Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 47 - ***Title at the End***

As I ended the speech, the reporter surrounded me. I told them that I don't know how it works so I singled them toward Killian and Maya. They left me and surrounded them. I went to meet other people. I went to meet Hank Pym. I have worked with him when he worked with SHIELD, then SSR. I have worked with him on his research on Pym Particles. He was with her daughter, Hope.

Kyle: "Hello Hank. Time did his job on you."

Hank: "Ha-Ha-Ha. Time never stops, not for anyone but you are an exception. An anomaly."

Kyle: "Ha-Ha-Ha. Good, you always have an explanation."

Hank: "And your questions never stop. Here, meets my daughter, Hope."

Hope: "It's nice to meet you, sir."

Kyle: "It's nice to meet you too. You have grown too much. Last I saw you; you were in diapers. You remember Hank, one time she took your Silvym particles and tried to drink it."

Hope had a sudden attack. She didn't know about me ȧssociating with Silvym particles. What you guys are also confused. I worked with him on Pym Particles. I had a major role but never took the credit for it but he named them after our surname. SILVers + pYM = SILVYM.

I know its lame but its mine. Back to the present. Hope had seat beads forming on her forehead. She didn't know about me is ever ȧssociated with the so-called Silvym particles.

Kyle: "What happened Hope. Haven't you told you about me?"

Hank: "I forgot. Sorry Hope, I forgot to tell you about him. He was with me when I was researching Silvym particles. He had a major role in the Quantum tunnelling effects. The particles are named after both of us. Silvers plus Pym equals Silvym."

Kyle: "That's not good, Hank. You never told her about me. So, have you found anyone to take on your legacy of THE ANT MAN."?

Hank: "Keep it down, would you and no I haven't found anyone still."

Kyle: "Keep searching. So, Hope when are you taking your mother's place."

Hope: "I am ready whenever she says but she never let me do it."

Kyle: "She just cares a lot about you. By the way, where is she? I haven't seen her."

Hank: "You know where to find her. She is always with Peggy."

Kyle: "Ok then Hank. Enjoy the party. I will go welcome others."

I left the two and went to meet others. I was meeting all high officials of the Army. Other important figures. You want to know about Hank's wife Janet. The same thing happened as movies. To disarm a nuclear missile both Ant-Man and Wasp went on the mission. Janet further decreased her size to go inside the Missile. They were successful in disarming the missile but Janet got lost in the Quantum Realm.

Hank tried very hard to find her. He knew she is in the Quantum realm but he was never successful in contacting her. He came to me as I helped him in his research and no one knew more than about Quantum realm. It took time but we were able to contact her. After a year or two, I was able to create the first quantum tunnel and rescued her.

I found all the Avengers there. They were sitting all together, everyone was there, except Thor. Banner was the odd one out in them. Everyone knew about the destruction he caused in 2011 so they were afraid of him but he was quite chill about all this. I approached them and took a seat.

We talked about the previous invasion and other lurking enemies. They asked me about Extremis. Tony was quite sad as he had the opportunity to have Killian work under him but he just lost it. Natasha left us in between the talks and went to meet Peggy, Eve, Clint's wife Laura. We were all men left there.

Kyle: "Okay. Fellow Brothers. I got something for you but you have to keep it a secret. Can you do it?"

Clint: "But they can smell it from miles away."

Kyle: "Don't worry. I have something for that too."

Banner: "What are you guys talking about?"

Kyle: "What else doctor? You have a bigger brain than anyone else. Keep trying. Okay then, but let me tell you. The danger is very big, the stakes are high. You have to give away your pride. Are you ready to take the risk?"

Steve: "These things never affect me."

Kyle: "This is something different Captain. Okay, them I am leaving now. Meet me all in the meeting hall. We will be successful. Good luck."

Banner: "What are you guys talking about?"

Kyle: "Tony, this big man is your responsibility. Never leave your comrades behind."

I left there and went to the meeting room specially made for these types of missions. I was preparing the materials to make this mission successful. Everyone came within an hour. They were quite afraid of the enemy this time.

Kyle: "Is everyone okay? Did anyone got caught? Any fallen comrades?"

"Everyone is alive and kicking" They all replied in unison.

"Good," I said with a serious tone. I was quite surprised by seeing their skill levels in sneaking behind their enemies. I took out todays weapon. Everyone was surprised by its size. It was just about the 2 inches in width.

Kyle: "Don't consider its size. This thing is capable enough to destroy us all."

Everyone else gulped their saliva. I never lied to them in this matter. It was as this moment Banner got the idea of what we were talking about.

Banner: "You guys were talking about Alcohol."

Kyle: "What else do you think we were talking about. Take a look at this new stuff I found. It's called Origin. Only one drop of this can make you drunk AF."

Tony: "Are you for real?"

I said nothing and dropped just a single drop in a glass of water and passed it to Tony. He was not believing me but after the drink. He was just jumping around not caring who he was. I passed everyone a drink. Banner wasn't ready at first but he took a drink in peer pressure. Even Steve got drunk. It was my present from GOD OF ORIGINS. He gave me a sample drink of this booze. He made it especially for humans but it was still quite strong. It was quite the evening

***Beware of your wives***

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