Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 48 - Tony, would you advertise for me?

I said nothing and dropped just a single drop in a glass of water and passed it to Tony. He was not believing me but after the drink. He was just jumping around not caring who he was. I passed everyone a drink. Banner wasn't ready at first but he took a drink in peer pressure. Even Steve got drunk. It was my present from GOD OF ORIGINS. He gave me a sample drink of this booze. He made it especially for humans but it was still quite strong. That was quite an enjoyable night.

Next day I called in Tony to my house. He came around afternoon. My hospitals have started using Extremis in Hospitals but people are still afraid. Anyone would be as it will just change the future of medicine and people fear things they have never experienced before.

Kyle: "Hey Tony. What do you think about this arc reactor your ċhėst?"

Tony: "What is there to think about it?"

Kyle: "I mean don't you want to get rid of this? Isn't it troublesome to carry an energy source right over your heart?"

Tony: "It is quite troublesome. I have tried many things but nothing ever works."

Kyle: "Did you forgot what I introduced today?"

Tony: "Oh I totally forgot about it but are you sure it will work?"

Kyle: "Has Anything from Silvers industry ever failed? Believe me it will work."

Tony: "If you say so."

Kyle: "Don't worry I will doit free of cost as well but all you have to do is to advertise your recovery with media."

Tony: "You want to use me as your advertisement banner."

I just smiled and took a drink. Tony has agreed to get operated by the Extremis. Meg has started preparing everything for his operation. He will be my live advertisement. I will make more money now. Ha-Ha-Ha.

Meg: "Your laugh is creepy"

Today tony will get his arc reactor removed successfully. Tony came to the hospital. Press was already there. It really created a hype in public.

Kyle: "Are you ready Tony?"

Tony: "Is there any choice."

Kyle: "Good, Follow Dr Jean and she will operate on you."

I have sent Tony with Jean and she has taken him in the operation room. The surgery will last for about 4 hours. We are waiting for the operation to be successful.

Four hours were like 4 months. After a long time of waiting. They sifted Tony to the general ward. Pepper and I went to meet him. He was fully fine and fully functional. No fatigue in his body. Only a big scar on his ċhėst.

Kyle: "How are you feeling?"

Tony: "How you did that? Only in four hours an there are no stiches mark only this scar of the cavity."

Kyle: "Is there a need to know these things? You are fine now."

Tony: "Sigh…leave it. So, the surgery is done and I am fine. Call the press and I will advertise it."

Kyle: "There is no need. Just do your normal stuff. They have already witnessed the miracle."

I turned on the TV. They were showing the recovery news of Tony Stark. They were showing the full surgery procedure. I have installed camera in the operating theatre. It all went as planned.

We are getting appointments from many people know. I have offered military my services too. I have opened new camps only for soldiers who have lost their limbs in service.

Everything is sailing smoothly. I have proposed the plan of covering Earth with a barrier. I have been working with Stark and other scientists under SHIELD, researching over these things. Many things have changed now but one thing which have never changed is the plot never changes. Whatever you do the plot finds a way to execute itself. I killed Schmidt but Steve still got frozen. I have removed HYDRA nut now HEX has taken its place.

{Somewhere Else}

Malekith has reawaken and now is searching for Ether or the reality stone.


After the invasion Loki was captured and now, he is going in front of Odin for his sentence. He saw her mother in the Hall.

Frigga: "Loki"

Loki: "How are you mother. Are you proud of me?"

Frigga: "Don't destroy it more son"

Loki: "There is nothing more to destroy"

He was then taken in front of Odin and he was sentencing him and told him about his past. He imprisoned him for life. He also told him about Thor being the new king and bring back piece in all 9 realms.


A huge ship descended and some soldiers came out from it and started shooting the residents there. There was chaos in there. Valkyries were fighting but then Thor descended and used him hammer to turn over the pace of the war on his side.

After his arrival and a little sruggle later they surrendered and Thor returned back to Asgard. He went to meet Odin who was watching soldiers training.

Odin: "Is Vanehiem safe now?"

Thor: "Everyone is safe. All the nine realms"

Odin proposed him to take throne but Thor was not ready. He was not stable, not emotionally. He still loves Jane Foster. To distract himself he goes to celebrate with his warriors. It was not the best idea but he still proposed it. He just roams around to find what he is missing. An ȧsshole in love. This is what I would say watching his condition. Who the fuċk leaves his kingdom every night to other realms? Don't he worry about his life. Anyone could kidnap him with an overwhelming number if he just moves alone. Really an ȧsshole in love. If not for copying the reality stone I would have just anhilated the malekieth myself and taken over Asgard. Though not alone, I am not that powerful alone but I have Eve on my side.

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