Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 45 - That was easy

I called Hulk. He was busy crushing those Chitauri insects. He was having fun as he has control over his body now. So, he isn't causing much destruction. I called him.

Kyle: "Doctor, would you mind keeping an eye on this eyesore. If he tries anything you know what to do."

Hulk: "Okay. If you say so."

Loki: "Oh, his monster will keep an eye on me. Do you think he can do it? Don't you fear? What if you lose control? What if you harm your loved ones? What if you harm your friends and kill them? Don't you fear me?"

Hulk: "You know, right? It's not working on me. If you don't shut your trap in the next 5 seconds, I will beat you up."

Kyle: "Hulk, Smash!"

Hulk: "It's embarrassing."

Kyle: "Just do it. You look cool when you smash thinks."

HE nodded and gave Loki a good smash. I teleported back to the street where everyone else was fighting them.

Steve: "What now, sir?"

Kyle: "I have closed the portal. Only this lot is left to finish. I have left Hulk with Loki. Finish this fast. I am hungry."

Tony: "Sir, I have seen some black armoured figures. They are helping people. Do you know them?"

Natasha: "They are people from GIN. They are helping out residents to get out from here."

Tony: "Isn't GIN your security company?"

Steve: "I work with GIN too. I am their part too."

Steve also materialised his new nanobot suit. Tony said nothing but I know he is very frustrated inside there. Natasha also materialised her suit.

Tony: "H…How do you have this technology?"

Natasha: "Kyle provided us with them."

Tony: "What is this sir. You gave everyone. I don't have one. This is not fair."

Kyle: "They work for me you know, Tony. They are part of GIN. If you also agree to be a part of GIN. I can give you one right now."

Tony: "Count me in."

Meg: "Hello Mr Stark. I am Meg. I will give control to JARVIS after I recognise you as its new owner."

Tony: "Go ahead."

Meg: "Iris Scan registered. Face scan registered. DNA sequence registered. Have a nice day Mr Stark. Thank you for your cooperation."

JARVIS: "Welcome back sir."

Tony: "Good to see you back. Now let's rock and roll"

Everyone went to their place. Barton was on the Stark tower. Shooting down the enemy from the roof. Natasha and Steve were also in the air annihilating the aliens with their advanced weapons. Thor was raging over them with his lightning. Everyone was doing their job. I was also taking my turns.

'Should I check the skill I got from mind stone?' I unsheathed my sword and concentrated on transferring mind stone powers to it. The sword started glowing yellow. I sliced the air. A massive shockwave released from the sword. It passed through a thousands of aliens but nothing happened to them but I was feeling something else, it was like I was feeling a connection with all of them. 'I think I know what I got'.

Kyle: "You lot kill your partners and after killing them, collect their bodies at a single place and kill yourself too after that. This skill is good. I'll call it MIND FREAK."

They started killing each other and started collecting their bodies in a single place. I did this with others too. Everyone was busy killing each other. I called every other member of my team to the Stark Tower and explained what is happening. We all went to where Loki was.

He was beaten into a pulp. Hulk did a number on him. We were looking at the massacre happening outside with Loki. He wasn't believing what was happening outside. We were having drinks while the invaders were killing each other. Everyone was dead after an hour or so.

Their bodies were all collected in a place. I teleported them to sun. now the fight was over. The clean-up was done too. Now we were waiting for SHIELD to come and collect the Sceptre. The tesseract will be given to Thor. I was looking if anyone will come to collect these stones.

I had both the tesseract and the sceptre. I was all alone. I was hoping that no one will come but even I wasn't able to stop Thanos. I found Tony, Steve, and myself. The three of them were behind the wall. I saw them and went near them. Future Steve and Tony were surprised seeing me. I was just smiling seeing them.

Future Tony: "W…What are you doing here sir? This fight with Loki did a number on me."

Future Steve: "Y…Yeah right. It also made me a little tired. You must be tired as well. Let me take care of these things for me."

Kyle: "Even I wasn't able to stop him?"

Future Tony: "W…What are you talking sir?"

Future Steve: "W…Whom are you talking about sir? We know nothing about him?"

Kyle: "I am not asking you. I am asking him?"

I was pointing my finger nothing. No one was there. Both Future Tony and Future Steve knew that their cover was fully blown by now but they were still trying. I was smiling on their failed attempts on fool me.

Future Steve: "What are you taking about sir? There is no one there."

Future Tony: "Yeah, no one is there. You must be tired after this. Give me those things I will take care of them for you?"

Kyle: "You still won't come out?"

A crack in the space appeared and Future Kyle came out from the mirror dimension. Tony and Steve had sweat on their foreheads.

Kyle: "So, Even I wasn't able to stop the inevitable."

Future Kyle: "You won't regret what you will do, Kyle."

I just smiled and passed him the Spectre and Tesseract. Tony and Steve were a little confused but all three went back to their time and after 5 sec. I got both the things back. I had so much on my mind but I believe I won't regret what I will do in future. I gave the tesseract to Thor and he took Loki with him to Asgard. I passed the Spectre to SHIELD. I just shrugged of all the thoughts related to future.

I can go there and help them but going in future creates a time loop in the present and if anyhow any disturbance occurs in this loop future will change a lot and. Their existence at that time will not exist. I will find myself in the void and that's the last think I want to do. For the next few months, GIN helped in rebuilding the city once again. I have proposed Avengers as a governmental security agency, which directly takes orders from me, 5-star general. No government, no nothing. They all are Government employees.

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