demon clan is out there, and you are the first person to catch the soul demon.

The disciples of Ten Thousand Beast Valley had never even seen the face of the soul demon, and there was no magic weapon to deal with them at all.

There are quite a few tools to deal with ghost cultivation.

We can remodel it so that it can restrain the spirit demon.

Among the magical instruments used to deal with evil spirits such as Guixiu, there is a magical instrument called Tianyang Mirror.

This thing is refined with the spirit of the Yang attribute and the soul of the Golden Crow bloodline.

However, if you have Chiyang Real Fire, sealing some rootless fire in the mirror can also play the same role.

This mirror can emit light beams containing pure Yang Qi, and has a very strong ability to restrain evil spirits.

In addition, the sun mirror can also absorb sunlight, store it in the mirror, and release it when it confronts the enemy. It is extremely powerful.

When facing an enemy, it directly reflects the sun's rays, and the effect is also good.

It’s just that Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm aura has just recovered to the fifth stage, UU reading www.uukanshu. The material of com's fifth-order mixer is extremely scarce.

To deal with Yuanying Peak Soul Demon, it is best to have a Tier 5 high-grade Heavenly Sun Mirror.

As for the materials of the refining device, you have to figure out a solution. "

Wang Daoyuan thought for a while, and took out a piece of metal material the size of a palm.

As soon as this material appeared, it continuously released a strong Yang Qi, just like the sun.

The ancestor Wanling looked at it and nodded: "The sixth-tier middle-grade Yaoyang gold, a good thing.

If your refining skills are high enough and this thing is there, it would be a trivial matter to refine the sixth-order high-grade Tianyang mirror.

However, your refining level is only a fifth-tier high-grade, so using this thing rashly is still too wasteful.

It is better to use a small amount of Yaoyang Gold as an auxiliary material and add it to other Yang attribute materials.

Refining the fifth-order high-grade Tianyang mirror, adding a piece of Yaoyang gold the size of a soybean is enough. "

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