The two were the Lin Jue who acted according to last night's plan, and although they had expected this to happen, the two still held a luck heart, and it turned out that the luck heart of the two was broken.

Looking at Xue Xining, who frowned and didn't say a word, Lin Jue also fell silent, now he is simply helpless, and the only way out has also been strictly investigated.

Now the two of them are like catching turtles in an urn, trapped in this golden cloud city like an iron can, and if they can't get out, they can only hide in hiding.

But this is not a way, if the people of the Blood Brakes Gang are smarter and find the people of the City Lord's Mansion to mobilize some manpower to conduct a carpet search, then Lin Jue and the two will not be able to hide before long.

The two thought about it, but finally sat on the side dejectedly, thinking for a long time and didn't think of any way.

There was only one way that was not a solution, and that was unless the two of them could escape the carpet-like search, so that the people of the Blood Brakes would not have the patience to go to great lengths to find it, or let them think that the two had escaped.

But how difficult it is to complete this method, not to mention that the two do not have all kinds of intelligence, and where to hide, how to avoid this layer of search is a big problem.

They were not familiar with Jinyun City at all, otherwise they would not know where they are now.

The two did not help, who dared to fight against the Blood Brake Gang in the entire Jinyun City, and how the end was discovered was unimaginable, so all this can only rely on luck and providence.

If they escape this calamity, they will never be threatened by the Blood Brakes Gang in the future, and if they do not escape, the fate of the two is unknown.

For a long time, Lin Jue's day made a grunt sound, breaking this silent atmosphere and pulling the thoughts of the two back to reality.

Lin Jue touched his stomach and looked at the scorching sun that had already hung high above his head: "Hey, it's useless to think so much now, take one step at a time, right?"

Xue Xining, who came back to her senses, nodded lightly and said, "I really can't think of any way now, even if there is a way to follow the urgent mentality that we can't calm down now, it won't help to break our heads." "

Instead of wasting time here, it's better to think of ways to do things as you see the opportunity, because often the light is always inadvertently fleeting."

Saying that, the two cleaned their clothes, and then found a pool to wash their faces, and after washing the dirt on their faces, they took out two hats that had long been prepared to cover most of their faces and put them on their heads.

After cleaning up and confirming that there was nothing abnormal around, Xue Xining slightly supported Lin Jue, and the two began to walk in one direction to find the main road in the busy city of Jinyun City.


In a lively tavern.

After eating, the two middle-aged men chatted with one of them: "Eh, have you heard, I heard that the people of the Blood Brakes Gang are now looking for two miscellaneous people from the Jincai Restaurant everywhere!"

The other person was stunned when asked, and said: Huh? I really don't know this, there are still people who dare to provoke the Blood Brakes this year?

The middle-aged man who asked the question shook his head and said, "Hey, good guy, who says it's not, but I've just heard about it, and I thought you knew."

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting next to him who was drinking alone said: "Hey, this is a long story."

When the two middle-aged men heard this situation, they said: "It's not me who said, brother, what's the matter, how can two small miscellaneous people in this Jincai Restaurant provoke such a behemoth as the Blood Brake?" It stands to reason that how can anyone who is miscellaneous in this restaurant have such no eyesight?

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Cough: The

two men immediately noticed when they heard this, and one of them exclaimed, "Hey! Xiao Er brought me a pot of good flower carvings, and then cut two or two beef! With

that, he turned his head to the middle-aged man;" Hey... Brother, look..."

"Hahaha, the good boy is really cheerful."

The middle-aged man was also unambiguous, since everyone was so intentional, how could he also say: "That's right, do you know that Liu Cai didn't take in two brothers and sisters who were said to have been separated from their families a few months ago?"

One of the two was surprised: "Huh? I've seen that brother and sister, it's quite clever, and it shouldn't provoke the Blood Brake. The

middle-aged man waved his hand: "Oh, after you listen to me, what that brother and sister said is that they were separated from their families, and they actually fled all the way to Jinyun City from the Blood Brakes Gang in Huaheng City!"

"I lean? Really fake? The

middle-aged man smiled proudly, as if he was satisfied with their expressions, and said with a smile: "Cut!" It is said that yesterday by coincidence, the people of the Blood Brakes Gang went to eat at the Jincai Restaurant, and they were recognized at once, but they didn't catch them and let them run!

"Now the people of the Blood Brakes Gang are looking for these two brothers and sisters everywhere, and it is said that they have escaped from the hands of that man named Zhou Duan again and again, and they have become angry and angry, and they are looking for them everywhere like crazy!"

"And it is said that Wu Hanshi of the Wu family has an excellent relationship with those two after they met, but these three people usually hide deeply, and no one can see that the relationship is incompatible, but somehow, yesterday it was suddenly known by the people of the Blood Brake."

"The most important thing is that the people of the Blood Brake Gang have controlled the only two exits of Jinyun City! It's hard to get out now! The

middle-aged man shook his head and said with a embarrassed expression: "I see those two brothers and sisters, it is difficult to escape."

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of both sides: "Good fellow, so many things happened this night, I said why did someone spread the news today that it was much stricter to go out of the city today."

One of them immediately said, "Then again, what about Wu Hanshi? The

middle-aged man glared, grabbed the flower sculpture on Xiao Er Gang and poured himself a cup, took a sip lightly and continued: "What you said, the people of the Blood Brakes Gang are angry, this Wu Hanshi can still fall if he is discovered?" Now I don't know where I was arrested and tortured to extract a confession.

"Deserve it, deserve it, then where do you say this Wu Hanshi will be locked up?"

"In my opinion, maybe it will be locked up in the backyard of the Jincai Restaurant, I see that there have been some fierce and evil people in and out of the Jincai Restaurant today."


In the narrow alley, two children wearing hats that pressed the front of their hats to their faces walked through.

Both of them did not say a word, but kept turning left and right in this labyrinth-like place, although the man in front seemed to be extremely inconvenient, and his body trembled slightly with each step, as if he was enduring great pain.

But he still ignored it and walked in the front.

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