Six months had gone by since Fuyōna had been placed under house arrest. It may have been called house arrest, but it was more like village arrest. Fuyōna had been stripped of his Anbu command and rank, being placed on regular duties so that the Mizukage could keep an eye on him.

He was allowed to roam the village freely but was forbidden to leave. The Mizukage had also ȧssigned a small squad of Anbu to keep tabs on him, but Fuyōna spent most of his time keeping them confused about his whereabouts.

For the last six months, Fuyōna had spent his time training to hone his abilities, but he had to say that not being allowed to leave the village was starting to drive him crazy.

He would come up with little things now and again to keep himself entertained, though his favorite at the moment was to slip away from the Anbu only to give them hints of his whereabouts, almost like a game of hide and seek. But even that got boring after a while.

Fuyōna was also still allowed to see his old team and friends. He had become very close to Hatsu and Kaga ever since the incident with the Kazekage.

Speaking of which, the hidden sand had not taken the event lightly. They had already sent ȧssassins after Fuyōna, but each of them had fallen to his blade. The amount became less and less until they seemed to stop coming altogether.

Fuyōna's reputation was becoming more and more infamous as time went on, especially as he continued to avoid and kill each ȧssassin that was sent his way.

They had also elected the 5th Kazekage. If Fuyōna remembered correctly, her name was Pakura of the scorch style. He wasn't sure of how it worked in the hidden sand, but apparently, she was only acting Kage until a particular clan was of age. Which Fuyōna ȧssumed was Gaara who was about two years old at this point.

But of course, as usual, most of Fuyōna's time was put into his training. Mostly Fuyōna had been working on his control of Saikens chakra. Other than that he had been doing the usual. Taijutsu practice, chakra control and utilizing his Kekkie Genkai into his fighting style.

Fuyōna's Shikotsumyaku had become second nature, and he could use it as easy as moving his fingers. Fuyōna had also poured so much time into his ice style that he had even come up with a few more jutsu as well as improving on all of his others.

But he still felt that something was missing. During one of his long meditation sessions, Fuyōna had an idea come to him.

"Sage mode..." He thought as his eyes snapped open.

He knew that Naruto could use sage mode thanks to his summoning the toads of mount myoboku. Even Orochimaru could access sage jutsu thanks to his snake summoning. So that begged the question to if Fuyōna's own summoning could help him.

"Well, I guess it's time to give these Anbu the slip again." He said as he made the hand signs.

"Reverse summoning jutsu." He said as he placed his hand on the floor of his apartment, disappearing in a poof of white smoke.

Thankfully Fuyōna knew his way around and made his way through the thick snow towards Fuyu's cave.

"Fuyu!" Fuyōna shouted as he entered.

It was quiet for a moment before the large Yeti appeared from the darkness, surprised to see Fuyōna.

"Fuyōna, is that you?" He asked, his tone deep.

"Yes, old friend, how are your injuries?" Fuyōna asked, remembering Fuyu had helped him battle against the 4th Kazekage.

Fuyu grabbed his large bicep as he flexed in good health.

"Don't you worry about me! I'm as strong as ever. Takes more than that guy to put me down for good, speaking of which. You won, right?" Fuyu said with his deep voice.

Fuyōna smiled as he crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

"I did. But it was not easy." Fuyōna said.

"You don't say. That's what happens when you fight someone of Kage level."

The two of them laughed a little before it went silent once more.

"So tell me, Fuyōna, why are you here? It's not like you to just pop in for a visit." Fuyu asked with a questioning look.

Fuyōna stood back to his feet as he placed his hands by his sides.

"Nothing get's past you Fuyu." He said with a smile.

"But you are right. I'll cut to the chase." Fuyōna said, looking Fuyu in the eye.

"I have come to ask if you know anything about sage jutsu," Fuyōna asked.

Fuyu looked a little puzzled at first but then gave a monstrous laugh.

"Sage jutsu!" He shouted between laughing.

"Now where did you hear about such a thing?" He asked.

Fuyōna was surprised at Fuyu's question and was quick to answer with a lie.

"I overheard some of the elders talking about how the 1st Hokage of the leaf could use such a power, rendering him almost invincible. I didn't know who else to ask."

Fuyu seemed to buy Fuyōna's story and took the bait.

"Hmmm... It is true I know of sage jutsu. However, I can not use it myself."

Fuyōna seemed disappointed but tried his best to hide it.

"What can you tell me about it?" He asked quickly.

Fuyu sighed and stood slowly to his full height.

"I can tell you aren't going to give up on this without a fight. If that is the case, I will take you to someone who knows much more than I Fuyōna. I may not look it, but I am only 30 years old and am still young among my kind." Fuyu said surprising Fuyōna.

"Really? I had no idea... Does that mean there are more of your kind?" Fuyōna asked.

Fuyu nodded as he crossed his arms.

"I think it is time you meet the elder little Fuyōna."

Fuyōna nodded as Fuyu turned around.

"Hop on kid." He said, patting his shoulder for Fuyōna to jump onto.

Fuyōna did just that and jumped high up onto Fuyu's massive hairy shoulder.

Fuyu walked deeper into the cave and deeper into the darkness. Fuyōna's eyes struggled to adjust, but as they approached the end of the cave, they came face to face with a giant ice wall.

"What is this?" Fuyōna asked as he reached out to touch the ice.

Fuyu chuckled.

"This is the door." He said as he placed his massive hand onto it.

"Only members of my kind can enter through this ice. Its how we have survived for so long." Fuyu said as he looked at Fuyōna.

"Are you ready?" Fuyu said as he stepped into the ice, passing through it like a portal.

Fuyōna had to shield his eyes as the level of light changed once more becoming very bright, as he opened his eyes, he was meet by a beautiful snowy mountain peak with a village spread around it.

There were a number of other Yeti going about their business, but Fuyōna noticed that none of them was as large as Fuyu.

"Is this real? I have never heard of such a place existing." Fuyōna said.

Fuyu walked down the large stone steps that passed the shrine that was on the other side of the ice wall, heading down into the village.

"Just because you have never heard of something before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

As Fuyu walked into the village, he was met with praise and greeted by every other Yeti that was there as if he was some kind of hero. He greeted each of them, and all of them showed surprise at Fuyōna's presence.

Each of them was large standing at least 10 feet tall, but none of them even came close to Fuyu's height.

"They really seem to like you Fuyu," Fuyōna said.

Fuyu smiled as he continued to make his way through the village.

"Well, I am what you would call a warrior of my kind. I am tasked with guarding the ice gate. It is something of a great honor of my kind." The large Yeti said as he carried on walking through the village.

He approached another large set of steps that seemed to go all the way to the top of the mountain and started to make his way up them.

Fuyōna decided to stay quiet for the time being and just watch. The view was terrific and Fuyōna was still amazed about this whole thing. Even with all of his knowledge from his other life, he had never known of such a place. He guessed there were still many mysteries about this world that he had never seen before.

As he and Fuyu approached the top of the steps, Fuyōna could see two large pillars that had open flames on top of them. A large shrine had been built into the mountain's peak and on either side of the large door stood two more powerful-looking Yeti.

Each of them noticed Fuyōna on Fuyu's shoulder and readied their sasumata to attack him.

"What is the meaning of this Fuyu!" One of them shouted.

Fuyōna noticed that both of the Yeti in front of him were each the same size as Fuyu, one of them had a large scar across his face and Fuyōna could tell each of them were battle-hardened.

"Calm your selves Kōri, Mō Fubuki. This is Fuyōna Yuki." Fuyu said with his arms raised.

Both of the Yeti slowly lowered their weapons with a questioning look.

"Did you say, Yuki?" Kōri said.

"That's right. I have brought him to meet with the elder." Fuyu said.

Both of the large Yeti seemed to relax and placed the buts of their sasumata back onto the ground.

"Very well, Fuyu, you may pass," Kōri said.

"Could have given us a little notice eh?" The other one said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Let's do this Kōri!" The large Yeti shouted as both of them turned around and started pushing as hard as they could on the massive doors, forcing the ice that had frozen them shut to break.

Fuyōna could tell that both the Yeti were trying their hardest, using all of their strength to push the doors open as their muscles bulged.

"ARRGHHH!!!!" Both of them yelled as they continued to push as hard as they could.

"Do they need some help?" Fuyōna asked.

Fuyu scoffed at Fuyōna's question.

"There is only one among us that can open these doors alone."

"Who is that?" Fuyōna asked.

"You are about to find out," Fuyu said as the doors finally started to slide along the floor and opened, the heavy doors screeching along the stone tabs on the floor before hitting the inner walls signaling they had fully opened.

Both Yeti were breathing hard now as they walked back outside huffing and puffing. Fuyōna could see that small oil lamps lit the inner hall and at the very end was a large shrine with a throne made of solid ice.

Fuyu entered the hall and sat on his knees as he told Fuyōna to jump off his shoulder and do the same. Of course, he did and took a kneeling position next to the twenty-foot Yeti next to him.

The room seemed so much larger now as he waited for what came next. Heavy footsteps caught his attention and he could only imagine what kind of insanely powerful monster could be the leader of this clan of Yeti.

The footsteps got closer and closer as whoever was causing them got closer. The anticipation was killing Fuyōna, but he was able to hold the urge in and wait.

To Fuyōna's surprise, A small hairy little white Yeti with a walking stick appeared. The creature was even shorter than he was, its back was hunched and it had two small horns on its head.

Fuyu bowed, placing his head onto the stone floor paying his respect to the small Yeti. Fuyu noticed that Fuyōna didn't bow and poked him with his large finger, pressing him down to the ground.

"Now, now Fuyu pick yourself up." The old Yeti said as he hopped up onto the large throne with surprising grace.

Fuyōna also lifted his head off the floor as Fuyu introduced him.

"Great elder Hyōketsu. This is Fuyōna Yuki." Fuyu said.

The elder Yeti's feet were dangling from the massive throne he was sat on as he looked over to Fuyōna seeming amused.

"My oh my. I haven't seen a member of the Yuki clan since little Shimo. I thought they were all dead?" he said, hopping off his seat.

"He sort me out with the reverse summoning jutsu great elder. After I deemed him worthy, I allowed him to sign a contract with myself." Fuyu said, still sitting on his knees.

The old Yeti was stood right in front of Fuyōna now as he examined him, prodding him with his walking stick.

"This one looks strong," Hyōketsu said.

"Must be if he was able to defeat you in battle little Fuyu." He continued to say.

"Shimo was my grandfather... Although I didn't know him well." Fuyōna said, speaking up.

Hyōketsu pulled his hair from over his bright blue eyes to get a better look at Fuyōna.

"Ahh. Now that you mention it, I can see him in you." Hyōketsu said as he started to sniff Fuyōna taking in his scent.

"It would seem you have also brought along something else. Something you carry inside of you young Fuyōna." The little Yeti said.

Fuyōna seemed stunned, and Saikens voice snapped him out of it.

"He can sense me Fuyōna," Saikan said.

Fuyōna concentrated a little so he could enter his inner world to speak to Saiken.

"What do you mean he can sense you?" He asked.

"Do you think you can chat amongst yourselves without me being able to see?" Hyōketsu said as he was sat in the snow inside Fuyōna's inner world surprising both him and Saiken.

Fuyōna opened his eyes and jumped back away from the small Yeti almost on guard. Fuyu seemed very surprised at his reaction and stood to his feet; however, Hyōketsu waved his walking stick, signing for him to stay out of it.

"How did you do that?" Fuyōna asked, confused.

Hyōketsu smiled a toothy smile, his large fangs showing through his hair.

"Why don't you just ask what you have come to ask little Fuyōna. I take it you are here to learn how to use sage jutsu?" Hyōketsu said, placing both hands on the top of his walking stick.

Fuyōna was again surprised but decided to relax just a little deciding he should cut to the chase.

"Very well... I asked Fuyu to bring me here so that I could learn about sage jutsu."

Hyōketsu turned his back, taking a few steps away before turning to face Fuyōna once again.

"There was only one other human that has ever asked me to teach them sage jutsu... That was your grandfather Shimo. I will give you the same test that I gave him. If you pass, I will teach you how to use sage jutsu, but if you fail. You will never be able to access nature energy." Hyōketsu said as he allowed his walking stick to drop to the floor.

Fuyōna took only a moment to think about what the elder said to him, but Fuyu spoke up not able to stay quiet any longer.

"This is not an easy path Fuyōna. Please, you must think about this seriously. You only get one chance and even then if your body isn't strong enough, you will not be able to learn it in the first place!"

The elder Yeti gave a small chuckle before waving his hand towards Fuyu.

"Be quiet and let the child make up his own mind."

Fuyu bit his tongue instantly going quiet as the elder ordered, leaving Fuyōna in silence to think about his decision.

"I accept," Fuyōna said as he looked into the elder's eyes, his determination blazing like a small fire in a blizzard.

"Very well... Just so you know, little Shimo failed this test," Hyōketsu said as he suddenly struck the air with his small fist.

The force he generated sent a huge shockwave through the air that smashed into Fuyōna so hard that the force sent him flying. The attack was so fast that Fuyōna hadn't even seen it coming.

The blast carried him through the air and slammed him into the massive doors, both of them slamming open due to Fuyōna hitting them so hard.

Fuyōna hit the floor hard and rolled down the solid stone steps before finally stopping still. His body felt as if it had been hit by a train and it took him a moment before he could even see straight.

Saikens voice was ringing in his ears over and over again as Fuyōna tried to pull himself up. But the blast had done more than just hurt him physically. It had also drained him of all of his chakra.

"Fuyōna you must wake up!" Saiken shouted.

Fuyōna was finally able to stand, but the effort felt as if it drained the rest of his energy.

"Saiken.. I need some chakra..." He said through struggling breaths.

"I'm trying Fuyōna, but it doesn't seem to be working." The tailed beast said seeming worried.

Fuyōna's eyes opened wide as he forced himself to climb back up the large stone steps towards the doors he had been blasted out of. Once he finally reached the top, he was met by Kōri and Mō Fubuki who seemed to be looking at him very surprised.

"looks like I owe you dinner, Kōri." Mō Fubuki said, looking at his friend.

"This one will fail just like the last." Mō Fubuki said slamming his weapon but into the ground.

Fuyōna was pissed now and he tried to pull out Saikens chakra by force. However, it didn't seem to be working.

"I am sorry Fuyōna, but It doesn't seem like I can give you any of my chakra. It's as if something is stopping me from inside your own body."

"What did that bastard do to me!" Fuyōna shouted as he slammed his fist down onto the ground in frustration.

Both Kōri and Mō Fubuki watched him with interest.

"Come on, kid. Didn't the old man tell you anything?" Kōri said.

"What do you mean?" Fuyōna asked almost sound desperate.

"You always do this Kōri." Mō Fubuki said, crossing his arms over his giant ċhėst.

"Come on Mō Fubuki. It could make things more interesting." Kōri said as he crouched down to speak to Fuyōna.

"look, kid. You cant use any chakra right?"

Fuyōna nodded, still confused.

"And the only way to get it back is to get through these doors back to the old man right?"

Fuyōna took a moment to think about it and nodded.

"Right..." He said.

"But there is another way. You see if you decide you can no longer pursue this endeavor of yours, all you have to do is leave through the giant ice wall. Once you pass through it, all of your chakra will be restored. But be warned. You will never be able to pass through into this realm again."

Fuyōna didn't speak as the words from the giant Yeti sunk in hard. This is what the old man meant by you only have one chance, Fuyōna thought.

He looked up past the large Yeti to the doors. Now the only question was how he was supposed to open them by himself when even the giant Yeti struggled to do it together.

This was the test.

This would determine how far he could go in this world.

This would determine whether he could obtain the power to achieve his goals.. Or whether he would let it crush them.

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