Obey Me

Chapter 125

The End is Coming

“What happened?”

“I do not know!  I heard that if you break the medium while casting magic, the magic will flow backwards, so I just broke it!”

“To whom?”

“To whom! From the wizards out there!”

Rubinia pointed to the robed wizards who all looked the same.

Once more, there was a quagmire above her head. Now the whole building was shaking.  Kyrie grabbed Rubinia’s stiff wrist.

(T/N: quagmire- an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.)

 “We have to get out of here!”

“Stop…… There!”

The Emperor roared, but there was no time to look back. The moment the ceiling slammed and cracked, the two of them ran to the exit, whoever came first.

As soon as Kyrie and Rubinia escaped into the open space of the royal palace, the lost magical powers turned upward.  The royal palace exploded from the basement.

Kyrie and Rubinia, who escaped safely, stared blankly at the remains of the building and the ruins in front of them scattered like flower petals.

Rubinia asked anxiously.

“……she must have died?”


Kyrie hesitated to answer.

“What if she didn’t die? Whoo, should I go check it out?”


“Answer me!”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

Kyrie paused as she ran through her hair.  Her fingers were caught in blood.

“I think the end is coming.”


“Cape Pobe is quite a distance from here, but it was fast. It won’t take long.”

“Yes?  What do you mean?”

“People need to be evacuated……”

Kris stopped talking.  A lot of information flashed through her mind at once. Kyrie covered her mouth with her hand.

“……no.  It’s the opposite.  You have to hide, not run.”

Kyrie grabbed Rubinia’s arm.

“Close the door!  Because it can’t come in unless it’s invited!”

Kyrie, who had exhaled up to that point, hardened again.

She immediately understood why Nathaniel had put her here, why he had summoned the wizards of Pronoia, why he had dared to head to that distant Cape Pobe, and why he smiled in the end.

The royal palace collapsed.  The Emperor is dead. The Lord Protector did not support the royal family, and the royal family will fall.  Difficult times make heroes, and those heroes……


Kyrie clenched her teeth involuntarily and shouted.  Rubinia flinched in surprise.

“Me, me, you’re talking to me, now?!”


Kyrie sighed in relief.  Her stomach churned, but it didn’t matter now.

“More than that!  When the palace collapsed, an alarm should have been issued already, but there is no sign of it.  I don’t even know if there is something wrong.”

“Well, that’s because the Emperor ordered not to react no matter what happens in the capital today….”

Kyrie touched her forehead. There was no time, no way. Rubinia, unaware of the situation, looked impatient.

“What the hell is the end?!  Isn’t there something wrong?  He never said anything like this!  I mean, obviously, nothing will happen!”

“Do you trust Nathaniel?”

“Oh, I have nothing to say about that!”

Rubinia stomped her feet.  Part of the royal palace, which had an unstable center of gravity, began to collapse again.  Rubinia saw it and bit her lip, while taking a step back.

“Whatever happened……I have to go look for Eden!”


At the unexpected words, Kyrie widened her eyes.  Rubinia squeezed her eyes shut.

“For my plans, Eden must be alive!”

“What the hell is your plan?”

“You don’t know that?!”

Rubinia glared at her as she pointed to her own chin with her thumb. She no longer hesitated with her.

“The Emperor is dead! Eden is now the Emperor!  Then I am the Empress!”


Kyrie forgot her situation for a moment and let out a moan, half mixed with admiration and absurdity. Just then, the building lost its balance and collapsed again. A dusty wind blew.  Kyrie carefully grabbed Rubinia’s arm.

“Did you hurt your head?”

“Ah, that’s really annoying, this girl!  The Legendary Lord told me to stay next to Eden!”

“Why do you believe his words even in this situation!”

“That’s because that non-human man saved me!”

Kyrie’s movements stopped.  She never had time to ask because of the back-to-back situations.  Rubinia exclaimed with an attitude that all her (Kyrie’s) doubts had completely vanished away.

“Legendary Lord saved me, whom I have nothing to do with, who I am not even close with!  When he secretly contacted me, he even used the word ‘please’!”

“……Did he secretly contact you?”

“When the Emperor attacked you, do you think he would have stayed still?”

“I thought it would be that case…….I didn’t think of it.”

I guess he must have done something.  

But she just didn’t think it would be a way for him to save someone, help, or ask for cooperation.

That Nathaniel?

It felt like a blow to her head. Kyrie looked around her without realizing it. Aaron was nowhere to be seen. To Kyrie, who had a bewildered face, Rubinia said firmly.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in the Legend!  How can you trust such an unknown person!  What I believe in is —!”

Rubinia cut her own words and exhaled deeply.  And regained her composure in an instant, she spoke in the form of polite, confident Rubinia Cassner.

“—I believe in the stupidity of a man in love.  I saw the look on the face of the person saying your name.”

Rubinia is gone. The castle collapsed several more times.

Kyrie stood as if nailed down in the place with a dazed look.  She slowly looked around her again. Aaron was nowhere to be seen. Her gaze turned to the sky.

‘Aaron. Did my actions have any meaning?’

But why come now…..

It was a moment when Kyrie was ignorant of this.

“My magic……!  My scepter!  My power!”

The Emperor’s voice broke the sky.  Kyrie was surprised and turned her body. She soon found the Emperor standing on the ruins. The Emperor was howling like a madman over the ruins, which were increasingly clouded.

“No way! No way! The study was perfect! It was perfect! It was a magic that could overthrow even the gods! Arghhhhhh!”

The armor that had all kinds of protection magic on it crumbled after completing the mission to protect the owner.  The Emperor looked down at her hands, disregarding her(Kyrie), and began to scrape the skin of her face with her nails.

“Damn it, damn it! That bastard legend……!  return my magic…! I mean give it back… !”

The cost of coveting the magic that did not match the backflow of magical power and the mana was great. Brown, dry skin, hazy eyes, and thin limbs that don’t look like humans.  Her hair was also bald, and the only things that made her look like her human were the tears on her cheeks and the blood on the corners of her mouth.

Kyrie, who was watching her, realized something and she ran to the Emperor.


“M, my Magic, now…….”

“Majesty! The capital must be alerted!”


“The end is coming!  You need to be prepared!  Commanding people not to run away and hide in the house……!”

The Emperor stopped moving. Her neck creaked like a wooden doll as she turned and looked at Kyrie.  She pulled the corners of her lips up to her ears and burst into laughter.

“Key, kick, ki-hi-hi-hee!  Kihihik!  Ha ha ha!”


“W, w, why me?!  Why should I listen to you, why should I? Bitch…..Kuek!”

“People will die!”

“Ha, Ha, Ha!  Tell them to die!”

She leaped her way, from the ruins. Then, Kyrie was taken aback when she grabbed her stomach in front of her (Kyrie) and went crazy.

“Everything! You all! All die! Ki hee hee hee!  I lost everything too……you also!  You must go through the same pain!”

The Emperor rolled her shiny eyeballs and glanced at Kyrie up and down. Then she smiled and started running again, shaking her head like a madman.

“End! The end is coming!”

At her cry, all that left was a child wind.  People around her (Kyrie) began to roar.

“Wasn’t the one who just passed by, Her Majesty the Emperor?”

“But it’s the End……?”

Kyrie looked around her.  People who sensed the anomaly of the royal palace were coming out on the streets as if they were uneasy. There was no more time.  Even at this time, the End would be crawling towards the capital.

‘I need to find a wizard. If I want my voice to be heard throughout the capital, that’s the only way……’

〔Kyrie Buchanan.〕

When she heard a low voice behind her, Kyrie raised her head. Kyrie’s mouth opened. She wondered why she only thought of him now.

“Lord Leschaux!”

〔It has come close.〕

Leschaux stood at a distance with a delicate posture. But his eyes were sharper and heavier than usual.  Kyrie grabbed the hem of her dress.

(T/N: Leschaux was standing in a somewhat relaxed posture, like he wasn’t hardened, the literal translation was femenine posture but it ruins the heavy atmosphere so I chose a synonym)

“Take me to the wizards from Pronoia! They will be nearby!”

〔It’s not possible.〕


Kyrie made a bewildered voice at the unexpected answer.

〔Perhaps Nathaniel asked you to do that, but it (End) won’t listen.〕

Kyrie’s dazed eyes gradually grew ferocious.

“People will die, sir! This is the country you built! Or do you mean it doesn’t matter if everyone dies?”

〔It is not irrelevant. Because it is the country that the Vallabriga loved, I want to protect it.〕

 Leschaux lowered his eyes.  and held out her hand.

〔So let’s go, Kyrie Buchanan. I have something to tell you.〕

“Lord Leschaux!”

〔There is no time. This is the way to save people.〕

“What are you talking about!”

〔I’ll put my name.〕

Kyrie paused.  Leschaux clenched his fist and tapped it twice lightly over his chest where his heart is.

〔In the name of Lore Leschaux, going with me is the most efficient way to save people.〕

When he finished his oath, he looked up at Kyrie whose eyes were wide open.

〔I hope you know what it means to bear non-human’s name.〕

Kyrie, who was hesitant with her mouth shut, clenched his fist.

“That word, you have to keep it.”

Leschaux held out his hand again.  As soon as Kyrie grabbed his hand, Leschaux quickly moved his arm to lift Kyrie’s waist.

〔This is more convenient.〕

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