Not a Trainer This Time

Chapter 428: The forest of Mu Shou Gong gave Mu Shou Gong a little shock.

Chapter 428 The forest of Mu Shou Gong gave Mu Shou Gong a little shock

 After sending the message, Naoki felt like he was almost becoming an NPC in the game who sent out tasks.

 But the Pokémon that live in the World Tree in the future are closely related to the Heroes Expedition. In this case, it is better to let Baby Bear and Mew invite the Pokémon themselves.

 We are all good friends, living happily together every day, farming together, and exploring together.

That kind of life is wonderful just thinking about it.

 After returning to the ranch, it was already noon.

Zhi Shu washed his hands and began to prepare lunch for all the Pokémon.

●Today’s lunch is still very rich.

 Pan-fried cutlets, steamed seabass, paella, vegetable salads, sandwiches, paired with nutritious energy cubes and delicious after-dinner snacks Poffin.

The lunch set composed of these dishes is nutritionally balanced and can cover the preferences of almost every Pokémon in the ranch.

 “Buyi! Buyi!”

"You want to evolve?" Naoki turned his head and did not find the evolved Eevee in the room.

 Meng Meng squeezed the little faces of Baby Bear together and looked at Naoki opposite.

 After calming down a few Eevee, Naoki turned around and brought the remaining food to the restaurant.

 “Is it one or the other?” (Zhi Shu, will the World Tree wither in the future?)

Zhishu was very surprised: "Of course not. As long as this world does not perish, the World Tree will never wither. What happened to you?"

 “Ah, geez...” Guluton sighed as if resigned to his fate, with a compromising look, and allowed the little Eevee to run around beside him.

 At the beginning, these little Ibrahimovics were afraid of Guluton. As they got along with each other on a daily basis, they gradually discovered that Guluton was not actually that scary and rarely lost their temper.

A Pokémon called Woodcreeper that originally built its nest around a huge tree also lost its nest.

“They are not afraid of you anymore.” Naoki came to the restaurant with the food and said with a smile.

The video call was dialed, and soon, Naoki appeared on the screen of Rotom's phone.

 After saying that, one of the Eevee tried hard to show off his strong body.

The voices of Eevee came from the living room. Naoki looked up and saw several little Eevee chasing each other's tails and running around the sofa.

There is also an Eevee sitting nearby. It seems to be unconcerned about evolution.

  Will the World Tree wither like this huge tree in the future? Will they also lose their homes like the wooden geckos living here?

 Meng Meng doesn’t know, Baby Bear doesn’t know, and Lightning Bird doesn’t know either.



 That’s right! They have grown into big Eevee and can evolve into even more powerful Eevee!

The three Pokémon from the Heroes expedition team received this news from a wild hunting swallowtail butterfly, so they rushed here specifically to see if they could provide some help to those poor wooden geckos.

 The words of Baby Bear were automatically transmitted to Naoki’s ears after being translated by Rotom.

 After everything was ready, he stood under the eaves and whistled toward the pasture.

 Naoki: “…”

Seeing the miserable condition of this big tree, several Pokémon couldn't bear it. Mew even thought of the World Tree in the pasture.

 As a result, instead of being afraid, the little Eevee started chasing and fighting around Gulton.

This is a very lush forest. A tall and tall tree originally grew in the center of the forest, but not long ago, the huge tree fell down due to excessive aging.

Seeing this scene, Leden looked helpless: "Ah, geez..."

 “Buyi!” The three Eevee cried out in joy.

Seeing Naoki coming, the Eevees quickly turned their attention to Naoki.

They gathered around him one after another, raised their little heads and started barking at him.


 In the afternoon, in the Fengyuan area, there is a place called Mu Shou Palace Forest.

Here, Dream and Baby Bear saw the huge withered and fallen tree.

Calculating the time, it has been seven months since the Eevee hatched. Compared with that time, they have indeed grown up.

 Because Naoki said, the unevolved partner Ibrahimovic is the most powerful!

  After all, only partner Ibrahimovic can use the super move—Nine Colors Sublimation Gathering at the Top!

 Zhi Shu raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Rotom’s mobile phone helped translate: “Ibrahimovics are asking [Can we evolve into more powerful Eevee now?] Rotom!”

The three brothers of Water, Fire and Thunder, plus Ice and Moon Eevee, after evolving, they prefer the outside environment to the room.

At this time, they should be playing with the Frost Milk Fairy and the others outside, right?

The remaining three Eevee that have not evolved yet nodded their little heads: "Booy!"

“Okay, I’ll see if I can help you evolve after lunch later.” Naoki agreed.

Soon, a large group of Pokémon ran back from all directions, went to their food bowls, buried their heads in it, and happily enjoyed their lunch.

One of them accidentally stepped on Gulton's tail. Gulton, who had closed his eyes to rest, was immediately awakened. He opened his golden eyes and looked at the culprit.

 As time goes by, I will no longer be so afraid.

So after some tangle, the three Pokémon simply asked Naoki for help.

Mew and Baby Bear nodded, then moved away, showing Naoki the huge withered tree behind them.

 Naoki understood it at a glance.

“So that’s it! But don’t worry, that kind of thing will never happen.”

 Baby Bear and Meng Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhi Shu wanted to say something more, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a few figures flashing through the trees behind the two Pokémon.

  With the sound of whizzing through the air, several sharp flying blades landed beside the Lightning Bird's legs.

 “There is danger!” Naoki reminded quickly.

The three Pokémon's alarm bells suddenly sounded, and Rotom's phone automatically scanned the surroundings.

Soon, Zhishu saw a few green figures on the big trees not far away.

That is... the Gosanjiamu Palace in the Fengyuan region? !

At this time, Meng Meng and Baby Bear also discovered the traces of the wooden geckos.

 The baby bear immediately started to negotiate with the other party: "One, one, one!" (We are a traveling heroic expedition team, there is no harm!)

 The Wood Guards are still looking here warily.

Seeing this situation, Naoki immediately realized what these wooden guards were thinking.

That place is their territory, and the lightning birds, dreams, and baby bears that suddenly broke in were regarded by them as enemies when they invaded the territory.

According to the habits of Pokémon like Wood Guard, they will fiercely intimidate enemies who invade their territory and protect their home.

 Because of this, Woodshou is also called the Pokémon that protects the forest trees.

 But looking at what they did just now, it didn’t look like they were attacking. Instead, they looked like they were warning the heroic expedition team.

 Otherwise, with Mu Shou Gong’s ability, it would be impossible for Fei Ye Kuai Dao to miss when facing an opponent who is standing still.

Seeing that the Wood Guards ignored them, Mew also explained: "Miu!" (We heard from other Pokémon that a huge tree had fallen here, so we came here to take a look and see if we could Very helpful!)

The Lightning Bird spread its wings, and the sharp feathers crackled with electricity.

 Seeing the movements of the lightning bird, the group of wooden geckos became more vigilant.

At this moment, an old Pokémon's cry came from the forest.

Hearing this sound, the wooden guards stopped one after another and looked back. I saw an older wooden gecko slowly walking out of the grass.

 Other Wood Geckos jumped to the ground one after another, following behind the older Wood Gecko.

 “Chafu?” (You mean, you are here to help us?)

 Meng Meng and Baby Bear nodded repeatedly.

 “One!” (That’s right! We are a chivalrous heroic expedition team, currently traveling around the world to help Pokémon in need!)

Mushu Gong looked at the huge tree and said, "Chafu." (But this huge tree is dead. It is too old and has no way to survive anymore.)

 Hearing these words, Meng Meng and Baby Bear couldn't help but look distressed.

 Meng Meng flew forward and tried to use his own ability to bring the huge tree back to life, but failed.

This left the two Pokémon wondering what to do.

 After thinking for a moment, Baby Bear refused to give up: "One!" (There must be a way!)

"Excuse me." Naoki, who had witnessed the whole process, suddenly spoke from across the screen of Rotom's mobile phone.

 A group of Pokémon immediately looked this way.

At this moment, the Wood Guards noticed that there was actually a human in the body of that strange Pokémon.

 Zhi Shu: "Baby Bear, Meng Meng, see if you can find its seeds near the giant tree. If you can, use the power of King Lei Guan to revive it."

 Hearing these words, Meng Meng and Baby Bear's eyes lit up.

They quickly flew to the huge fallen tree, plucked the branches and inspected the rotten branches.

Soon, the lucky baby bear successfully found a tree species.

 Zhi Shu continued: "Then next, dig a pit in the open space and bury this seed in it."


The baby bear did as he was told, and under the watchful eyes of the wooden geckos, he began to dig a pit with his little paws.

Soon, a pit about ten centimeters deep was dug.

 The baby bear put the seeds in and buried them with soil.

 In the pasture, Naoki nodded towards King Lei Guan.

  Back when King Lei Guan was far away in Galar, he caused the crops in his pasture to mature early.

 With King Lei Guan’s current power, that kind of thing would not be too easy for him.

 Wang Lei Guan glanced at it, then closed his eyes, sensed the positions of Meng Meng and Baby Bear, and then activated his ability.

 The next second, a magical scene happened.

I saw that the tree that had just been buried grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a young sapling.

 The Wood Guards looked at this scene in shock.

 Before they could react, the sapling began to grow again.

Within a few breaths, a huge and tall tree stood in front of them.

Mushou Gong:!

The wooden guards who had never seen such a scene were shocked.

 Meng Meng and Baby Bear stood happily under the tree.

 “One, one, one!” (No problem now!)

 “miu~” (So that you can live under the huge tree again~)

Looking at the shocked expressions of the wooden guards opposite, Naoki couldn't help but feel like laughing.

Mushou Gong, the three royal families in the Fengyuan area, Xiaozhi also has a Mu Shou Gong.

 His Wooden Gecko later evolved into the Lizard King and had an excellent record. In the Alliance Conference in the Sinnoh region, he even defeated Darkrai of the Divine Beast Man Dakdo.

Although he was later defeated by Latios sent by Dakdo, the Lizard King had already done a great job.

But then again, is this the daily life of the heroes expedition team?

 Helping Pokémon in need everywhere seems quite fun.

Zhi Shu originally wanted to watch for a while, but suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

He saw that there was nothing going on with the baby bear, so he hung up the phone and went to open the door.

 The person who knocked on the door was Mayor Thomas with a white beard.

The old gentleman said with a smile: "Good afternoon, Naoki!"

"Good afternoon, Mayor Thomas!" Zhi Shu greeted: "What can I do?"

Mayor Thomas nodded and asked: "That's right, the day after tomorrow is the time for the spring fishing competition. Do you plan to participate in that competition this year?"

 Spring Fishing Derby…

 Speaking of fishing, Naoki remembered the Padya paella he had eaten before.

That dish has the effect of increasing the eater's chance of catching rare fish.

 “Okay!” Naoki thought that he was just idle in the pasture anyway, so he might as well go there and play.

Mayor Thomas smiled and said: "That's good. The fishing celebrities in the town have wanted to compete with you for a long time. You didn't participate in the previous two years. This year, those guys came to me specifically and asked me to ask you. Participate or not.”

 Naoki: “…”

 After Mayor Thomas said this, Naoki immediately understood what was going on.

 When he first came to the ranch, in order to make money, he asked Gu Ledun to help him fry a lot of fish.

The townspeople always thought that he caught those fish. In the minds of the people in Zhiqin Town, the rancher Zhishu was probably a fishing master with superb fishing skills.

 Fishing technology has reached a state of perfection.

  Naoki was speechless for a moment.

Mayor Thomas was very happy: "The fishing competition will be held at Big Pot Lake at eight o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. Then use your fishing skills to impress the challengers!"

 Naoki: “…”

 It seems that Padilla paella has to be introduced.


 At the same time, in the forest of Mu Shou Palace in the Fengyuan area.

 In order to express their gratitude to the heroic expedition team, the Wood Guards all found tree fruits and held a banquet under the huge tree.

The older wood gecko handed the baby bear a tree fruit.

 “Chafu!” (You are so amazing! You can actually bring a huge withered tree back to life!)

 Baby Bear reached out and took it, shook his head happily and said, "One!" (That's all the credit of Naoki and King Lei Guan!)

 Naoki? King Lei Guan?

Is it the human in the body of the Pokémon named Rotom?

 Thinking about it, Mu Shougong asked directly.

The baby bear shook his head and nodded: "One, one, one!" (Naoki is Naoki, the best human being in the world! King Lei Guan is also a very powerful Pokémon. He lives with everyone. Inside the ranch!)

 Meng Meng on the side also nodded in agreement: "miu~"

 Mu Shou Gong asked again: "Cha Fu?" (Pasture?)

 “One, one, one!” (That’s our home! There is also a very big tree in the pasture, that is the World Tree!)

 Speaking of this, Baby Bear suddenly remembered the commission that Naoki had given them before.

It looked at the Wooden Geckos in front of it. These Pokémon are also grass-type Pokémon, right?

 So, Baby Bear happily extended an invitation to the Wood Geckos.

"One, one, one? One!" (The world tree is very big. Naoki said he plans to build an expedition guild there, as well as a Pokémon tavern, a Pokémon farm and a Pokémon restaurant. You guys Are you willing to live in the World Tree? It will be very lively together!

 (End of this chapter)

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