The ultra-low admission rate of the Imperial Higher Military Academy ensures that the admitted students must be the best students in the entire interstellar.

And the high posture of the Imperial Higher Military Academy is not without reason. It rewards these students who have passed five stages and cut six generals and entered the academy. It is the most abundant educational resource in the entire StarCraft and the super-first-line team of teachers.

Every year during the graduation season, the army will go to the academy to **** people. As long as you get a bronzing diploma from the Imperial Higher Military Academy, you will definitely have a worry-free job and a bright future.

Although such an opportunity is rare, it will benefit Ke Wei's future development without any harm.

But Zhong Yue must completely eliminate this possibility, and later find a way to make up for him elsewhere.

In the past few years when Zhong Yue often needs to go to the army to perform tasks, he left his people at the Imperial Military Academy not far from the capital star...Zhong Yue’s great cause of digging the wall of the Pope has just started, if he leaves for the mission, Didn't you just let the old pope stuff back with a shovel!

Then how do you dig the foot of this wall? How could Ke Weihuan follow him sincerely?

After all, the Holy See's set of things has a miraculous effect on brainwashing. Thinking of Ke Wei's past ten years when he was 17 to 27 years old, he has been infiltrated by the Holy See. The more Zhong thinks about it, he hates his teeth. The secret mission of assassinating the Pope.

It was also because of these concerns that Zhong Yue was determined not to let Ke Wei go back.

Zhong Yue smiled: "You must not be able to go, so prepare to apply for postponement of admission."

When Zhong Yue came to my mountain, Ke Wei was shocked by the appearance of the landlord who had to listen to my orders.

When Zhong Yue chased him in his previous life, he was a very mature man, never lacking in demeanor, knowing and interesting, knowing how to advance and retreat.

How did he meet Zhong Yue ten years earlier and he became such a virtue?

Tuba Wang Zhongyue said in a very good mood: "We also have a very good school on the planet Abino. If you are wronged, let's read it here. When you lift the ban, if you are willing to go to the Imperial Higher Military Academy again. "

Ke Wei frowned and said: "The admissions of the Imperial Higher Military Academy is very rare. According to the regulations, I cannot postpone admission for more than one year. Before the spring semester next year, I hope the general can let me go back."

Zhong Yue didn't even think about it and said: "Well, this matter is very complicated, we still have to talk about it later."

Ke Wei: "..."

Ke Wei heard it out, and Zhong Yue was lazy even with the excuses he made casually, and it was obvious that he was not going to let himself go back at all.

Zhong Yue was somewhat aware of his self-confidence, coughed, and put away his big wolf tail: "As you are, you should know that we have treated you very preferentially. But you don't have to worry too much. , After a while, when we are sure that even if you leak the secrets, it will not pose a threat to us, we will naturally send you back."

Zhong Yue said that it was an understatement, but he didn't know that Ke Wei, who was also reborn, also had the knowledge of the previous life, and had long known the rules of the planet Aibinuo.

Xu Jin was not allowed to leave, the information was blocked, and the area was unknown. All this was to prevent the Galactic Empire from discovering the existence of Zhong Yue's private realm.

If tens of thousands of interstellar immigrants on the planet Abbino were discovered by the Parliament or the Holy See, then Zhong Yue would be faced with a felony rare in human history, and he probably had to die and live several times without being sentenced enough.

From this perspective, Ke Wei can understand Zhong Yue's decision not to let him go back, but this does not mean that he can accept it. Zhong Yue's arrangement completely disregarded his personal wishes.

"Of course, we can't delay your education. There is a university in Abino. The scientific research institute is supervised by Dr. Xuan Mian. You can complete your studies here. At the same time, Dr. Xuan Mian is willing to be your personal mentor and guide. Your schoolwork."

Ke Wei was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhong Yue not only wanted to make a home for him here, but also changed his career so that he could do scientific research?

Probably because Ke Wei’s vision is too weird, Zhong Yue had to add: “Although Dr. Xuan Mian is young, he is an expert in weapon science and technology, ballistics, and laser physics. I assure you, an expert in the entire universe. Here, he is the top three in this field, and you can learn a lot from him."

Xuan Mian, who was named, walked out with bright eyes: "Ke Wei, can I measure the source of consciousness for you?"

Ke Wei was surprised again.

Zhong Yue discovered this invention so early?

He clearly remembered that the time he saw the first consciousness source testing machine was clearly twelve years later. At that time, he had already joined the army, and Zhong Yue held a secret meeting for the army's senior officials, and exhibited the consciousness source test machine for the first time at the meeting.

The source of consciousness is a discovery made by the scientific research team hidden behind Zhong Yue in the previous life. This is a personal ability that humans have never discovered and cannot measure in the past.

Arousal is consciousness. And every tiny thought has its own energy.

Zhong Yue's discovery of the source of consciousness has increased the combat capability of the human army by more than one level. With the development of the source of consciousness, mankind has realized the real integration of man and machine in science and technology for the first time.

Part of human consciousness enters the machine, which greatly reduces the time to make every decision and judgment. This is a technological invention that is about life and death on the battlefield.

Every second on the battlefield can change history. Launching a laser bomb 0.01 second in advance can intercept the opponent's ballistics in mid-air, save the lives of friendly forces, and avoid unimaginable catastrophic consequences.

Discovering the source of consciousness and realizing the unity of man and machine must be an unstoppable technological leap.

And Zhong Yuejun, who owns this technological invention, is bound to be unstoppable.

Seeing Xuanmian prosperously pushing a prototype consciousness source testing machine, Ke Wei did not refuse.

He stuck a few magnets on his head, and cooperated with Xuan Mian to insert a metal probe into the back of his head. Let this machine, which is still in the testing stage, enter its brain nervous system and test its source of consciousness.

The machine's huge buzzer sounded, and after five minutes, the machine's noise slowly stopped, and the beating numbers on the screen also stopped.


After this value appeared, everyone in the room looked surprised.

Ke Wei clearly remembered that for the first time in his life, he tested the source of consciousness, which was only 150.

The value of 150 was nearly twice as high as the military average of 85 at the time.

The abnormality is a demon, the value of 231 is simply scary. Ke Wei would rather believe that this machine is still under development and its function is unstable, and that he miscalculated the value of his source of consciousness.

In the silence, Ke Wei spoke softly and found a step for everyone. He hinted: "Is this machine still in the testing phase?"

"...In theory." Xuan Mian pushed his glasses, shocked: "But, but... it's already very accurate..."

Xuan Mian slowly returned to God's way: "The source of consciousness... theoretically, it will slowly increase as the human body continues to train in the spirit, but your value..."

When Xuanmian was halfway through his words, he suddenly rushed to remove the magnets and probes from Ke Wei's head, and he had to buckle Zhong Yue's head: "Boss, take a test! After all, you two years ago..."

Zhong Yue said: "Xuan Mian."

His boss is still very powerful, Xuan Mian stopped immediately after hearing his tone.

Zhong Yue said indifferently: "He has a higher source of consciousness than yours. Are you satisfied with this student?"

In this way, Xuan Mian's subject was changed, and he beamed, "Satisfied, very satisfied! He is here, so I no longer have to catch that anti-hydrogen atom by myself! It will exhaust me!"

Zhong Yue: "..."

Ke Wei smiled reluctantly: "General...I think, I may be really not suitable for scientific research..."

Xuan Mian is very enthusiastic: "It fits, you are too suitable! You are born to engage in scientific research! Come on, you will move out today. There are two apartments on the ground floor where I live, with a shared living room and kitchen. Opposite me. It’s always empty, come and live with me! It’s so that we can communicate our progress at any time!"

Ke Wei did not expect this trend to be a bit confused: "No, no...I still want to enter the military academy. My first choice is still to join the army, fight the Zerg, protect my country..."

"Without advanced weapons, with the fragile human body, what do you take to defend your home and the country?" Zhong Yue patted Ke Wei on the shoulder and directly slapped the board: "You really can't go to the military academy in recent years. Now, it’s better to calm down and help Dr. Xuanmian’s scientific research projects and promote the discovery and application of new weapons and science and technology. It is also contributing to mankind.”

Ke Wei still did not give up: "But..."

Zhong Yue's hand suddenly fell from Ke Wei's shoulder and wrapped it around his waist.

Zhong Yue got close unconsciously. He leaned slightly and looked at Ke Wei with gentle eyes, almost like a whisper from a lover: "I am really short of scientific research talents. In the past few years, you can help. how am I?"

At this moment, Zhong Yue's gentle gaze full of infatuation and joy when he looked at him almost instantly hit Ke Wei.

When he was in love with Zhong Yue, Zhong Yue looked at him, just like now. There is only his eyes in the center of Zhong Yue's eyes, and Ke Wei has never been able to resist it.

Dreams are precious, but love is more expensive.

Ke Wei stared at him for half a minute, and nodded simply: "Okay."

Xuan Mian looked silly.

It's not that Ke Wei didn't know that technology is very important.

But he never imagined that he would also embark on this path.

Where did it start wrong?

Ke Wei found it very incredible—he was going to do scientific research now. How could his life plan in this life not be a copy of the previous life?

Why is it so bad?

And Zhong Yue, who coaxed success here, looked at Ke Wei's smile, with a little more self-evident meaning: "You are so caring, I should give you some rewards."

He was short, rounded Ke Wei's knees with one hand, and hugged Ke Wei who was inconvenient, and said contentedly: "Let's go, take you out for a walk."

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