Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 68 - Devil's Anus

Heimdall: "He is Kyle Silvers, The Wielder of Infinity. My Queen, this is not my place to talk but he is a higher being. It would be better for us not to offend him."

Hela just nodded and approached me. I took her hand and kissed it. There was a faint smile on her face.

Hela: "It's my honour to welcome you, the Wielder of infinity. May I know the reason for your visit?"

Kyle: "Its nothing special. I was just passing through here and thought of meeting the new Queen of Asgard."

I went inside the throne room with her. it is still the same as before, she hasn't done any remodelling.

We talked for a minute and I left them. The purpose of my visit was to check on her and reduce the kill count. Now that is done there is no need for me here.

I left them there to solve the upcoming waves of battle if any.

{Inside the throne room}

Hela: "Why is everyone against me? Don't they know about me? Are not being taught about our history?"

Heimdall: "After you were banished in Hel. Any existence of your prowess was destroyed and you were framed as the evil god. I was not in favour but I am bound to the throne. I can't question the throne."

Heimdall knew about Hela's backstory but he was bound to the throne so he can't do anything against it but as of now Odin is dead, Thor has rejected the throne so Hela is the new Queen of Asgard.

Hela was looking around the room and found the murals on the ceiling depicting the fake history of Asgard about treaties and parties, loving families and peace.

Hela: "Look at these lies. Goblets and garden parties? Peace treaties? Odin... proud to have it… ashamed of how he got it."

She formed some blades and threw them toward the ceiling the morals cracked and fell on the ground the previous murals were now visible. They were depicting how Asgard was found and how it became what it is today not the lies but the truth. The blood and dead bodies were used as the foundation.

She was lamenting over the past. Telling them about the real history of Asgard.

Every one of them was listening seriously. The story which was never told to them and the truth about the manipulating Odin.

Hela: "Before that, Asgard's warriors were honoured...their bodies buried as heroes beneath this very palace."

She went to the treasury of the Asgard and looked around. Skurge was following her with Heimdall.

Skurge: "Odin's treasures"

Hela: "Fake. Most of the stuff in here is fake. Or weak."

She passed by the Surtur's crown. A look of disgust and worry was on her face.

Hela: "Smaller than I thought it would be. But this… The Eternal Flame."

She took some Eternal flame in her hand and formed and pickaxe and started smashing the floor. Soon cracks were formed and the floor broke. A huge endless pit was formed.

She dived into the hole. Under the treasury were the bodies of the Soldiers who were there when Hela was conquering the Realm. Her favourite Fenris was also present there. All the corpse were there.

Hela: "Fenris, my darling, what have they done to you? With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn."

She punched the ground with Eternal flame and soon a wave of green light enveloped everything. The corpses started twitching and soon they stood up with the huge wolf Fenris.

Hela: "I have missed you."

{Inside the throne room}

Hela was a little worried. Heimdall, Skurge, Fenrir and other Zombie Soldiers were standing on the side.

Heimdall: "Is anything troubling you my queen?"

Hela: "I am worried about the upcoming threat to Asgard."

Heimdall: "I am not unable to grasp your meaning, my queen"

Heimdall: "I know this, my queen"

Hela: "We have to do something about that. He will destroy Asgard. We can't let that happen. Though we might be able to suppress him it will endanger the lives of all the people." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-anus_52037228184007534 for visiting.

Skurge: "What should we do my queen?"

Hela: "We have to reallocate all of them to somewhere safe. We can move them to Midgard for some time. Until the threat passes"

Heimdall: "We will do as you say you."

Hela nodded and Heimdall went away with everyone leaving her alone.

{In Sakaar}

Thor was able to recruit Valkyrie in his conquest to kill Hela and free Asgard from her clutch.

Valkyrie: "I've got a peace offering."

Loki: "Surprise"

Thor picked up a bottle and threw it toward him.

Loki: "Ow"

Thor: "Just had to be sure"

Valkyrie: "Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside of the city limits. Refuel on Xandar, and we can be back in Asgard in 18 months."

Thor: "Nope, We are going through the big one."

Valkyrie: "The Devil's anus?"

Valkyrie: "Wait wait wait. What was your plan again?"

Thor: "My plan is very simple. Both of us will go through Devil's anus. I will distract Hela and you will go to treasury to place the Surtur's crown in the eternal flame and then we will leave."

Thor: "I have planned everything. Korg is going to help us with this."

Thor: "We need a ship."

Valkyrie: "My ship won't do. It will shred to pieces."

Loki: "I don't mean to impose...But the grandmaster has many great ships. I may even have stolen the access code to his security system."

Thor: "..."

Valkyrie: "..."

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