Obey Me

Chapter 20

The Legend is Back

3. Kyrie Buchanan

Fortunately, with the help of magic, Kyrie could get in touch with Maria immediately. Maria sent her regards in a worried voice.

「I heard the story, Kyrie. If it’s a villa, I’ve prepared it so that you can use it at will. If there’s a problem, tell the manager.」

“Thank you, Maria. Thanks to you, I can finally get out of the inn.”

「You’re welcome. If I can help you, I’ll help you.」

Kyrie smiled. Maria was the next Duchess of Old Ciudad. She had a lot to worry about in many ways, but she always spared no effort in helping her. Kyrie silently thanked her again.

“This is enough. Are you and Laura all right?”

「Sel Arellano is peaceful. What could possibly happen to us? But…」


It was a voice full of worries.

「There are rumors about you spreading around in the social world, Kyrie. 」

Kyrie laughed for a while before she composed herself and returned to her expressionless face. 

Since Maria brought the story up, it meant that it was not normal.

“You mean, it’s intentional?”


“It’s so obvious.”

Maria sighed.

「Right. It must be Baron Cassner.」

The culprit was either the Crown Prince, who was Kyrie’s ex-fiancé, or the Crown Prince’s new fiancé, Rubinia Cassner.

Kyrie was from the Buchanan family. The Buchanan family not only had the title of Count but was also a major contributor to the nation. 

On the other hand, Rubinia was an emerging noble in the province. Naturally, the Crown Prince had nothing to gain by marrying Rubinia.

Now that the Crown Prince and Rubinia announced their engagement, it was time for people to watch the situation unravel.

‘This time, I’ve become a nuisance to the Buchanan family, haven’t I? In fact, except for the central nobility, Buchanan holds most of the power.’ (T/N: she means that since Buchanan has this much power more gruesome the Rumors would be)

‘Count Cesar Buchanan’s skills are great. In contrast, Baron Cassner…’

‘It was always daughter business, daughter business.’ (T/N: She means her father was always focused on daughter ‘how to make the best benefit’ and business. So she is just repeating this words)

“Baroness Cassner would go to great lengths to prevent such comparisons between her daughter and I being made,” Kyrie mumbled to herself.

“My engagement with the Crown Prince was annulled, but I was too ignorant of my father’s reaction.”

「They were quite clumsy in trying to hide the root of the unfounded rumor. A lot of people will know the source is Baron Cassner. But as you know… 」

“They won’t care.”

「Yes. They’ve officially finished the engagement announcement, and I’m sure they’ll be talking about this for at least a few days.”」

“I’m glad I came down to Elsus.”

「The people are thirsty for gossip. Take a break while watching the winter sea, Kyrie.」

“I will. Thank you, Maria.”

「Oh, and Kyrie?”」


Maria hesitated for a long time before she sighed.

「It’s nothing… it must be a rumor without grounds.」

“Can you not tell me?

「Huh. I don’t know. I know you’re not that kind of person.」

Maria’s voice was gentle. Kyrie cut off the contact with a smile. After speaking with Maria, Kyrie headed to MaryAnne’s room.

MarryAnne was assigned to a separate room for nursing care.

MarryAnne trembled on the bed with a blanket covered over her body. Kyrie carefully entered the room and checked the untouched meal tray.


MarryAnne’s body shook.

Under the blanket, big black eyes looked back at Kyrie.


“MarryAnne, are you feeling better now?”

MarryAnne’s eyes diligently looked around Kyrie. She had a runny nose.

“What is it…?”

“I’m back because I told you to take a break.”

“Yes …”

Kyrie carefully sat on the edge of the bed.

MarryAnne hesitated before she approached closer to Kyrie.

“MarryAnne, can you tell me now?”


“Why are you so afraid? What kind of ‘smell’ did you smell in him?”

Maryanne drew a deep breath.

A small hand popped out from under the blanket and grabbed Kyrie’s hand.

“Do you believe in MarryAnne?”

“I believe in you. “

Her body, which looked like a small hill, slowly rose. The small-eared little girl looked at Kyrie with grim eyes.



“People smell.” (TN: She is saying people have a smell)


“Yes. Good people smell good. Lady Kyrie, Lady Laura, Lady Maria, Lady Heather… I don’t know about the Lord, but MarryAnne knows who is good anyway.”

“Did you praise me now? Thanks, MarryAnne.”

MarryAnne, who seemed to smile a little, quickly became sullen.

“But… the thing is, it smelt… dangerous.”

“You mean Nathaniel, right?”

MarryAnne cringed at the mere mention of the name. Kyrie hugged MaryAnne gently.

“What is he?”

“It’s … it’s not human, Miss.”

“It’s not human.”

If he’s really ‘The End’ in the myth, then he shouldn’t be human…

However, MarryAnne shook her head. 

“My lady, MarryAnne… MarryAnne knows. With him… everything will hold their breath.” (T/N: It means that in presence of Nathaniel other beings will be afraid to even breath)



MarryAnne whispered in a quiet, mature voice that Kylie had never heard before.

“Sea, mountains, streams, flying bugs, mice, dogs, wild cats, air, grass, mountain crows, earthworms, moles, lizards, all four-legged beasts…”

As soon as the words came out of MarryAnne’s mouth, everything seemed to freeze. MarryAnne’s body turned cold. The room turned cold too.

The image of Nathaniel’s back as he stood on the slope and looked down at the snow-covered forest suddenly appeared in Kyrie’s mind.

‘Was that tranquility something too grand to describe as an atmosphere?’

“It’s because… it can devour anything. If he doesn’t like something, it’ll be devoured. That’s the only reason he’ll need…”

“He has that much power?”

“That’s it, Lady, at first it was very, very angry. Now it has calmed down…”

“Wouldn’t it be okay if it calmed down?”

Kyrie said cautiously and gently so that her little maid would not be scared. 

“I talked with him while you weren’t there. And for no reason, I said he didn’t look like a human. What’s gone by is meaningless.”

MarryAnne shook her head slowly.

She was already in Kyrie’s arms, but she hugged Kyrie’s waist tightly.

“No, it’s not … it’s just picking its prey now.”

“You can tell that from the smell, too?”


Just in time, the blanket covering MaryAnne’s head slid down shelooked up at Kyrie. The dreadfully still black eyes slowly left Kyrie and stared out the window.

“It’s still snowing.”


Nathaniel was assigned to a whole house by the Duke of Old Ciudad. He didn’t need to bathe, but he decided to relax in the sulfur water.  He came out of the bath dressed in his robe. He noticed that the servants had prepared food on the table and had disappeared.

There was no need to eat it, but Nathaniel was accustomed to the excitement of humans and picked up a small apple.

He stood by the window with his wet feet and watched the falling snow. 

Vallabriga’s last words at Orewinbridge fell into his head, mimicking the snow outside.

Knights were lined up everywhere. 

There stood six out of the seven families. In the center of it all, Vallabriga was shouting with a golden cane in hand.

‘Nathaniel. Thank you! Thanks to you, I was able to unify this great continent. But…’

In the eyes of the Vallabriga, there was a sense of serenity.

‘You’re too strong and dangerous. I still don’t even know who you are, where you’re from, or what power you have … I’m afraid of you…’

He said so and drew a golden formula.

‘So this is for the greater good. Please understand.’

The fruit broke in Nathaniel’s hand.

He looked down at the juice and the crushed flesh that flowed through his fingers.

The fruit disappeared without a trace when he shook his hands. When Nathaniel raised his head again and looked out the glass window, he saw a blonde man standing a distance away.

After he opened the door, the man came in, and Nathaniel swept his head.

The wetness on the man’s body disappeared, and in an instant, he returned to his turquoise robes.

[You came quickly, Leschaux.]

The blonde man straightened his back and brushed the snow over his shoulders.

〔It’s been a while, Nathaniel.〕

Lore Leschaux. (T/N: There is a minor correction, the name of patriotic knight is- Lore Leschaux.)

He was the only comrade who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Nathaniel and was originally given the title of Regent, but in this country, it was used in the sense of guardianship.

[You seem to be doing well.]

Leschaux, whom he met after 540 years, had no difference from his appearance before he fell asleep.

Nathaniel laughed happily and poured wine into a glass. On the other hand, Leschaux’s expression was heavy.

〔I rented the Buchanan villa to stay in, Nathaniel. Let’s spend the night there and head up to Sel Arellano together.〕



Nathaniel lifted the wine glass and smiled.

[Is it a coincidence?]


[Because it was Buchanan who woke me up in Hercula and led me here.]

Leschaux’s face hardened. 

〔Buchanan woke you up?〕

[Yes. I also thought that Buchanan had powerful magic that surpassed the Owenbridge, but that wasn’t it.]

Nathaniel drank a sip of wine and laid it down. The city had developed, but the taste of alcohol was not as good as before.

When Nathaniel stopped talking, Leschaux seemed to become nervous.

〔Please explain it when we’re at Sel Arellano. The Emperor is waiting for you.〕

[Oh yes. The crown we’ve empowered to is still reigning.]


[Orewinbridge always had an excellent ability to appeal to affection. Did he appeal to you 540 years ago? Did he want to seal me and asked for help?]

Leschaux’s red-purple eyes shook.

But he quickly composed himself.

〔That’s not it. I didn’t know until the job was complete. Also, I’m no longer serving Orewenbridge.〕

[That’s the dullest story I’ve ever heard after I’ve woken up.]

Nathaniel muttered and spun his cane around his wrist but suddenly, a woman, who resembled an aquilegia flower, passed through his mind.

A woman of purple color looked up at herself while trying to keep her lips tightly closed. He looked down at his hand meaninglessly. 

‘I’ve become thirsty.’

[Isn’t it the ‘most’.] (T/N: Trying to correct himself..so he is saying ‘ it’s the most dullest story I have ever heard.’)

He sighed and sat down on a huge sofa.

[Go separately. Don’t tell Orewinbridge about Buchanan.]

Leschaux narrowed his eyes to those words.


Nathaniel raised his head.

〔Do you like Buchanan?〕

Nathaniel gazed at Leschaux with clear crystal eyes and laughed sarcastically.

 [Oh, my. Did I just hear you right? It seems that Lore Leschaux is finally telling a joke after 540 years.]

Leschaux shook his head at the peculiar cynicism. Yes, it’s been 540 years since they met and he forgot.

This is Nathaniel.

〔I made a slip of the tongue.〕

[Don’t talk nonsense. Let’s talk about something a little more interesting.]


[Yes, that arrogant Orewinbridge bloodline is still the royal family. It’s funny. That’s the only way to get revenge.]

〔Do you have to do that?〕

[It’s up to them to decide. I don’t want to be as easy as I used to be.]

Nathaniel smiled.

[That’s why you should go and then let me know first.]

With dignity and arrogance, he languidly changed his posture and crawled onto the sofa.

[The legend you killed is back.]


T/N: I think my notes are given much more as compared to other novels but y’all can’t blame me it’s not my fault. Hahahah

Do comment in the server how you all felt about this chapter

Aquilegia flower:

I have fan art but I will share when the novel turns into a bit dark side.

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