Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 23 - A Boring Week

I took her lips and kissed her. She placed her hands on my neck. I was holding her face. Man, that was one hell of a kiss. We separated after a minute. We both were gasping air.

We heard a loud cheer and applause. Howard and Colonel Phillips were both there. Peggy just ran away seeing them both. They were grinning watching me.

Col: "You got some techniques, boy. Not letting the girl move around."

Howard: "Who could have thought that 'one-man army' could conquer everything. He even conquered the ice princess."

Kyle: "Shut up Howard."

I went away leaving those two there. I found Peggy with some other officials. I went near them. I greeted and asked Peggy to if she wants to leave or not. She agreed and we said our goodbyes and took our leave.

On the way back to house though we didn't talk. I knew she was happy. I didn't distract her. I stooped the in front and parked it. Before moving the house I kissed her once again. It never gets old. She was blushing but she didn't ran away this time. I opened the door and saw Elly was still awake. She ran up to me and I took her into my ŀȧp.

Kyle: "Why are you still awake. Don't you have school tomorrow?"

Elly: (pouting)"I just woke up. You weren't there. You left me again. You meany."

Kyle: "Sorry princess. You were sleeping and I had somewhere to go."

Elly: "Ok I will forgive you but you will take me on a picnic this weekend."

Kyle: "Okay. I promise"

Elly: "What happened to Aunt Carter. Her face his red. Is she ill?"

Peggy: "No, I am not ill its just… its just too hot outside that why and call me big sister from now on, Okay Elly"

Elly: "Okay, Big sister"

I left the two of them alone and went to take a shower. I changed into loose clothes. I was in the balcony again. Elly went to sleep. Peggy came to me. I have shifted a couch in the balcony. She sat down near me. I just leaned over and put my head on her ŀȧp. She was ċȧrėssing my hairs with a faint smile. The moon was shining. It was perfect moment.

Peggy: "Kyle, could you tell me more about your other girlfriend."

Kyle: "Her name is Eve. She was living with since I was 6. We have a very good relation. We were together until highschool but one day her family called her back to their family. She never told me about his family or where she is, I never asked too. I believe her. I do have her number and she is saying that she will come soon."

Peggy: "She might be very extraordinary to have you."

Kyle: "Don't sweat it Peggy. I never compare people. She is unique and you are unique. You two are different people. I love this Peggy which is with me now, I don't want you to change."

Peggy: "Hmmm."

I want to tell her the whole truth but I cant tell them until I complete my delivery. This is what Eve has told me. This delivery is a pain in the ȧss. We enjoyed the moment alone for sometime.

Kyle: "When will you move in?"

Peggy: "Whenever you want."

Kyle: "I have to buy a house. Would you come with me to have a look?"

Peggy: "I would love to."

We slept together that day. We didn't do anything as it is only 1BHK and Elly was sleeping in between both of us sigh... I have to find a house soon.

Next morning I went to New York with Peggy. There were so many houses to choose from. Finally we chose one Midtown Manhattan. This is where Tony will build his Stark Tower. I bought a place to establish my business too. I am thinking of producing different household appliances, common household appliances that are used in future. People will go bananas over that, HAHAHAHA. We can shift in our new place anytime we like. So I thought of moving this weekend. As everyone will be free. We went back to the camp. I dropped Peggy and went back to meet Howard. He was in his factory playing with his toys and furnishing a new lab which we will be using.

Howard: "Hey, Kyle. How come you are here?"

Kyle: "Nothing, I just came to discuss about something about an idea I thought of."

Howard: "Ho, now I am excited"

We went back to his office. I explained my idea to him. He was very surprised.

Howard: "Your idea is very good but you need something revolutionary to set foot in that industry as there are many many competitors."

Kyle: "Don't worry about that. I have something which will change the world"

We discussed this idea further and I am ready to register my company. Though it will only be on papers until I settle everything with Hitler because Schmidt just vanished. After discussing the idea and his research on arc reactor I went back to home.

I found Elly was sleeping. What does she even do in school. Are they doing drills or what. She is always tired. Peggy was in the kitchen. I went near her sneakily and hugged her from behind. She was not startled by my action. She moved around I gave her a quick kiss.

Peggy: "So, where were you?"

Kyle: " I went to meet Howard. We discussed some of his work. I think, I will retire after this war. I just want to live peacefully with my family."

Saying so I kissed her again. She was happy that I was thinking about the family. I went to the room and changed into some loose clothes. I spent rest of the week with Peggy on the other hand Steve was eliminating the Hydra Bases with his team the Howling Commandos. Next week we moved out of the camp to the new house. Peggy also moved in and now we are living together. Tonight I will have some fun.

{Ok guys I have read so many lemons scenes but I can't right one. So I'll just leave it to your imagination and I think I will end this world war arc in the coming 4 to 5 chapters.}

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