Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 24 - Do I really have to?

Saying so I kissed her again. She was happy that I was thinking about the family. I went to the room and changed into some loose clothes. I spent rest of the week with Peggy on the other hand Steve was eliminating the Hydra Bases with his team the Howling Commandos. Next week we moved out of the camp to the new house. Peggy also moved in and now we are living together. Tonight, I will have some fun.}

Next day was same as usual I went to camp but today Peggy was with me. We went to check the mission progress.

Col: "Colonel Kyle, Good you are here."

Kyle: "What happened, Colonel. Is everything fine?"

Col: "Well, you can say so."

Kyle: "So, What's the matter"

Col: "Check these advancements reports. Captain Rogers and his team is eliminating the Hydra, but the number of bases is astronomical. At this rate it would take more than 3 years."

Kyle: "We don't have this much time, Colonel. We have finish them in less than a year. Though Schmidt is no more but his forces are now deadlier without any command."

Col: "That's what I think Colonel. So, All the higher ups have decided that you should take this mission in your hand. We have already discussed a plan. Here, these are the orders."

Kyle: (Taking the envelope) "Do I really have to?"

Col: "I can't do anything, higher command ordered it."

Kyle: "Sigh…Okay but I want to retire after this war. I just want to live peacefully with my family."

Col: "We will see…"

Kyle: "So have you decided a team for me or what?"

Col: "Well, I have no say in choosing your team. They have gathered a team for you."

Kyle: "Nah, I don't want one. I work better when I am alone."

Col: "Well, if you team members leave. Then you can work alone."

I left Colonel and went to meet my team. Peggy was little worried as I was going on a mission but I reassured her. Nothing will happen to me; I am the protagonist. She said her goodbyes and went to her work. I went to meet my team. I reached to the training grounds 6 people were training there.

Kyle: "Soldiers, get in line."

They all stopped in their tracks, came near me and stood in a line beside one another. I asked them to introduce themselves.

???: "Captain Thea Jensen. Reporting for duty."

???: "Captain Izaak Chadwick. Reporting for duty."

???: "Captain Chace Pitt. Reporting for duty."

Kyle: "Leaving all the pleasantries, I am moving directly proceeding to the mission plan so you have 15 min to go freshen up yourself and meet me right here."

{After fifteen minutes}

Kyle: "I am Colonel Kyle Silvers and you lot are ȧssigned to me. Let me tell you beforehand, in this mission I am the overlord. If I say sleep, you sleep even if you are in enemy base. If you do as I say you will be promoted but if you get afraid a little you will be dying. If you want to leave just leave. I won't even budge."

I terrified them so much they just left the mission. They better save their lives than getting a medal. I really don't like working in teams. I am a lone wolf on missions. I went back to Colonel and told him the story.

Col: "So, what will you write in the report?"

Kyle: "Nothing, the people they chose are a bunch of wussies. I better do it on my own than taking a bunch of dead weight with me."

Col: "Sigh… Just leave the report to me. So, when are you leaving?"

Kyle: "I don't know, whenever the mood calls."

I left the Colonel and went to meet Howard. He was in his lab playing with some of his creations.

Howard: "Colonel, how come you are here?"

Kyle: "Nothing, I got a mission on my hand. Need your help to make me something."

Howard: "Okay, so tell me what do you want?"

Kyle: "I want you to make me a suit."

Howard: "So you want a suit like Captain America?"

Kyle: "Nah! That shit is too flashy. I want something that can help me blend in my environment. I do most of my missions in night so I want something black in colour."

Howard: "I am listening, anything else than that."

Kyle: "Make it flexible. Oh, and add a scabbard of a katana on the back of the upper half. I am thinking of using a katana on this mission. That's all. Get it ready as soon as possible because someone is waiting for his ȧss kicked."

Howard: "Captain America made shield a fashion, now you are thinking of making a katana a new sensation. Don't worry I have what you asked for. I only have to add your sword holder. You will get it delivered by tomorrow."

Getting everything in place I asked for a full week leave. I went back home with Peggy.

{Inside house during night time}

I was in bed with Peggy. She was quite worried about me going on a mission alone.

Peggy: "So how long will it take?"

Kyle: "I don't know. Maybe two or three months."

Peggy: "Do you really want to alone?"

Kyle: "I will do this alone. I work better alone."

Peggy: "Can I come with you?"

Kyle: "You can't Peggy. I don't want you to be in danger and if anything happened to me at least you will be there for Elly."

Peggy: "Don't say that you won't come won't. Promise me you will come back safe."

Kyle: "I promise."

I kissed her and then we indulged in our nightly activities. You know what I mean. The whole next week I cooped myself in the study room. I was making some files and blueprints and other stuffs. The whole week I spent the days in study and whole night with Peggy. The week was very tiring.

{On the last week day}

Tonight, I will move to my first target and will only come back when the mission will be over. I was dressing myself in the suit I ordered. It was a pitch black skin tight suit. It was not spandex okay. It was carbon polymer. It was like a full neck tee with a scabbard attached on its back. Howard did some mind-blowing work with. If the scabbard is empty, I will merge with the suit. It feels like it was never there.

I wore the suit. It sticked to my skin, nut it was comfortable and it was flexible. With my white hairs I really looked dashing. It was time to move out. Before going out I passed a box to Peggy.

Peggy: "What's this Peggy?"

Kyle: "Don't open it before your birthday. It's a present for you."

I know her birthday is after three months. It is the same time I will need to finish my mission. So, I created a present for her in the last seven days.

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