Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 974: Sun Mirror

Latest website: This piece of Yaoyang Gold was obtained by Wang Daoyuan in the Seven-Star Secret Realm.

At that time, he had just gone through the catastrophe of the infant, and was absorbing gifts from the heavens and the earth.

Jin Guangjin from the Seven Star Alliance wanted to come to pick up the bargain but was killed. This Yaoyang Jin was found in his storage bag.

At that time, he was only a Tier 4 refiner, and couldn't use Tier 6 middle-grade materials at all.

It's a pity to sell such good refining materials, and they have been kept beside the true fire of the red sun in the spirit orb space.

It's a pity that the spirit fire rank is not enough in the space, and it can't be upgraded.

After so many years, he can only barely maintain the sixth-order middle grade.

Unexpectedly, this thing came in handy.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Since only Yaoyang gold the size of a bean grain is used, how should I choose other materials?"

The ancestor Wanling smiled and said: "It depends on what good things you have in your hands. Even if you have Yaoyang gold, other materials are also very important to refine the fifth-order high-grade Tianyang mirror.

It's just that the requirements for the rank are lower, and the materials for the lower rank refining equipment of the fifth rank are almost the same.

It is best to have spiritual materials with Yang attributes or fire attributes, and spiritual materials without attributes are also acceptable, but the effect is much worse.

The refined Sun Mirror requires a long period of time in order to achieve the desired effect. "

Wang Daoyuan still has some materials for Tier 5 refining tools, and he gets a lot in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

On the Beiyuan side, many special Tier 4 high-grade refining materials have also been collected.

The grades of these materials used to be very high, but there was no high-level aura nourishment throughout the year, and the grade gradually decreased.

After Wang Daoyuan obtained these materials, he placed it in the Lingzhu space.

The spirit fires with corresponding attributes replenish their spiritual power, and many of them have been restored to the fifth-tier middle and lower grades.

There are still some materials for the fifth-tier middle and lower grades.

He took out a fist-sized piece of metal material, which was still shining with a pale yellow light, exuding a breath of scorching heat.

The ancestor of Wanling is still very knowledgeable: "This Jinyang Iron Crystal is a bit interesting, the fifth-tier middle-grade refining material, and the Yang Qi is also very sufficient.

The most important thing is that after the material is refined, it is also very bright, and it is perfect for making a mirror surface. "

This Jinyang Iron Crystal was obtained when he explored the Zijinchuan branch of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, and it was only a Tier 4 top grade.

It has been more than a hundred years since I obtained this Golden Sun Iron Crystal, and it has been placed next to the Red Sun True Fire in the Lingzhu space over the years, absorbing a lot of Tier 5 Aura and Pure Yang Qi.

Wang Daoyuan took out another piece of wood, and the ancestor of Wan Ling sighed: "You really have a lot of good things in your hand, the fifth-tier middle-grade hibiscus-like spirit wood.

This spirit tree is much stronger than the blood and fire Fusang in the Shenbing Pavilion, but it is a pity that it has withered.

The outer frame used to refine the Sun Mirror couldn't be more suitable, and it is also the spiritual material of the yang attribute, and it should be able to play a complementary role.

The hibiscus-like spirit tree can also increase the power of the Red Sun True Fire. With this thing, the power of the Heavenly Sun Mirror can be even more increased.

Although I know the refining methods, I have never participated in refining.

In terms of actual operation, I can't help much, I still have to rely on yourself. "

The blood-fire hibiscus in the spirit orb space is nourished by the real fire of the red sun, and is also inhabited by the red feathers, which is very close to the real hibiscus tree.

Even the ancestor of Wanling couldn't see that this was a **** hibiscus.

"I have a forged celestial cauldron. It has followed the forged immortal **** for thousands of years and has extremely rich experience in refining tools. There is no problem in guiding me."

The ancestor of Wanling took a few blank jade slips and inscribed some things in them.

"This is the refining method of the Tianyang Mirror. There is a forging celestial cauldron, so I don't need to worry about it."

Wang Daoyuan took the jade slip and checked it carefully: "The method of refining the sun mirror is not difficult. With the help of a forging celestial cauldron, it should be a success.

The fire room in Qingli City is too noisy, I'll go back to Yuquan Peak. "

Since the establishment of Yan State, Qingli City has become the core of the Wang family.

A large part of the monks are concentrated in Qingli City, and the headquarters of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is also here. Naturally, alchemists and refiners are indispensable.

Four or five large ground fire chambers have been dug in the city, but they are barely enough. Each ground fire chamber is very lively.

Wang Daoyuan left Qingli City and returned to Yuquan Peak.

Go to the earth fire room in the underground cave house, take out the forging immortal cauldron, and infuse the red sun with real fire.

All the guys involved in the refining device were moved out and started to prepare materials.

Yaoyang Gold, as a Tier 6 mid-level material, is really difficult to clean up.

First put it in the forged celestial cauldron and burn it. After more than ten days of tossing, this thing softened a bit.

Wang Daoyuan sacrificed his Guiyuan sword, cut off a small piece of Yaoyang gold the size of a soybean, and continued to accumulate the other income Lingzhu space.

After this, the Yaoyang Gold and Jinyang Iron Crystal need to be completely smelted together.

It took half a month to burn it down, and it took longer to melt completely.

He still had to urge Chiyang True Fire with all his strength, so that he could not receive the Spirit Orb space, and it took more than three months to complete the smelting.

If it hadn't been for the help of the Forging Immortal Ding and the Low Tool Spirit, Wang Daoyuan himself would really not be able to deal with this Yaoyang gold.

The rest of the job is not difficult, just need to forge the processed materials.

The smelted Jinyang Iron Crystal is forged into a mirror surface.

The blood fire hibiscus wood is made into a frame, and some golden sun iron crystal essence is smelted into it to increase its strength.

Afterwards, engrave the pattern on the back of the mirror and the frame.

Between the frame and the mirror surface, a piece of meteorite needs to be placed to carry the true fire of the red sun.

With the guidance of the forging celestial cauldron, there was no error in the whole process.

After doing all this, draw out the Chiyang True Fire and place it on the meteorite iron.

Subsequently, the mirror, the frame, and the meteorite are assembled together and smelted with red sun fire.

After the three are merged into one, the income is in the forging celestial pot, and the rest is nurturing.

At this point, the refining device has been successful.

As long as the refining cauldron is not overturned, there is no possibility of failure.

But the quality of the nurturing has a great influence on the level of the magical artifact.

A piece is a fifth-order middle-grade magical implement, if it is well cultivated, it may become a fifth-order high-grade magical implement.

If the accumulation is not good, it may also drop to the fifth rank inferior.

Wang Daoyuan had nothing else to do, so he didn't put the forging celestial cauldron into the spirit orb space, but instead cultivated it himself outside.

With the growth of the nurturing time, the spiritual power fluctuations transmitted from the forging immortal cauldron became stronger and stronger.

Two years later, this spiritual power fluctuation stabilized, which meant that the Heavenly Sun Mirror had been fully cultivated.

He took out the Heavenly Sun Mirror from the forged celestial cauldron, and a pale golden light shot up into the sky.

This golden light contains a strong yang energy, if it is not deep underground, I am afraid that this dazzling light can be seen within thousands of miles.

After ten breaths, the golden light gradually converged, looking like an ordinary mirror.

The whole sun mirror is about one foot in diameter, the mirror surface is light golden, polished smooth and water-slip, it can be used as a vanity mirror.

The frame is flaming red with various patterns carved on it, and there is a golden crow relief on the back.

The rank has reached the fifth rank top rank, and it is close to the fifth rank peak.

Wang Daoyuan injected fire-attribute spiritual power into the Tianyang mirror, and a pale golden light shot out.

Wherever the golden light went, the rocks ignited pale golden flames.

Although there is no ready-made Nascent Soul Peak Soul Demon to practice hand skills, Wang Daoyuan can still see the power.

The soul that he had killed before in the extreme cold ice field, under the sun mirror of this day, UU reading absolutely can't resist a breath of time.

As long as he is photographed, even if he can escape into the underworld in time, he will inevitably be seriously injured.

If the reaction is a little slower, he may not have time to escape, and he will be burned to death by the golden light of the sun mirror.

The Tianyang Mirror is ready. Although this magic weapon is powerful, it must be able to find its target.

Searching for the soul demon, the soul chasing compass is very useful.

Wang Daoyuan wants to keep one himself, and Qingli City had better also have one.

From now on, the sun mirror will be handed over to Jia Qi to use, he will naturally also have a soul chasing compass, and two yin and yang compasses need to be refined.

The avatar blood spring in the spirit orb space had already refined the embryo of the soul chasing compass.

It took more than two months to complete the refining of the two soul chasing compasses.


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