Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 37 - 37:

Fuyōna, along with the help of his clones and Haku and Kimimaro, had cleaned the entire house in record time.

They had also gotten rid of all of the junk and rubbish, painted, sanded and even added a few extras to the place.

Fuyōna stood outside as he admired his handy work looking at what had been a large barn full of crap. He had now turned into a large dojo and training area that he would use to help train the boys.

"Take a good look." He said to both of them as they stood by his side.

"You will be spending a lot of time in this dojo," Fuyōna said as he opened the large doors to enter inside.

The space was large and wide, the floors a smooth wooden surface with plenty of room to move.

It was empty for now, but Fuyōna could add more things in time. For now, there was no rush.

Haku and Kimimaro followed him inside as they, too, took a good look around.

"What are we doing here, master Fuyōna," Haku asked.

"Please, Haku. It's just Fuyōna. But if it makes you feel better, you can call me sensei."

Haku nodded with a smile, "Yes, Fuyōna sensei."

Fuyōna couldn't help but smile. The word sensei was something he never thought he would be called.

"Alright then, boys, today will be your first test so I can see where your current strengths lie." He said as he made the hand signs to create an ice clone.

"You will fight one of my ice clones until you cannot fight anymore, or you win..." He said, giving them a smirk.

Haku looked a little nervous, and Kimimaro had a blank expression on his face.

"Feel free to attack me any time you are ready." The clone said as it crossed its arms.

Haku took a ready stance as he wasn't sure how to approach, but Kimimaro simply charged in without any concern.

"So your first," Fuyōna said as Kimimaro charged in, jumping into the air as he attacked with a spinning kick.

Fuyōna dodged the attack and sidestepped, creating some distance between them. Kimimaro followed it up with another charge as he attacked with a flurry of different attacks.

Fuyōna dodged and blocked them all as he slapped Kimimaro hand away before using a small burst of wind style chakra to send him flying across the room and sliding across the smooth wooden floor.

"Not bad, Kimomaro, but too hasty," Fuyōna said.

He quickly turned around as he blocked a heel kick to his head from Haku, who flipped back, landing in a squat before he ran in, throwing a small handful of punches.

Fiyōna could tell he was acting out of pure instinct and didn't know how to fight just yet.

Fuyōna easily batted Hakus punches away and grabbed his wrist before sweeping him to the ground.

Haku hit the floor and clutched his ċhėst as he tried to get his breath back.

"Maybe I should have started by teaching him how to fight before throwing him in the deep end..." Fuyōna thought as he turned back around to deal with Kimimaro.

Kimimaro had charged in again. He had bones sticking out of his body as he twisted in the air, trying to hit Fuyōna with them.

He also slashed at him with his arms as he held two blades, one in each of them.

He was fast, and Fuyōna could tell he was already stronger than most genin and even churning level ninja.

"Fuyōna allowed a bond blade to appear in his own hand as he blocked and parried each of Kimimaros attacks before he kicked him back with a bit of force.

Kimimaro used the bones of his ribs to block the attack and flipped onto his feet.

"He's a natural..." Fuyōna said, impressed at his ability.

Fuyōna flipped through the air and quickly blocked another ȧssault from Kimimaro as he tried to catch him off guard by attacking midair.

Fuyōna blocked three swipes at his body before he grabbed Kimimaros training shirt and threw him over to the other side of the dojo.

Kimimaro landed hard but was eagerly able to flip back to his feet unharmed.

Fuyōna landed back onto the ground, and Haku rushed in, attacking again as he refused to give up or lose to Kimimaro.

Kimimaro joined him, and the two of them fed off each other's attacks as they got faster and faster.

Fuyōna was amazed at their ability but decided enough was enough. Quickly Fuyōna booked a kick from Haku with his shin and stopped Kimimaro's bone blade with his own, using his free hand to create a couple of quick hand signs.

Suddenly ice froze around Haku, and Kmimaros feet as the two of them became stuck on the spot.

"Not bad boys, not bad at all." The clone said before it melted into water.

Haku and Kimimaro looked surprised and then turned around as the real Fuyōna walked over to them and released the jutsu, freeing their legs from the ice.

"That is enough sparring, for now, boys." He said as he crossed his arms.

"The best thing I can do for them is to get them enrolled into the Academy. That way, they will learn all of the basics without me having to be here all the time." He thought.

"Right, you two stay here." He said as he made another clone.

"What about you, Fuyōna sensei?" Kimimaro asked.

"I have some important matters to attend to, but my clone here is going to give you some training to work on while I'm gone." He said as he patted each of them on their head.

Both of them smiled, and Fuyōna left the boys with his clone as he headed out for the academy.

Fuyōna hadn't been here since he had graduated at the same age Haku and Kimimaro were now.

The place had changed a lot over the years, and the kids here looked a lot happier than they had when he was there.

Fuyōna walked through the grounds and could see a few of the classes that were taking place.

Some were practising taijutsu while others were training with shuriken. He had to say the training seemed a lot softer than he remembered, but that was probably for the best.

Fuyōna entered into the academy's main building, where he knew the instructors spent most of their time.

He walked all the way through the hall without bumping into anyone until, finally, he reached a large office that was labelled head instructor.

Fuyōna didn't bother knocking and opened the door, to the head instructors surprise.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Fuyōna walked in unannounced.

The head instructors eyes opened wide as he realised just who it was that had walked into his office.

"Y-you!" He said in shock as he recognised who he was.

"Good to see you again," Fuyōna said, remembered the man.

He had met him long ago, back during the war. Leaving a powerful impression as he was pretty sure he had threatened to kill him.

"What does the Kage killer want with me?" He asked, not standing from his chair.

Fuyōna smiled as he sat down across from him on one of the other chairs.

"Long time no see..." Fuyōna said as he tried to think if his name.

"It's Shibata Yuji..." The man said, jogging Fuyōnas memory.

"Yes, Shibata... Well, I need a favour." Fuyōna said as he crossed his legs.

The head instructor felt very nervous but decided to play along.

"What kind of favour?"

"I would like to enrol two students at the Academy," Fuyōna said in an innocent tone.

Shibata almost breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the request. However, he couldn't help ask questions.

"So, how old are these students?" He asked as he grabbed a pen and paper.

"They are eight years old," Fuyōna said.

"Perfect age... Do they have names?" Shibata asked.

"Kimimaro and Haku," Fuyōna said, leaving their last names out.

"Right..." He said as he finished writing the request forms out before handing them to Fuyōna to sign.

"I can't help but wonder, just why do you want these boys to enter the Academy?" Shibata asked.

Fuyōna signed the part to say he was their guardian and looked at Shibata in the eye.

"Let's just say I owe them this much," Fuyōna said, giving him a stern glance.

That was all Shibata needed to know as he decided his life wasn't worth the risk.

"That's all done. When are yoy looking for them to start?" He asked

"Tomorrow," Fuyōna replied as he left the office.

Shibata leaned back in his chair and wiped the sweat off his brow. That was the first time he had seen Fuyōna since all those years ago, and if anything, he felt more threatening now than ever before.

Fuyōna left the academy grounds pleased with his handy work.

All of a sudden, Ao appeared next to him as he greeted him with a nod.

"I've been looking all over for you, Fuyōna." He said, placing his hand on his hip.

"What's the matter, Ao?" He asked.

"We have been summoned by Lord fourth... He wants to see us now." Ao said, seeming concerned.

"Is that right," Fuyōna said.

"You think he knows?" Ao asked.

Fuyōna shuck his head.

"No. Let's go and see what he wants." Fuyōna said, convinced that Obito wasn't on to him.

Both of them reported to the Mizukages office and reported for duty.

"Ah yes, Ao, Fuyōna... Come in and shut the door." Yagura said.

All of the elders were also present, along with Fuguki and Kisame.

"Now that you are here, we can get down to business," Yagura said as he stood up and looked out of the large window.

"I have received word that Zabuza Momochi has left the village and gone rouge," Yagura said, turning to face them.

Fuyōna was shocked by the news and knew it was his actions that must have driven him to leave.

"So... The demon of the mist is a traitor now." Kisame said.

"As a previous Anbu captain and member of the seven swordsmen. This is unacceptable." Fuguki said, outraged.

"Imagine the secrets he could sell to our enemies!" He continued to say.

Yagura raised his hand for silence before he spoke.

"That makes three members of the seven swordsmen that have gone rouge now. Luckily, only two of them, took their swords." The Mizukage said.

"I want a full squad sent after him to track him down and kill him. Is that understood?" Yagura said, his voice serious.

"Ao, I leave that in your hands." He said before he sat down.

Ao nodded.

"Right away, lord Mizukage." He said as he left the room quickly.

Yagura sighed as Ao left the room.

"I'm afraid there are more pressing matters to attend to." He continued.

"The sand have attacked our borders once again, targeting villages that are under my protection. If we are not careful, this could result in a full-scale war between our villages." He said, interlocking his fingers.

The others in the room remained silent as they listened to the news. The only reason they were here now was that they were the strongest shinobi in the entire village, and clearly, Yagura trusted them the most.

"I have arranged a meeting between myself and the fifth Kazekage. It will take place in one weeks time." Fuyōna, I want you by my side as well as you Fuguki." He said, looking at them.

Kisame couldn't help himself and stepped forwards.

"What about me, lord fourth?" He asked.

"Don't worry, Kisame. I have another mission for you." He said with a smile.

With that, they were dismissed, and all of them left the room. Fuyōna couldn't help wonder just how powerful of a genjutsu had been placed on Yagura. Most of the time, he seemed like his usual self, but Fuyōna knew that Obito was controlling him, using him and the village for his own gain.

Fuyōna couldn't help think that Obito would want this war to erupt between the sand and mist. No doubt the conflict would draw others in, which could lead to another great ninja war.

"I have to stop him before the meeting with the Kazekage. Or else we could end up at war..." Fuyōna said to himself as he tried to think of all of the possible outcomes.

It was no good though, as all of the thinking and planning started to give him a headache. All he knew was that now the plan to rescue... Or kill the Mizukage had to be brought forwards.

As if on Que Ao arrived to talk with Fuyōna.

"Perfect timing Ao..." He said as he greeted him.

"We have to move up the plan. We can't afford for the Mizukage to be controlled and end up taking us to war." Fuyōna said, clearly worried about it.

Ao was shocked.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

Fuyōna told him about the hidden sand attacking and that the two Kage were meeting in secret and trying to settle it.

Ao was shocked by the news and came to the same conclusion as Fuyōna.

"I didn't think we would have such little time to act. But we can't allow this to go on." He said.

Fuyōna agreed.

"That settles it. Tomorrow we will attempt to rescue the Mizukage from the genjutsu." He said.

Ao nodded. "Right, I guess I better hold off on capturing Zabuza until this is all sorted out." He said.

Fuyōna nodded.

"You know Fuyōna... If this goes south and we can't save him, the village will need a new Mizukage." Ao said, looking at him.

Fuyōna raised an eyebrow as he looked at Ao.

"What are you trying to say, Ao?"

"I think you know what." He said before he gave him a small nodded and vanished.

Fuyōna hadn't thought about that. He had to be careful how he handled this whole situation as he could easily be seen for grabbing power himself. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

Fuyōna headed down the street as he made his way home. He walked past one of the few children playgrounds as he did. to his surprise, it was empty, without a child in sight.

Fuyōna almost felt sad at the sight and turned away.

"Fuyōna! Is that you?" A soft voice called out from behind him.

Fuyōna turned around slowly as he recognised the voice but couldn't place it. He turned and took in the sight of the person as they ran over to him to say hello.

"It is you Fuyōna! I heard you were back in the village. I always knew there was no way you had gone rouge." The woman said as she brushed her blond hair out of her face.

"S-Suiren..." Fuyōna muttered as he remembered who she was.

"You remember me! That's good. I was hoping you would! It has been year's since we have seen each other, though." She said with a bright smile.

Fuyōna was very surprised, to say the least, as he took in all of her features.

"Suiren." He said, smiling at her.

"It has been a long time. How are you?" He asked.

Suiren returned his smile as she couldn't help notice how handsome he had gotten, her cheeks turning a little red as she got a better look at him.

"I'm well, thank you." She said, brushing one of her bangs over her ear.

Fuyōna ended up walking all of the way home with Suiren as they talked about the past and what they had been up to over the years.

"I have just got back from a mission, and well, of course, I already have another mission a few days from now." She said, sighing.

Fuyōna laughed a little. "It sounds like you have been busy, Suiren."

He said as he stopped outside his house.

Suiren didn't realise and kept walking as she continued to talk.

"Yeah, something about a mission to do with the cypher division, apparently we even need a member of the seven ninja swordsmen to be our bodyguard." She said before turning on her heels, realising she had walked off.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She said as she walked back over to him.

"I was in my own little world." She said with a shy smile.

Fuyōna couldn't help but think about what she had said. Something about the cypher division just didn't sit well in his head.

"Hey Suiren, why don't you come in for some tea, and we can catch up," Fuyōna said as he opened the gate.

Suiren looked at the large house and almost had to close her mouth.

"Is this your house?"

"Yeah, I just got it. So how about that tea?" He said as he opened the front door.

Suiren took a moment but quickly nodded her head as she followed him inside.

Fuyōna took her to the kitchen, where they could sit down around a table and chat for a while.

He placed the kettle on the stove and prepared the teacups before sitting opposite Suiren and giving her a smile.

Suiren was a little nervous and tried her best not to blush at his smile.

"So, Suiren, you were saying something about a mission with the cypher division?" Fuyōna asked.

Suiren nodded as her shyness went away.

"Yes, sorry. I know I'm not supposed to tell you, but I feel so at ease around you it just slipped out." She said.

"What about the part where a member of the ninja swordsmen will be your bodyguard?" Fuyōna asked, leaning towards her a little.

She was a little taken back by his advance, and she leaned back a little, not sure what to do.

"Well... Rumour has it that our bodyguard will be Kisame Hoshigaki..." She said, giving him the information.

The clogs inside his brain turned and twisted as his memory suddenly flared to life.

"When did you say you are going on this mission?" Fuyōna asked, trying not to seem too panicked.

"It's not tomorrow but the day after," Suiren said.

Fuyōna was about to say something, but the whistle of the kettle cut him off. He looked over to the kettle and then back to Suiren.

"I'll get the tea." He said with a smile.

Fuyōna turned the stove off and started to pour the boiling water into the cups. If he were right, Kisame would kill the entire team on this mission at the orders of Fuguki. Then he would kill him and take his sword before Obito would reveal himself to him and recruit him into the Akatsuki.

This information changed his whole plan, and he would have to notify Ao about it. If Obito would reveal himself to Kisame, then perhaps he could set up an ambush to undo the genjutsu.

His choice now was between a battle against the Mizukage and the three tails. Or potentially Obito and Kisame. He would have to think long and hard about his decision before he came up with a plan.

However, first thing was first. He had to stop Suiren from going on that mission. Fuyōna had finished pouring the tea and placed Suiren's cup next to her on the table.

"Make sure to blow. It's hot." He said as he sat back down.

Suiren's eyes opened a little wide as her cheeks went red before she grabbed her teacup.

"T-Thanks." She said.

Fuyōna didn't think anything of it and sipped his tea slowly.

"So, how are your teammates? Do you see them much?" Fuyōna asked.

Suiren regained her composure and sipped her tea.

"Yes, they are doing well! Ganryū is in the Anbu tracking unit now, and Junsai is an instructor at the academy." She said with a smile.

Fuyōna was glad to hear they were doing well. After all, Suiren and Junsai had both been killed in the original story.

"How long have you been a member of the cypher division?" Fuyōna asked.

"For about a month now. Lord Fuguki is very strict, but my teammates are friendly." She said.

"That's good. It always helps when you get along with your teammates." Fuyōna said, placing his teacup down on the table.

Suiren nodded.

"Yes, that is very true."She said as the conversation went a little quiet.

Fuyōna hadn't realised just yet as he was still trying to think of a way to stop her going on that mission.

Suiren sat there a feeling a little awkward. She couldn't help but notice the serious expression on his face.

"What is it Fuyōna, is something the matter?" She asked, still holding her teacup with both hands.

Fuyōna snapped out of his daydream, realising he had been quiet for too long, making the atmosphere a little awkward.

"Sorry, Suiren, I was in my own little world for a moment there." He said.

Suiren waved her hands, "It's alright. I do it myself quite often."

Fuyōna noticed her smile and her perfect teeth. Unlike most mist shinobi, they were not filled down to use as a weapon.

She was a pretty woman, and he couldn't help be attracted to her.

"I'm sorry, Suiren, but this is for your own good," Fuyōna said as he suddenly started forming hand signs.

Suiren looked very surprised at what he was doing, so surprised she had failed to even move.

"The mission you are about to go on is a decoy, and Kisame will kill every one of you. I can't order you to go on it, but I can seal it and this conversation from your memory." Fuyōna said as he finished the hand signs.

Suiren pushed her chair back as she stood to her feet, feeling a little scared of what was happening.

"F-Fuyōna, what are you doing!" She shouted as she raised her hands in defence.

It was no use, though, as Fuyōna cleared the gap faster than she could blink and placed his hand on her forehead, enacting the sealing jutsu he was using.

"I will seal your memories of this entire conversation and the knowledge of your mission and duty. Once the jutsu is undone, all of the memories will return to you. I only hope you can forgive me." Fuyōna said as he activated the jutsu.

Suiren's eyes opened wide as the seal set on her forehead. Her body relaxed, and her eyes closed as she started to fall to the ground.

Fuyōna caught her in his arms and looked at her peaceful face.

"I'm sorry about this, Suiren, but there is nothing else I can do to save you. Please forgive me."

With that, Fuyōna took Suiren back home and put her in bed. She would have no memory of what had happened and no memory of her mission. This way, Fuyōna could save her life again.

Fuyōna returned home and decided it was time to check on the boys. Haku and Kimimaro had been training all day now, and Fuyōna looked forward to seeing their progress.

He entered the the dojo and could see his clone standing over them.

"Guess I had better release the jutsu and see what they have been doing," Fuyōna said as he did just that.

All the knowledge of his ice clone came rushing into his mind, and he smiled at their progress.

Haku and Kimimaro had now noticed the real Fuyōna was back, and they rushed over to greet him.

"Your back, Fuyōna sensei," Kimimaro said excitedly.

Haku did the same, and both of them looked happy.

"So boys, why don't we review your progress."

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you want faster updates and quick access to more chapters check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N account! link is in the story bio.

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