Of Bone And Ice

Chapter 48 - Naruto 48:

-Akatsuki theme playing in the background-

Fuyōna stood before his people on top of the Mizukage building as he waved to the whole village. He had just quoted the words of the first Mizukage and had promised to bring prosperity to the nation. A bold promise to say the least.

That was when he heard the words.

"You shall know pain..."

Fuyōna looked up in disbelief as he could see Pain of the Akatsuki floating above the village.

"No..." Fuyōna muttered under his breath not believing it as he tried to get ready to act.

"Almighty push..." Pain said unleashing his jutsu.

"Nooo!!!" Fuyōna screamed as he watched Pain's jutsu uproot his entire village.

All of the buildings suddenly crumbled and the people were crushed and hurled like rag dolls with them.

Fuyōna couldn't do anything as he was forced to cross his arms over his face to shield them from the debris until the jutsu reached him too, taking him off his feet and blasting him away.

Fuyōna suddenly shot up covered in sweat. He took a good look around and realized he was in his bed, and the village was safe.

"Is everything alright?" Suiren asked as she sat up, waking from his sudden reaction.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked placing her hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's ok." He said smiling at her to let her know he was alright.

"Just a bad dream, go back to sleep Suiren." He said stroking her face with the back of his hand.

Suiren smiled and slowly placed her head back on her pillow.

"I'll be back in a minute, I need some water." He whispered to her as he got up.

Fuyōna made his way down to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water, drinking all of it in one go.

Fuyōna rinsed the glass and placed it next to the sink before he splashed a little water on his face, trying to shake the image from his dreams.

"Is everything alright Fuyōna?" Saiken asked, sensing his distress.

"I'm alright Saiken, just a bad dream." He said to the six tails, reassuring the tailed beast.

"Would I be able to protect everyone and counter his jutsu?" Fuyōna asked himself as he made a first, looking at it as he did.

Fuyōna didn't waste much more time and made his way back to bed, he had a busy day in the morning as the new Mizukage.

He got up, made breakfast with Suiren and the boys before they headed out to the academy where they would be ȧssigned with a new sensei and meet their new teammate. Fuyōna also said goodbye to Suiren for the time being and headed off.

First was his meeting with the clan leaders in the village, Fuyōna had summoned them so he could talk to them about their current strength.

He wished to make peace with all remaining Kekkei Genkai users in the land of water as their numbers were running low. In doing so he believed he could boost the villages military strength. He only hoped it wasn't too late.

Next, he was to place new decrees and laws, of course, the signing and process would take some time and require him to be in his office. The Mizukage's role seemed much different than that of the Hokages from what he could see. In which sense the Mizukage had others to do the smaller tasks, while from what he had seen, the Hokage was always stuck doing paperwork.

"Seems that Yagura didn't like to waste his time." Fuyōna thought as he took his seat at his new desk.

He had to admit it certainly felt strange to be sitting here in this office. Fuyōna had met two former Mizukage in this room since he had been in this world. The thought that he would one day sit here himself had never crossed his mind back then.

Suddenly a knock at the door snapped him out of his thoughts.

The doors opened and Ao walked into the room along with four Anbu ninja.

"Good morning, Lord Mizukage," Ao said, greeting him.

"Good morning, Ao. What do we have here?" Fuyōna asked getting right to the point.

"I have taken the trouble of ȧssigning these four to be your personal bodyguard. I handpicked them myself." He said.

Fuyōna eyed the four of them carefully, getting a good read of them. He also saw Kōgetsu who was Mangetsus cousin and next in line as the head of the Hōzuki clan was one of them.

"Very well. I trust your judgment Ao. By the way are the clan heads here yet?" He then asked leaning back on his chair.

"They are outside my lord. Shall I summon them?" Ao said.

"Yes, please do Ao," Fuyōna said.

Ao gave the nod and the four Anbu bowed before disappearing out of sight. They hadn't gone far and could react at a moments notice if needed.

"Welcome." He said as he stood from his chair.

Two men stood before Fuyōna and Ao. A large man with a solid frame, white hair and a large scar down the centre of his face. He was the Hōzuki clan leader and Kōgetsu's father.

The other was the Hoshigaki clan head. He was an old man now and had clearly served his time as a shinobi, his shark-like features present as all the members of his clan.

They were currently the only clans left in the village, now that Yagura was dead the Karatachi clan was reduced to one person.

"Welcome both of you," Fuyōna said.

"Our pŀėȧsurė, to what do we owe the honour lord Mizukage?" The Hōzuki clan head asked.

"Please both of you sit down," Fuyōna said.

Both of them sat down around the large table in the centre of the office and waited to see what he had to say.

"I have asked you both here today to discuss our village's current Kekkei Genkai users strength. It has come to my attention that your clans are the only two to have survived after the civil war. My own clan was destroyed along with the Kaguya." Fuyōna said.

Fuyōna nodded.

He knew that the Hōzuki clan possessed a Kekkei Genkai to turn their body to water, rendering physical attacks virtual useless.

Obviously, he knew his own Yuki and Kaguya clans abilities. He also knew that the Karatachi clan did not process any Kekkei Genkai. But their history for producing exceptional shinobi over the generations had been evident.

However, Fuyōna knew very little about the Hoshigaki clans abilities, other than being able to breathe underwater.

"As Mizukage, I would like to establish a positive relationship with both of you. After all, our clans are the strongest in the whole village." Fuyōna said.

"Our?" The Hōzuki head asked.

"That's right," Fuyōna said.

"My name is Fuyōna Yuki is it not?" He said.

Both of them remained quiet, deciding to listen to what he had to say.

Both of the others tried not to give any reaction and remained quiet.

"That being said, I would like to offer the same protection to your clans." Fuyōna then said.

The old Hoshigaki clan head smiled as he placed his hands onto the table.

"Forgive my rudeness, young Mizukage." He said, using the word young on purpose.

"My clan has been here since before the village was built, and I believe we will be here long after. We can protect our own with our own strength." He said giving a toothy grin.

Fuyōna smiled as he crossed his arms.

"I understand that, old man," Fuyōna said countering him.

"But I am the Mizukage now. And I would appreciate it if both of you would cooperate."

Both of them leaned back a little after listening to what he had said. They both knew that his power exceeded their own and that if he wished he could kill all of them.

"What is it you want lord Mizukage?" The Hōzuki clan head asked deciding to skip straight to the point.

"I want your clans to become one with the village. By joining our clans with the village, rather than resisting against it. I believe we can create a stronger bond and strengthen our military might." Fuyōna said telling them his plan.

Again both of them remained silent as they thought about what Fuyōna was proposing.

"A simple start would be to send your young to the village academy. I know that in the past your clans refused to send your own to the academy due to the old ritual. But now things have changed. Our village needs to realize that we are all on the same side, what better way than to start by mixing the children together." Fuyōna said.

"I don't disagree. My young ones could do with learning to mingle." The Hōzuki clan head said.

However, the Hoshigaki head disagreed.

"I feel that my clan should remain separate just as we have always done."

Fuyōna wasn't pleased to hear it and decided to drop his trump card.

"At the moment your clan is facing a lot of turmoil, my lord. With the deserting of Kisame and him stealing one of the seven blades, you're not in the best light." Fuyōna said.

"Therefore this is your opportunity to prove to the village that your clan is willing to fight for their sake," Fuyōna said as he stood to his feet.

"I dream that our village unites and builds itself stronger than it has ever been." He then said reaching his arms out.

"Please take this first step with me, this is the first step to building a better future for our nation."

Both of the clan heads seemed moved by his words.

"Very well, we accept your offer, Lord Mizukage." The Hōzuki head said.

"This boy... He's nothing like the others before him." The Hoshigaki clan head thought as he looked deep into his eyes.

"Very well. The Hoshigaki clan accepts." He then said after a moment.

Fuyōna smiled.

"Excellent! I will have the paperwork drawn up at once." Fuyōna said.

Both of them stood to their feet and bowed their head a little before bidding him farewell.

Fuyōna sighed as they left and turned to Ao who had remained quiet the whole time.

"Well, that went better than expected." He said.

Ao nodded.

"There is no one left who can challenge your rule Fuyōna. Everyone will fall in line soon enough." Ao said.

Fuyōna laughed a little.

"I don't want them to fall in like Ao. I want them to agree on their own. I meant what I said back there."

Ao was a little surprised, but then again this was Fuyōna Yuki he was talking to.

"Anyway, your meeting with the elders is due in ten minutes, shall I tell them you are ready?" Ao asked.

"Yes. Let's get this over with." Fuyōna said taking a seat.


Both Haku and Kimimaro had made their way to the academy. Although they had recently passed the Genin exam, they had still to be set a task or duty.

These days now that the village wasn't at war, the standard procedure was to take a team of three Genin and place them with a Chunin or Jonin instructor. It all depended on who was available at the time.

Their academy instructor had been Junsai who was good friends and an ex-teammate of Suiren.

He had told Fuyōna that both the boys had far outpaced the other students their age and had recommended that they take the graduation exam.

Unlike the old days, the next test was much more simple. It consisted of a written exam, a test of one's taijutsu and shurikenjutsu, where they would be evaluated on their ability. After that was a display of chakra control and basic ninjutsu demonstration such as a substitute jutsu and clone jutsu.

Both Haku and Kimimaro had passed with flying colours and all that was left was to place them on a team. Junsai had ȧssumed they would be placed with Fuyōna, but with his promotion to Mizukage that wasn't possible at the moment.

Haku and Kimimaro were the youngest in the room being 8. All the others who had passed the exams were an average age of 12 years old.

They had hidden their abilities from the others as Fuyōna had told them to. That way the other students had little hate for them, other than being jealous.

"Alright, you lot quiet down!" Junsai shouted getting the attention of the classroom.

There was a total of 12 students including Haku and Kimimaro, meaning there would be four squads formed today.

"Alright listen up for your names!" Junsai shouted as he started calling their names one by one and announced what squad they would be on.

All of the others were paired up into threes and dismissed to meet their new sensei, leaving Haku, Kimimaro and one other left.

"Alright, you two. As per Fuy-... Lord Mizukage's request." He said clearing his throat.

"You two are to be placed with Koyuki Karatachi." He said.

Haku and Kimimaro already knew who she was because Fuyōna had told them.

She was the daughter of the late Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi. She was currently ten years old, also one of the younger students to have passed the exam.

She was tall for her age and had long hair, blond like her fathers. Her eyes were pupilless pink just like her fathers too and she has pretty soft features.

She stood up and walked over to Haku and Kimimaro.

"Hello, I'm Koyuki Karatachi." She said with confidence.

Haku gave her a warm smile and nodded his head.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Haku Yuki." He said.

"Kimimaro. Nice to meet you." Kimimaro said also smiling at her.

"Good, now that you are all acquainted. Time to go and meet your new instructor." Junsai said as he gave them a map with a location on it.

The three of them nodded and bid their old instructor goodbye, setting off through the village to find their new one.

Fuyōna was currently dealing with the elders of the village as he was stating the changes he wanted to make.

The elders listened carefully and wrote everything down as he said it.

"As I said, these will be the new changes to the academy. I have taken a look at how our young are being taught and trained, and frankly, it is outdated. The corrections I have put together in this document will help get our young on track must quicker." Fuyōna said as he handed it to them.

They quickly scanned it, a little shocked at how in-depth it was.

"Next is the tax reduction to our nation's citizens. I am lowering the tax rate from 50% to 20% for everyone." Fuyōna said getting a stunned reaction from them all.

"But my lord, we can bȧrėly keep our nation afloat financial as it is." One of them said.

Fuyōna nodded.

"I have also come up with a solution to that too." He said.

"Firstly I am dropping the price that we charge for missions. It's a wonder anyone hires us at all with the price of them. Put the word out across the globe, the hidden mist is open for work. With such cheap prices for our national services, we will surely attract more clients."

"Secondly, is our fishing trade. We live on an island nation and we have a rich fishing history do we not?" He asked.

"Y-yes my lord." One of the elders said.

"Then why do we not trade with the other nations?" He asked.

"Lord Fourth refused to allow business between our and any other nation, my lord." One of the younger advisers said as she pushed her glasses back onto her face.

Fuyōna had suspected as much, Obito had done his best to isolate the hidden mist from the rest of the world as best he could.

"That ends now. Put the word out to all fishermen and shipping units that are still left. I want us to offer the very best we have and at a low price."

"But why my lord, we won't make any money if we do that?"

"First we lower the price so that no one else can compete with us, stealing the market. Once we have a good hold we will steadily make up the price over time. Besides with the number of sails we get, we will surely make up the amount in no time."

The others were impressed at Fuyōna's knowledge in the matter and proceed to write everything down.

"And lastly. For those who cannot work, due to injury suffered in the service of our nation. Or to those who have suffered due to Lord fourths rule, we will offer a benefits scheme to help feed their families until they can find work." Fuyōna said.

"But my lord, how are we supposed to afford that?" The head elder spoke up.

"You can use my wage." He said surprising them.

"The money that would come into my pocket can be placed in the benefits pot. Let's call it... The Mizukages gift to the fallen found." Fuyōna said with an approving nod.

Everyone was amazed at his generosity.

"Now go and make the arrangements," Fuyōna said dismissing them.

"I have other matters to attend to." He said.

The elders nodded and bowed before leaving. Ao looked at Fuyōna with a small smile.

"Your first day on the job and already changing the nation," Ao said.

Fuyōna nodded as he poured himself a glass of water from the fresh jug on his table.

"On to more pressing matters." He then said.

"What's the word from the sand?" He asked.

"Nothing has changed. The meeting is still a go for tomorrow." Ao said.

Fuyōna nodded as he sat back down and took a drink.

"I can only hope that the Kazekage is willing to make peace," Fuyōna said.

"I heard they sent another ȧssassin the other day," Ao said not looking happy about it.

"Are we really going to let that slide?"

Fuyōna sighed.

"I think we have suffered enough losses with everything that has happened Ao. The last thing we need is another war." He said.

Ao agreed to some extent. He knew that if they went to war with the Sand, the other villages wouldn't stand by and watch from the sidelines.

"So what's your plan?" He asked.

Fuyōna spun around on his chair so he could see the village through the window.

"I'm not sure yet." He said.

Ao nodded.

"Well we had better come up with a plan of action should the worst happen."

Fuyōna sighed.

"I know... I can only hope that the Kazekage will see reason, rather than madness." He said as he leaned his head on his fist, sitting back in his chair.


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! As always if you want more please check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N page where you can get up to 20 chapters ahead!

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