It has been a week since Ke Wei arrived on the planet of Ai Bino.

In this week, only on the first and second days of his arrival, a courteous interrogator came and asked him in detail about the process of finding the wooden box and encountering the attack. After repeated confirmations several times, no one has ever looked for him for these things.

Every day Ke Wei was offered delicious food and drink, and he was heartbroken. If he ignored his shortcoming of poor sleep at night, he would almost have the illusion that he was coming for a vacation.

What about leaking military secrets?

Ke Wei was somewhat dazed.

In his previous life, Zhong Yue found out a **** invaded by the Holy See into the army. He witnessed Zhong Yue's method of instigating his secret interrogators, which is still vivid.

At that time, he was standing behind the glass, looking at the spy who collapsed under the weight in front of him, and he was in a daze to see his future fate.

He had tried so hard to remind himself that he could never trust Zhong Yue, he could not agree to his pursuit, and he could not let go of his vigilance and guard against Zhong Yue... In the end, he still couldn't resist Zhong Yue's attraction to him.

So when Zhong Yue asked him to give him a good account, he thought he would probably go through a high-pressure interrogation to clear the suspicion.

Ke Wei didn't expect that he was just let go.

If there was no instruction from Zhong Yue, he would not believe it. He doesn't know what Zhong Yue thinks, but it is a plain fact that he can live so easily as a "suspect" on the planet Abbino.

The days of recuperating from his injuries were very lacklustre, and he was placed under house arrest in a single medical room. Although the door of the medical room is unguarded, the personnel entering and exiting must have an authorization card and be under full monitoring before entering and exiting this room.

When medical staff regularly come for routine check-ups, the robot is delivered with three meals a day. Although Xuan Mian has the authority, he is very busy and does not have much time to come to Ke Wei to stop by.

The number of people that Ke Wei can reach every day is very limited, and there is too much time left. He looked at the silent world of ice and snow outside the glass, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

It has been a week, and Zhong Yue has not come.

Ke Wei wanted to see Zhong Yue at first sight.

Zhong Yue's special care for him ignited secret joy in his heart. He also wanted to have a chat with Zhong Yue, and asked if Zhong Yue had any plans after bringing him to Abbino?

Ke Wei got a brand-new personal terminal, which could only be connected to the Abino local grid. He tried to link the star network of the Galactic Empire, but was blocked by the firewall.

He sighed and had to give up, choose a few books from the LAN, and slowly pass the time.

Time flies neither fast nor slow, and in a blink of an eye it is a month.

The Second Legion was ordered to garrison the Organ Constellation, and after half a month of fierce battle, the Zerg was finally repelled.

When Zhong Yue, who belonged to the Second Army Corps, could temporarily unload the military order, and when the wind and dust returned, the wounds under Ke Wei's heart and legs had already improved, and he could even walk slowly in the medical room.

When Zhong Yue asked about Ke Wei, Xuan Mian was stunned for a moment, only to remember who Zhong Yue asked—he had never seen such a “prisoner” who had no sense of existence before, and he would not cry or make trouble after being under house arrest. Noisy, quiet enough to make people forget him.

Seeing Xuan Mian's stunned expression, Zhong Yue immediately understood that this man with a heart as wide as the Pacific, was afraid that he would have forgotten everything like Ke Wei Ke Mo to the horizon.

Xuan Mian coughed when he saw the boss's uncomfortable face, and immediately remedied it. He tapped his finger on the light screen extremely fast, and after a short while, he called up Ke Wei's activity data over the past month.

Xuan Mian pretended to say, "Well, Ke Wei is recovering well. His main part-time activity this month is reading. Have you read...61 books?"

Xuan Mian was a little surprised. He is a scholar himself, and he naturally has a good impression of people who love to read. He praised: "In this era, there are not many young people who calm down to study. Let me take a look. He has read a lot. what book…"

Xuan Mian couldn't help being curious, and Zhong Yue was also curious. He watched Xuan Mian call up Ke Wei's reading list, and moved closer quietly.

Ke Wei's books are diverse and diverse, ranging from "A Brief History of Anta Civilization" to "One Hundred Kinds of Delicious Ancient Chinese Cuisine", from "Metaphysics" to "Ice Plain Planet Resources Application Guide". There is also a love guide of "Seven details to judge if he likes you".

Zhong Yue's gaze paused strangely on the title of the book "Seven Details to Determine Does He Like You" before he continued to look down.

But the most numerous books are military books. Zhong Yue recognized many of these books, all of which were a must-read or recommended book list for military academies.

Zhong Yue looked at these books with inexplicable expression.

Xuan Mian did not notice the distraction of his boss. He pointed to one of the essays of "The Latest Antimatter Research Report", clapped his hands and laughed: "These papers were written and uploaded by myself. As of today, he is on the planet Abino , The first person willing to read these academic papers! Just go for this, I'm going to invite him to dinner."

Zhong Yue stared at the book that Ke Weiwei had read, and after a while, he said: "Aren’t you always complaining about the need for a bigger team? Don’t shut him up. You work hard and take him a few years. Come out and do scientific research with you."

Xuan Mian: "...Huh?"

When Zhong Yue came over, Ke Wei was sitting at a small table in the single room. He faced the vast and endless ice field outside the window, and a three-dimensional projection of a book was spread out on his personal terminal. He was looking attentively.

Zhong Yue motioned to Xuan Mian to open the door and walked in silently.

The book that Ke Wei is reading attentively is "Projectile Aeronautical Ballistics", which is the required reading required by the highest military academy in the Galactic Empire, the compulsory course "Ballistics" for all students.

In this month's free time, Ke Wei read many military-related books. It is not difficult to guess what it means.

Although he was taken abducted by Zhong Yue to the planet Ebino, which is a thousand miles away, Ke Wei did not follow the path of fate. His wish was to enter the Imperial Military Academy and join the army after graduation.

But in his life, Zhong Yue has already made arrangements for him. When Zhong Yue brought Ke Wei to the planet of Ai Binuo, he had already cut off the possibility of him returning to the Galactic Empire to study and study in a normal way.

Just because of Mrs. Jasmine's words a few days ago, Zhong Yue opened up a new prospect and future.

Zhong Yue silently looked at Ke Wei with a green face, inexplicably inexplicably inexplicably craze for exclusivity-he was only seventeen years old, I will **** him over now, and I won't let the pope touch him again!

I will not give the Pope more than ten years to change my people!

In this life, I met him ten years earlier. Why can't I change the trajectory of his life?

"He is mine! It can only be mine!"

This thought was like a poppy with deadly temptation. In Zhong Yue's withered heart, branches and vines sprout madly like a long drought and rainy wilderness, quickly occupying every corner of his consciousness.

He can't change Ke Wei's background. It is an indisputable fact that the Pope has nurturing grace for him.

But he will no longer sit passively and wait for Ke Wei and the Pope to give him a verdict.

This life Ke Wei will grow up next to him, Zhong Yue firmly grabbed the initiative of Ke Wei from the Pope.

"Does it look good?" Zhong Yue asked lightly.

Ke Weiwei was taken aback, but when he recognized the owner of this voice, he became very surprised.

Ke Wei immediately turned off the interface of the book, stood up with one foot firmly, and leaned on the edge of the table.

Ke Wei looked at Zhong Yue's eyes full of shards of light, which was the brightness that had never appeared in his eyes this month.

Ke Wei smiled beautifully: "You are here."

Zhong Yue looked at him, his eyes couldn't move. He was infected by this warm smile, and he couldn't help but smiled and said, "It seems that your injury has recovered very well."

"Yes, I haven't had time to thank General Zhong for his care and Dr. Xuanmian's meticulous care, so that I can recover so quickly."

When Xuan Mian heard it outside the door, he not only hid with a guilty conscience.

He basically never thought of Ke Wei this month, but was praised by Ke Wei in front of his boss. He suddenly felt that the boy had a very good personality and was likable.

Zhong Yue looked around at the room that was so simple to understand and asked: "You have lived here all this month?"


Zhong Yue glared at Xuan Mian outside the door with a bit of condemnation. Xuan Mian felt guilty, fearing that he was too big to attract the attention of his boss, and quickly shrank himself into a small group and hid outside the door.

Zhong Yue said indifferently: "You are recovering well. You don't need a separate nursing room anymore. Let me live in a different place."

Ke Wei asked: "General, have my suspicions been cleared?"

"We believe that you have not revealed the secrets to others, but since you have been exposed to these secret materials, we cannot let you go."

Ke Wei shook his heart.

Zhong Yue said: "You can't return to the Galactic Empire for the time being."

"...But, I have to go to the Imperial Higher Military Academy for further studies. I have received the admission letter and must report in the spring semester."

The Imperial Higher Military Academy is a very difficult school to enter.

No matter how many people apply, the Imperial Higher Military Academy never sets a high threshold and only admits 600 students each year. Based on the fact that the college received more than 160,000 applications for admission in the past year, the college’s acceptance rate was less than 0.375%.

Ke Wei is very young and has just completed the intermediate compulsory education. He will be able to get the qualification to enter the Imperial Higher Military Academy. He can meet him with very high qualifications and will inevitably have a bright future in the future.

Even Xuan Mian, who was outside the door, was surprised when he heard it, and looked at Ke Wei more.

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