Obey Me

Chapter 130

A New Beginning

25. Freedom

Rubinia Orewinbridge, who became the Empress, sat by the window of the temporary office and looked out the window.  A lot has happened in the last few days.

The Emperor was found in an half insane state.  Even though she looked like a mummy, as if her body had been drained of moisture, she was still alive. Naturally, she was dethroned. With a simple coronation ceremony, Eden Orewinbridge became Emperor and Rubinia became Empress.

And of course, Eden was of little use.

Vallabriga Owrenbridge’s magic, which extorts magical powers from others, was cruel.  Eden lost his magical powers to his mother, Ginger Orewinbridge, and as a result his body and mind became senile.

(T/N: senile- having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. So in short, he became old)

Government was effectively left to Rubinia.  Rubinia was the first to take up a palace that had not collapsed, and prioritized the rescue of the casualties. Surprisingly, everyone the shadow swallowed returned. Considering the original nature of the Legendary Lord, it would not have been strange if they died.

‘……she must have changed him, she is that kind of woman.’

Rubinia thought, leaning her back against the window.  In fact, all casualties were caused by conflicts between people. True nature is revealed when your life is on the line.

(T/N: what Rubinia is trying to say is that, the reason why all casualties happened in the first place was because the people didn’t listen to the wizards and went havoc, so the true nature of a person comes out when their life is on line)

Knock, knock.

As her train of thoughts went up there, Rubinia heard someone knocking on the door.

“Come in.”

The door swung open, and Kyrie Buchanan appeared.

“Looks like it’s been a while.”

She was no longer wearing a dress. There was an aura in Kyrie Buchanan, who wore an ivory-colored robe with long sleeves.  She has an aura similar to Legendary Lord.

Kyrie found Rubinia and smiled faintly.

“How have you been?”

“I hit the notices everywhere, and you are coming out now.  Where have you been?”

Rubinia grumbled indiscriminately. Kyrie smiled and sat across from her.

“I had business to do.”

“Huh. Still being polite.”

At Rubinia’s words, Kyrie smiled faintly.  Rubinia took out a tea cup and offered it to Kyrie.

“I wanted to show you a taste of the tea made by the Empress since a long time ago. Is it delicious? The taste of power is awesome, isn’t it?”

“I don’t think that power can be conferred to the Duke young lady.”

“Is it because you are still more used to this?  I’m going to treat you in front of others, so don’t make me shy later.”

In response to Rubinia’s refreshing answer, Kyrie shook her head as if there was nothing wrong with it.

The two were silent for a moment, savoring the scent of tea. The peaceful chirping of birds created a calm atmosphere like a lie.

Rubinia opened her mouth first.

“Okay, Miss Kyrie Buchanan. Are you going to throw away Buchanan’s name?”

Without answering, Kyrie slowly blinked her eyes as if appreciating the taste of tea.  Rubinia continued without caring.

“I have decided to nominate you as the Lord Protector. Both positions (Lord Legend and Lord Protector) are vacant, but as you know, they are the backbone of this country, so it doesn’t look very good to leave them vacant.”

Rubinia paused her speech for a moment.  Kyrie drank her tea, ignoring her gaze.

“You know how unusual this title is, right?  An honorary post that is not hereditary, reigns, but does not rule. You don’t even have to do anything. It’s such a place.  If you don’t show up in public, no one will say anything.”

“Is that so?”

“The public opinion is completely on your side.  On that day, it was widely known that you defeated the darkness and saved people.  Because people in this country really like myths.”

“I see.”

At Kyrie’s refreshing reaction, Rubinia calmly shrugged her shoulders.

Silence passed again. Rubinia, who was trying to pretend not to notice, hesitated and lowered her voice.

“……So what happened?”



Rubinia said intermittently.

“Perhaps…..Are you no longer human? The wizards didn’t answer.”

Kyrie smiled faintly.

“Well. Would that matter?”

It was an vague answer and face. She felt calm as if she had been detached from everything, but there was a feeling of sadness lurking behind it.  Rubinia paused and ran her hair down behind her ear.

“Well, it doesn’t matter!”

“Yes. It is not an important matter.”

“Following up on what I was talking about, I have something to suggest.”

Kyrie tilted her head. Rubinia’s eyes grew even more serious.

“As you know, the position of the royal family is at stake.  So, I think it would be good if we could help each other?”


“I want you to give the territory in front of all to the royal family. Will it be okay?”

Kyrie slowly blinked her eyes.  There was such a thing, indeed, it was the same face.  Then, as soon as she read what was shown, she began to speak softly.

“I will protect the honor, the royal family will be saved, the citizens will be relieved that the new Lord Protector will support the royal family, and the royal family will regain their approval rating, and you will become a rare tactician who has recovered the territory, Miss Rubinia.”

Rubinia blushed slightly.

“Tell me! I don’t mean to steal it!  If you say you have it, of course I’ll just let it go!”

Kyrie giggled at the reaction that looked like a cat inflating its fur.

“Yes. I will do that. It wasn’t mine in the first place, so it doesn’t matter.”

Rubinia paused. Her green eyes twinkled with anticipation. She really thought she might be rejected by Kyrie.

“Really?  Let me tell you, I’m different from the legendary lord. Is it not a rental, but a complete transfer, right?”


Kyrie shifted her gaze down.

“And this must be Nathaniel’s idea.”

“He said you wouldn’t need a lot of land.”


“That man knows you well.”

At Kyrie’s easy acceptance, Rubinia seemed to be in a better mood. She added a new cup of tea with a face that she had stopped for an hour.  The act of pouring the tea was quite solemn and elegant.  Kyrie, who was watching her, said languidly.

“But I will decline the title of Lord Protector, Your Majesty.”


Rubinia’s kettle shook in embarrassment.  She spilled the tea on the table.

“Oh my…..!”

The moment Rubinia was about to call her servant, Kyrie moved her finger. A small amount of wine-colored magic in the air drew mana. Tea water dripping from the table began to rise. The water droplets reflected light beautifully, gathered together and evaporated into the air.  Rubinia opened her mouth.

“How strong are you?”

“I am pretty strong.”

Kyrie answered calmly and indifferently, placing her hand gently on her lap.

“Thanks for the suggestion, your majesty.  But no matter how much I hate it, I am Buchanan’s heir. I can’t get out of the duke’s house just because i want to run away.”

Rubinia, who had been preoccupied with her magic, quickly made a sad expression on her face.

“Does that mean that we only need a worthy heir to take over the duke?”

“It’s only me.  I don’t know if he is dead, I can’t hand over the family to someone else…”

“Ah. Surprisingly, this isn’t ‘leaving it off’!”


“I think he knew you were going to come out like this.”

Rubinia clapped her hands twice and called the palace official.  She snapped her fingers.

“Tell him to come in.”

The door opened.  There was a squeaking sound, and someone entered the room sitting on a wheelchair. Seeing the person who came in, Kyrie opened her eyes wide involuntarily.

It was Gray Buchanan.  Kyrie’s older brother, who became unconscious in an accident.  Buchanan’s deficit.

“Kyrie……, How have you been?”

Gray greeted her awkwardly.


Gray’s last memory was the moment he met Nathaniel in the carriage.  It was at that very moment when Nathaniel’s cane touched his chin, Neveah betrayed him, and the rain made round stains on his clothes.

Shortly thereafter he collapsed.  And he was in a black space without any delay.


Gray thought the legend would kill him.  But he was alive.

“What? Did he accidentally send me somewhere else while trying to kill me?”

He thought nothing of it.  Although all around him was black, his body was visible, and his senses and reason were functioning normally.

“Is he thinking of harassing me?  It’s not hard, I know who this Gray is.”

Gray thought so and walked out into the black space.

But after walking for a while, nothing appeared.  He was the only one in this wide darkness. He murmured, shouted, but no one answered. There wasn’t even an echo

“Where the hell I am?  Why did he put a person in a place like this and doesn’t show his face?”

Gray wandered there for a long time.  There he was neither hungry, thirsty, nor sleepy, so Gray realized the passing of time a little late.

And only after realizing that, Gray realized together that Sir Legend had no intention of negotiating with him. The legend had just put himself here as if he had put an obscure, infrequently used object in his attic to throw away.

Only then did Gray realize the weight of this ’empty space’ and fear rushed in.

“Our mother in heaven! Just stay there!  Then we too will remain on the earth!”

He sang every song he knew to somehow keep his spirits up.  He recited all the poems he knew.  He cursed everyone he knew and laid out everything he knew.

It was in vain.

Gray’s spirit and bloated ego slowly dried up and died in a black space with no east, west, north or south.

“Please, please, someone please answer me…!”

No matter how much he cried, the darkness was still.  Gray was slowly starting to go crazy.  Day? No. One month?  It felt longer than that.  More than the life he lived as Gray.  All he could do was walk.  He couldn’t even tell if he was walking or if he was walking upside down.  Even when he crouched down, there was no stumbling on the floor or his back touching the ground.  It was a sea of ​​loneliness.

As time passed, Gray began to doubt that he was Gray Buchanan and that all of Gray Buchanan’s experiences were his delusions.  It was natural.

After almost eons had passed since Gray felt that way, and after Gray’s mind had worn out as much as it had worn out, one of his voices was heard.

(T/N: eons- an indefinite and very long period of time.)

[Gray Buchanan.]

He came down like a revelation from God.  Gray raised his head at the low, sullen voice. He was someone else.  He is someone other than himself!

“Ah!  Ah! Ha! Whoa!”

Gray ran to where the sound was coming from in tears.

At the end of it, a Legendary Lord stood with his cane.  He greeted Gray with a faint smile on his dangerous and alluring face.  Tears flowed from Gray’s eyes.

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