Fuyona stood face to face with three Anbu black ops of the hidden leaf, one of which he knew was Kakashi Hatake. "Give it up mist scum!" One of the other Anbu members shouted as he drew his sword.

Fu's mask broke in two and fell to the floor reviling his face to the enemy. Kakashi's lightning blade being the cause. "He's just a kid..." One of the Anbu said a little surprised.

"Don't let your guard down!" Kakashi shouted. "He just killed a member of the Uchiha clan by himself, he's clearly no ordinary kid." The others nodded in agreement and a small stalemate took place. Kakashi looked over at the dead Uchiha and then back to Fuyona.

"Now!" He shouted as the three of them attacked in formation trying to overpower Fu with numbers. The two other Anbu members charged taking the left and right flank while Kakashi took the centre. The one on the left attacked high with an axe kick which Fu dodged, the one on the right attempted to sweep his legs but Fu jumped performing a perfectly executed buŧŧerfly kick.

Kakashi suddenly halted sensing the danger and tried to warn his teammates, but he was too late. Fuyona flung his arms open allowing bones to shoot from all over his body as the two Anbu members charged in for another attack. The one of the right was too slow and failed to dodge getting impaled while the one on the left quickly flipped backwards avoiding the counter-attack.

"What the hell is this kid?! Is he some kind of monster?" The other Anbu said to Kakashi. Fu smiled and pressed on the attack, "You think one Sharingan will be enough to beat me?" He said as he threw a quick jab before hand planting onto the ground and spinning using his legs to kick bones shooting out at the same time like blades.

Kakashi was able to avoid the first attack but was quickly pressed on the defence as he blocked with his own sword ducking and slipping attack after attack, Fu was spinning and flipping around to fast for Kakashi to keep up and he quickly retreated. "His Taijutsu is amazing... I cant exchange blow's with this kid." He said quickly making hand signs.

Fu was suddenly pulled underground only leaving his head visible above. The other Anbu member had managed to drag him underground giving Kakashi a chance to attack. "Fire style! Fireball jutsu!" Kakashi shouted as he fired a large fireball at Fu's head.

The attack hit scorching the ground and once the flames dispersed Fu's head appeared melted and burnt. "Did we get him?" The other Anbu said as he landed next to Kakashi. Suddenly Fuyona's head started melting turning into an ice clone taking them by surprise.

Fu appeared behind the other Anbu member slamming a kick into his body sending him flying through the air and into a tree hard. Kakashi lunged in for the attack from behind with his lightning blade.

"Lightning blade!" He shouted as he thrust his hand into Fu's ċhėst. To Kakashi's astonishment, Fu smiled at him looking down at the attack which had failed to pierce his ċhėst. "That won't work," Fu said as he suddenly allowed bones to shoot from his ċhėst aimed right at Kakashi's head. Kakashi dodged by a hairs length as the tip of the bone past his face almost taking his eye out. Kakashi quickly jumped back trying to make sense of what just happened.

"How did he stop my lightning blade?" He said as he looked over to his teammate who had recovered and was back on his feet. "We can't fight this kid with Taijutsu, and it would seem he has a way to counter my lighting style... We should use a combined jutsu and keep our distance." Kakashi said as he explained the plan.

As interesting as it was to battle with Kakashi Fu knew he was running out of time and he had to hurry this up. He looked down at the mark left on his ċhėst from Kakashi's attack. Fu had figured out how to use his own lightning style with his Shikotsumyaku abilities a while ago and with a lot of practice, he had eliminated his weakness to lightning style and encreased his attacking power.

Fu quickly started making hand signs and Kakashi and the Anbu quickly went on the counter. Kakashi tried to figure out what jutsu he was using but even with his Sharingan, he didn't know. "Don't tell me he has two Kekkie Genkai?" He said realising if he couldn't copy it that was the reason why.

"Ice spear jutsu," Fu said as the air around him turned cold and a dozen large spears made of ice formed from the moisture in the air. "Look out!" Kakashi shouted as Fu unleashed the spears in a massive fury. Kakashi was able to dodge the first shot but his teammate was struck the ice freezing him instantly killing him.

Kakashi quickly took shelter behind a large tree, he was breathing heavily now as he tried to come up with a plan. Fu suddenly appeared above him letting the ice spears that were floating around him fly. Kakashi flipped backwards springing off his hands avoiding the attacks each of them freezing whatever they hit.

cornered and out of options he summoned lightning into both of his hands and used it to deflect the final two spears shattering them. Fu quickly appeared behind Kakashi in an instant. "He's so fast!" Kakashi shouted as he swiped with his lighting blade.

Fu ducked under the attack and then stopped Kakashi's other arm with a bone blade enhanced with his own lightning style. For a moment their eyes locked and Fu smiled. Quickly he started making hand signs with one hand before inhaling a large amount of air.

"Hand signs with one hand?!" Kakashi shouted as he jumped backwards on the defence. "Wind style, raging gust jutsu!" Fuyona shouted as he unleashed a massive wind blast from his mouth hitting Kakashi sending him smashing into a tree hard.

Kakashi slid down to the ground pulling himself together at the last second to break his fall. "I can't beat this kid..." He said as he struggled to catch his breath.

Fu walked over to him but kept his distance, it was Kakashi he was fighting after all and even though it seemed he had won he wouldn't let his guard down.

He was right not to as Kakashi suddenly burst into white smoke leaving a log, "Substitution..." Fu said with a smile as he turned around looking for any signs of him.

That's when it hit him. He had looked into his Sharingan eye in the heat of the moment. "How could I be so stupid!" He thought to himself as he clasped his hands together focusing as hard as he could. Closing his eyes he focused on breaking his flow of chakra which was easier said than done.

Fu was able to pull it off and opened his eyes at the last second seeing Kakashi speeding towards him like a bullet with his lightning blade in both hands.

"Lightning cutter!" Kakashi screamed extending both of his arms aiming to slash Fuyona in half. At the absolute last-second Fu was able to sprout bones from his body that interlocked with each other forming a kind of armour protecting his entire upper body. Kakashi's attack knocked him flying through the air from the force alone, but thanks to his quick reflexes his Shikotsumyaku body armour increased with lightning style chakra had held its ground.

Fuyona flipped through the air landing on the ground with a smile on his face. He stood up slowly and looked at Kakashi who was out of breath and low on chakra now.

"This kid only looks a few years younger than me... Yet he's so strong..." Kakashi thought as he struggled to catch his breath.

"As much as I would love to continue this battle I don't have time. I hope we meet again Kakashi of the Sharingan..." Fu said as he raised his arm and made the hand sign. "Hidden mist jutsu..." He said as the mist enveloped him and the surrounding area allowing him to disappear without a trace.

Kakashi watched and breathed a sigh of relief as he felt Fuyona's presence vanish. "Just who the hell was that kid..."


"Look out!" Aka shouted as she pushed Midori out of the way of Ryōken as it sank its massive fangs into her neck breaking it as it clamped down hard. Her body went limp and Ryōken let go of her, her body falling to the ground.

Midori only had a second to process what just happened as Ryōken lunged forward swiping with its massive paws. Midori blocked the attack with his sword and man and beast exchanged blows in a vicious battle.

"It's time to finish this! Ryōken lets do it!" She shouted as she jumped on the Ninkens back mounting the large beast. Hara made some hand signs quickly and her chakra flared to life. " Man-Beast Transformation, three-headed beast jutsu!" She shouted as the two of them transformed into a massive three-headed hell hound.

Midori almost dropped his sword as he looked at the huge monster. It roared with all three heads and the shockwave alone blasted Midori back and he decided it was time to retreat.

"I don't think so!" The massive beasted shouted as it suddenly spun rapidly unrooting the trees and ground in the area smashing everything in its path to dust with its huge destructive power.

Midori was blown back by the force and was only just able to recover taking cover behind a huge tree. "What power... I can't take that thing on by myself." He said looking for a way to escape.

"Ice spear jutsu!" A voice shouted from a distance. Four ice spears smashed into the large beast's feet freezing them to the ground and pinning it in place. The beast howled in pain as it tried to pull free but the ice was too strong.

"I need water!" Fu shouted at Midori as he pointed to the ground under the beast. Midori understood and quickly made his hand signs, "Water style! raging waves jutsu!" He shouted as he fired as much water from his mouth as he could covering the ground in a decent size for Fuyona.

"Perfect! Now ice style frozen graveyard jutsu!" He

shouted as he slammed his hands down on the water pumping as much chakra as he could into it.

The water froze and then massive ice spikes started shooting from the ground hitting the beast and doing damage to it from underneath stabbing it over and over again.

The monster didn't last long and soon the jutsu faded and Hara and her Ninken were left impaled on the large ice spikes. Fuyona fell backwards and let out a large sigh, he was exhausted now after using so much chakra and his body felt like lead.

Midori was speechless at how strong Fuyona was and didn't have any words to say. Fu sat up slowly and looked at Midori, "Aka?" He asked. Midori shook his head and Fu nodded standing up slowly, "It's time to leave. The mission is a failure." He said turning to look at the direction of the hidden leaf village.

"Understood Captain," Midori said not questioning him. With that, the two of them made their way back before any more reinforcements arrived. The two of them made it back to the boat and set sail for the land of water, Fuyona almost collapsed from exhaustion as his small body struggled to deal with the massive strain that had been put on it. Midori let him rest and pretty much navigated the whole trip by himself until Fuyona had recovered.

Once back at the village they reported to the Mizukage and the elders who were in his chambers. Fu and Midori entered and bowed before Fu gave the full report of the mission and its failure.

The room was silent for long enough to make Fu and Midori uncomfortable and finally, the Mizukage spoke. "The mist can not afford to lose any more of our elite shinobi... You made the right call Fuyona." The tension in the room faded and then one of the elders spoke up.

"To have survived against a member of the Uchiha clan and a squad of elite troops of the leaf by yourself is a testament to your ability as a blood mist shinobi."

The Yagura nodded as he crossed his arms "I'm glad you survived Fuyona, I hereby give you a week's leave to rest. After that, you are to return to your duties by my side." He said to both of them. Fu and Midori nodded and bowed.

"You are dismissed," Yagura said permitting them to leave his chambers and they did as they were told shutting the large doors behind them. The elders turned to the Mizukage, "Is this really ok Yagura? They failed the mission to capture the ninetails." One of the elders spoke.

Yagura smiled as he sat down in his chair. "I never expected them to even come close to capturing the ninetails. No, this mission was how could you put it... A test." He said linking his fingers together.

"What do you mean a test?" One of the elders asked.

Yagura looked at the old woman and smiled. "That kid is full of potential, who knows how strong he could become as he grows. That kind of strength needs to be mȧturėd in the right way by battling powerful foes. That's why I give the boy such difficult missions. You could say he intrigues me.

"But why go to so much effort for the boy? You know his heritage don't you, that cursed clan should be." The old man was cut off by Yagura as he raised his hand to silence him.

"Let's just say that I have a plan to make him into our most powerful weapon. perhaps even one day surpassing myself."

Once outside Fu and Midori parted ways but before Midori left he removed his mask so Fu could see his face.

"My name is Hatsu Tokaji. I wanted to thank you for saving my life captain Yuki." Fu nodded and smiled at him, "Don't mention it. Hatsu." Fu said as he gave him a wave before he walked out of the Mizukages building. The mission was over and once again he had failed to protect his comrades.

Fu walked back to his apartment and drew a bath for him to soak his aching muscles. While he soaked in the warm water the faces of those he had let down entered his thoughts, "I was unable to protect them..." He said as he splashed his face trying to rid the faces of his fallen comrades. He sat back and let his body submerge so only his head was sticking out of the water. "At least this time I was able to save one of them..." He said closing his eyes for a moment.

"I swear I will never let my comrades die again."

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