Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 43 - Naruto 43:

Fuyōna waited by Yagura's body for the others to arrive. His clones had relayed the information to him once he had released the jutsu, and his heart was saddened by the news of Hatsu's death.

He felt no remorse for what he had done to Ameyuri, and he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as the others started to arrive.

Mei and Ganryū's group were first. They gave Fuyōna a nod, and their unit fell in line at the sight of the dead Mizukage.

Soon Kaga and his unit also arrived, and they did the same. The goal had been to stop the Mizukage, either by freeing him or killing him. Everyone was surprised that Fuyōna had been able to kill him without a scratch.

Yagura had seemed invincible to most, and the thought that he could be killed was far fetched.

Ao was the last to arrive and gave Fuyōna his respects, and he saw Yagura's body lying next to him on the ground.

Now that everyone was here, Fuyōna was ready to brief them on what had happened. There was easily one-hundred shinobi present, and Fuyōna gave them all a heavy gaze before he took a breath.

"As all of you can see, the Mizukage is dead!" Fuyōna said, letting his voice echo over all of them.

"Our goal here was to break the genjutsu that was controlling him and hopefully save his life...

That wasn't an option. Due to the circumstances and events that transpired along the way. I was forced to kill him." Fuyōna said, letting his words sink in.

No one said anything as they all waited for him to continue, remaining silent.

"It is with a heavy heart that I report to you that our mission is complete. Let us remember the Mizukage, not for the things he was forced to do, but for the things he wanted for the village."

Everyone fed off of Fuyōna's words and let the emotion set in.

"Where the mist falls, one shall find its people. Ever-changing like water, they will give rise to more mist, that will forever preserve the village." Fuyōna said, quoting the words of the first Mizukage and lifting the spirits of his men.

"Let's hear it for general Fuyōna!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone burst out into cheers as they started to chant his name, and even his captain's started to join in.

Mei couldn't help but smile as she looked at the man standing before her. He was a hero, and his strength was second to none.

"Thank you, everyone. Let us remember those who gave their lives for our village today. Forever encompassing their names into the history of our village."

Everyone nodded and paid their respects in a moment of silence before Fuyōna spoke again.

"What we have achieved here today will mark the start of a new future for all of us. The hidden Mist will shed its dark and bloody past, and with the help of all of you, we shall lead her down a righteous path, protecting our own and doing what is right for our people.

We still face dark days ahead. But in time, our village will heal, and its people grow." Fuyōna finished as he summoned Mei and his other captains to the front, including Mangetsu.

"Together, we will make the hidden mist great once more!" He finished. Getting cheers and applause for all of them.

Fuyōna watched as all of the men and woman surrounding him cheers and celebrated as they had completed their mission.

Everyone was thankful that the dark rain of Yagura had come to an end. But Fuyōna knew it would take time to heal. First, he would have to confront the village elders and then the villagers themselves.

There was much work to be done and little time to do it. As the threat of the Sand remained a high priority, the Mist would be forced to elect a new leader, so as not to look weak in the face of her enemies.

Fuyōna turned to his captains and decided to include Mangetsu, who had become complying with Fuyōna.

"Kaga, take Mangetsu with you. Having the last member of the seven ninja swordsmen will aid our cause." He said.

Kaga agreed and turned to Mangetsu.

"I'll fill you in in the details along the way," Kaga said to him.

Mangetsu nodded and decided to stay quiet for now.

"Alright. Ao, Mei, with me. Everyone else. You know what to do."

As planned, Fuyōna and the others returned to the village to sort out the affairs that would now need tending to.

Kaga and now Mangetsu's job was to take a large scale of Shinobi and prevent any unrest or possible uproar about what had happened. After all, the shock waves of the battle had not gone unnoticed, and people were starting to ask questions.

Fuyōna now also hoped with Mangetsu's help, they would be able to recruit more shinobi to their side to help with the unrest.

Ganryū and Kōgetsu were to patrol the borders to make sure no one left. Until this whole thing was cleared up, the village was on total lockdown as of Fuyōna's and Ao's orders.

Fuyōna and the others entered the Mizukages office and now waited for the elders to arrive. They had made a stop to the medical bay to tend to their wounds, giving Fuyōna enough time to make the arrangements.

Sure enough, it didn't take them long to respond to his summons and arrived all at once.

They were not alone as the remaining clan heads of each clan also started to arrive. The head of the Hōzuki clan who was Kōgetsu's father.

The other was the Hoshigaki clan, the only other clan to remain as the Karatachi was lead by Yagura, and the others had all succumb to genocide over the dark history of the village.

They all looked surprised to see Ao, Mei and Fuyōna waiting for them and didn't wait for answers.

"What is the meaning of this?" One of the elders spoke.

"Where is Lord Mizukage?" Another asked.

Fuyōna had been looking out of the large window like Yagura had used to. He turned around slowly and stepped forwards to address everyone in the room.

"Welcome, everyone. Elders. Clan heads. Please, everyone, take a seat. I'm afraid I have some rather terrible news to relay."

"What is going on here, Fuyōna?" The head elder said.

Fuyōna waited for all of them to sit down around the large desk before he took his seat. Fuyōna was sat at the head of the table where Yagura would usually sit while Ao and Mei sat on either side of him. He had also left the chair at the other end of the table empty, yet no one had questioned why.

"Yagura is dead..." Fuyōna said.

Everyone in the room showed their surprise at the information, and Ao could see some were happier than others.

"You mean to tell us that you killed him!" One of the elders shouted.

"It's about time be got what was coming to him." The head of the Hōzuki clan said.

"I don't disagree." The head of the Hoshigaki clan also spoke.

"This is an outrage!" Another of the elders said.

"It's treason!"

"That's enough!" Ao finally shouted, getting all of them to be quiet.

Fuyōna stood from his seat, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

Suddenly the doors opened, and a small man entered dressed in robes.

"Lord Fuyōna, his Lordship the Daimyō and his daughter, princess Mizuko have arrived." He announced.

All of the elders had a sudden sense of urgency as they stood to their feet so that they could adequately greet the Daimyō.

Everyone was now standing, and the Daimyō walked in with his daughter not far behind him.

Everyone bowed their heads in a show of respect and waited for him to sit down. Fuyōna also noticed his daughter Mizuko who sure had grown since the last time he had seen her.

She also noticed him and bowed her head a little, smiling at him. Fuyōna returned the bow and the smile. After all, she was the reason he had been able to summon the Daimyō in the first place.

"Welcome, my lord. We were not expecting you to grace us with your presence." One of the elders said.

"I summoned him," Fuyōna said as he took his seat last.

"What I have to tell you involves not just us, but our entire nation," Fuyōna said, getting everyone's attention.

"I start once again by welcoming you all, including yourself, my lord and lady," Fuyōna said, paying his respects to the Daimyō.

"As I said. The fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, is dead."

Everyone remained silent this time apart from the Daimyō.

"He's dead? How? Who?" He asked, just as shocked as everyone else had been.

"I discovered that Yagura was under the manipulation of another, through a powerful genjutsu. He was forced to act to their will like a puppet. Carrying out all the atrocities over the years." Fuyōna said.

"That is correct. I am here today to vouch for Fuyōna. I confirmed this information with my Byakugan." Ao said, showing his support.

"I too stand by Fuyōna that this information is correct. Along with the signature of several other Anbu captains and one member of the seven ninja swordsmen." Mei said, producing the sheet of paper.

"We had no choice but to lead a rebellion against him, to break the genjutsu and free the Mizukage. We tried our best to do this in secret so not to drag the village into this mess. However, I was unable to save him, and in the aftermath, he was killed." Fuyōna said.

Everyone in the room was shocked by the news and held their tongue as they waited for the Daimyō to speak.

"I can't say I don't believe you." He started.

"I have watched as Yagura carved a blood soaked path for a long time now, unable to do anything about it as the leader of my own nation." He said as he stood to his feet.

"You have my thanks, Fuyōna Yuki." He said as he bowed to him, showing his gratitude.

The elders were shocked, and Fuyōna returned the bow.

"I ȧssume you don't know who the man responsible is?" The Daimyō said as he sat back down.

Fuyōna also sat back down.

"I do." He said.

Everyone, including Ao and Mei, looked at him as they waited for his answer.

"I believe the man responsible is Madara Uchiha." He said bluntly.

Everyone gasped, especially the elders who were old enough to remember that man's terror and power.

"That can't be! He died long ago!" One of them protested.

Fuyōna had decided rather than complicated things by dropping Obitos name. He would use Madara's and keep it simple. After all, no one would know who Obito was, and that was the name he was using for himself.

"I was able to defeat Yagura while under his control and break the genjutsu, but Madara had rigged it so that it would take Yaguras life in the process," Fuyōna said.

"We must act! We cannot let this go unpunished! The hidden leaf must be held accountable for their own rouge shinobi!" One of the elders shouted.

"You fool! If it really is Madara Uchiha, then there is no one left who can stop him!" Another said, clearly remembering his power.

"Everybody, just hold on a minute! Are you also forgetting our problems with the sand?" One of the female elders said.

Everyone started to mumble again, and Ao was left with no choice but to speak over them.

"I can ȧssure you that Madara will not be a problem anymore! As for the sand, well, we must elect a new Mizukage, someone who is strong enough to show them our strength." Ao said, crossing his arms over his ċhėst.

Everyone remained silent but agreed as they nodded their heads.

The looming threat of the hidden sand was drawing closer, and a meeting with their Kazekage was due soon.

"You know the rules, only the strongest among us can be granted the title of Mizukage." The head elder spoke.

Everyone was looking at Fuyōna now. After all, he was the one who had defeated Yagura and had led the rebellion to begin with.

Ao stood up to speak.

"I purpose that." He started.

"That Mei Terumī be the next Mizukage!" Fuyōna suddenly shouted over him.

"What!" Mei shouted unintentionally.

Ao also looked surprised at Fuyōna, and the others all looked at each other, mumbling.

"Mei is the strongest kunoichi in the village and a perfect fit to be our next Mizukage." Fuyōna carried on to say.

"Fuyōna, what on earth are you doing?" Mei said to him quietly.

"It's alright, Mei. You will make a great Mizukage, im sure of it." Fuyōna said with a smile.

The Daimyō crossed his arms and nodded his head.

"If she is coming as a recommendation from you, Fuyōna, then I accept." He said, shocking everyone.

Mizuko also smiled at Fuyōna locking her brown eyes with his. He stared for a moment and then looked away.

"It's settled then, what say you?" He said, asking the others.

The elders all looked at each other before they got ready to cast their vote.

"Agreed." They all said

Fuyōna then looked to the clan heads and waited for their response.

"The Hōzuki clan agrees."

"The Hoshigaki also excepts."

Fuyōna nodded and stood up, offering Mei his hand. She took it after a slight pause, letting the shock settle.

Fuyōna pulled her to her feet and stood her at the head of the table while he took her spot.

"I give you the Godaime Mizukage," Fuyōna said, letting everyone's attention fall on her.

Mei was so surprised that she almost turned red in the face, but with a quick breath, she regained her composer. After all, she was a highly skilled shinobi. Not one to succumb to pressure easily.

"I thank you all for your consideration." She said.

"It's settled then. Mei will be sworn in as the next Mizukage." The Daimyō said, clapping his hands together.

Everyone agreed and rose as the Daimyō stood to his feet.

"I trust you can handle the rest." He said, looking at all of them.

"Yes, my lord." The head elder spoke.

"Very well, my presence is no longer required. I shall head back to the capital." He said, turning on his heels.

Mizuko also bowed to everyone and winked at Fuyōna, catching him off guard a little.

Everyone bowed to them as he they left the Mizukages office, and they turned back to Mei and Fuyōna.

"So be it. We shall make the preparations for the ceremony at once." The elders said as they excused themselves.

Both the clans head for the Hōzuki and Hoshigaki clan gave a slight bow to Mei and Fuyōna before they too took their leave, leaving Ao, Mei and Fuyōna alone.

"What the hell was that!" Mei suddenly shouted as the door closed.

Fuyōna was expecting as much and sat back down with his arms crossed over his ċhėst.

"Calm down, Mei. It's as I said. You will make a better Mizukage than me." He said with a small smile.

Mei didn't seem impressed as she was about to say something. However, she fell back onto her chair, clutching at her shoulder.

"Mei!" Fuyōna said as he went to catch her.

He didn't need to as the chair did all the work, but he was worried.

"You don't look good, Mei. Your shoulder still isn't right. It would help if you got back to the medical core at once. Our new Mizukage should be at full health before taking office, after all." Ao said, looking at Fuyōna.

Fuyōna agreed, and once Mei was ready, he helped escort her to the village hospital, where she was checked in for another healing session.

Fuyōna and Ao left her there for the time being and made their way outside, now that they were finally alone. Fuyōna guessed that Ao had questions for him.

"Why did you do that?" Ao asked, deciding to take the blunt approach.

"Do what?" Fuyōna asked.

"Don't play dumb, Fuyōna. Why did you pass on the responsibilities of the Mizukage to Mei like that? It should be you." He said, almost shouting.

"Calm down, Ao," Fuyōna said with a sigh.

"The truth is, I'm not ready to become the Mizukage. and Im pretty sure our next Mizukage shouldn't be the man who killed the last one." He said.

"Besides, I don't have time to run the village. I think I will best serve it outside of the spotlight."

Ao crossed his arms in protest.

"Im not doubting Meis ability. She is the obvious choice after you. But it should be you. Your the reason all of this was possible, Fuyōna. It should be you who leads us now." Ao said.

Fuyōna placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Ao, for trusting me this far," Fuyōna said before he removed his hand.

"Mei will make a great Mizukage, and both of us will be there to support her from the shadows," Fuyōna said with a serious tone.

Ao decided to stay quiet and give up the argument for now.

"If you say so." He said.

"Good, it's settled then. Now, if you don't mind, I have some matters to attend to." Fuyōna said, bidding him farewell.

Ao nodded.

"I will keep an eye on things and report to you if anything happens," Ao said.

"Thank you," Fuyōna said.

With that, Fuyōna turned around and slowly walked off into the mist.

It was dark out now, and Fuyōna hadn't been home yet. He hoped that both Haku and Kimimaro weren't slacking while he had been away.

He couldn't help think that soon everything would change. Soon, everything would get better. It had been a dream of his for this village for so long now, and finally, he had become strong enough to turn it into a reality.

He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment as he remembered he still had one place to go before he went home. He had gotten so caught up in the village elders meeting that he had almost forgotten about his friend Hatsu.

"This can't wait until morning," Fuyōna said as he turned right at the crossroads, heading away from his house and towards Hatsu's.

Fuyōna had sworn to himself that he would be the one to break the news to Hatu's wife, Yua.

Fuyōna finally arrived at his house and raised his hand to knock on the door. For some reason, he hesitated for a brief moment before knocking.

Fuyōna wasn't waiting long before the door opened about an inch as Yua answered.

"Y-Yes?" She said, trying to see who it was.

"F-Fuyōna!" She said as she recognised him instantly and unlocked the door, opening it to its full extent.

She looked a little surprised that her husband wasn't with him, though.

"Fuyōna, where is Hatsu?" She asked as she looked into his eyes.

Fuyōna remained silent as he couldn't form the words. Not after looking her in the face. Not after her husband had died for him.

"No..." She said as she realised the look in Fuyōna's eyes.

"It can't be..." She said as the shock set into her delicate features.

Fuyōna had never had to tell someone's loved one that they had died. He had never seen the pain of a wife that had lost her husband.

"Nooo!!!" She screamed as she fell to her knees, no longer able to hold back the tears.

Fuyōna didn't know what else to do other than to pick her up and hug her.

Yua sobbed and sobbed, hitting Fuyōna with her fists in anger before nuzzling into his ċhėst as her emotions ran wild.

"Hatsu!" She screamed as her tears continued to fall.

Fuyōna didn't say or do anything as he let her get it all out of her system. He must have been stood there for at least five minutes before Yua finally pulled away from him as she tried to check her emotions and calm down.

"H-how?.." She asked as she allowed Fuyōna to enter her house.

"He died in battle," Fuyōna said as he cleared some space on the large kitchen table.

Yua looked a little surprised at what he was doing, but she didn't have the mental energy to question him.

Fuyōna made a few hand signs, and suddenly, an ice mirror formed. Out of it slowly slipped Hatsu, who was frozen in an ice coffin.

Yua could see her husband frozen at peace as the coffin slid into the table.

"Hatsu..." She said as she placed her hand on the ice to look at his face.

"I'm sorry, Yua. I couldn't save him... I. I couldn't."

"No," Yua said, interrupting him.

"Hatsu believed in you, Fuyōna. He believed in you so much that he was willing to die for you." She said as she slowly looked up at him.

Fuyōna still couldn't shake the guilt and lowered his head at Yua's gaze.

"You must not blame yourself. Please." She said, taking his hand.

"If he died for your cause, then I can be at peace with that. He would have wanted it this way. He always spoke so highly of you, saying you would be the one to save this village." Yua said.

Fuyōna looked into her eyes and could see that she meant every word.

"Thank you, Yua." He said, giving her a faint smile.

"If there is ever anything you need. Please, don't hesitate to ask." Fuyōna said, taking her hand in his.

Yua gave a small smile as her tears started to run down her cheek again.

"I will, Fuyōna." She said as she took a step back and bowed to him.

Fuyōna felt his heartstrings twitch, and he bowed lower than he had ever done before.

Fuyōna didn't stay any longer and left Yua with Hatsu's body. It was frozen is a special kind of ice that would never melt. Not until the caster died or released the jutsu, that way his body would be preserved forever.

Fuyōna slowly made his way back home, reaching the crossroads in the village that he had done before.

It wasn't far to his house from here. Of course, he could simply use an ice mirror if he wanted, but something made him feel like walking tonight.

Fuyōna took a deep breath and placed his hands in his pockets as he continued in his stride towards his home.

His thoughts had gone quiet for the time being, and he simply enjoyed the fresh air, taking as much in as he could.

As Fuyōna approached the last turn to his house, he caught a slight scent of perfume. Turning around the corner, he was greeted by long blond hair, brown eyes and turquoise earrings.

"S-Suiren..." Fuyōna said in surprise as the woman turned to face him, letting her hair blow gently in the wind.

"I've been waiting for you. Fuyōna." She said as she brushed her hair behind her ear, exposing her heart-shaped face.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoy the story check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N for more! Link in story bio.

Also check out my original novel, Tails of Astaria!

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