Obey Me

Chapter 127

The Last of Duke Buchanan

The wagon ran through the city at full speed.  In the driver’s seat, Anne-Marie was whipping his horse.


After giving him a proper direction, MarryAnne looked at his horses and whispered with sad eyes.

“Even if you are scared, you have to keep going. Understand?”

The horses just ran without answering.  MarryAnne climbed from the coach’s seat to the wagon’s roof with one step.  Then she slammed the wagon door and entered the wagon.

“What are you doing?”

Cesar Buchanan, who was in the carriage, rolled his eyes. MarryAnne exclaimed with a worried face.

“You have something to see!  It’s dangerous out there!”

“What are you saying?  Wasn’t she running away from the Legendary Lord?”

“That’s right! You must see it!”

“You must be dreaming something wild.”

“No! You must see it!”

MarryAnne grabbed Cesar’s arm.  And secretly twisted Cesar’s arm.

“Shut it away….., ugh!”

“Because you have to see it!”

Cesar, led by MarryAnne’s power, stuck his head out of the carriage.  He frowned, then opened his eyes.

“What is that?”

A black thing ate the edge of his field of vision.  What was heard from far away was clearly a scream.

“It’s Nathaniel.”

MarryAnne answered.  She threw Cesar back into the carriage.  The thrown Cesar screamed.

“Argh! This damn bitch……!”

“You have to go there!”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.  Speak like a human being.”

Cesar frowned, brushed off his clothes, and sat down. MarryAnne stomped her feet with a pleading mouth and a non-smiling eye.  It was a strange look, but Cesar didn’t notice.

“The lady is over there!  It’s dangerous!”

Cesar paused.



He was silent for a moment.  Even though he was middle-aged, a subtle hesitation crossed his handsome face. MarryAnne dark eyes looking at him deepened endlessly. She asked cautiously.

“Shall we go where the lady is…..?”

“Where is Kyrie?”

“I think she’s over there…….”

MarryAnne pointed roughly somewhere.  It was already covered with something black and squishy.  Cesar slowly looked out the window in the direction MarryAnne was pointing.

“You look dangerous.”

“MarryAnne go with you!”

“Why is Kyrie over there?  I heard that she went to the palace on her own feet.”

Cesar frowned. The situation was bizarre.  Although the maid in front of him insisted that it was difficult to keep more than two, he left alone, but he would have brought a butler and a searcher.

MarryAnne answered, wiggling her hand.

“I think she wanted to stop Mr. Nathaniel from doing anything……”

“Doing something useless.”

MarryAnne was expressionless for a moment, then quickly returned her expression to a restless face.

“Will you still go?  Are you going to see the lady?  Are you going to rescue her?”

It was close to a plea. It was obviously the last option from MarryAnne desire, but it would be different for Kyrie.  MarryAnne wanted to keep her master’s last hope.

But Cesar stared at MarryAnne with his cold eyes.

“No. Turn the wagon.”

MarryAnne widened her eyes. Cesar continued.

“I have ordered the workers to pack their bags and return to the territory, so go back ahead.  It would be better to come after the capital is cleaned.”

“But she is in danger……?”

“If the Legendary Lord is like that, it’s no big deal because we can no longer negotiate with him through Kyrie.”

Cesar Buchanan sighed.  He murmured as he looked out the window calmly, leaving MarryAnne with a blank face.

“The successor’s seat will be vacant again….”


“I should have married her off sooner.”

MarryAnne became expressionless.  As she remained silent, Cesar belatedly turned to MarryAnne.

“What are you doing? Come on, turn around.”

MarryAnne head lowered slowly.  A precocious, adult-like voice came out from between her lips.

“You really…..It’s just as I expected.”

(T/N: she informally addressed him as ‘you’)


“Yes. You……You just kicked your last chance.”

From the angle Cesar was sitting, MarryAnne’s face was not visible.  Instead, he could see MarryAnne lift her skirt and pull something out of her inner pumpkin pants.  MarryAnne laid it out on the floor, step by step.

“Mr. Nathaniel, at least considered her dear.  He said that if the lady was in danger, he would have asked me turn to the lady, not caring for himself.  Unlike you.”

What MarryAnne took out was a dagger, a dagger, a teaspoon, an ice cream spoon, paper and other branches, and various kinds of leaves.

“I think MarryAnne knows now.  All the evils of the world was gathered to make Mr. Nathaniel…..”

MarryAnne lowered her head, and she looked at them delicately.  It was like choosing a tool for butchering meat.  And for some reason, Cesar began to be very concerned about the movements.

“If you think about it, it was humans who created that evil.”

“Wait woman. Keep that back.”

Finally MarryAnne picked a few leaves.  She shoved everything that was left into her underpants and lifted her head.

She had very dark eyes.  It was very deep and heavy. Cesar had seen such eyes in several people. Representatively from the lancer, the Marquis of Vermont, and other military officers.

So, for example, it was the eyes of those who had killed people with their own hands.

“Mr. Nathaniel told to be killed, but….”

As soon as death was mentioned, Cesar groped his arms.  Like the Duke of Buchanan, he was carrying a number of magical items for self-defense but MarryAnne was faster.  MarryAnne grabbed Cesar’s hand and twisted it before he could pull anything out.  Cesar’s wrist was broken.


Cesar quickly moved his other hand as he let out a painful groan.  It was an amazing judgment.

“It’s okay.”

But he was blocked by MarryAnne.


Cesar’s wrist bones were broken.  He let out a shattering scream and shook his arms.

“Ouch, ah, huh……!”

MarryAnne stared at him indifferently.  The wind blew from outside the carriage, causing her skirt and hair to flutter in a commotion.

“The young lady will never accept someone who hurt her father. MarryAnne knew that, and she had no choice but to leave you alone.  Because she didn’t want to be hated by the lady. Perhaps Mr. Nathaniel didn’t kill you, because he saw MarryAnne and figured it out.”

“Are you the owner of the legend!”

“I am not the owner. Because he just asked to finish.”

MarryAnne stuck her head out of her carriage and blew her whistle. The horses stopped running.  And she turned and started running away from the crowd more than she had promised.

Cesar hurried a little.

“I don’t know what you misunderstood, but that’s not the only reason why the Lord Legend can’t kill me. But you won’t hear it.  Let’s do a deal.  What do you want?”

Cesar asked, shaking his chest. He felt a burning pain in his arms, but he tried to grasp the situation calmly.  MarryAnne laughed at the sight.

“MarryAnne doesn’t want anything from you.  I just gave you a chance.”


Cesar began to laugh.  His purple eyes burned like hellfire.

“Yes….., you were loyal to Kyrie.  When she said she was going to bring in you, who had no origins I should have kicked you out sooner.”

“Is it fun to talk about the past? You are younger than me.”

“So are you going to kill me now?  The man who gave birth to the Kyrie you like so much?”

“You only pretend to be her father when it’s really convenient for you.”

“I don’t know about a mongrel like you, but that’s what aristocrats are like.”

“MarryAnne doesn’t know what a noble is.  But I know that it has bothered her the whole time.  Knowing that, MarryAnne was powerless to relieve her suffering.”

“Of course.  No matter how good your abilities are, you are just a maid and half elf.”

Cesar laughed sarcastically.

“Think about it, maid.  If you want to alleviate Kyrie’s suffering, then you must not kill me.  Now I am in charge of the Duke of Buchanan, but when I die, Kyrie will take over it.”

MarryAnne paused. Cesar thought that his words were making sense.  He got a little more excited.

“I know what the legend told you.  It’s all Cesar Buchanan’s fault, so he must have been killed.  For Kyrie.  But is that correct?  think carefully.  What was Kyrie wanting when her mind was not sane?”

Cesar spoke in a cool and smart voice, even with a cold sweat on his forehead.

“It’s just family. Me and Zhenya. Blood-related family. I don’t know about you, an orphan of heaven, or a non-human, but that’s what blood ties are like.”

At that time, MarryAnne, who was quietly listening to Cesar’s words, had a bitter expression on her face.

“No.  What she wanted was not blood ties.  I’m really angry right now, but……You don’t know what Mr. Nathaniel knows.”

“Whatever you think…..,Huek!”

Before Cesar could finish speaking, MarryAnne grabbed Cesar by the neck.  And she jumped out of the carriage.  Cesar screamed involuntarily.  It was an instinctive fear.  Cesar struggled as his heart was about to burst, but MarryAnne did not stop. MarryAnne, looking around, chose an alley where there were no people and dragged Cesar into it.

“He would love to be here.”

“Leave this!  Hey! Is anyone there!  Hey!”

“People don’t come out the more they hear that, but I guess they don’t know.”

MarryAnne threw Cesar against the wall with great force.  Cesar crashed with a loud noise and then rolled to the floor.  He then realized that this was no joke.  Cesar looked up at MarryAnne through his messy hair.  The one-eyed girl covered with eyepatch had no expression on her face.

Cesar felt the hand of death slowly caressing his ankle.

 “Come on, wait……. Let’s talk!”

 “I don’t like it.”

 “I am Kyrie’s father!”

 “Yes and he is a very, very, very bad person.”

After MarryAnne said that, she jumped.  She landed lightly on Cesar’s ankle, and Cesar’s ankle was broken.


“MarryAnne will say to the young lady.  When something happened in the capital, the master worried about the young lady and went out to find her, and got out of the wagon as people poured out.”

MarryAnne took a step back.  And ran with his opposite ankle (She dragged him).  There was the sound of something breaking. Cesar twisted on the floor.

“Then, the bad people who saw the expensive clothes of the Lord were targeting the Lord.”

MarryAnne went back to Cesar’s face again.

“Took him to the alley……killed him.”

Cesar Buchanan, the head of the Duke’s House, was panting, unable to scream, with broken bones in his wrists and ankles.  His hair, which was always neatly combed through her, was drenched with sweat, and there was blood on his neck.  MarryAnne looked down at Cesar with emotionless eyes, she said.

“Mr. Nathaniel said he would take care of it, and there will be no corps left, so the lady will find out that Mr. Nathaniel (The End) killed you…..”

Then she lifted her head and looked around her.  The elf’s senses caught the presence of someone.  They were the residents.  Witnesses who heard Cesar’s scream through the cracks in the building and through the windows were holding their breath.

MarryAnne rummaged through her pumpkin pants again.  What she pulled out were several small birds made by folding the petals.  MarryAnne breathed and blew, and the birds began to flap their wings.  And it flew to the people of the alley.

“People watching! It’s just tracking, so you can leave it alone. I just put it on because I shouldn’t say anything to the lady.”

MarryAnne shouted in a slightly high voice to the surroundings.  Those who saw this soon disappeared completely.

MarryAnne turned her head to Cesar again, and she let out a weak laugh.  A man who is tenacious like a fox and does not miss opportunities.  Cesar was crawling on the floor, struggling to get out onto the boulevard.

“No. You run away, and Mr.Nathaniel will kill you.”

MarryAnne grabbed Cesar’s leg again and pulled him into the alley.


“So MarryAnne has to do it. Because she should be happy.  Because what is given to a young lady must be completely impeccable.  I’m angry, but Mr. Nathaniel is the only one who can give it to me…..”

Holding Cesar’s leg, MarryAnne grimaced at his face.

Of course she hated Nathaniel.  But when he returned to the capital, she could see how tender Nathaniel’s eyes were on Kyrie. How amazing that is.  If Nathaniel lived in a zoo made up of bugs, earthworms, larks, and cats, his eyes on Kyrie were like meeting the same human beings for the first time in that zoo.

MarryAnne noticed. Dear Kyrie.  Her beloved lady. Her own savior…….She saved someone else (Nathaniel).

MarryAnne stopped at her place and let out her bitter laugh.

She knew that because Kyrie had saved her, she had a responsibility as a rescuer.  Kyrie said that her affection for her was infinite, but she did not mean that MarryAnne was a burden to Kyrie.  That’s right.  How annoying is the fact that it’s her little lady who has to smile when it’s annoying, sad, hard, and sick.

However, Kyrie had never shown such an appearance to MarryAnne. Even though she must have had some annoying moments, she always gave a gentle look.  She’s young for an elf’s age, but even when she says she’s outlived her, she just asks with clear eyes, ‘Then how should I treat you?’

She really liked Kyrie like that. She liked her so much that she wanted to stay by her side.

But she can’t anymore.  Her beloved lady had suffered so much, and MarryAnne didn’t want to see Kyrie struggling to smile in front of her any longer. MarryAnne wanted her Kyrie to be happy.

“So your last (corpse) must be beautifully packaged for my lady.”

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