Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 22 - Confession

Howard: "I am organizing a little party at my house today; I you guys will attend it. It would be my pŀėȧsurė."

Everyone agreed. Steve went away with the shield. Maybe he has gone to show them to his buddies. I don't know. Colonel took his leave with Howard. I was left with Peggy.

Kyle: "Are you free Peggy, I mean right now."

Peggy: "Yes, I am free."

Kyle: "Let's go grab a coffee then."

She went with me. I fetched two coffees and passed her one.

Kyle: "Are you all right, Peggy? I mean you are bit down since you came after meeting with Steve that day. You can talk about it, if you want."

Peggy: "Nah its fine, Kyle. Don't worry about it. It's just the stress from the job."

Kyle: "Whatever, you say. Just don't do something stupid, Okay. Should I pick you up tonight?"

Peggy: "Hmm."

I went away from her. She needs some time alone. She is quite confused right now. I went to do some work in the SSR unit.

{During Night}

I was in my car. Obviously provided by army. I went to fetch Peggy. She was again wearing with a red dress but it was different than before. I was kind of wide from the top and skin tight near the waist. It was made for emphasizing the curves that all and Peggy was killing it. I was in a formal suit which was quite famous now a days. She came and sat beside me.

Kyle: "I don't know what to say, but you look gorgeous."

Peggy: "Thank you Kyle, you look handsome too."

This time she was confident with her words. I started the car and went to Howard's house. Man, it was big. I mean really big. I parked the car and gave my hand to Peggy. She held it and we started walking. We met Stark who was welcoming guests. He grinned watching me and Peggy. I met will Colonel and others. Steve also came but he was not alone. He came with the receptionist. I saw Peggy but she didn't give any expression as she didn't know him. I went to Steve. Obviously leaving Peggy with Stark.

Kyle: "Oh, Captain you got company. Good"

Steve: "How are you major, meet Lorraine, My girlfriend."

Kyle: "Oh, Hello Ms. Lorraine. Mind if I take Steve with me for a moment."

I took Steve to a corner. Steve knew what I will ask so he told me without even asking.

Steve: "I know what you going to ask. Yeah, we broke up. We weren't a thing from the start. Don't ask any more than that."

Kyle: "Oh, Okay, Enjoy. You are leaving tomorrow, so have fun tonight."

We chuckled; it was not like we resented each other.

I then went to meet Stark. Today I will copy his skills. I have already set the condition for copy.

Howard: "Hey Colonel, come here. I have something to ask of you."

Kyle: "What is it about, Stark?"

Howard: "Nothing its related to business. I just want to ask you if you will work with me on producing infinite energy. I mean you know a lot about energy field. Aren't I right?"

Kyle: "Mr. Stark you know somethings which you should not, you know. I guess you have read my file then. So, was its Phillips you gave you my file?"

Howard: "No, I just stumbled across it, when I was looking for some reports. So, what do you say?"

Kyle: "What will I gain, if I help you?"

Howard: "How about I make you a shareholder in my company."

Peggy: "I think I should go from here."

Kyle: "No, Peggy you will sit here with me. I want you as a witness of what this man says. If he knows anything which can be used against me, I have to dispose of him"

Peggy: "O…Okay"

The environment was just shuddering. Howard and Peggy both were suffocating in the aura I was emitting.

Howard: "C…Colonel I know nothing else except you being in field of energy"

Kyle: "I should be ready, shouldn't I, Mr. Stark?"

Howard: "Y…Yes"

Kyle: (Retracting my aura) "How much Shares are you talking about?"

Howard: "11%"

Kyle: "Too Low, 30%."

Howard: "It's very much Colonel, How about 15%?"

Kyle: "26% nothing less than that"

Howard: "It's still too much. I can't give you more than 18%."

Kyle: "Only for you Mr. Stark. 20% and help me establish my business. Accept it or I am leaving"

Howard: "Deal, Colonel."

Kyle: "Call me Kyle if you want to talk business."

We started talking about the research. He is working on the arc reactor technology. He will do it alone but what's better than having a failproof plan.

Peggy: "So, you met Steve."

Kyle: "Yaa, I met him. He found a girl real fast."

Peggy: "Don't you want to know why we broke up?"

Kyle: "You will tell me if you'll believe me enough."

Peggy was just silent. I also didn't say anything.

Peggy: "Do you now Kyle, when I first met you. I never thought you were this caring of a person. It���s quite surprising that people aren't what they look like."

Kyle: "I agree to that, you were ice princess, never smiling and showing no emotions but when I got know you, you were the best I could think of."

Peggy: "Kyle, I love you."

She came near me and was looking into my eyes, fearing I might reject her, but I can't accept her without telling her about my relation with Eve. I don't want keep her in the dark.

Kyle: "Peggy, I have a girlfriend."

Peggy: "Oh, …Sorry for disturbing you. I was stupid to think that a man like you would be single."

Tears were flowing from her eyes. She tried to stop them real hard but was unable to do so. She just turned and started leaving. I held her hand.

Peggy: "What are you doing Kyle"

Kyle: "I love you too, Peggy"

Peggy: "B…But You are…"

Kyle: "No buts, I love you and that's what matter. I can take care of you both."

I pulled her and hugged her tight. She was crying. Tears were flowing like streams of water. I started calming her down.

[That was a good line, Darling. 'I Love you and that's what matter']

'Shut up and help me. How to make her stop?'

[You know what to do]

I sighed as I know what she meant I hold her face and looked into my eyes.

Kyle: "Will you love me, even after knowing that?"

Peggy: "I still love you Kyle."

Kyle: "I love you too, Peggy."

I took her lips and kissed her. She placed her hands on my neck. I was holding her face. Man, that was one hell of a kiss. We separated after a minute. We both were gasping air.

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