Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 47 - Naruto 47:

Fuyōna looked into Suiren's brown eyes as he tried to build the courage to speak with his heart.

"Suiren, there is something I need to tell you."

She looked nervous but stared into his pricing blue eyes, waiting for him to say what was on his mind.

"It's big news..." Fuyōna said, not sure which part to tell her first.

"It's ok Fuyōna. Please don't be nervous, whatever it is."

"I have been chosen as the next Mizukage." He said, interrupting her.

Suiren's face changed in a way Fuyōna thought it wouldn't have. Instead, she smiled and jumped forwards, embracing him in a hug.

"That's amazing, Fuyōna! That's really amazing! I can't think of anyone better to become our next Mizukage." She said with contentment.

Fuyōna hugged her back and could feel the warmth coming from her body. But he was sure she wouldn't react the same to what he had to say next.

Suiren pulled away and looked into Fuyōna's eyes with hope.

"With you leading the village everything will change, you will make things right again!" Suiren said with such belief in her eyes.

Suiren noticed and picked up on his emotions.

"What's wrong Fuyōna... Is there something else you need to tell me?" She asked getting nervous again.

Fuyōna could have slapped himself for not hiding it better.

"Yes." He said trying to work up the courage to tell her.

Suiren waited in silence, looking at him with her big brown eyes that reflected the light from the moon.

"I found out today that someone is carrying my child..." He said almost too scared to look at her.

Suiren didn't react or say anything for a moment as his words sank in.

"I feel like you deserve better than me Suiren... I don't want to hurt you or string you along. Now that I am the Mizukage... I have to."

Suiren suddenly dived into his arms as she wrapped hers around his back.

"That doesn't matter! I- Fuyōna, I-I love you!" She said as she pushed off his ċhėst to look at him as she said the words.

Fuyōna was so shocked he couldn't say anything and just looked at Suiren not sure what to do.

"I don't care if you have a child with someone else. I don't care if you have to put the needs of the whole village above me. I don't care because I love you Fuyōna. I have loved you for so long now that it hurt." Suiren said as she let go of him and curled up.

Fuyōna let her speak without saying anything, his heart felt as if it could cry as he listened to her. But he had to, he had to let her get it out and finish what she had to say.

Suiren looked into his eyes one last time as she finished saying what she had to say.

"I love you no matter what Fuyōna... I understand if you don't want me or need me... But I."

Fuyōna couldn't watch her hurt anymore as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a kiss.

Suiren's eyes opened wide from the shock before she quickly gave in and kissed him back.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds yet both of them were lost for breath as they slowly pulled away.

"I know..." Suiren replied as she did the same.

"But having you in my life is better than living without you."

Fuyōna leaned in for another kiss, this time kissing her with more intensity. Suiren returned the passion she felt and held him tight, never wanting to let him go.

Fuyōna slowly allowed an ice mirror to form and he slowly pulled them into it while they kissed under the moonlight, letting both of them slip through into his bedroom, where the two of them made love late into the morning.

Fuyōna woke early that morning, Suiren was cuddled up next to him as she slept peacefully with her head resting on his arm.

Today was the day of his coronation as the next Mizukage. Fuyōna couldn't help reflect on his spent here in the Narutoverse. Everything he had done, everything he had worked so hard for to achieve was finally coming together.

He was to become the next Mizukage. The next leader of his village. A village that had been soaked with blood and betrayal.

He could finally change that. He could finally make a difference for the people of this nation that he had come to know as home. He had the chance many times to run away. Runaway and become a rogue ninja.

He had thought about it often. What if I had been born into the hidden leaf? What if I had run away and tried to join another village or nation.

So far he had endured pain and suffering beyond anything he had ever known. But he had some many reasons to be thankful too.

Know was his chance to make a real difference in this world. Now was his time to become something more than himself.

Fuyōna slowly got out of bed and did his best to not disturb Suiren. Slipping his clothes on and walking downstairs to get something to drink.

It was still early, around six in the morning and the sun had yet to rise over the mountains that guarded the village hidden in the mist.

Fuyōna poured himself a glass of water and sat at his kitchen table as he lit a cigarette, something he had not done in many years.

"Can't sleep?" He then said as he noticed Kimimaro who was standing in the kitchen doorway that Fuyōna's back was too.

"S-Sensei, I didn't know you were here," Kimimaro said impressed he knew he was there.

Fuyōna turned around to look at the boy as he had another puff on his cigarette.

"What's the matter?" Fuyōna asked as he noticed something strange with him.

"You can tell me anything Kimimaro. We are family now. Do you understand that?" Fuyōna said.

Kimimaro nodded and put his small hands on the table.

"What will happen to us now you are becoming Mizukage?" He asked, looking Fuyōna in the eyes.

Fuyōna blew the smoke out of his mouth and smiled at such an innocent question.

"So that's what you're worried about eh? Worried you won't get to see me as much."

Kimimaro nodded his head.

"Well don't you worry about that kiddo, I've got the perfect person to be your new sensei while I'm busy. In fact, that reminds me, you will be meeting your new teammate today." Fuyōna said as he put the cigarette out with a bit of ice style in the palm of his hand.

Kimimaros eyebrow ċȯċked a little in question of who it could be.

"I promised a friend I would look after her," Fuyōna said as he stood to his feet.

"Can you do that for me?" Fuyōna asked bending over so he was the same height as Kimimaro, giving him a big grin.

"Yes sensei!" The boy said as a large grin formed on his face.

"That's my boy! Now go and wake Haku up and I'll make us some breakfast."

Kimimaro did just that as he and Haku ended up downstairs with Fuyōna, helping him cook a feast of food.

Suiren also came down after the noise woke her.

"Suiren!" Haku shouted as he ran over to say good morning.

She smiled in surprise as he hugged her, returning his hug with her own.

"Well good morning to you too Haku." She said as she looked over to Fuyōna who was smiling at her.

"Care for some breakfast?" He asked while holding the frying pan.

"Please." She said with a nod.

The four of them sat and ate breakfast together, all of them laughing and giggling as they talked about everything and anything.

But now the time had come for Fuyōna to prepare for the ceremony. Suiren realized tbe time and blurted it out before anyone else.

"Oh my gosh! Fuyōna look at the time!" She said pointing to the ċȯċk.

Fuyōna turned around to look still with a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Oh, my will you look at that." He said taking another bite.

"Well time to get ready everyone!" He said as he clapped his hands for them to hurry.

Haku and Kimimaro nodded and rushed off not taking long at all.

Suiren was a little more unprepared instead helped clear the table.

"I need to get home so I can get changed." She said with a small smile.

"You're not coming with us?" Fuyōna asked as he put the rest of the pots and pans in the sink.

"I think it's best if the whole village doesn't see their new Mizukage with me on the first day." She said a little shy.

Fuyōna understood and pulled her in for a hug.

"How about later then?" He asked softly.

Suiren nodded as she returned his embrace, kissing his bȧrė ċhėst.

"Here, this will help get you home a little quicker." He then said as he summoned an ice mirror for her to walk through.

"You have one at my place?" She asked surprised.

"Of course." He said giving her a slight wink.

Suiren punched his arm playfully before putting her hands on her hɨps.

"Anyway go and get ready. You can't be late to your own coronation." She said.

Fuyōna nodded.

"See you there?"

"See you there." She replied as she slowly stepped into the ice mirror.

Fuyōna waited for her to fully disappear before releasing the jutsu and going to get dressed.

He pulled on his black trousers with his black shinobi boots. Next, he pulled on his black long-sleeved undershirt and his purple flak jacket, before finally pulling out his new blue cloak with the words 5th water shadow written on them. (In Japanese.)

"Today is the day." He said as he took a good look at himself in the mirror.

"Alright, it's time." He then said as he walked out of his bedroom to see Haku and Kimimaro both dressed in their formal blue robes.

"Well don't you both look smart." He said feeling like a proud father.

"Are you both ready?" He asked.

They both nodded and Fuyōna placed a hand each on their heads.

"Alright then, let's go." He said as he created an ice mirror that took them to the Mizukage's office. His office.

All of the village elders were waiting for him around the table, along with Ao and Mei.

Everyone noticed as he walked through his ice mirror with Haku and Kimimaro behind him.

"Sorry, I'm late everyone." He said as he walked over and greeted them.

So nodded to him. He was stood with his arms crossed over his ċhėst, wearing his blue robes looking like he did in the anime, just younger.

"Better late than never," Mei said as she stood to greet him.

She was looking beautiful dressed in a pink kimono, something he had never seen her wear.

"Enough with the pleasantries. The whole village is waiting to see you." The head elder said.

Fuyōna gave an apologetic laugh as he nodded.

"Yes, I suppose your right." He said as he became serious.

"On with it then," Ao said as he waves his arms telling everyone to get ready.

Everyone walked out of the room and Fuyōna followed with Kimimaro and Haku.

Haku tugged on Fuyōna's cloak looking a little nervous and Fuyōna smiled as he held his hand.

"Don't worry Haku, I'm not going anywhere," Fuyōna said comforting him.

Kimimaro didn't pay them attention as he acted more mȧturė than Haku, but deep down he was feeling it too.

"I want both of you to stay with Ao until this is over, ok?" Fuyōna said.

Both of them nodded in response and the three of them walked out onto the roof of the Mizukages building.

Fuyōna could already see that the entire Village was waiting to see who would be named as the new Mizukage, after all, it was supposed to be top secret until he was revealed.

The head elder handed the Mizukage hat to Fuyōna and have him a nod.

"You are worthy of this young Fuyōna. Do our village and nation proud." He said giving him the go-ahead.

Fuyōna gave Haku and Kimimaro over to Ao who took them to the sides so they were out of the way as the whole thing began.

The head elder walked over to the front stand on the building to announce to the whole village.

"I greet you all in this sad time at the loss of our leader and former Mizukage..." The elder said getting everyone's attention.

"However, after careful consideration, I am pleased to present to you, our new leader and the Godaime Mizukage!"

The entire village held their breath as Fuyōna walked out onto the stand with his face covered by his Mizukage hat.

He could see the entire village from here. All of her people had gathered just to see him. Just to get a glimpse of their new leader. And he wasn't about to disappoint them.

Fuyōna made a single hand sign and the mist in the village cleared, allowing the sun to shine brightly upon all of them.

He then reached up and took his hat off, revealing his face to everyone as the next Mizukage.

No one dared say a word as they could see who it was.

Fuyōna Yuki, the hero of the village who had killed the Kazekage and both the Mizukage while still under the age of 20. He was considered the strongest shinobi in the entire village and a genius whose skills were unmatched.

"I swear on my name. Fuyōna Yuki, that I will protect my village. No... Our village and all of her people! From this day onwards, I swear I will do everything in my power so that you never have to suffer again! Where the mist falls, one shall find its people. Ever-changing like water, they will give rise to more mist, that will forever preserve the village!" Fuyōna finished, quoting the words of the first Mizukage once more as he watched the crowds reaction.

The entire village started roaring with happiness as they waved their arms in the arm towards Fuyōna.

"I promise I will do my best." He said quietly as the applause continued, echoing through the entire land of water as they cheered for the man that had saved them and promised to bring prosperity to the nation.


Ok, that's the end of this chapter, thank you for reading as always!

If you want more check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N account! link in the Bio!

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