Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 5 - Companion

There was a 0% near the new skill which I have to practice it a little bit and I will get mastery in it. I then moved to the companion section and I haven't met my companion yet. So, I asked system 'System, how will I meet my companion?'

[You can meet your companion whenever you want, you just have to summon her.]

I was so excited to meet my companion but was very tired to do it right now so I just went to sleep. I will summon her tomorrow.

Next day I went to play outside. I never left my house for the previous 6 years; I don't know the reason myself. I was a loner in my previous life and the habits don't go that easily. So, my parents were surprised when I asked them to allow me to go outside. After running for about 2-3 minutes I reached the park and thanks to the endurance I copied from grandfather, I was not a single breath out.

After searching for an abandoned building near the park I started summoning my companion.

'System initiate summoning'

[Initiating summoning]

[Summon successful]

After the confirmation of success, a blinding white light just shined near the same white light which transported me to my first world, where I died. A figure started forming inside it. 'This is fuċkɨnġ exiting me to my limits'. The figure started taking a girlish form and after some time a girl came out of it or should I say a goddess. Golden hairs, pink lips, white skin wearing a frock type dress. My eyes were just stuck to her. I was awestruck watching her. She then opened her eyes.

???: "How are you, darling."

'FUCK how can someone speak so sweet'

Kyle: "W…Wh…What, are you talking to me?"

???: "Is there anyone else here. You are the one that summoned me right?"

Kyle: "R…Right, I summoned you. My name is Kyle. Nice to meet you."

???: "I know you darling. I have been watching you for a long time. I was waiting for when you will summon me."

???: (pouting) "I was very bored up there. Father is no fun. He only loves his wine."

Kyle: "What, you are that old man's daughter."

???: (cheerfully) "Yes, I am his daughter and I want to be with you in your adventure. Please take care of me."

Kyle: "The pŀėȧsurė is mine. By the way, I did not get your name."

???: "I haven't been named yet. I want you to give me a name."

Kyle: "Really. Then, how about Eve."

Eve: "I loved it, darling. Now, do you have anything to do here or we can move from. Its stinking in here."

Kyle: "Oh, sorry. Then let's move, Eve."

Eve:(innocently) "By the way, Kyle. When are we going to meet my in-laws?"

I was just moving with Eve happily but when she asked me to meet my parents and of course she will have to stay with me. After all she is my responsibility. I panicked that how will I make my parents let her stay at our house. She somehow understood what I was thinking.

Eve: "Darling you don't have to be worried about me being residing anywhere. I have my own dimension and I have my own house there." She proudly said.

'Why I didn't think of this when asking for my wishes. How cool is to have my own dimension. Fuck I am so stupid.'

Eve was giggling watching me. Man, she was just so cute.

Kyle: "Hey, Eve. Can we go to your dimension? I want to see where you live."

Eve: "No problem, darling and you don't have to ask to move there you always had access to it since birth."

Kyle:(shocked) "What??"

'System do I have access to dimension of Eve.'


'And when did I got that'

[You had it since your birth.]

'Then, why the fuċk you didn't tell me before'

[You never asked]

'So, the whole mistake is my own, right?'

[Yes host]

I was going nuts over the system but then Eve calmed me down and held my hand in her own and pulled me inside her dimension. 'Wow' that was I only I could think of watching that majestic scenery and that huge mansion by the lake.

Kyle:(excited) "Eve, are those Unicorns?"

Eve: "Yes, they are."

Puffing her ċhėst out she said proudly.

Kyle: "Can I touch them, please."

She nodded. In excitement I kissed her cheek and I went to play with unicorns. She was just standing there holding her cheek and blushing heavily.

When I asked her what happened, she just ran from there and asked me to leave her as she was not feeling so well after some time I also went from there and moved towards my home. For the next 2-3 days I went to Eve's dimension every day and now we are in a relationship. I haven't done anything stupid I am only 6 years old. Don't get any wrong ideas.

After some days I introduced Eve to my family and they have taken a liking to her. She sneaks into my room in night and we sleep on the same bed together. Now that everything is set, I finally decided to train myself and I have also decided the time when will I do my quest. I will do it after WWII finishes.

{please guys give my work some reviews and give me some feedback. The starting chapters will have a slow going to set up MC's background.}

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