Fuyōna had returned the princess back to the land of water. He had also delivered Kaga back safely to recover from his wounds, getting him to the hospital in the hidden mist.

Thanks to his new teleportation abilities, Fuyōna was able to make short work of the journey. He had already left seals in his apartment, meaning that once activated, it created an ice mirror for him to link with another, allowing him to slip through the two of them like a wormhole.

Fuyōna had first tested it out on Hatsu for long-distance and soon found that he could activate his seals from anywhere, virtually allowing him to travel from one side of the globe to the other through his ice mirrors in an instant. Sure it wasn't as impressive as the 4th Hokage's flying Raijin. But still, it was extremely useful.

Fuyōna had ordered Kaga to report to the Mizukage once his wounds had been tended to, while he let the princess rest in his apartment. The land of water's capital city was not far from the hidden mist village, and Fuyōna would escort the princess there himself once she woke up.

While she was still unconscious, he decided it was best that he took a shower. After all, they were far from danger now as no one knew they were even there.

Fuyōna turned the shower on and stripped his exhausted clothing onto the cold tiled floor. His body was beaten and bruised after his battle with the Kazekage, and if not for his increased healing factor thanks to Saiken, he would be feeling one hell of a lot of pain right now.

He stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash away the sweat and dirt. He could still feel bits of sand and gold dust washing down his body and out of his hair.

"Looks like going to the beach is the same in both worlds..." He thought to himself.

"You always bring it home with you." He said out loud with a small chuckle.

Fuyōna was laughing a little longer than he should have been and realized how crazy things had gotten since his arrival in this world. He basked in the hot water for just a little longer before getting out of the shower.

The mirror had steamed over thanks to the heat, Fuyōna wrapped a towel around his waist and wiped his hand over the condensation on the mirror to look at his reflection.

Looking at his reflection for what seemed the longest time. His body was going through a lot of changes. His muscles were starting to grow. He was beginning to grow more body hair, and most of all, he was starting to get a couple of spots. Thankfully a little medical ninjutsu seemed to clear them right up allowing for clear skin. Very convenient.

Fuyōna decided he had spent enough time in the bathroom. It was time to get dressed and ready to escort the princess back to her father. Fuyōna opened the bathroom door, to his surprise, he came face to face with the princess who was now awake.

"C-Captian Yuki!" She shouted as her eyes opened wide, realizing who he was.

"I just knew you would rescue me! I just knew it!" She shouted, tears coming to her eyes.

Fuyōna was quite shocked as he had not known she was even there, thanks to him letting his thoughts cloud his senses. He put his arms around her and just let her cry for a moment.

She pulled away to look at him, taking her only a moment to realize that Fuyōna was dressed in nothing but a towel that was wrapped around his waist.

The princess started to go a little red in the face before she pushed away from him, giving a small yelp as she tripped on something.

Fuyōna quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to her feet, saving her from falling over. The two of them locking eyes for a moment before she looked away.

"I better get dressed," Fuyōna said.

The princess nodded as she took a look at his body before looking away once more. She was no longer the confident, flirtatious princess she had been before. Now she seemed shy as if she was hiding her feelings.

Fuyōna didn't pay it any attention after all; she was still a child in his eyes.

"Yes, that would be best." The princess said, taking another look before looking away once more.

She was sat with one leg crossed behind the other and her back was perfectly straight. Fuyōna cleared his throat, getting her attention.

"Alright princess, are you ready to go home?" Fuyōna said, smiling at her.

She nodded and stood to her feet.

"Lead the way, captain Yuki." She said with a determined face.

On the way back to the capital Fuyōna told the princess that all of her maids and servants were safe, that his team had gotten them to safety. The princess was relieved to hear it as she voiced her concern about the hidden sand coming after her.

Fuyōna reassured her that she was safe now and that they would not be able to reach her in the land of water.

"But what if that Kazekage decides to come after me again!" She shouted, still sounding worried.

Fuyōna placed a hand on her shoulder as he looked her in the eyes.

"He will not be coming after you anymore, princess. I promise you that," Fuyōna said, his words giving her confidence.

Lucky nobody had seen them and Fuyōna made it to the capital with the princess without any more trouble. Once there, he allowed her to take her hood down and the two of them headed towards the palace where they were met by the guards who immediately ran over to her.

"It's the princess!" One of them shouted.

"Princess Mizuko! You are alive!" Another shouted as they escorted her inside without hesitation.

"Where is my father?" She demanded not answering one of their questions.

The guards shut their mouths and nodded.

"This way, princess." They said as they escorted her to the daimyō's chambers.

The daimyō was currently surrounded by his advisors, shouting about what had happened in the land of wind. Of course, word had already reached their ears and the daimyō sounded outraged.

Their words were cut short as the doors opened as the princess walked through, her presence demanding the attention of everyone inside.

"Mizuko!" The daimyō shouted in disbelief.

"Father!" She shouted as the two of them ran to one another, the daimyō embracing his daughter in a massive hug.

"Oh, my dear Mizuko! You are alive!" He said, grabbing her shoulders so he could get a good look at her.

"I'm fine father." She said with a small smile.

"I just got the news! The hidden sand ninja attacked you!" He shouted, examining her body for any injuries.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked, getting angry once again.

"No father, I am unharmed thanks to my shinobi bodyguards." She said, looking at Fuyōna.

All of the advisors started chatting amongst themselves as they examined Fuyōna. The daimyō also looked over to Fuyōna and nodded to him.

"You have my gratitude young shinobi." The daimyō said before he sat back down in his chair.

"Summon the war council! I also want the Mizukage here at once!" He shouted, slamming his fist down hard onto the large oak table, getting the attention of everyone in the large hall.

-Sometime later-

Full word had spread about the battle in the land of wind, which had resulted in the death of the 4th Kazekage by Fuyōna's hand. However, the main issue was that the land of water and land of wind was supposed to enter into a peace treaty, which the Kazekage had broken to try and kidnap princess Mizuko.

The daimyō of the land of water was outraged by this and demanded that the land of water go to war with the hidden sand village.

"My lord, I have his lordship of the land of wind on the line for you." One of the advisors said above the shouting that was currently going on.

"Put him on." the daimyō said as everyone went quiet waiting to see what happened.

A large television of some sort was wheeled into the room and set up so that everyone could see it. The screen flashed to life and a picture of the daimyō to the land of wind could be seen.

"Is it on?" The man shouted before he looked into the camera on his side.

"Can you see me?" He asked.

"Yes, I can see you." The daimyō of the land of water said.

"Good. First off allow me to give my apologies about this whole ordeal." The wind daimyō said, seeming sincere.

"I want you to know that I had nothing to do with this. In fact, I had only just finished discussing the terms of our agreement with your sweet daughter Mizuko. How is she by the way?" He asked.

The water daimyō lent forwards in his chair, interlocking his fingers together as he spoke.

"I thank you for your words in this challenging time my old friend. Of course, I have had all of the details thus far and am confident that the Kazekage acted alone for his own gain."

The wind daimyō nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"Yes, and the fool paid for it with his life..."

"That being said, you can understand my frustration at the whole ordeal." The water daimyō said, sighing.

"Let me stop you there, old friend." The wind daimyō said.

"Before you go any further, what more are you looking to gain? Your daughter is home safe and sound; the Kazekage of my country is dead. Don't tell me you are seeking what I think you are."

There was a moment of silence as everyone in the room waited for the water daimyō to speak. Suddenly, the Mizukage stood from his seat, raising his voice over the water daimyō.

The daimyō looked at the Mizukage in outrage but quickly shut his mouth at the hard gaze Yagura gave him.

"I think what the daimyō here is trying to say is that he is simply hurt that something like this would happen under your watch. I personally think justice has already been served and that we should use this as a stepping stone to learn from."

Everyone in the room was shocked, including Fuyōna. It was certainly not like the Mizukage to turn down the opportunity for war and Fuyōna couldn't help but wonder why.

"Thank you for your words, lord Mizukage." The wind daimyō also said, sounding interested.

The water daimyō was about to object, but he was cut off once again by the Mizukage who ended the call with the wind daimyō.

"What is the meaning of this lord Mizukage!" The daimyō shouted.

Yagura simply crossed his arms as he sat back down.

"War is not an option right now. We do not have the manpower or resources. Not to mention, once a war starts the other great nations will soon be at our doorstep. We have already achieved victory with the death of the 4th Kazekage. "

The water daimyō had to admit he hadn't thought of all of that. But he still was not happy about the Mizukage stepping on his toes.

"Very well. All that matters is that Mizuko is safe and that the Kazekage paid with his life." He said, taking the high ground.

Yagura nodded with a smile.

"Now if we are done I have matters to attend to." He said, standing once more.

It was very noticeable that his presence seemed to put all of the nobles on edge, including the daimyō. But it was clear that he used that to his advantage.

"Very well." The water daimyō said as he too stood from his seat.

"I bid you farewell." He said before turning and leaving the room with his daughter.

Mizuko looked at Fuyōna one last time and whispered something into her father's ear. He turned to look at Fuyōna and gave her a nod as he walked out of the room with his advisors.

Mizuko walked over to Fuyōna, who was stood next to the Mizukage. Yagura noticed her and then looked to Fuyōna with a smile.

"Make it quick." He said as he walked away.

Fuyōna nodded and turned to face the princess.

"I just wanted to say thank you again, captain Yuki." She said, looking a little sheepish.

Fuyōna nodded and smiled at her.

"Please, princess Mizuko. It was my honor. Also, call me Fuyōna. " He said with a small bow.

The princess bowed lower than he did as a sign of respect for saving her life.

"If there is ever anything I can do for you captain.. I mean, Fuyōna. Please do not hesitate to ask. After all, I owe my life to you."

Fuyōna nodded and went on to say his farewell before he walked back over to the Mizukage who was waiting for him outside of the daimyō's estate.

Fuyōna appeared next to him, giving him a slight nod.

"Sorry for making you wait lord Mizukage."

Yagura pushed off against the wall he was leaning on and gave Fuyōna a stern look.

"We have a lot to discuss Fuyōna." He said turning his back for him to follow.

-Time skip-

Once Fuyōna and the Mizukage had finished up at the daimyō's estate, they returned to the hidden mist village and Fuyōna found himself in Yagura's office to give a full debrief of the mission. Of course, Kaga had already given him as much detail as he could, but now it was time for him to hear it from the horse's mouth.

The Mizukage seemed unimpressed about how the mission had gone and even more so once he told him what happened with the Kazekage.

Fuyōna felt as if he was being scolded as if he was a student getting told off by a teacher, and he didn't like it.

"Although defeating the kazekage in battle is no small feat, you leave me with no choice but to place you under house arrest. You will be stripped of your Anbu rank and placed on normal duties."

Fuyōna was shocked, to say the least, and looked up at Yagura.

"But lord Mizukage, he would have taken the princess if I didn't."

"Do not talk back to me!" Yagura shouted as he let his aura flare to life.

Fuyōna had to admit that his killing intent was no joke and he decided to bite his tongue for now.

Yagura sighed as he let his aura settle down, taking a seat in his chair as he did so.

"You have to understand Fuyōna. This is for your own good. Because of what you have done, your name will spread across the great nations like wildfire. You will become the target of ȧssassination attempts as the sand look for revenge over their fallen Kage. The death of a Kage is not taken lightly. For that reason, I have to keep you in the village so I can keep an eye on you."

Fuyōna could kind of understand when he put it like that, but he was still not happy about being under house arrest. Still what choice did he have?

Yagura finished giving Fuyōna a lecture and the room went silent.

"Just tell me you understand and won't do anything without my say so for a while," Yagura said.

Fuyōna nodded and bowed his head.

"I understand Lord Mizukage."

"Very well, you are dismissed." He said. Watching Fuyōna as he up and walked out of his office.

As the door closed, Yagura's eyes suddenly turned red as they reflected the Sharingan and the shadow of a man appeared behind him, dressed in a dark robe with an orange mask that had black stripes across it.

"I will certainly be keeping an eye on this one.." He said before fading back into the darkness from once he came.

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