Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 46 - Extremis

I can go there and help them but going in future creates a time loop in the present and if anyhow any disturbance occurs in this loop future will change a lot and. Their existence at that time will not exist.

I will find myself in the void and that's the last thing I want to do. For the next few months, GIN helped in rebuilding the city once again. I have proposed Avengers as a governmental security agency, which directly takes orders from me, 5-star general. No government, no nothing. They all are Government employees.

I was inspecting the research labs under Elly. I went to the separate tower which is dedicated only for research and development. I was asked to come as they made a breakthrough in some research. I reached there.

Elly was waiting for me; a man was with him too. I was first surprised by his appearance. He was totally different from what shown in movies.

???: "Good morning, sir."

Elly: "Come fast, brother. You will like it."

Kyle: "Good morning Dr Killian. You have changed a lot, haven't you?"

Killian: "It's all thanks to you to fund my research. If not for you I would have …"

Kyle: "Let bygones be bygones, Mr Killian. Show me the result. Let's go."

Killian: "Yes sir, After you."

Yes, I have funded him in his research. Both Killian and Maya are working here. Killian was not a villain. He was just, you can say, a little paranoid. We all three went inside a lab. It was reeking smell of medicine. Just like those medical shops. I had to pinch my nose to move in there.

Kyle: "What is this, doctor? Can't you even clean this place? It stinks in here."

Killian: "Sorry sir"

Kyle: "Whatever. Now tell me about the research."

Killian: "Right there, sir. I would like to show its use."

He went to a surgical table. He took a rat out of the box and put him on drugs. He got real high taking those small doses of cocaine. Just joking, he put him under anaesthesia and severed one of his limbs. He then took out a bottle of red coloured liquid from the refrigerator. Spun it a few times in the centrifuge, filled a syringe and injected the rat. A few seconds later, a new limb grew in there. Same as before no difference in outer appearance.

Kyle: "You really did it, doctor but is the inner structure he same as well?"

Maya: "There is no change in its outer appearance but there a few differences in its composition. First of all, the skeleton of the newly grown limb is much stronger than the previous and the drug will be active in its body for much longer."

Kyle: "So, it can grow back again without performing the procedure again."

Maya: "Exactly. It can grow 2 more times it the serum injected is pure. By a 30% dilution, it only behaves as a onetime use drug."

I was quite happy seeing their success in extremis. In the Iron Man 3 events, Extremis had quite its uses but it had a lot of backlashes. No one wants to be a live bomb but now its all risk-free. Though Tony further improved it to be used on him in the end but now, I am the protagonist. Fuck'em all. I'll take it all.

Kyle: "Have you done any human trial?"

Maya: "We had done multiple human trials and all of them were successful."

Kyle: "Okay then. Both of you get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to publicly announce this. We will provide a 30% diluted serum to make it single-use. Be ready, both of you are going to be famous."

I left them there. Both were a little surprised by the sudden announcement. Maya was collected but Killian was losing it. He was roaming around the lab laughing like a psycho. He is paranoid but a good guy. He just wants everyone to show his worth. This was the moment he was waiting for.

I called a press conference in the Silvers industry and organised a party. I was going to announce the news after the party. Today was my birthday too but I was going to give them the present instead. There were many famous people. I invited all the Avengers. Hank Pym was there too. I called Selvig and Jane. I had to keep some connection with them, especially with Jane. I want a check on her. I have to copy that reality stone.

As everyone was there. Multiple reporters were there. This was the perfect moment for the announcement. I called for everyone's attention. They all got silent and reporters took out their camera and their microphone. I took a microphone and went onto the stage.

Kyle: "Thank you, everyone, for attending me here today. Today, I have received many presents from everyone. So, I would like to present them with a return gift."

Killian and Maya with other scientists who were working with them came onto the stage too. I was clapping on their arrival so as the others.

Kyle: "Everyone, today I would like to present to you our fruitful result of many years of research. Dr Killian and Dr Maya will further elaborate it."

I passed the microphone to Killian. He demonstrated them extremis and its uses. Man, that was a long-ass speech. He might not have slept last night. Rubbing his ȧss all night to prepare this speech. He took his time. He was explaining the extremis to its extreme. I had to interrupt him.

Kyle: "Thank you, Doctor. We got the insight."

Killian: "No problem. Thank you for giving me the chance."

Kyle: "So as Doctor Killian has told you and showed us a live demonstration this serum can regrow your amputated arms, any damaged organ. It is the All-Cure we need and I am going to manufacture this serum for public use. Silvers Hospitals will be pioneering in this new type of medication. Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the party."

As I ended the speech, the reporter surrounded me. I told them that I don't know how it works so I singled them toward Killian and Maya. They left me and surrounded them. I went to meet other people.

{I might not publish any chapter this week. My brother is getting married and Indian Marriages are troublesome. Sigh... }

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