Things escalated fast beyond Bloom's expectations and control. He tried his best to turn many skeletons into his bets, but this only helped to reduce the pressure, not eliminate it.

In front of his eyes, the three lines of defense were crushed in no time under the mighty charge of the skeletons. "Damn, they are really dead fixed on killing us," he gritted his teeth and the next instant he took out many tokens of the fallen agents and started summoning them.

"Act as a meat shield, hurry!" he shouted as he pushed them towards the breaking apart walls of defense. He never stopped releasing his arrows while he shouted: "Screw that portal now!"

The team members didn't need his urgent shout to act as they already understood how grave their situation was. despite all their efforts to crush the portal, their damage wasn't even close to what Bloom single handed did.

"Damn it!" he suddenly shouted, before adding, "all with charge skill move to stop those loose skeletons now!"

He had to stop the skeletons from reaching his clones. His clones were the only hope they had now to stop this, as they kept the portal stunned and malfunctioning all the time.

"I won't let you reach them," he gritted his teeth before taking out some tokens, those that remained from his old pets as he instantly used them.

The next instant ten huge monsters appeared out of nowhere and he hurriedly shouted: "Go and block those skeletons now!"

He tried everything but the fact that this came all of sudden had the decisive word in settling things here. Everything he sent in the way of those skeletons had only decreased their momentum a bit, but still many kept escaping through the unorganized line of defense and started to come near his clones.

"Screw it, dash!"

He threw his bow over his shoulder and then moved fast to hit a skeleton that was about to kill one of his clones. His clones were the most precious thing here. Protecting them came on the price of everyone's lives if he wanted to stop this chaos.

The moment his sword hit the skeleton, the skeleton was stunned and then was sent flying away by the passive effect of his sent to fly skill.

"Yes," he shouted in relief as he turned his gaze towards the skeletons running towards the portal and his clones, "it's time for me to hold the fort then."

He moved, while his swords kept hitting right and left using only stab skill. He didn't aim to kill any skeleton, but only clearing up the way.

He was like a tsunami, sending any skeleton that got near him flying backwards. No single monster ever managed to bypass him, as he stood like a fixed rock defending the portal with his clones around it.

"Need a hand there?" Jeffrey shouted again, but Bloom hit couple of skeletons by his stab before heading towards two distant skeletons with two dashes while shouting: "Keep hitting that b*tch until she is dead."

For him things became less easier when he figured out his passive skill worked here. He only needed to time his dashes properly so not to let a single skeleton pass through.

And in less than ten minutes of such a highly intense fight, the portal finally cracked in a loud explosion before sending everyone away, hitting the walls.

"on your feet," Bloom wasn't yet celebrating the victory as he was the first to jump on his feet and started to assess the situation.

"Even after dying, a b*tch will always stay a b*tch."

He saw all the skeletons here weren't affected by any of the blast. He turned to see his team scattered around the hall, while the only thing standing between these skeletons and them was the early to tame skeletons.


The next instant he used his dash to stop a distant skeleton heading directly towards Nara. He sent it flying before grabbing her hand and helped her stand up.

"Gather all those with reviving skills and send them all to the back," he hurriedly shouted before turning his sword to hit another distant skeleton with his dash.

"Thanks by the way," she sincerely muttered before turning to her team. "All on your feet, those with reviving skills move behind me now!"

Her shout came to push adrenaline in all players still alive, but some weren't that lucky as her.

Bloom tried his best to save those important players and stop the flood of skeletons from killing more. "At least no more are coming our way," he noticed the influx of more skeletons stopped and that helped a lot in stabilizing the situation.

They needed five minutes and the loss of thirty more players to finally exterminate all the skeletons here. Bloom was the one who killed most of the monsters, either by his hand or on the hands of his pets.

"This loss…" Nara glanced all around. From the initial almost one hundred team only twenty remained. "Sigh, I never thought this dungeon was so cursed."

"What are these?" Jeffrey suddenly took a handful of black sand that remained after the death of the skeletons.

Everyone standing around noticed this black sand and they started to be curious.

"Never saw something like that before," Nara muttered before turning to Bloom to see him collecting the sand silently without saying a word.

"So you know what is this?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest while coming towards him.

"Hurry and resurrect everyone," he simply said before adding, "all the sand is mine to take. I have something important to use it for."

"Really?" she reached him before adding, "do you think I would be satisfied with this as an answer?"

He simply shrugged as he stood straight and went towards another pile of dark sand. "I don't care," he only said this while taking more sand from the ground.

'Take some and store them for later,' she simply sent this message to Jeffrey, 'I want to hear an answer soon about the origin of this.'

Bloom knew she wouldn't sit tight and be satisfied with his cold answer, but  he didn't care. He spent many of the dark points in this simple fight, and he had to replenish slightly what he lost.

As if she asked about his uses later by the data she would find, he would only say he had a way to sell them in exchange for his arrows.

And she wouldn't have the means to investigate him or couldn't say he was a dark player directly.

After all, him being able to enter a system village without being arrested was a point in his favor.

He kept collecting the dark sand from the ground while those survivors with reviving skills took a couple of minutes to revive everyone.

When the team regrouped once more,  Bloom had already finished collecting his own loot. There were some gears on the ground, but he neglected them.

"The gears are yours to take," he simply said before turning to Nara and Jeffrey, "we need to set our strategy based on the style of the dungeon."

They both glanced at him suspiciously before Nara sighed. "You are right. This dungeon… it's really so much different from what I know about dungeons in any game I ever played."

"Me too," Bloom honestly remarked as his info from the past was void of such dungeons and monsters.

"So we can depend on your pets then to guard the corridor, right?" Jeffrey asked.

"It's not that simple," Bloom shook his head, "I can only use the bow for limited usages, and I doubt they will be enough to cover our journey inside this dungeon."

He was lying but he was preparing for the future excuses he would have to provide to the two.

"This…" Nara felt how hard clearing this dungeon was, "I just hope that the reward of clearing such a dungeon is worth all this trouble."

"We can risk a wipe out a couple of times before clearing the dungeon up," Jeffrey suggested.

"I advise against that," Bloom shook his head, "if we were wiped out then all the pets I have will be lost. We need to make sure we clear that dungeon in one go."

"This…" Jeffrey paused while Nara said:

"Then we need to put the first priority is not to lose those with reviving skills," she turned to glance at the group of twenty or something players who had such skill, "or else we would lose our way to revive everyone."

"Also my clones must be well protected," Bloom said, "they can keep the portal stunned and relieve us from a headache."

"The main issue is that nasty supreme skill of that portal," Jeffrey sighed, "if we managed to stop the influx of monsters there then everything would be much easier."

"I can take care of this," Bloom said before adding, "but you have to destroy the portal faster. You took too long last time."

"The portal is a boss monster in its own record," Jeffrey defended, "we didn't keep our hands and used everything we have."

"I know," Bloom smiled as he added, "I only want to save as many players as possible from falling before reaching the portal."

"We can't reach it without paying the price," Nara shook her head.

"I can lead the way there," Bloom volunteered, "but right after that I'll leave my kids to stun the portal and leave the portal totally for you to destroy."

Nara and Jeffrey nodded. "That's fair enough," Nara said before adding, "we need a couple of minutes to rest and be ready to move."

"I need seven minutes," Bloom checked the cooldown of his clone skill, "then we can all move."

"What about them?" Jeffrey pointed to the pets, "how long can they stay up with us?"

"As much black sand as I have," Bloom simply replied and said no more. The two exchanged silent glances while Bloom sat on the ground while resting his mind from the intense fight he just finished.

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