Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 44 - Saving The Penguin.

The penguin was hanging from his window. Her fingers could barely hold on any longer and he knew that she would fall at any moment. 

"Fuck! Adeline!" He yelled running to his house and throwing open the door. He jumped through most of the stairs and was worried out of his mind. His mate's fucking life was on the line! She was hanging off of a damn window! 

Within seconds he entered his room and bent ahead from the window. Holding her by her underarms he pulled with everything he got and threw her onto the floor as he stared at her with his chest harshly moving to make sure that it was her on the floor and not hanging off the window anymore. She was safe now. 

Adeline gasped for air. She had never been so scared for anything much less her life. And to begin with, he was outside! This was a total mess.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled at the top of his voice and glared down at her making her flinch. Xavier had never been so afraid in his life of anything and Adeline had made him cower in his bones. Fuck, the fear he felt. 

She didn't reply and it only fueled his anger more. "What the most damn hell of all were you thinking?!" He yelled and pointed his finger at her. "Your bones could have broken and you could have bled out to death for I would have known!" 

He was right. She knew that. "Xavier.." she whispered, her eyes wide and lips trembling, ". . . .you're scaring me."

He scoffed. She had the fucking balls to say that to him after nearly killing herself. "Well someone has to because apparently, a painful death ain't scaring you!" He roared. 

Tears slipped out of her eyes and she sniffed and looked away. Her heart was beating so fast that's he couldn't even stop crying. "I did it for you." She sniffed and whispered. 

That had his attention immediately and his hot would probably be melted if this was not the situation. His mate's life was the most important and she had endangered it. "Anything remotely dangerous, that involves a bloody paper cut too, which can cause you any kind of pain is something I want you to run away from. What made you think of hanging from my window?!" He yelled. His breathing had gotten heavier. He was scared to death for what he was seen and could only wonder what would have happened if he was a little late.

How much longer could her hands hold on?

Adeline's lip wobbled and she was going to cry much to her dislike. She had never thought of that possibility. "I.."

Her nose was blowing and her eyes were red. He realised that for her, this was just as fearful too. Because she was the one who had come so close to losing her life."I what? Adeline, please, stop crying." He pleaded from where he stood not coming near to her. "You could have bled to death you know that?" He reminded her again. To which she nodded.

"So you knew?" She shrugged at that. Sniffing again and trying her best to keep the tears at but the fat tears won't stay back. 

"Adeline," he sighed, coming close he gathered her in his arms and pulled her into his lap. He hugged her close and made sure to breathe her scent in. She was alright. He needed to calm down too. "Baby please." He whispered into her ears as she cried. 

He had a near heart attack and his beast had gone into full protective mode. He was not ready to be separated from a mate who could endanger her own life. 

As soon as she had been pulled into his arms she had unleashed her cries which pulled the strings of his heart. He felt bad for scolding her but she had asked for it given that she was hanging herself by his window and was ready to fall any second.

"I—I," she tried to speak but choked on her tears. Xavier stretched his arm a bit and grabbed the tissue box for her.

"Here baby, wipe and blow." He passed it to her and Adeline did as told. She wiped and blew her nose in a very unladylike manner but he only found it cute. 

He was a Lycan, an animal by nature. He had seen and done much more than just blowing a nose. 

"Now, calmly tell me what were thinking. . ." He softly nudged her to talk again. He caressed her hair and kissed her frequently, knowing that his touch would calm both of them down. 

From his lap, she glanced up and mumbled, "I just wanted to apologize and you didn't open the door for me. So I thought that you were angry with me and I just wanted to talk to you and me.."

"Jumped from your window to mine?" He smiled down at her.

"Yeah..that.." she sniffed again. 

As soon as her waterworks had stopped the embarrassment of what had happened flooded in. She had jumped to his window from her own and was hanging herself to practical death. And he was not home, to begin with, so it was all in vain. She understood the reason for which he had yelled at her. If there was someone else and her position and she, in Xavier's shoes, she would have a beard at that person as well. 

"I'm sorry," she said looking guilty as she realised the gravity of the situation. "I know I shouldn't have but I wanted to make an effort and I honestly didn't think." She admitted. "Looking behind at the whole incident, I know how stupid I was." She admitted and looked away from him. 

"You had seen me do it. That's why you did it didn't you?" He asked to which she nodded. "Hmm," he hugged her tighter. "You baby." He cooed and she blushed in his arms. "Learning from me, aren't you?" He teased. 

"You know you have my number," he said. "You could have called me." He pointed out. 

"I thought you didn't answer the door, so it's was obvious that you won't pick up your phone." She had not thought about it but it was obvious that she was not going to admit to another stupid mistake on her behalf. 

"Ah, yes." He teased. "That Brain if yours said so right?"

"Yeah . . . it did." She sniffled again. Xavier knew that she was ready to cry again but this time he knew what to say. 

"Adeline," she looked up, "how about for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you sit with me and other days with your friends? Because you will spend most of your day with them anyway."

Adeline realised that she was left with Tuesday and Thursday. "How about I sit with you Monday and Friday and Wednesday we go out for hanging out or dates?" It would be a good excuse to go out and get to know each other. 

Xavier sighed. He couldn't possibly corner her with himself and how clingy would that be. He had to give her time and suppress his nature. 

"Alright," he agreed. She was his for a lifetime anyway.

They continued to sit in each other's arms, wrapped around in the comfort provided but the other. For Adeline, it was simply cuddling after a little fight and the panic attack that she had given him.

But for Xavier, it was the fulfilment of his dreams; the ones he saw after he failed to find himself a mate when all the other people he knew did. The dreams he saw when people out there were mating whereas he was up and dreaming about her.

It was content of not dreaming but having her in his arms. Where she wanted to be. To experience her falling in love with him.

"Hey," he gently pulled apart much in contrast to his heart's desire. "Do you want to have something to eat, baby?" He had to make sure that little one was fed.

"Umm . . . " Adeline squinted her eyes at something. "Yes! I had brought the ice cream flavour that you were eating! I'll go get it!"

Xavier's heart soured at that. His mate cared enough to make an effort after their fight. But he pulled her back as soon as she got up from his lap. "You don't have to," he objected. "How about you eat it later on and we cuddle right now?" He offered while snuggling back into her neck. She laughed in return.

It tickled. But she wanted to share ice cream with him like they were supposed to. "How about I get the ice cream and we eat and we watch a movie?"

Still nuzzled into her neck, he sighed. Whatever his mate wanted. She got. "Alright," he smiled. "Wanna take a quick shortcut to your house?"

"What?" What short did Adeline not know about? 

"Jump from the window—OW!" He rubbed where Adeline had smacked him.

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