Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 36 - 36:

Fuyōna slowly woke up as the morning sunlight shone through the crack in the blind. His head was pounding from the sake the night before, and he slowly took a look to see where he was.

"Where am I?" He thought to himself as he turned his head to the side.

His face suddenly went a little red as his first sight was Meis exposed ċhėst. Fuyōna then looked around the room, and the memories came flooding back.

"Good morning," Mei said as she stretched, smiling at him before she placed her head on his ċhėst.

Fuyōna smiled back and realising it wasn't a drunken mistake.

"Good morning," he said, placing a hand on her head.

Mei giggled a little bit before sitting up. Of course, she didn't bother to pull the blanket to cover herself up as she stood, stretching her arms into the air.

"Would you like some breakfast?" She asked, giving him a wink.

Fuyōna couldn't take his eyes off her body, and Mei had to repeat the question to get his attention.

"Y-yes. Sorry." He said, giving a small laugh.

Mei wasn't bothered, and she walked off, placing a robe on before heading into the kitchen, leaving Fuyōna alone in the bedroom.

"What have I done?" He thought as the memories of the night before played over and over in his head.

It wasn't like he regretted it. In fact, it was the complete opposite. His only worries were where it would lead. It could make things very difficult or awkward between them if he hurt her feelings. After all, Fuyōna wasn't looking for a relationship right now.

Fiyōna threw the covers back and slowly stepped out of bed as he got out of bed and pulled his pants back on before he joined Mei in the kitchen.

She was currently cooking some eggs while humming to herself as she noticed Fuyōna enter the room.

"I've put some orange juice on the table for you, oh, and I hope you like scrambled eggs." She said, very cheerfully.

Fuyōna gave a big grin and sat down at the table.

"Thank you." He said as he poured himself a glass of orange juice, taking a large gulp.

Mei put two plates out and placed some of the eggs on them. They looked perfectly cooked, both soft and fluffy.

"Well, dig in." She said with a smile.

Fuyōn did just that, and the two of them ate breakfast together with a smile.

Mei pushed her plate away from her a little once she had finished her breakfast and placed her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands.

"I want you to know Fuyōna. Just because we slept together doesn't mean you have to make a decision to be with me right away." She said, rubbing the edge of her glass slowly.

Fuyōna was still eating and almost choked on his eggs at what she said. He quickly recovered and looked Mei in the eye to give her a response.

"I'm glad you think that Mei..." He said.

"I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment, and with everything that is going on, I have to focus on myself and the village first. I hope yoy understand."

Mei had to admit she was a little hurt. But she understood, after all, they had the same goal, and the village came first. For the moment.

"I agree." She said.

"I want the same thing you do, Fuyōna. I really do. But mark my words. You will be mine one of these days." She said with a playful wink.

Fuyōna gave a playful smile before he nodded and finished his eggs. He stayed for a little while longer, and the two of them ended up sharing a shower together... (Use your imagination!)

It was around midday now, and it was time for Fuyōna to take his leave. After all, he had his own business to attend to.

He bid Mei farewell, and she waved to him in her robe. Fuyōna had thoroughly enjoyed himself, but now it was time to focus on what he needed to do.

Next on his list was to find himself a house to stay in, which shouldn't be too hard giving all the money he had saved over the years.

Last was to enrol Kimimaro into the Academy. Again it wouldn't be too hard. Once, he visited the head instructor, that was.

Fuyōna arrived at Hatu's house not long after and knocked on the door. Hatu's wife answered and let him in, greeting him and showing him to where Kimimaro was.

The kid was currently sitting in the garden as he played with the birds, he looked happy, and Fuyōna smiled at the sight.

Kimimaro noticed his presence and turned around, running over to him.

"Your back, lord Yuki." He said with a big smile on his face.

Fuyōna was taken back by his greeting and put his hand on his head, rubbing his hair.

"Good to see you again, kid, but what's with the lord Yuki?" He said.

Kimimaro laughed as he pulled away to sort his hair out.

"It's what Mr Hatsu said I should call you."

Fuyōna sighed but smiled.

"Well, Fuyōna is just fine."

Kimimaro was surprised by how relaxed Fuyōna was with his name but did as he asked.

"Where is Hatsu?" Fuyōna asked, noticing that he wasn't around.

"He has been summoned for a mission. He said he could be away for a week at most." His wife said.

Fuyōna nodded as he grabbed Kimimaro's shoulder.

"Thank you for taking care of him for me. We will get out of your hair for now. When Hatsu returns, tell him to come and see me." Fuyōna said, giving her a small bow.

She returned his bow.

"Please, it was my pŀėȧsurė." She said with a warm smile.

"We need to get you out of those clothes," Fuyōna said, knowing that wearing the Kaguya symbol was not a good idea around here at the moment.

For the time being, Fuyōna had given the lad a black cloak to wear over his other clothing as he took him to a clothing shop.

Kimomaro was amazed to see what life was like inside the village. He had spent most of his youth locked in a cage due to the others

being scared of his abilities.

"This way, kid," Fuyōna said as he noticed Kimimaro was getting distracted.

Kimomaro took his eyes off what he was looking at and ran after him to catch up.

Fuyōna had taken him to one of the only other shops that were still open, or one that could still afford to be open.

He was baffled at the extortionate prices they were currently charging, but he could understand that they had no other choice.

Fuyōna picked a couple of sets of essential training gear and regular clothes for the kid to wear and took them to the till.

"This way, no one will recognise you are from the Kaguya clan." Fuyōna thought to himself as he gave Kimimaro a nod of approval.

Kimimaro was more than excited. It was the first time anyone had ever given him a new pair of clothes, and Fuyōna could tell how happy he was.

"Alright, kid, calm it down a little." He said.

Kimimaro nodded as he stopped running around in excitement.

"Let's go." He said as they left the shop.

Fuyōna noticed that Kimomaro had been looking at one of the shop vendors who was selling sweets before they went into the clothes shop.

He couldn't help himself, and he went over to get one. It was a two handle ice pop for sharing, and Fuyōna snapped half off, giving it to Kimimaro.

"Here, kid, enjoy." He said, smiling at him.

Kimimaro was shocked at how kind Fuyōna was. So shocked, in fact, that he almost started to cry.

"Now, now, kid, let's not start the waterworks. I told you id look after you now, didn't I?"

Kimimaro nodded as he took the ice pop.

"Now follow me," Fuyōna said as he continues to walk down the street.

"Keep up, kid, I won't tell you again."

Fuyōna didn't have to look to recognise that gruff voice.

Fuyōna turned the corner and stopped as he suddenly came face to face with none other than the demon of the mist...

"Zabuza." He said.

Zabuza noticed Fuyōna right away, and he also stopped as they entered a standoff in the middle of the street.

"I'm sorry, master Zabuza." A small boy said as he ran to catch up, stopping behind Zabuza, as he noticed Fuyōna.

Kimomaro also stopped behind Fuyōna, still ŀɨċkɨnġ his ice pop as he noticed the two staring at each other.

"Fuyōna..." Zabuza said, not impressed to see him as usual.

Fuyōna took a good look at the boy he was with, and the clogs in his mind started to turn.

"Haku..." He almost said out loud, surprised that Zabuza had still found the boy.

Zabuza noticed Kimimaro, who was standing behind Fuyōna and scoffed.

"You taking on street rats now?" He said mockingly.

Fuyōna smiled.

"I could say the same to you... Not like you to adopt a kid."

Zabuza smirked from behind his mask.

"This one is special. Once I have trained him, he will be a weapon, unlike any other."

Fuyōna looked at the child and sighed.

"I can tell he is special, alright." He said as he raised his hand slowly.

Zabuza looked at Fuyōna, ċȯċking an eyebrow at him.

"What are you playing at?" He said, confused.

Fuyōna allowed ice to suddenly form on his hand slowly as be moulded it into a small sculpture of Haku.

Haku was shocked.

"Can you do this too?" He asked as he extended his arm towards Haku to show him.

"Enough!" Zabuza shouted as he slapped Fuyōna's arm away, the ice sculpture of Haku hitting the ground and shattering.

In almost the blink of an eye, Kimimaro had dashed toward Zabuza, attacking him with full force.

Zabuza had, of course, seen the attack coming and was about to counter-attack. However, Kimimaro stopped in his tracks as Haku did the same thing, countering Kimimaros advance towards his master.

Kimomaro was shocked that Haku had been able to counter him, and the two of them jumped back, each landing next to their masters.

"That's enough, Kimimaro," Fuyōna said.

Kimimaro allowed his bones to slide back into his skin, getting a surprised reaction from both Zabuza and Haku.

"Pull back, Haku, you don't stand a chance against that kid just yet." He said, looking at Fuyōna.

"So you found yourself an apprentice, did you," Zabuza said, giving a slight chuckle.

Fuyōna was surprised at Hakus speed. He could tell the boy had had no training yet and acted on pure instinct to protect Zabuza.

"Zabuza," Fuyōna said in a deep voice, getting his attention.

"Why do you want this child?" He said.

Zabuza was surprised by his question but could tell Fuyōna had gotten serious.

"What does it matter to you. Without me, he would have died already. He belongs to me now, so mind your own business!"

Fuyōna took a breath to calm himself as he looked at Haku and then back to Zabuza.

"My name is Fuyōna Yuki." He said, getting a small reaction from Haku as it was the same as his name.

"As the last living member of the Yuki clan, I have a right to claim that child with you, Zabuza, and you know it."

Zabuza's hand twitched as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He knew he couldn't defeat Fuyōna. The last time they had fought was evidence enough of that.

"Not going to happen," Zabuza said, getting ready to defend himself if it came down to it.

Fuyōna looked at Haku and could tell he was scared. He took another breath as he withdrew his anger and let his seriousness settle in an attempt to put the lad at ease.

"Haku, is it?" Fuyōna said, getting the boys attention.

"Haku Yuki... Like me, you are one of the last of your clan." He said.

"I can teach you how to use your abilities far beyond Zabuza could. Together we could rebuild the Yuki clan. I will give you a choice. You can either serve a cold existence under this man. Or you can come with me and be cared for, being taught how to use your abilities to their best." Fuyōna said, putting the choice in his hands.

Haku was shocked beyond belief. He had no idea that there were other people that could use the same power as him. He had no idea he came from a clan and was one of the last remaining members.

The memories of his mother flooded his mind as he remembered her reaction to his abilities. Then the memories of how his father killed her for having them and almost killing him before he used them to save himself.

He had been told he was a monster, that he was cursed and would burn in hell. He was told that he was wicked and that he should never use his abilities again.

"You dare try and steal my slave from me!" Zabuza shouted in anger.

"He is not a slave, Zabuza! He is Haku of the Yuki clan! And he is under my protection. Even from you." Fuyōna shouted as his chakra flared to life.

The pressure was so strong that Zabuza felt like his body was made of lead. Haku and Kimimaro dropped to their knees from the weight of it, and Fuyōna quickly allowed it to settle, having proved his point.

Zabuza growled as he backed off a little, knowing he couldn't win.

"Take him if that's what you want! But know this, Yuki! One day I will kill you if it's the last thing I do!" Zabuza shouted as he suddenly threw a smoke bomb to cover his escape.

Haku covered his eyes from the smoke in surprise. Once it cleared, he was clearly in shock as Zabuza had disappeared, leaving him here alone.

"Master Zabuza!" Haku shouted as he turned around in every direction, looking for him.

"Where did you go!" He shouted again as he wasn't even sure where to look for him.

"I'm afraid he is gone, kid," Fuyōna said with a heavy sigh.

"He said he would look after me... I was supposed to be his weapon..." Haku said in disbelief that he had abandoned him so quickly.

Fuyōna felt terrible for the kid. He felt awful that he had split him up from Zabuza, knowing how important their role together should have been. He wasn't just being selfish. No. He was doing what was best for himself, the village and Haku.

"Zabuza never cared about you, Haku," Fuyōna said, getting his attention.

"He only wanted to use you as a tool."

Haku fell to his knees, feeling as if he had been abandoned once again.

Kimimaro walked over to Haku, surprising Fuyōna. If he remembered correctly, they were the same age.

Kimimaro offered his hand to Haku, who looked up at him confused.

"Mr Fuyōna is kind. He is strong, and he will take care of you, just like me." He said, smiling at Haku.

Haku was taken back by his compassion towards him.

Fuyōna walked over to the two of them and placed his hand on Kimimaros shoulder, offering Haku his other hand.

"I promise you both. I will look after you and teach you everything I know. Together you will help me change this nation into a place that is safe for all to live."

Haku could see Fuyōna in a new light as he listened to his words. Slowly he reached his hands out to take Kimimaros and Fuyōnas at the same time.

They pulled the boy to his feet, and Fuyōna placed his hand on his shoulder just like he had done with Kimimaro.

"Alright, boys, what say we go and find a new house where we can stay, eh?"

With that said, Fuyōna took Kimimaro and Haku with him. He had never planned to take them in as his students, but then again, he had not planned for a lot of things that had happened in this world.

Fuyōna headed to the housing clerk, the one that dealt with shinobi leaving quarters. Now that he had two others that would be staying with him, he would need a bigger place than his last apartment.

Fuyōna entered the office and could see the head Clark sorting out some paperwork. He was also a hidden mist shinobi, yet he rarely saw combat these days.

Fuyōna walked over to the desk and cleared his throat. The Clark didn't bother to look up as he kept writing whatever he was writing.

"The office is closed at the moment. Come back later." He said.

Fuyōna cleared his throat once more and crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

The Clark looked up, seeing that whoever it was, wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Look, pal, I said the officer is clos..."

He started before he realised who Fuyōna was.

"A- a-a..."

"You were saying?" Fuyōna said as he crossed his arms.

"Ice devil of the mist... Fucking Kage killer... Of all the people to come into my office." He thought to himself as he quickly closed the documents in front of him.

"M-my apologies, sir. How can I help you?" He asked, being much more polite.

"I need a house, one with at least three rooms," Fuyōna said bluntly.

"Right... Let me take a look at what we have." He said as he pulled out a large document with the current houses available.

He started to flick through them, using the index to find what he was looking for.

"Ah yes, as luck would have it, I have just the place." He said, showing Fuyōna a picture of it.

The place looked a little run down, but the outside grounds were extensive, with plenty of space.

"It was an old livestock storage area that was converted into a house. Complete with three bedrooms, large outdoor space and a large indoor hall full of junk. However, it is a little on the pricy side."

Fuyōna checked the pictures and then looked at the price. He wasn't kidding. It was currently listed at 750,000 Ryō. Fuyōna sighed and thought about it hard.

"Alright, I'll take it." He said as he summoned an ice mirror, reaching his arm through it and pulling out a large bag of money.

A few moments later...

Once they had counted out the money, the Clark filled the paper work out and signed a couple of documents before asking Fuyōna to sign a couple of times.

"Alright, that's all complete. Congratulations on your new home." He said as he gave Fuyōna the paperwork proving that he now owned the property ȧssigned by the Clark of the village hidden in the mist.

Fuyōna took it and walked out of his office to find Kimimaro and Haku waiting for him patiently.

"Alright, boys, how about we go and see our new home." He said.

Both of them nodded in excitement, and the three of them went off to see their new home.

Meanwhile, Zabuza had retreated, leaving Haku with Fuyōna. He knew he couldn't defeat him, yet the rage he felt towards him was burning hotter and hotter.

"Curse you, Yuki..." He said as he punched a tree he was sat by, shattering its bark with one blow.

Zabuza was no pushover. He had mastered all of the seven swords that the village still had access to, yet, choice to wild none of them as they didn't suit his current fighting style.

He was currently 20 years old and already considered an S rank ninja. But for all his power, he still paled in comparison to Fuyōna.

"I have learnt all I can here. This village is doing nothing but holding me back now." He said as he stood to his full height, overlooking the village from the hillside he was stood on.

"Mark my words Fuyōna... One day you will pay." He said before he disappeared into the mist, leaving the village once and for all.

Fuyōan, Haku and Kimimaro arrived at the house and could see it was a little run down. It had clearly been vacant for a while now and needed a good clean.

It was very large with a large front and back garden as it was located on the village's edge. It had a large living area, a huge kitchen and three very spacious bedrooms with two bathrooms to boot. All in all, it was perfect.

Fuyōna walked through into the back garden and could see the large storage unit. It looked like an old barn that had just been used to throw a load of crap into.

But Fuyōna saw it for more. He saw it for what it could be. He knew that once they cleared all of the crap out of it, he could turn it into a training hall, one where he could train the boys in secret.

"Ok then!" Fuyōna said, getting Hakus and Kimimaru attention.

"First thing is first, boys! It's time to get cleaning!" He shouted as he made the hand signs to create some ice clones.

Alright that's the end of this chapter! Thank you for reading and being patient for the updates.

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