How so, how so, how could ....

This thought kept floating in Lin Jue's mind, he should have thought of it a long time ago, Wu Hanshi should have thought of it when he didn't appear with Xue Xining!

It's just that at that time, the arrival of Xue Xining made me feel very happy and forgot about it.

Lin Jue fell into deep chagrin, Wu Hanshi was just an ordinary person, she had not practiced and her body was cowardly, how could she withstand the severe torture of those people who had survived the blood!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Lin Jue gritted his teeth, no matter how much burden such a violent action would bring to his body, which had been deteriorating, he just wanted to go to the Jincai Restaurant now to see how Wu Hanshi was doing, and at the same time find a way to rescue him.


The reddish sunset shone on Wu Hanshi's face, the originally handsome face was now a high bulge and stained with blood, and his face was extremely pale and bloodless, he was too lazy to clean up, because he knew in his heart that even if he cleaned up, it would still change back to its original state, and at the same time he couldn't clean it up.

Since yesterday at noon and after parting with Xue Xining, Wu Hanshi really planned to sneak out to meet at night after inquiring about some information.

But what he never expected was that he was hiding behind the crowd listening to the conversation between Zhou Duan and Liu Cai, and he did know a lot of news.

Just as Zhou Duan was about to call someone to start acting, Lin Jue had just said to him, Liu Ergou, his nemesis, who made him grit his teeth, suddenly pointed at him and said to Zhou Duan: "Adult! This Wu Hanshi and those two guys are in the same group!

This attracted Zhou Duan's attention, and looking at him in the direction pointed by Liu Ergou, Wu Hanshi's heart tightened on the spot, and secretly scolded Liu Ergou with blood.

Looking at Zhou Duan, who was walking towards him, Wu Hanshi knew in her heart that a person who had not practiced could not escape, and the only way was to rely on her eloquence to defend herself.

"Sir, I am the most unpopular person in this Golden Cloud City, how can Lin Jue and them befriend me, this is not good for them at all, and they will provoke gossip behind their backs."

"Although I also had extravagant hopes and actions, but after the two of them knew that I was rejected by thousands of people, they had already broken off contact with me in order to distance themselves from me."

"Until now, we are all strangers, so many people in the restaurant can testify for me, my lord."

Wu Hanshi said that she couldn't wait to take out her heart and lungs, and she looked frightened, and she only begged Zhou Duan for mercy.

Sure enough, Zhou Duan, who came over, stopped when he heard these words that almost burst into tears.

But he only paused for a moment and took another step and grinned at Wu Hanshi: "What you said makes sense, but these two people escaped from me twice, and I would rather trust them or not." Wu

Hanshi's face changed drastically, it was too late to run now, it was impossible to escape, and now that Zhou Duan was about to come to him, it was even more impossible to escape.

Then Zhou Duan, who walked to him, grabbed Wu Hanshi's collar with his hand and pulled it fiercely, Wu Hanshi was thrown to the ground by this sudden force, but he didn't want to struggle with that strength, so he was dragged to the backyard by Zhou Duan's collar.

With the brutal and inhuman torture of yesterday night and this morning, the light punches and kicks attracted the meat, and the heavy ones picked the muscles and pinched the bones.

Although Wu Hanshi's voice was hoarse, he still firmly denied that he had no contact with Lin.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Wu Hanshi's almost hellish encounter came to an end, and the people of the Blood Brakes Gang obviously had done a lot of this kind of thing, all of them were extremely sophisticated, and a set of torture did not hurt Wu Hanshi's life for the time being.

But no matter what, it still left an unforgettable damage for Wu Hanshi.

For example, picking off a broken hamstring.

This was carried out by the people of the Blood Brake Gang before leaving, firstly to prevent Wu Hanshi from escaping, and secondly to force him to confess.

But what they didn't expect was that despite such torture, Wu Hanshi had been tortured and confused, but she still muttered hoarsely that she and Lin had never interacted.

Until Wu Hanshi was finally denied before she was unconscious with her ankles, the people of the Blood Brakes Gang did not stop it.

Wu Hanshi was in a coma until the setting sun in the afternoon, when she was awakened by physical hunger.

After waking up, Wu Hanshi found herself lying on a haystack, and wanted to move her body, but with her movements, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

When I looked up, I found that my heels were blurry with blood and flesh, and a large pool of blood was flowing on the ground, and then I remembered that the people of the Blood Brakes had broken their hamstrings before leaving.

Sighing, he turned his head to look at the blood-red sunset outside the window, feeling like himself.

He stared out the window and muttered in a low voice: "Maybe my life is like the setting sun now, starting to end gradually, and it is also a good thing, quietly ending this boring life."

"I don't know how Lin Jue is doing, have they escaped from this Golden Cloud City, the two newborn chicks can only spread their wings and fly high if they bravely escape the cage... Dude, I've tried my best..."

I really want to eat that roast chicken again..."

Gradually, Wu Hanshi already felt that his vitality was gradually passing, and after this torture, he had already developed a will to die, if he was asked to choose the only one in his heart now.

That must be Lin Jue and the two, he is very happy to meet such two like-minded partners in this last life.

If in the past, when he wanted to hastily end his life, he always felt that there were too many regrets for him to retreat, but if it was now, the only regret was the safety of Lin Jue and the two.

It could even be said that if he knew that Lin Jue and the two were out of danger, he would definitely die with a smile and no regrets.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened, Wu Hanshi felt that her body began to gradually chill, and her consciousness began to gradually blur, feeling that she was getting sleepier and sleepier, as if she was going to pass out in the next second.

Wu Hanshi suddenly felt a panic in her heart, wondering if this was the feeling of death.

Just when he was confused and his eyes were about to open, he felt his body shake for a while, and at the same time there was a rapid low cry in his ears.

"Hanshi... Hanshi...! "

Wu Hanshi... Wu Hanshi...!

"Wake up...! Can't sleep...! Wake up...! "

Wu Hanshi...!"

Just when he felt confused, he suddenly felt a cool but warm power rushing into his body from his chest, and in an instant, it spread to all corners of his body.

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