"Attack him!"

"You take his left side!"

The sound of metal clashed on metal and the exchange of blows commenced.

"Is that all you have?" Fuyona said as he blocked a flurry of sword strikes before countering with a solid spinning back kick to his opponent's torso sending him flying.

Another attack came from behind but he had already expected it and allowed his body to grow bones from his back blocking the sword slash. He countered with even more bones growing striking their target hard knocking him to the ground. Fu had made sure that the ends were flat so they didn't kill him though.

Fu had been ȧssigned to train a new group of hunter ninja fresh from their training. He was told not to take it easy on them and even given permission to kill them if he felt they were not worthy of the title. It was ruthless but it was how things were in the bloody mist.

It was five on one and so far they had not even been able to land a single hit on Fuyona, Truth be told he was starting to get a little bord.

"Buy us some time!" Two of the team members shouted as they started making hand signs. The other three nodded and charged in trying to distract Fuyona.

"Let's see what you're made of," Fu said as he summoned two ice clones and charged in zigzagging to mix himself amongst his clones. Two of the hunter nin jumped in attacking with their swords while the other tried to take Fu from his blindside with a heavy rain of kunai. Fu's clone on the left blocked the first sword strike and grabbed his hunter ninja around the waist freezing him to the ground trapping him.

"That's one down!" Fu said with a smile as he fired bone bullets from his fingers deflecting all of the kunai, to his surprise though a Fūma Shuriken was hidden in the shadow of the kunai. Fu smiled as he jumped spinning in the air avoiding the massive shuriken, quickly he flipped and stuck a bone blade from his hand in the middle of the large shuriken stopping it in place.

Fu picked it up and flung it toward the two who were making hand signs and he charged toward the one who had thrown it. Meanwhile, Fu's clone on the left had been struck down by his opponent and the real Fu turned to look at the man impressed. He watched as the hunter ninja quickly made a water style whip and slapped the large shuriken out of the air protecting his teammates allowing them to finish their hand signs.

"Now! Fire style!"

"Wind style!"

The others quickly jumped out of the way apart from the one who was frozen to the ground and Fu smiled as he quickly bit his thumb drawing blood and made his own hand signs. "Not bad, but not good enough!" He shouted as he slapped his hand down on the ground. "Summoning jutsu!"

A huge puff of white smoke disappeared as a huge monstrous horned yeti appeared. The fire tornado was heading right for the beast but to the hunter's horror, the beast let loose a vicious roar its breath so cold that it put out the fire style and blew the tornado away. The beast stood at 20 feet tall and its body was huge covered in thick white fur, its teeth looked razor-sharp and its horns pointed up like a devil. Its breath was visible in the air and it snarled watched the hunter ninja with a killer gaze.

Fu jumped landing on its head crossing his arms over his ċhėst. The temperature all around them had dropped to below freezing and the hunter ninja started shivering from the cold.

"W..we ca..can't beat t..t..that thing!" One of them said through chattering teeth.

Fu smiled, "That's enough Fuyu." He said as he released the summoning the beast disappearing in a puff of white smoke. Fu dropped to the ground and the temperature around the area started to warm back up.

He walked over to one of the hunter ninja who had failed to get clear of the beats roar and his body was frozen. "I guess he didn't have what it takes..." Fu said almost inspecting his summons handy work. "I almost ended up the same way the first time I met Fuyu." He thought to himself with a little chuckle.

He turned to the others and gave a small nod. "Congratulations, the rest of you have passed your final test." He said as he turned his back on them. As he walked away he could hear them whisper amongst themselves and he couldn't help hear them say the words "ice devil of the blood mist."

It had been one year since Fu had clashed blades with Kakashi, he was now 13 years old and in charge of testing new hunter ninja for the Mizukage. Of course, he was still sent on missions from time to time but for the last few months his mission list had been small. This gave him a lot of free time to train and work on his own abilities.

Fu had travelled to the ruins of the Yuki clans old village where he spent the early years of his life. Amongst the ruins, he had discovered old scrolls containing hidden jutsu much like the summoning he had just used, along with a few new jutsu he had never thought of. Fu knew there was so much in this world still yet to be discovered and he took every chance he could get to get his hands on new jutsu adding as much as he could to his arsenal.

More time seemed to pass and the same routine followed as normal, sometimes a few members of his unit would train with him Hatsu being the most often. Ever since Fu had saved his life Hatsu had followed him with complete loyalty inspiring it among the new members of Fu's Anbu unit as well. His name was becoming more and more infamous with every passing mission. The fact he was still so young made his accomplishments even more impressive and he was starting to stick out.

One day Fu was summoned to the Mizukages office and wasn't told of the details. He made his way there and paid the usual respects by bowing and waiting for permission to enter. To his surprise, The room was filled with all of the elders of the village along with Yagura. It was the full council of the hidden mist village and Fu had never seen them all in the same room before.

"Enter Fuyona Yuki." One of the elders spoke. Fu entered the large room and stood in the centre. All of the council members including the Mizukage were sat around a semi-circle table and Fu could feel their hard gaze focusing on him.

"Do you know why you have been summoned?" One of the other elders asked.

"No my lord," Fu spoke without hesitation

Yagura spoke taking Fu's attention from the elders. "Lets cut to the chase already." He said clearly irritated by his elder peers. "Fuyona, you have been chosen to become the next host of the six tails. One of the two-tailed beast that we hold."

The elders murmured amongst themself at the interruption from the Mizukage but let it slide. Fu was stunned by his words and it took a moment for them to sink in.

"Fuyona did you hear me?" Yagura asked as he repeated himself getting more irritated.

"A-Apoligoes lord Mizukage," Fu said realizing he had not responded to him.

"I will say it again... You have been chosen to be the next host for the six tails."

Fu nodded and stayed silent all the while keeping eye contact with Yagura.

"What say you Fuyona Yuki?" One of the elders asked the others waiting for his answer. Fu took a moment and nodded again. "It is a great honour to be chosen, my lord." He said bowing his head.

"We have chosen you because you show exceptional potential in your abilities as a blood mist shinobi, we believe that like Lord Mizukage before you, you too will master the power of the tailed beasts, further strengthening our great nation.

Fu thought about it for a moment as all of the possibilities started rushing into his head. But there was so little time to think that he was interrupted by Yagura again.

"You, like me will become a Jinchuuriki and a weapon for our nation."

Fu bowed his head, "Yes lord Mizukage." He said in an emotionless voice.

"The summoning ritual will take place tonight at this location. You are to report there for 20:00 hours tonight, that is your mission." An elder said handing him a scroll with the coordinates sealed within.

"This is an S rank mission, you are to tell no one, is that understood." Another said just to clarify the top-secret nature of the sealing of a tailed beast. Fuyona nodded once more and remained silent.

"Very well, you are dismissed until then." The head elder spoke as he waved his hand signalling for him to leave. Fu nodded and used the body flicker to disappear from the room as quick as he could leaving the council members to chat amongst themselves.

"Do you really believe he will master the six tails power?" One of the elders asked. Yagura looked through the list of papers that were placed on the table in front of him. Among them was a list of shinobi who were possible candidates to become the new six tails host. Among them was a boy named Utakata who was the same age as Fuyona.

"His abilities set him far above the other candidates that are in the same age bracket. He is the clear choice." Yagura spoke as he stood from his chair. "Now if you will excuse me, I have some preparations to attend to."

Fuyona didn't know what to think of what had just happened, he was told he was going to become the six tails Jinchuuriki, he had never even considered that this could happen. Hell, he couldn't even remember which one the six tails was.

His mind was racing to try to consider every possibility one of them being the threat of the Akatsuki

and that they would one day come for him. "Would I be strong enough to fight them off?" he thought to himself.

At the same time, he knew that obtaining the power of a tailed beast would boost his power and abilities to a whole nother level and if he could learn to master its power like Yagura himself, well then his abilities would become extraordinary.

Before he knew it the time had come and he headed for the secret location where the sealing would take place. Once he arrived he was met by a small handful of Anbu and escorted inside. Once inside he was greeted by Yagura himself along with the sealing team of which Ao was a part of.

Fu had not seen him for a long time now and he smiled at him. "Well, well fancy seeing you here kid," Ao said placing his hands on his hɨps. Fu gave a nervous laugh, "Can't say I thought this would be how we meet again."

Ao nodded, "We can talk later, for now, lie on the table over there and take your shirt off." Fu nodded as he walked over to the metal table. He was inside a large cave that ran under the village and the only source of light was candlelight.

Fu led on the cold table and Yagura stood next to him. "Don't worry Fuyona, this won't take long. It might hurt a little though." Fu nodded and stayed silent as he mentally prepared himself for what was about to happen.

"Alright sealing team on me. Barrier team secure the outside." Yagura ordered. Ao and the other sealing team members gathered around Fuyona and the steel pot and started focusing their chakra. They each made several hand signs and suddenly linked hands forming a chain from the steel pot all the way to Yagura who placed his hand on the centre of Fu's ċhėst.

"Now!" Yagura shouted. The sealing team member who was at the other end of the chain pulled the seal off of the pot and suddenly a massive chakra forced its way out. The man grabbed the chakra with his bȧrė hand and all of them started chanting. Fu watched as the massive amount of chakra was absorbed into each of them passing along the chain until it reached Yagura.

"Sealing jutsu six pillar prison sealing!" He shouted as he pushed all of the chakras into Fu's body. The pain was almost unbearable and Fu let out a huge cry of burning agony.

"It's not over yet!" Yagura shouted as he forced more Chakra into Fu's body. Fu was trying his best to fight the pain but it was too much to bear and he could feel his world turning black as he faded into unconsciousness.

Fu woke up slowly as he took in his unfamiliar surroundings, "Where the hell am I?" He said as he looked down at his ċhėst. The sealing mark of the jutsu was visible but quickly faded into his skin. "Did it work?" He said to himself as he stood up taking a look around.

He was in a dark field covered in snow with the moon being the only source of light in the sky. He followed the strange snowy path into a small forest where he found a clearing reviling the six tail beast.

It was a huge white bipedal slug with stubby arms, feet and six long tails. Each of which was pinned down into the ground by massive black rods connected by chains that stopped it from moving. It has two prominent optical tentacles (eyes) and hole-like openings as a mouth. Its entire body covered in a thick, slimy substance. The beast was locked in a steel cage formed around six pillars and it didn't even try to move.

"So this is my new prison..." The creature spoke sounding almost upset. Fu walked closer to the beast but before he could say anything he woke up to Yagura's voice.

"Fuyona?! Wake up Fuyona!" He shouted as Fu slowly opened his eyes and sat upon the table.

The sealing team all gave a sigh of relief and even Yagura smiled a little, "Looks like the sealing jutsu was a success." He said as he crossed his arms.

Fu looked down at his ċhėst again to see the sealing mark fade as it did in his dream and he looked over to Yagura. "Was that real?" He said seeming confused.

Yagura nodded, "Don't worry kid it takes time to get used to it, for now, you need to rest and regain your strength. It looks like the sealing jutsu took a lot out of you."

Fu had noticed he still felt a little groggy and agreed with the Mizukage. "The mission is a success, time to head home and get some rest. Report back to my office tomorrow." With that Yagura left the cave and disappeared into the night.

All of the others did the same leaving Fu alone, all except Ao. "Just so you know kid, the life that comes with being a Jinchuuriki is not an easy one. I hope your ready for what comes next. Good luck."

With that, Ao left the cave leaving Fuyona alone with his thoughts. He stood up slowly and started to make his way back home. Once he arrived at his apartment he headed to the bathroom and washed his face in the sink. looking at his face in the mirror he took in the detailed markings of the Kaguya clan under his eyes and on his forehead. He also noticed his hair had grown a little more but the thought left his mind as quickly as it had entered.

Walking over to the bedroom he fell backwards onto the bed his exhaustion taking a hold of him and before he knew it he gave way to the weight of his eyelids as he drifted off into the darkness.

The next day Fuyona awake feeling great, almost stronger. He finished his morning exercise routine and washed and dressed reporting to the Mizukage's office.

Once there Yagura asked him how he was feeling and almost seemed glad that he was feeling fine.

"Now down to business," Yagura spoke pulling a scroll out. "A document was taken by Kumogakure (village hidden in the clouds.). It's an important scroll belonging to the hidden mist that can only be translated by our elders. In it lies secret jutsu passed down by our previous Mizukage."

Fu was a little intrigued and it showed. Yagura ignored it and carried on speaking. "Iwagakure (Village Hidden in the stones.) are keen to lend their ȧssistance as a form of an olive branch. I have spoken to the Third Tsuchikage and he is sending a unit to help retrieve the scroll from the Kumogakure forces. I am making you the captain of this mission, here are the details." He said handing the scroll to Fuyona.

"You may enter now," Yagura spoke. His office doors opened and three mist shinobi entered the room bowing their heads to the Mizukage and greeting Fu.

"This is your team, Suiren, Ganryū and Junsai. Meet your captain, Fuyona Yuki." yagura said leaning back into his chair. Ganryū looked Fu up and down before nodding his head, "Pleasure to meet you, captain."

Ganryū had dull-black hair and dark eyes and he wore the standard attire of the Kirigakure-nin inclusive of flak jacket and forehead protector along with the jade-green bangle that he and both his teammates wore also. He also carries a large cleaver-like blade strapped to his back.

Next Junsai stepped forward and even though he towered over Fu he still paid him respect. "It's a pŀėȧsurė captain Yuki, my name is Junsai." He had long wavy brown hair that he held in a ponytail with a black hair holder and dark eyes and a strong jaw-line. He wore the standard attire of the Kirigagure-nin albeit his outfit had short-sleeves, along with bandages around his wrists he too wore a jade-green bangle on his wrist.

Last Suiren walked over to Fu and nodded her head. Fu instantly noticed her beauty and almost felt uncomfortable at how close she was to him. She was taller than him as he had yet to have his growth spurt. She had brown eyes and long blonde hair with two long strands framing her heart-shaped face and going down to her ċhėst. She wore a pair of turquoise earrings along with the standard attire of the Kirigakure-nin complete with forehead protector and flak jacket, along with the jade-green bangle that was worn by her teams.

"I said it is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, captain Yuki." She said again. Fu had failed to hear her the first time as he was to busy ogling her and he had to bite his tongue to stop his face from turning red.

"Y-Yes. Nice to meet you too." Fu managed to spit out. Suiren smiled and stepped backwards into formation with the others. Yagura cleared his throat and got all of their attention.

"Now that you are acquainted with each other you may leave." He said not seeming impressed that they were still there. Fu nodded and turned to leave, the others bowing and following him out of the room.

Fu went over the mission with each of them and set a time and a place to meet. They all agreed and Fu used his body flicker to vanish. The thought was still fresh in his head and he felt a little silly. He had never noticed girls before so why now? He asked himself.

He tried to shake it off and decided to read through his team's profiles that were provided in the mission details.

Suiren, Ganryū and Junsai watched Fuyona vanish and started walking through the village. "So that kid is the ice devil of the blood mist," Junsai said whistling. "He's smaller than I thought he would be." He added onto the end.

Suiren looked at him a little surprised and was cut off by Ganryū. "I don't like it, Haven't you heard the stories about that kid. His teammates always die on missions with him, they say he's cursed."

Junsai nodded in agreement, "We had better be careful and watch our backs. If he decided to turn on us I don't think we would stand a chance."

"I thought he seemed sweet," Suiren said surprisingly them both. "I mean we are on the same side, he can't be all that bad." She said with a big smile on her face. Ganryū sighed, "Suiren you always look for the best in people, sometimes when it's not even there." Getting a laugh from Junsai.

She turned to face him her hands crossed behind her lower back her golden

hair glowing in the setting sun. "I can tell he's not a bad guy Ganryū. I just know it..."

Time passed and the sun had now set, Fuyona was waiting at the meeting point for his new unit to arrive. He wore the standard attire of the Kirigakure-nin inclusive of flak jacket and forehead protector, something he had not worn in a while. Most of the time he was donned in his Anbu robes or his own training clothes. It was a nice change to be dressed like a normal jounin for once. He noticed the arrival of his team and was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Reporting for duty captain Yuki," Ganryū said nodding his head. Fu jumped down onto the ground from the tree he had been sitting on. He looked at each of them and quickly avoided eye contact with Suiren to avoid blushing but she smiled at him never the less.

He quickly turns on his heels to look in the direction they were about to travel and put his hands on his hɨps. "Alright team, time to move out!"

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