Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 46 - Naruto 46:

The air was tense as Haku and Kimimaro waited for their opponent to make the first move.

It was time to put all of their training to use. Time for them to face a real opponent in a life and death situation, allowing them to fight with all of their power. Something they had been looking forward to.

"Are you ready, Haku?" Kimimaro asked as he let his bones grow around him.

"Yeah," Haku responded as he readied his senbon needles in each hand.

The ȧssassin also waited as he watched both of the boys. He knew, although young, both of them posed a threat and that he shouldn't underestimate them.

His suspicions were confirmed when he watched Kimimaro's body sprout bones from all over.

"So the kid has the same abilities as the Kage slayer..." The ȧssassin thought as they readied the Kunai that were floating around them.

"Time to die, kids!" The sand Anbu shouted as they charged.

Kimimaro also charged head on to meet them, engaging in a fierce taijutsu battle. Kimimaro was agile and strong for his age, more than holding his own against his more experienced opponent.

"What the hell is this kid?" The ȧssassin thought as Kimimaro pushed them back.

His bones were deflecting the Kunai that kept trying to attacking him as well as providing him with enough offence so that the sand Anbu struggled to use his wind blade.

"Why you!" The sand Anbu shouted as he landed a hard front kick to Kimimaros ċhėst before he slashed down with his wind blade.

Kimimaro had used his ribs to absorb the kick but didn't have time to avoid the wind blade, panic showing in his expression.

Suddenly three senbon hit the ȧssassin in his arm, each one perfectly placed, striking the pressure points and disabling the ȧssassin's arm and hand.

"How did he?" The Anbu thought as they quickly jumped back, avoiding another two senbon needles, as well as a counter attack from Kimimaro.

Haku had such a precise aim that even from a distance, he could hit the smallest target with high accuracy. Something even high-level Anbu struggled to achieve.

To the sand Anbus surprise, Haku suddenly appeared behind him with tremendous speed taking the ȧssassin by surprise.

"I don't think so!" The ȧssassin shouted as they quickly flipped, attacking with their other arm as a wind blade slashed down towards Haku's head.

Haku had already expected this and created his own wind enhanced senbon to counter the strike.

"Such precise chakra control." The Anbu thought.

Haku smiled as he started to form hand signs with one hand, much to the surprise of the sand Anbu.

"Hand signs with one hand?" He said out loud, unable to contain his surprise.

Quickly they jumped back, trying to avoid Haku's attack. However, the Anbu was met by Kimimaro, who fired a round of bone bullets, pushing on his advance towards them.

The Anbu was able to use their kunai that still floated around their body to defend the attack but with only one arm in working order, was unable to match Kimimaro, who landed a clean punch to the stomach followed by a jumping spinning heel kick to the face that knocked the ȧssassin spinning around onto the ground.

Haku had finished his hand signs, and ice blades suddenly rained down from above, impaling the sand Anbu from head to toe, ending the fight once and for all.

Kimimaro and Haku smile at their handy work and high fived each other, proud of their strength.

"We did it!" Haku said, switching from his emotionless fighting personality back to his happy one.

Kimimaro didn't struggle as much as Haku did when it came to hurting others and instead took a more neutral approach to it.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna watched from a distance. Both his boys demonstrated their abilities in a marvellous fansion, proving they were already leagues ahead of anyone else their age in the village.

But it would seem what they had in strength and potential. They lacked in experience.

Suddenly the sand Anbu's body burst into a poof of smoke, revealing it had been a substitution.

"Look out!" Kimimaro shouted to Haku as the ȧssassin appeared behind him with both arms crossed over his body.

"You may have got lucky with shutting down the nerves in my arm. But don't underestimate a shinobi of Sunagakure!"

Two wind blades suddenly sliced right through where Haku had been standing but to the ȧssassin's surprise, he hit nothing.


Kimimaro was also shocked to see that Haku had suddenly vanished just before he had been sliced in two.

Suddenly Fuyōna appeared with Haku by his side, his hand resting on his shoulder. Hakus face was filled with surprise as he didn't even knkw what had happened.

The Sunagakure Anbu was so shocked by Fuyōnas speed that they didn't know what to do next. Losing all hope of victory at the sight of Fuyōnas overwhelming power.

"It's not over..." The ȧssassin said under his breath.

"Now, boys, can you tell me what you did wrong?" Fuyōna asked, ignoring the Anbu.

Haku and Kimimaro both nodded as they lowered their heads.

"Yes, Sensei... We let our guard down." Kimimaro said.

"And Haku?" Fuyōna asked.

"I under-evaluated the opponent. Not taking into account their possible abilities or experience. Such as the fact they can most likely use medical ninjutsu as to counter my senbon nerve strikes." Haku said, clearly having seen everything he had missed now.

Fuyōna had to say he was impressed, not expecting such a high level of evaluation.

"Very good, boys. I think you can rest easy for now." Fuyōna said as he rubbed both of their heads.

"Ah yes, the suicide attempt," Fuyōna said as he watched from the small distance between them.

"Umm, sensei... Shouldn't we stop him?" Kimimaro asked.

"Yes, let's cut this short." He said as he pointed his finger like a gun and pretended to fire.

Suddenly ice started to form around the paper bombs putting out the fuse that was needed to ignite them.

"What! How! When did you!" The Anbu shouted in shock, unable to believe that Fuyōna could stop his final attempt to take him out with such ease.

"Sorry, but from the first moment I touched you, I left my seal on you, allowing me to finish you off whenever I want," Fuyōna said.

"No way..." The Anbu said as they ripped their mask off, revealing their face.

Fuyōna was sure he had seen this man somewhere before but just could not place him.

He had sandy-blond hair, fair skin, and violet eyes, which made him look somewhat feminine.

Fuyōna wasn't sure what he was trying to do and simply watched.

"You know it's not too late for you to leave here alive?" Fuyōna said.

The Anbu looked very surprised at his words.

"I'm sure you have someone who you care about back home... How would they feel if you didn't make it back?" Fuyōna then said as he noticed he hit the mark.

"I made a promise that I would avenge Lord Kazekage..." He said, letting his words sink in. Trying not to forget his resolve even against the overwhelming odds.

"And then what?" Fuyōna shouted.

"Say you kill me and avenge your late Kazekage. Then what happens? Someone from my village wants revenge for me... Then so on and on until the cycle of death and hate grows so large that we forgot what we were even fighting about." Fuyōna shouted.

The Anbu was surprised at his words but not convinced.

"You talk about hate and revenge. But you are yet to feel that! You aren't the one who suffered from loss! You cannot understand my pain. My whole villages pain at our loss!" The Anbu shouted in return.

Fuyōna remained quiet for a moment as he thought about what had been said.

"So what do you purpose... How do you suggest we find peace between the mist and the sand? Fuyōna then asked.

"For us to have peace between our villages, you must suffer as much as we have. You must feel all of our pain and sorrow before we can ever come to peace." The man said, letting his rage get the better of him.

Fuyōna sighed.

"It's always the same in this shinobi world... I guess it's too soon for peace to happen." Fuyōna said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I was going to let you live... But im sure you will only continue to cause more problems if I do." He then said, getting a shocked reaction from the sand Anbu.

"Our villages will never have peace! Mark my words!" The Anbu shouted as he ripped his sleeves off to reveal more explosive tags.

"This will at least put a dent in the land of water, letting you never forget that the sands of Sunagakure will never stop until they crush you!"

Haku and Kimimaro flinched a little as even the ground beneath them started to turn into paper bombs.

There were so many that the explosion would scar the land and indeed cause conflict before negotiations had even begun.

"Looks like you planned this well," Fuyōna said, actually impressed he hadn't known about this.

"Let's see..." Fuyōna then said as he thought about the best way to contain the explosion.

"It's over! I happily give my life for this!" The sand Anbu said with a smile on his face.

That was when Fuyōna recognised him, the cogs finally turning in his head. He was Yashamaru. Gaara's uncle and right-hand man of the Fourth Kazekage.

"That explains why he hates me so much," Fuyōna said as he started to form hand signs as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"I understand your hate and your pain at what I have done... But I cannot let it stop me from protecting the people I care about!" Fuyōna shouted as a red chakra cloak burst to life around his entire body, all six tails swishing in the wind.

"Ice style! Frozen graveyard!" Fuyōna shouted as he slammed his foot hard into the ground.

The ice suddenly burst free and covered the entire ground, spreading rapidly, covering all of the paper bombs one by one until the ice reached Yashamaru himself.

"What is this power! Such..." He shouted before the ice froze him in place and the rest of the paper bombs rendering them useless.

Haku was amazed at the amount of ice he could create in such a short amount of time. Kimimaro was also impressed and remained quiet as he always did.

Fuyōna then made a few more hand signs, and the ice suddenly broke away, crumbling into the air. Everything that had been frozen broke away into small pieces as if it were never there.

"That takes care of that," Fuyōna said as he relaxed a little.

"Wow, Fuyōna sensei, that was amazing!" Haku shouted.

Kimimaro also nodded, highly impressed by his power.

"Thank you, boys. If you keep training hard, one day, you will be able to do things like that too." He said as he patted both of their heads.

"Now, how about we get home and eat? Besides, I have some important news to tell you both."

Both of them nodded, and the three of them returned to their home to eat and rest from the day's events.

Fuyōna decided it was time to break the news to them about him becoming the next Mizukage. After all, they were both ninjas now.

"What! No ways, sensei!" Haku shouted, spitting out his food.

Fuyōna laughed.

"Yes..." He said as he had another mouthful of his rice.

"So Fuyōna sensei is going to be the next Mizukage," Kimimaro said, a large smile forming on his face.

"I wanted to let you both know because it means I may not be around as much as I am now." Fuyōna then said.

"That is why I have come to the conclusion that you will both be ȧssigned to a new instructor where you will form a four-man team," Fuyōna said.

Both Haku and Kimomaro nodded. Although a little sad, they were still excited that their sensei was becoming the next Mizukage. The most powerful shinobi in the village. Not that they ever doubted he wasn't.

"We will leave the details for later. For now, let's celebrate you both becoming Genin!" Fuyōna shouted as he raised his glass.

Haku and Kimimaro also nodded, and the three of them ate and laughed together as they celebrated.

After food and fun, the time had soon come for Fuyōna to go and meet with Suiren. He told both the boys to finish their chores around the house and that he was going out. Fuyōna left and headed to where he was meeting her.

It was an old tea shop not far from his place. The shop was nothing special, but it did serve good sweets.

Fuyōna had to admit he was feeling a little nervous about this whole thing. So much had already happened today, finding out he was becoming the next Mizukage and that Mei was also pregnant with his child. He then had to deal with an ȧssassin from the hidden sand. He was pretty tired out from it all, and now he might have to face more drama depending on how this whole thing went.

Before he knew it, he had arrived and noticed that Suiren wasn't there yet.

"I must be early," Fuyōna said as he took a good look around.

It was dark out now, and the only light was from the street lanterns that faintly glowed in the darkness, illuminating the mist that never faded away.

"You came." A soft voice said from behind, causing Fuyōna to turn around.

Suiren was stood with her hands crossed behind her back as she stood nervously looking him in the eyes. Her long blond hair blowing in the gently breeze of the night.

"Hello Suiren," Fuyōna said as his blue eyes locked with her sweet hazelnut ones.

"I wasn't sure if you would come." She said softly.

Fuyōna smiled.

"Suiren... There is something I need to tell you."


Ok going to end it there, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you for waiting!

If you want more you can get up to 17 chapters ahead on my P-A-T-R-E-O-N page! Please feel free to show your support!

(Link is in the story Bio.)

Also, I am currently editing and even rewriting chapters starting from chapter 8.. Nothing will change too much, just more details will be given and fight scenes improved.

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