Obey Me

Chapter 126

Your Responsibility

Leschaux stood up holding Kyrie as if lifting a luggage.

He rose to the sky in an instant. He wasn’t flying. He just jumped high enough to think he was flying. He had a terrific flight time. From high in the sky, Kyrie could see black waves crashing toward the capital. It was faster than expected.

“Where are you going?”

Instead of answering, Leschaux landed on the ground.  It was the entrance to the capital, Sel Arellano.  It was a place where she could see the edges of the distant buildings gradually turning black. Kyrie rubbed her arms and looked around her.

“It doesn’t look like anything special.”

〔Not yet. I will make it (special) soon.〕

“You’re making it (special)?”

Leschaux looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and was silent. Kyrie’s eyebrows curved like a bow.

“Sir Leschaux?”

Black darkness was ahead.  Even after calling his name, Leschaux still stood still and did not move.  Kyrie’s heart was pounding.

‘Was I deceived? No, did you deceive me in this situation?’

Unable to bear more, Kyrie raised her voice.

“Lord Leschaux!”

“Excuse me…..”

At that moment, Kyrie was startled by the voice she heard from behind and turned around.  The gentle-faced woman had an awkward smile.

“Excuse me, do you know what just happened?  It sounded so loud…”

While Kyrie frowned and was bewildered not knowing how to respond, Leschaux slowly drew his sword.  In a slow motion that seemed as if he was going to proceed with a ceremony, Kyrie glared at him and then quickly grabbed the woman’s shoulder.

“Go home!  And even when it gets dark outside, never open the door!”


She had a face that did not understand her words at all.

Kyrie’s eyes darkened. Yes, it will usually be something like this.  It was impossible to repeat the explanation to everyone she meets.  The horror of the snowfield flashed through her mind again.  Her helplessness and despair gripped her heart, and Kyrie was hardened, unable to speak properly.

The woman looked at Kyrie with strange eyes, then she narrowed her eyes as she looked behind her back.

“Oh. Clouds?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Kyrie’s spine shuddered.  She had an ominous sense that something cold and terrifying was approaching.  The woman’s face hardened, as if she felt the same.

The sound of something buzzing behind her back grew louder and louder.  Kyrie, tired of her despair, turned her body stiffly.

It was the moment when something black covered her stomach as if it had waited.


Leschaux thrust his sword vertically into the floor.  Then, with the sword as the center, a transparent dome-shaped film wrapped around Kyrie and Resho.  When Kyrie came to her senses, the woman had already been thrown out.


Kyrie shouted, but she had no choice but to watch the black shadows invade the lady’s eyes, nose and mouth.

Inside the softly glowing hemispherical curtain, Kyrie stood at a loss for words.  The shadow did not cross the curtain.  Everything around her was pitch black, as if she had sunk into black ink.

Just then, Leschaux opened his mouth with both hands on the sword.

〔I would like to say that I am sorry for all the circumstances before and after.〕

Kyrie trembled in anger and turned around.

“…….Did you just kick her out, knowing this was going to happen?”

〔That’s right.  I have been waiting for this moment for 540 years while Nathaniel was asleep.  It cannot be disturbed.〕

“Is human life funny?”

〔Let’s talk, Kyrie Buchanan.  The flow of time is different here and outside, so you don’t have to worry about the capital. If this goes well, you can save all, not just the woman you just saw.〕

After finishing his words, Leschaux put down his sword and stood upright. Unlike Nathaniel’s usual behavior, his behavior is rather crude, but as much as he kneels on the floor, he is very neat and tidy.

Kyrie had seen it before.  After she was imprisoned in Nathaniel’s hands, when she sang Leschaux, he spoke of ‘the last’ in that posture.

For a brief moment, Nathaniel’s last smile flashed across Kyrie’s mind.  Kyrie struggled to close her eyes tightly and then open them.

“You have helped me all this while hoping to get here.”


Leschaux stretched out his hand and signalled to sit down.  Kyrie, feeling the rigor of the martial arts from him, clenched her teeth and, like him, knelt down on her knees and sat face to face.  Leschaux gave a faint smile.

〔Kyrie Buchanan.  I hope you choose.〕


〔Now there are two paths in front of you.  First, to inherit power from me and become an Archmage with very strong magical powers.  In this case, you could be a very powerful Archmage like Vallabriga, but you would be only human.  And second.〕

Kyrie’s eyes trembled. She didn’t know what he would say now. Leschaux’s voice sank a little lower.

〔To attain enlightenment, to feel magical powers, and to transcend human beings.〕

He whispered, shining his mulberry-colored eyes like a cosmic purple, as Nathaniel’s blue eyes once had.

Aside from being very surprised, Kyrie’s head became surprisingly calm. She instinctively realized that this situation would be a very important turning point in her future.

“Is that possible?”

〔Do you remember? You asked me how to become strong someday.〕

“At that time, Lord Protector said that people have different ways of enlightenment.”

〔I replied that you should start with your body.〕

“I asked if there was any other way to be strong.”

〔And I did not answer.〕

“There must be another way.”

〔There is.〕


Kyrie asked. Leschaux looked at her with his deep eyes.

〔I can make you transcendent.〕

Leschaux words echoed through the air like drops of water falling on the surface of the water.  There was a sense of tension in him.

Kyrie slowly lowered her eyes.

“……Is this Nathaniel’s plan?  To make Kyrie Buchanan a transcendent to save people and to be praised as the second coming of the founder?”

〔No. This is only my fault. To be honest, it’s the opposite of Nathaniel’s intentions.〕

There was a hint of hope she wasn’t misunderstood from Leschaux’s words.

Kyrie lost her words to understand the impending situation.  In the meantime, the shadows passed over their heads, making deafening noises.

〔Let me tell you a story to help you make a decision.〕

Leschaux rolled his eyes down.  He began to speak softly like a breeze in the field.

〔Long time ago, I knew that Vallabriga was trying to kill Nathaniel, but I had no choice.〕

“Yes. I heard that.”

〔It is also true that he was afraid of Nathaniel.  So I pretended not to know about the two of them. This drove Vallabriga crazy, and Nathaniel fell asleep again in the ice. I regretted it belatedly, but there was nothing that could be undone.〕

It was similar to what he had said when he came to the carriage on a snowy day the other day. But now, unlike back then, Lord Protector’s own feelings were deeply buried.  Kyrie sat still and watched Leschaux’s eyelids blink slowly. It looked clear, transparent, and sad.  Like Nathaniel talking about the old days.

〔I knew the same thing would happen again.  Again someone wakes up Nathaniel, tries to kill him, and Nathaniel enjoys the hatred.  So at first I wanted you to die.  Because I thought it was just a repetition of the same thing.〕

Leschaux stopped talking. He was expressionless, but Kyrie felt that for some reason he just had a faint smile on his face.

〔But, surprisingly, you ended the cycle that no one enjoyed.〕


Leschaux smiled slowly, as if it was a little funny.

〔I’m sorry to keep making this analogy to the end, but you’ll be the first and last to make Nathaniel the one who risked his life for the earthworm he was raising.〕

Then Leschaux slowly bent his back.  Placing his hands on his knees and bending his back was neat and solemn.  Since he was also a transcendent, his appearance had a sense of intimidation, like a lion bowing its head.

〔In the name of Lore Leschaux, I pay tribute.〕

While Kyrie was speechless, Leschaux straightened his bent waist.

〔And thank you. Thank you for getting Nathaniel out of that bondage.〕

Now he had a detached smile on his face.  He looked remorseful.

However, when Kyrie saw that, her stomach twisted to the contrary.

“I didn’t do that to please the Lord.”

〔I know. You have compassion on Nathaniel just because you are a good person.〕

“Does the pain that I have gone through seem ridiculous enough to be buried by such a word?”

 〔It’s not like that.  I think it must have been difficult.〕

Even though it was dry words, it was a gentle answer, as if to soothe her.

〔I just wanted to say.  You have done a great work.〕

“Great thing. It’s a great thing.”

Kyrie snorted with a trembling voice.

“You don’t know what kind of feelings I felt because of that big incident, and Lord Protector says things like that……!”

(T/n: big incident- the puppet show done by Nathaniel)

Kyrie stared at Leschaux with wet eyes.

She remembered things of the past.  There wasn’t a single day when she was comfortable.  When she tried to do something well, It was often ruined. Her people blamed her and wanted her to live and die at the same time.

Kyrie Buchanan is broken too much.  What she feared most was that even though she was broken, she had to live on.

She deceived herself that she was still okay, and that she could hold on.  She comforted herself that she had lived as if it was gone, and if it was, she lived as if it would be forever.

But Nathaniel kept showing it.  He was always, from the very beginning, the opposite of what Kyrie wanted to show her others.

‘You brought me back here!  To this hell!’

Why? Why did you make me say that

‘I didn’t want to come back!  I want to forget!  I’m sick of it all!’

Why did I say that it’s actually difficult?

‘Pretending to be okay in front of others, pretending not to be hurt by other people’s words, everything!’

Why did I make him realize that the reason she pretends she exists is because she didn’t have anything?

It doesn’t change anything even if I say.

I could have pretended not to know.

Even now, I’m barely holding on to what’s about to collapse.


And why? After all, you and no one else.

[You will become someone’s world. Surely.]

Why do you say the words I wanted to hear the most, you broke me?


Kyrie covered her face with one of her hands.  It was painful to think of Nathaniel’s eyes, his hands, and the only heart that was dripping out of it as he said that.

“How much I……”

Leschaux silently looked at Kyrie, who bit her lips.  And she nodded her head cautiously.

 〔Yes. I saw you shattering into pieces while you were with Nathaniel.〕

A cry was heard from Kyrie’s neck.  Leschaux raised his head. It was like he was looking at the sky.

〔 I really, just wanted to say. If you’re the sunshine then how beautiful the broken waves were〕

Kyrie put her hand down.  Sorrow and cynicism alternated across her face, with her eyes reddened.

 “…..is it(he) here now?”

Tears-soaked purple eyes went wild.

 “If you give me money or give me strength, will the broken things come back?  Will my experiences go away?  Don’t you think it’s too late to turn back?”

〔Yes. There are some things in the world that are irreversible, and that is the value you taught Nathaniel.〕

“Yes!  Yes!  What a blissful thing it is that you burned me, and that one Kyrie Buchanan broke through and enlightened the great Legendary Lord!”

When Kyrie jumped up and shouted, Leschaux also got up from her seat.

〔Kyrie Buchanan.  I understand your feelings.  No matter what you give, the wounds you inflict will not be undone.〕

“If you know that!”

〔So Nathaniel decided to take it.〕

Kyrie paused.

“…..is he going to take it?”

Leschaux nodded his head.

〔Your responsibility.〕

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