Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 6 - Training and Joining Army

After some days I introduced Eve to my family and they have taken a liking to her. She sneaks into my room in night and we sleep on the same bed together. Now that everything is set, I finally decided to train myself and I have also decided the time when will I do my quest. I will do it after WWII finishes.

{Next Day}

I woke up early. Eve is still in bed so without disturbing her I slipped from the bed and went for a walk. I don't want to make my parents to worried about me so I sneaked though the window. I started following Saitama's training method. I started with running ten miles then 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups and 100 crunches. I was doing this in the children's park and all the people that were walking nearby were shocked watching me doing so much without being tired. Some even tried to follow me. I paid no attention to them.

That was my routine for everyday and I didn't start my HH combat still. I was first focusing in building my foundation.

{Time Skip: 1 year}

I am seven now but my physically I look like a 10-year-old boy. I am 5'4'' with white hair. A little tanned though, I tried very hard to get my tan, taking sunbath 3 hours for 6 months. I have a very chiselled body; muscles are compact and lean made for an ȧssassin.

I mastered Hand-to-Hand combat and that was easy AF. I just thought of doing some shadow fighting and thought of a move to perform and got 100% mastery in that. 'FUCK, that was easy.' That was I could think at that moment.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Eve is now living with me. She shifted 3 months ago. She made some illusion of her parents asking her to be living with us as they are going abroad. So, all is going fine till now.

We both go to the same primary school and now I am not a loner anymore. Eve is with me.

Mom: "Kyle wake up. You are going to be late for school"

Kyle: "Okay, coming in five."

Mom does not know that I go for my routine every day. So, she thinks I am still sleeping.

Kyle: "Good morning, Dad, Mom. Good morning Eve"

Eve: "Good morning, darling."

Yes, my parents accepted it. They have no problem with Eve calling me darling. Things are going pretty fast but I am still 7.

This is my everyday routine going to school and coming from school.

{Time Skip: 1943}

I have graduated from High School with Eve and Steve was with me the whole high school. We were a group of four, with Eve being the beauty, Bucky as the playboy, Steve being Steve the same old scrawny boy and me as the bodyguard you ask why because if someone was ogling Eve it beat the crap out him. If someone was competing with Bucky for his girl, I beat the crap out him and I was always there for Steve, can't leave 'America's Ass' right. No matter how much he eats, it never put a pound on him.

Eve left me for some thing she has to do with his father I started working in a restaurant. I copied some of the dishes from the future and now I work as the head Chef there.

Steve has been rejected 5 times till now and today we all three are going to the Stark Expo. So, we are waiting for Bucky to come. As in the movies, he got recruited in army and he has to report tonight so after visiting the expo he will return. I will also fill out fort recruitment today with Steve.

So bucky came with two girls. One for himself and one for Steve as he is still single.

He teased me for being alone but it didn't affect me. Soon we reached the Expo and Howard was presenting his levitating/flying car.

The girl with Steve was mocking him when he passed her popcorns. Watching her I got angry and took his popcorns and threw at her face and made an excuse.

Kyle: "Sorry, I have this disorder where I lose control of my hands."

I pulled Steve and went away from there leaving her in with Bucky.

Steve: "What was that, Kyle. Why did you do that?"

Kyle: "She was mocking you, idiot."

Steve: "it doesn't affect me."

Kyle: "She deserved that for the bitch she was."

Kyle: "Hey, Steve. I am thinking of joining army. I will apply today here."

Steve: "Really, good luck man. I am also applying but got rejected for the last five times."

Kyle: "Don't worry bud. You will get selected this time."

Steve: "I hope so."

I wished him luck and excused myself so that he can meet Dr. Erskine. He went toward the recruitment centre and stood before the soldier's poster. He was short not fitting the frame. Erskine saw him. He went to medical examiner after examining him he asked him to wait there and another man came in his place.

???: "So, you want to go to war. Kill some Nazis."

Steve: "Excuse me?"

???: (extending his hand) "Dr. Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

Steve: (Shaking hand) "Steve Rogers"

And everything went same as in the movies he asked about his information which he has falsified for the last 5 attempts and at last he got selected on the other hand I got selected for the same by Colonel Phillips under Project Rebirth.

We have to report next week at the training regimen so I didn't meet with Steve and thought of giving him a surprise.

{Ok Guys the arc is finally starting, and about Eve we will meet him earlier than expected. Guys please give me your feedback if there is anything you have to say. Only releasing 1 chapter per day as I have exams till 15. After that the releasing speed will increase. Thank You}

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