Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 44 - Naruto 44:

Suiren was waiting for Fuyōna outside of his house. Her hair was blowing in the gentle breeze of the night. Her brown eyes fixed on him as he slowly approached her.

Fuyōna remembered that the sealing jutsu he had placed on her had been on a timer, which meant that the jutsu would undo itself after a specific time. Now that it had been undone, all of her memories would have returned, and of course, she would come seeking answers.

He watched as she stood there in silence, looking between him and the floor. Suiren moved her hair out of her face once more and gave him a small smile.

"You saved me again..." She said.

"I'm sorry about your teammates." He responded with a heavy heart.

Suiren's face turned heavy as she slowly squeezed her first to her ċhėst.

"How did you know?" She whispered.

"How did you know that was going to happen?" She said again louder.

"I didn't..." He said. Deciding to lie.

"I just had a bad feeling." He said, looking her in the eyes.

Suiren looked away, almost ashamed of herself to meet his gaze.

"I spoke to Ganryū. He told me everything. Everything that has happened, everything you have done to help save our village..." She said.

"Why save me?"

"Why does my life mean more than the others!" She shouted as tears started to cultivate in her eyes.

"I wish I could save everyone. I wish I had enough power to protect everyone in the village. But I don't. I try, and I try, but I can't save everyone..."

"But I could save you. Your life means more to me, Suiren. You... I..." He said, struggling to think of the words.

"You're special to me." He finally said.

"Why does my life mean so much to you? You saved the whole village. You stopped the Mizukage and saved everyone! Why go out of your way to save me!" She shouted, tears flowing freely from her eyes now.

Fuyōna didn't know what else to do now and walked over to her, embracing her in a hug as he wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him.

Suiren was shocked but returned his embrace as she squeezed his blue cloak nuzzling her head into his ċhėst as she let out her cries.

"You are special to me, Suiren. I would do it all over again if it meant saving you." Fuyōna said as he rested his chin on her head, holding her tightly in his arms.

"Suiren had stopped crying and just held him, never wanting this moment to end.

"I'm such a mess." She said, still resting her head against his ċhėst.

"I don't think so," Fuyōna said as he slowly pulled her off him so that he could look into her eyes.

He wiped away her tears with his hand and smiled at her.

"Everything is going to be ok now. Everything will get better for all of us soon, I promise." Fuyōna said, looking deep into her eyes.

Suiren could feel herself slowly moving forwards. She could no longer contain her feelings for him. The man that held her now was someone she knew she could give herself to forever.

With that, Suiren pressed her lips against his softly, kissing him and closing her eyes, deciding to take a leap of faith with her feelings.

Fuyōna was shocked at her sudden advance, but after a short pause, he returned her kiss, pulling her closer.

The kiss grew more intense as the passion both of them felt showed more and more, until finally, Fuyōna broke it.

"Suiren, are you sure?" He said, almost panting as if out of breath.

She looked into his eyes without hesitation and placed her hand on his ċhėst.

"Yes. I've never been so sure in all my life." She said, kissing him again, starting the whole thing over.

Before Fuyōna knew it, both of them had stumbled through into his bedroom and fell onto the bed, still locked in a deep passionate kiss.

Fuyōna couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He had been through so much in the last 24 hours, and he was now lost in her embrace.

The kiss that had started everything quickly raged and turned into so much more. Both of them couldn't stop as they began to pull each other's clothes off, needing more of each other minute after minute.

Their night became one filled with wild and intense passion as they made love, lasting all throughout the twilight. (Use your imagination!)

Fuyōna woke up slowly to small voices coming from outside his door. After a moment, he realised it was Haku and Kimimaro who sounded too afraid to knock.

"Don't wake him. We know the way. Let's just go." Kimimaro said.

"But we haven't seen him for two days now! We should at least say hello." Haku said.

Fuyōna could see that Suiren was still fast asleep wrapped up inside the blankets.

"Well, I guess it's time to get up." He thought as he slowly got out of bed and pulled his trousers on.

"Oh no, now you've woken him up!" Kimimaro said to Haku as they could hear movement.

"No, I didn't!" Haku said back.

"Well, hello, boys. Having fun, are we?" He said as he crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

"Master!" Both of them shouted as they dived in to hug him.

"Where have you been?" Haku said as he squeezed him tightly.

Kimimaro let go and smiled, nodding his head.

"Good to see you both," Fuyōna said as he patted both of their heads, smiling at them.

"I've been working. You'll understand when you get older, though." He said with a slight laugh.

"Are you taking us to the academy today?" Haku asked.

Kimimaro also looked excited for his answer but waited, being more patient than Haku.

"Wait for me downstairs, ok boys," Fuyōna said as he saw Suiren wake up.

Haku nodded and got dragged downstairs by Kimimaro, leaving Fuyōna and Suiren alone.

"Good morning," Fuyōna said as he sat on the bed next to Suiren.

"Good morning." She said, her cheeks a little red from the memory of last night.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Fuyōna asked.

Suiren calmed down as she looked into his eyes. His strong and calming presence relaxing her.

"Yes, that sounds nice." She said, pulling the blankets a little higher to her chin.

Fuyōna smiled.

"Alright, make yourself at home. I'll take the boys to the academy and pick us something up, ok?" He said.

Suiren nodded.

"Ok." She said with a smile.

With that, Fuyōna grabbed the rest of his clothes and made his way downstairs to Kimimaro and Haku, who were already packed and ready to go.

"Alright, your both ready, then I see?" Fuyōna said with a chuckle.

Both of them nodded with excitement, and Haku rushed to the front door.

"Let's go, let's go!" He shouted.

Fuyōna couldn't believe how happy both of them were. It warmed his heart to see them both full of joy like this. He could only imagine the hardships they would both be facing now if they had stayed on their intended path.

Fuyōna finished taking them to the academy and watched them go inside. As he did, he could see Junsai, who was the boy's instructor at the academy, waving him over.

Fuyōna noticed him and decided to go over to see what he wanted.

"Fuyōna! Good to see you. How have you been?" Junsai asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm good, thank you Junsai, is there something I can help you with?" He asked, not sure what he wanted.

"Well, you see Fuyōna." He said, a little nervous.

"It's your boys." He said.

"What about them?" Fuyōna asked.

"Well, it's just that they are progressing so fast. I feel as if they will no longer need to stay in the academy." Junsai said.

Fuyōna gave a slight chuckle.

"I expected as much. After all, they get so much training at home."

Junsai looked a little nervous as he didn't know what to say.

"Yes... They far outclass every other student in their class, and I fear they will soon become unchallenged."

"Don't worry, Junsai. Grade them as normal. Once they pass, I will take it from there." Fuyōna said.

Junsai gave him a nod.

"Leave it to me." He said.

With that, Fuyōna headed off into the village to find something for breakfast. He instantly noticed that more shops were open and more people were wandering the streets.

What he didn't expect was that everywhere he went, people bowed to him and hailed him a hero.

"Good morning, lord Fuyōna." The old lady at the sweet shop said with a bow.

Fuyōna returned her greeting with an awkward smile.

"Good morning." He said.

"Can I get two of those, please?" He said as he pointed to some large sweet buns.

The woman packed two of them neatly and handed them over.

"How much?" He asked.

The lady shook her head from side to side.

"No charge for you." She said.

Fuyōna looked confused.

"Why? Please let me pay you for them." He said, feeling as if everyone was watching him.

"You are a hero. You saved my shop and business. Please take them. It is the least I can do to thank you." She said, bowing.

Fuyōna took the bag slowly and looked around.

Everybody was watching him and whispering. They were all good things too, which shocked him even more.

"Thank you, Fuyōna sama!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"Yeah! You're a hero!" Someone else cheered.

Fuyōna was suddenly caught in the middle of a crowd of villagers that were all cheering for him, each of them praising him like he was a hero.

Once he finally slipped away, he returned home with the food for him and Suiren when he was greeted by Ao, who was waiting for him at his door.

"Ao?" Fuyōna said in surprise.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, getting a bad feeling.

"You need to come with me, Fuyōna. It can't wait." He said, looking serious.

Fuyōna sighed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I think it best if you find out for yourself." He said, not giving him any clues.

"Alright, give me a moment." He said.

Fuyōna walked into his house to see Suiren sitting down at the table in the kitchen. She was wearing a large black hoodie with her legs bear as she sat and drank some tea.

"Oh, your back." She said with a smile as she placed her cup down.

"Did you bring us some breakfast then?" She asked as she crossed her legs.

Fuyōna had to say she was looking amazing. His entire body was screaming at him to take her again, especially when he watched her cross her long smooth legs.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, noticing the look on his face.

"No. I mean yes!" He blurted out suddenly.

Suiren laughed at his silly reaction.

"We could always skip breakfast and go back upstairs..." She said, biting her lower lip a little as she looked at him hungrily."

Fuyōna felt his crotch twitch a little as she did it, and he had to force himself to regain his composure.

"I'm sorry, Suiren. But something has come up." He said as he placed their breakfast on the table.

"Ao is outside, and he says it can't wait." He said, feeling awful.

He could see the look on Suirens face, and he wouldn't blame her if she left and never spoke to him again.

"Oh... If he has come here, then it must be important." She said, standing to her feet.

"Is it ok?" Fuyōna asked.

She looked at him as if he was stupid for a moment.

"Fuyōna, of course, it is alright. The needs of the village must be met. I understand." She said, being very reasonable.

Fuyōna was shocked. Any normal girl would have left and never come back. But she was a shinobi, after all.

"Go on, go. Don't worry about me." She said with a smile.

"I'll just start without you?" She said, almost teasing him.

Fuyōna was very happy to hear it and gave her a playful smile before he said goodbye.

Once outside, he pulled his cloak on and nodded to Ao.

"Alright, this had better be important." He said.

"Oh, I think you will think so," Ao said as he nodded for him to follow.

Ao lead them to the Mizukages mansion, and he wondered what was so important that he was summoned.

Once they arrived, Fuyōna could see that Mei and all of the village elders were present in the Mizukages officer.

"Good, you have arrived." The head elder said.

Fuyōna looked at all of them and could feel a strangely tense atmosphere surrounding everyone.

"What's going on?" Fuyōna asked.

All of the elders stood up and bowed to him before they left the room. Each of them slowly walking outside one by one until only Mei, Fuyōna, and Ao remained.

Fuyōna was starting to get more and more impatient now and looked at them both.

"Will one of you tell me what's going on now?" He said, looking at each of them.

Ao sighed.

"I'll leave you to it." He said as he placed a hand on Fuyōna's shoulder before he too left the room and closed the doors. Leaving only Mei and Fuyōna.

Fuyōna looked over to Mei and could see she seemed tense, unlike her usual self.

"What's going on, Mei?" He asked in a serious tone.

Mei was sat down on the Mizukages chair, looking away from him in her own little world.

Fuyōnas words snapped her out of it, and she looked him in the eye, giving him a small smile.

"It's about my role as the Mizukage..." She said, placing her hands onto the desk.

"What about it?" Fuyōna asked.

"I won't be able to fulfil that role anymore." She said with a heavy heart.

"Look, Mei. We have already been over this. You will make a great Mizukage." Fuyōna said as he walked over towards her.

Mei gave a faint smile as she placed a hand onto her belly.

"Fuyōna... I'm pregnant."

"And I won't take no for an answer. I already told you, you're a much better choice than I." He said as he crossed his arms and turned his back on her. Not hearing her words at all.

She looked a little confused and cleared her throat.

"Fuyōna." She said this time getting his attention.

He turned around to look at her now he had finished talking and looked into her eyes.

"I'm pregnant..." She said again, this time getting his attention.

Fuyōna's eyes opened wide as the words sank in slowly.

"P-Pregnant!" He blurted out.

Alright going end it here! If you want more you know where to get it! Check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N account to get more than ten chapters in advance!

Also, remember to check out my original work Tails of Astaria! As always Thank you for reading!

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