Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 43 - Little Waddling Penguin.

Adeline speed-walked home. She was so angry that she even threw the ice cream away. Opening the locked door with a key and slammed the door shut. How inconsiderate could he be? She was new here. It was hard to make friends when people did not even her way.

She felt alienated by the people here. At times people did not even glance her way as they did in her previous town. They were friendly and even though the population exceeded thousands, everyone was kind enough to smile and remember the names.

Was spending all day together that important? Because she knew that that was not how relationships worked. She was not giving him all the time she had and if he wanted to be on a high level of her priorities, then he better earn it.

It was a ladder to climb for both of them. Trust was built and love was a journey. Something had to walk into and not just fell into directly. 

She was panting with how fast she had walked home. So first things first, she walked to the fridge and drank a glass of cold water. Cooling down a little, she went to her bathroom and washed her face. She splashed water on her face a few times and then looked at the mirror.

Was it her fault? She thought. If not everywhere then maybe somewhere. A little bit if not a whole lot? She could have compromised and become the bigger person. 

Her friends were her classmates so she was with them for the whole day and with Xavier, she had two classes. So she didn't spend as much time with him as she did with the others.

Now, if he wanted to spend some time with her she understood his need to feel so. He was her boyfriend.

Crap, now she felt bad. She wanted to cry now. She had walked away from him without considering anything about how he felt. She would want his time too. In a relationship, time was important so she should have thought about that.

Adeline sniffed while looking at herself in the mirror, tears were coming to her involuntarily and she felt a need to run back to him. She hated how she had behaved. And there was only one way to rectify it, Asking for his forgiveness.


At two in the afternoon, she was googling on 'How to ask for forgiveness'. Later she had added, 'From boyfriend'.

She first went to the mall and the stuff was pretty expensive. They were not even one month into the relationship and she was not buying him a two hundred and fifty dollar watch. It was way too expensive.

Next, she thought of a bracelet but then she remembered that he only wore a watch which she had rejected. The brands were expensive and if she had to, the choice has to be of a brand.

The tie was, not an option. Shirt, never mind. Shoes? Or maybe . . .

She sighed. A boy, so no flower or chocolates. Maybe, Chocolates would be nice.

That was the problem, they had not been known each other enough to know what the other person would want. She didn't even know the flavours he liked.

At 4 in the evening, Adeline stood in front of his House's door with a tub of ice cream. It was the flavour that he was eating with her until she ran off. She had glanced at it when she had been offered her own by him.

She had rung the bell once and thought of ringing it again or not. She raised her hand to knock on the door but stopped.

Would she seem desperate? Continuously knocking when they were not even opening the door for her.

Or maybe, he had heard the bell and was not opening it. That would be embarrassing. Yet it seemed like the only possible solution to this problem. He was that angry that he wouldn't even open the door. It hurt her to know that she had made him that upset with her.

No one was ever hurt by her unless for a big reason. The last person who she had hurt was a boy who couldn't take no. 

She had punched him when he touched her without permission just like her father had instructed her to do. She still felt sad to do it. 

Adeline withdrew her hand and sighed. This was worse than she imagined. She turned around and lazily walked to her house. She unlocked her house again and went inside. She kept the ice cream in the fridge and walked to her room.

She took a seat on her desk's chair with a gloomy look on her face with her hand supporting it. She didn't expect him to not open the door for her. Damm, he was that angry with her. That was a statement of what he felt. 

Adeline sighed and looked over to the window and sighed again. God, how could she be so inconsiderate?

She kept on peeping into his window and that's when it clicked. If he could do it then why couldn't she? She smiled sneakily knowing now he won't be able to escape her.

She hurriedly moved towards her window and stepped on it and smiled towards his.

And then she jumped.


Xavier didn't go home. He didn't throw away his ice cream either. He ate slowly on his way to nowhere. He hated that she didn't understand and also how desperate he seemed. But he had waited for her for the past two years and he deserved to spend every second with her. It made him unhappy that she walked away in anger. 

But then again, why would she think of that when she had no idea about it? His primal need said to cage her forever and he wanted to do it too but unless she knew what he was he couldn't do it.

He sighed and changed his direction. At this moment only one girl could be counted on.

He entered the flower shop and sneezed immediately because of the pollen. That always irked him. His nose was way too powerful to be in a fucking flower shop. 

"So, what's up?" The werewolf immediately called from the back of the shop. Xavier followed the voice and immediately narrated the story.

"Okay," she dusted off her hands. "It's stupid. You both are right and wrong in some places. So you need to find a middle ground."

"Like what?" He had no mind to think about anything. Hell was freezing over for him because his mate was angry and upset and he was fucking cause of it.

"Like a compromise. You take— like we go to school for five days and in those days you can choose two where you sit together." Ashlynn shrugged. "She will be with her friends all day and so will you."

"The solution seems too simple. What if she doesn't like it?" He seemed a little suspicious of this simple idea working. Simple ideas were not trustworthy. Complicated at times sounded better. 

But Ashlynn didn't like his doubts. She made a sassy face and answered back, "Well then you talk to her and find out what she wants which you were supposed to do in the first place!"

Raising his hands in surrender he moved away from her and nodded. "Where's mom?"

"She took a break but didn't come back yet." She informed him and went back to work.

Xavier kept standing there and thought of it. Was he supposed to go to her? But someone had to and the bond would probably be making her crazy. It would always bring them together and his duty was to make sure she wanted to come back to him. 

He sighed walked to the back room where the staff had their lunches.

"Mommy," he sang as he walked to the door.

"No!" She yelled from inside the room. "Don't—not now. Later!" She seemed to be out of breath for this. What was happening?

He frowned and took a step further. His nose twitched and he sniffed among with that his eyes widened. He ran out of the shop with flushed cheeks. Ashlynn could have mentioned his father coming in! 

That devious blonde. 

Cooling down he walked back home. A grocery shop came in his way and he thought of bring something sweet. She did seem like a chocolate fanatic. Every time he went to her room he could smell chocolates there.

And he clearly remembered the smell of Reece's peanut butter cups. Walking in the shop, he Picked up two packets and got them billed. This seemed nice. He liked buying stuff for her. It made him feel assured that he could take care of her. His Alpha Lycan could provide for his dainty mate. 

Walking back home he remembered his little penguin. The cute little wadding penguin, waddling away in anger. 

His house came into the view and so did a person hanging from his window.

The penguin forgot she can't fly.

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