Obey Me

Chapter 129

His End

The wizards of Pronoia noticed the incident a little late. It was after dark clouds covered the entire capital, making it as dark as night.  After they grasped the situation, they shouted all over the place with pale, tired faces.

“Behind! Hide in the house!”

“Please don’t come out!”

“It’s okay if you stay still! It can’t come in without permission!”

But no matter how much they raised their voices with magic, it was no use.  People chose to run away on their own feet rather than follow the advice of an unknown adviser heard from the air.

“Get out of the way!”

“People are getting eaten right in front of my eyes!  I will run away!”

Citizens pushed the wizards and ran.  Wagons and people were all mixed together, and it was an abyss. Dr. Poe screamed,

“It’s out of control like this! They will all be eaten!”

“But people won’t listen!”

“I will catch up with you!”

A bloated wizard, panting, came out with his underwear, desperately grabbing his head.

“Let’s just hide! To be honest, they have nothing to do with us. No!  What the hell are you going to do with these idiots who can’t hear you!”

The wizards paused at his remarks.  It was the same reaction that his survival instinct had been whispering to me for a long time. Suddenly, silence came.

After a brief hesitation, one of the bald wizards took off his hat and fiddled with his brim.

“Well, shall we call the other wizards who have gone far…..?”

No one refuted it or insulted him.  The wizards shut their mouths with a sullen face, or with a shriveled face. Yet, realizing that a tacit agreement had just been reached, they set out to pack their bags.

Then the oldest wizard with a long, white beard adorned with Margaret flowers, raised his hand.

“For a moment. The magic is vibrating.”

“Yes? Come to think of it……”

The wizards opened their mouths for a moment, forgetting the situation.

“What?  Such a huge….”

“This, this is absurd…..? This cannot be possible!”

The amount of force that sticks to the skin gives them goosebumps. Only Dr. Poe and Dr. Hawksong, not wizards, had bewildered faces.

In an instant, a round circle of light was drawn on the floor.  And with a flash of light, Kyrie Buchanan appeared.

“…….Space-shifting magic?”

One of the wizards murmured.  Kyrie Buchanan sank to the floor with an indifferent and detached face.

“You have finally come. Thank God. They were all gathered.”

She looked around her.  Contrary to her soft expression, her tears filled her cheeks.

The wizards could hardly open their mouths when they saw her appearing out of nowhere.  The atmosphere around her was heavy, and above all, the Kyrie Buchanan they knew was definitely not a wizard.  But now, Kyrie Buchanan in front of them……

“Lord, have you learned how to manipulate magic?”

The old wizard with a white margaret flower in her beard and hair opened his mouth carefully.  Kyrie smiled faintly.

“It happened with the help of the Lord Protector.”

“Huh……Is that possible?”

“More than that, thank you all for not running away and working hard.”

The wizards, who were contemplating previously, clumsily avoided her gaze.  The old wizard looked at her and answered with a smile.

“That’s right. However, for what reason and ability, did you replace patriotic…..?”

“There are a lot of questions, but for now, let’s put out the urgent fire.”

Kyrie answered softly.  Dr. Hawksong and Dr. Poe, who were suddenly awake, stepped forward.

“We told them  to go home! But they are not listening at all!”

“People are running away from the city, it’s of no use!  Everyone is going to die!”

Kyrie smiled.  It was a tired smile.

“It makes sense. That was your research on The End.”


Kyrie looked into the distance.

“It was just a little bit of directing.  Because I like that kind of thing.” 

(T/N: she is talking to herself, so ofc it’s not understandable)


“Everyone will watch what I do and copy that. It should be wide and strong.”


“You will see it.”

A magic circle was drawn below Kyrie’s feet.  Whether it is true that she inherited the power of Lord Protector, it was dark wine-colored magic. As if ignoring gravity, Kyrie’s body slowly and high rose.  As she followed the trajectory of her movement, her purplish powers shone like the dust of a fairy’s wings.

Kyrie stood in the air.  She looked at the waves darker than the night, which had already consumed half the capital.

〔Now I am going to die.〕


His end came to her mind.  At that time, Kyrie felt the magical power for the first time, and she was in tears after realizing the splendor of the world.

〔I will leave the work of the capital to you.〕

 ‘Wait a minute, are you going to die?’

It was like a blue sky (the magic around him).  Leschaux’s body had already turned to black ashes and was crumbling.

〔I’m just going back to where I was born.  Therefore, I recommend that you do not do anything stupid that makes you feel responsible for my death.〕

‘There was no such thing!  If I had known that you had to die, I would never……!’

〔I am satisfied that I have accomplished everything I wanted to do.  I can finally leave comfortably.〕

Leschaux looked relaxed.  Kyrie’s mouth trembled, unable to find words.  The power had already passed, and Leschaux’s body was losing shape.

‘But if that’s the case, why the hell did you wait for 540 years….’

At her words, a drop of sadness fell on Leschaux’s calm face.

〔Because, as you said, it is true that I betrayed Nathaniel.〕

He looked down at his body breaking, then closed his eyes and whispered after a while.

〔…..I just wanted to say I’m sorry.〕

That was the end. Leschaux disappeared without even leaving ashes.

All that was left was the glowing dome, whose control was given control to Kyrie, the sound of darkness tickling over the dome, and Kyrie.  Left alone, Kyrie had no choice but to clench her teeth and sigh. She remembered the man who said he would give her Elsus just because she liked jacaranda flowers.


They are idiots

Idiots throwing their lives away just because they can’t just say sorry.

When she thought of him, her heart sank again.  Kyrie reached out her hand forward.  She still doesn’t know who Nathaniel is or why everyone only look at one person (Nathaniel) so frustratingly. But one thing was clear.

With such magic, there is no way Nathaniel would bring something dangerous like the end to himself.

[It is inconvenient because there are few shadows.]

“What if I didn’t remember?”

Kyrie muttered a little, remembering what Nathaniel had said one day at the light shop, where she hid from the Emperor’s magic corps.  Red-purple magic spread from her fingertips.  A huge magic circle was drawn in the dark cloudy sky, centered on her.  Eventually, in the middle of the clouds, a light like a thread fell through the dark sky.

“Wait, look over there…..”

People unknowingly stopped running away and looked at the scene.

The clouds began to clear from a very narrow area.  Sunlight came down like a halo through the round gap, illuminating Kyrie’s body.  The clouds gradually receded, and the shadows that had swept over the people retreated, wriggling like black bugs when the light hit them.  Each time it spewed out those it had swallowed.  The people fell to the floor, stunned, and then slowly came to their senses.

The wizards slapped their foreheads belatedly.

“Ah! Not the end……!”

“Light magic! Use light magic!”

(T/N: readers who are confused….the only way to defeat the end is by using light magic)

The wizards looked at Kyrie and drew her spells one by one.

Someone muttered

“The Second Coming of the Founder…….”

Now the citizens did not run away.  They watched as Kyrie Buchanan with dozens of wizards behind  defeated the shadow.  They all trembled in goosebumps when they realized that they were sharing a moment that will be recorded in history.  Then, one by one, they prayed to Kyrie, or began to kneel on their knees.

Kyrie raised her head from the center.

The magic power overflowed in her body.  A new sense seemed to open up.  The world was so colorful that she wondered how she had never known it until now. It was wide and distant. And it was very lonely.

Kyrie closed her eyes.

“Everyone close their eyes.”

Her voice was louder than an earthquake and softer than a breeze, echoing throughout the capital.  As the light grew stronger, people closed their eyes in awe, and Kyrie unleashed her power.

A very strong light exploded around Kyrie.  The dark clouds covering the sky from the capital to Cape Pobe disappeared in an instant.

When Kyrie finally took her hand away, there was no more light or shadow left. Only the gentle late spring sunlight enveloped the capital.

Under the distant sky, Kyrie shrugged her shoulders.  The people were heard cheering her up and blessing her.  There were also familiar faces.  It was Josephina and Federica, who seemed strangely frightened with bewildered faces, and others who had participated in the play.

Laughter broke out  How many of those who wave their hand at Kyrie now have never cursed at her?  Blessings and curses were a single sheet of paper, and people simply worship the high and condemn the lowly.

This was where Nathaniel was standing.  A high place where both worship and praise lose their meaning.  And now it was the place where Kyrie would stand.

“……It’s really over now.”

As if to say goodbye to the past, a single tear streamed down her cheek.

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