Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 67 - Rubber Ducks Again

Skurge kneeled followed by the soldiers in the throne room.

Hela: "So, Skurge, where is Heimdall?"

Skurge: "No one knows. He's a fugitive of the throne, a traitor."

Hela: "Traitor?"

Skurge: "Odin charged Heimdall with negligence of duty but he disappeared before the trial."

Hela: "Let's go out and check out my new kingdom."

Skurge: "Yes, my queen."

Hela got up and went to take a look around. She was followed by Skurge and soldiers. There were thirty soldiers following her. While she was looking around I have made more soldiers loyal to her.

Some of them were more loyal to Thor so they might refute. You now ask how my mind techniques are not working. I can make any person fully loyal to me but to their mind to follow anyone else is quite tedious. Only the weak-willed soldiers are following her still they are quite a number of them.

Wandering around Hela reached near an open area.

Many soldiers were standing with their weapons ready in their hand. Some still don't know who she is. They were still dumbfounded by the number of people following her.

Hela: "You don't know who I am… I am Hela, Odin's firstborn, the commander of the Legions of Asgard and the Goddess of Death."

Listening to her some of the soldiers were pissing their pants. They don't know about Hela but they can feel her aura.

Hogun: "Whoever you are whatever you've done, surrender now or we will show you no mercy."

Hela: "Whoever am I? Did you listen to a word I said?"

Hogun: "This is your last warning!"

Hela: "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

All the soldiers were steady to attack at any moment. Knowing the nature of Hela she won't attack first but if someone attacked her, she will kill every one of them.

Hela: "I don't want to kill any of you. Don't force me."

No one listened to her and they got in attacking position. Seeing this Hela also summoned her death crown and has summoned blades in her hand. Ready to throw at any moment.

'Ah! Do I have to show myself… Sigh, fuċk it.'

The army charged toward her. She also started running toward her. Followed by the soldiers. She threw her blades. The blades were just to penetrate 5 soldiers. I emerged out and used reality manipulation to change the blades in rubber ducks and used space manipulation to stop everyone in their tracks.

Kyle: "Would you please stop this nonsense."

I came out of the mirror dimension and came between both the parties and released them from my grasp. Hela was surprised seeing me here. A shocked smile was visible on her face. I have already asked Hela to treat me like a stranger in the outside world.

Hogun: "Who are you and why are you interfering in our internal matters?"

Kyle: "Now Hogun, calm down a little."

I finished talking and opened a portal behind me. A person came out from it. It was none other than Heimdall. Coming out of the portal he stood beside me.

Seeing Hela there, Heimdall kneeled in front of her.

Hela: "See, this is how you are supposed to respect your Queen."

Heimdall: "My Queen."

Hogun was shocked to his core. His shock was very visible on her face. I was surprised a little too. Never I had thought that he would kneel.

Hogun: "Sir Heimdall, this…"

Heimdall: "She is the firstborn of All-father Odin, as he is no more and his son Thor is missing too. She is the Queen of Asgard. It's as simple as that."

Hogun: "But she killed both Volstag and Fandral."

Heimdall: "They were the ones who attacked her first. You can ask Skurge if you want."

Skurge who was dumbstruck till now came back to his senses. He just nodded.

Hogun: "She is not my Queen. The only king Asgard is Thor Odinson."

Saying so he rushed toward Hela. She was ready too but Heimdall came between both of them. He shouted and impaled Hogun with his sword. The same sword which is used by him to operate the Bifrost.

He was killed just like that. The soldiers behind were baffled by all this drama but chose to do nothing. Although Hogun was the commanding the army he was still below Heimdall in ranks and as of now, Heimdall is kneeling before the same person they were supposed to attack.

After killing Hogun, he pulled back his sword and kneeled in front of Hela once again. Seeing him all the soldiers who kneeled too.

I was watching all this drama from the sidelines. Say whatever you want but if you were to make a daily soap on Asgard it would be a huge hit. It has everything you need. Manipulating father, dumb sons, killer daughter, blind followers, family affairs to national affairs.

Hela gave me a knowing smile but no one saw her. I approached her.

Kyle: "So, you are the new queen od Asgard."

Hela: "Who are you 'stranger'?"

My lips twitched hearing her emphasizing the stranger word. I asked her not to recognise me but she took it to another level.

Kyle: "I am nothing more than a simple being. I was just crossing from here and saw him and gave him a lift nothing else."

Hela: "I asked you who are you 'stranger'? Why was not able to sense you?"

I was about to talk but Heimdall went near Hela and said something in her ear. Due to my heightened senses, I was able to hear them.

Heimdall: "He is Kyle Silvers, The Wielder of Infinity. My Queen, this is not my place to talk but he is a higher being. It would be better for us not to offend him."

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