Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy three-three thousand seven hundred and seventy four stron

Chapter 3773 Strong Support (Part I)

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, Xiao Jing always had to say goodbye to his lover and returned to the capital. (This chapter is uploaded by friends)

Chen Taizhong really saved a lot of work. Among them, the job fair for college students returning home to start a business has already begun. He really didn't care about this, and left after showing his face-in fact, he believed that Sui Biao should be secretly Staring.

He can ignore that matter, but the planning committee seconded cadres to the district party committee, he had to take care of it. If District Mayor Chen didn't come forward, Wang Yuanyuan's small body wouldn't be able to hold the ground.

Sui Biao was ruthless and sent a list of 17 people directly. Chen Taizhong kept his promise and directly sent a secondment letter to the party committee. Unfortunately, three days later, only 15 people came to report, and two of them were not yet. Myself.

Among the four people who did not come, one had gone to study full-time—there was a certificate from the school, but this scumbag got used to it, so he didn’t say hello to the unit when he was out of production. Sui Biao didn’t know the reason and reported directly to him. Come over and make such a joke.

The other three are interesting. In Yishuier’s sick leave, two of them, although they can’t come by themselves, have found substitutes-yes, secondments can also be substituted.

The so-called secondment means that the employer urgently needs a certain kind of talent and borrows it from other units. The secondment letter can specify the seconded object. For example, if the Capital Olympic Organizing Committee wants to second the Governor of Chen to the past, it can directly call the name-Comrade Chen Taizhong has With a good image and rich experience in foreign-related work, we must borrow someone, and only borrow him.

This kind of secondment letter is not uncommon. The master who is planning a secondment to a good company, in order to prevent others from intercepting, the secondment letter usually asks someone directly by name, and often does not even give a detailed reason. It is the four words "work needs"-really give reasons. Maybe someone will take advantage of it.

However, corresponding to this is that there are some secondments, which are really lack of people. For example, it is also the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, which needs professionals in a certain area to send letters to relevant units for secondment. This secondment letter does not necessarily have to be someone, just clarify the needs.

In the secondment letter sent by the district government to the district party committee, not all of the seventeen people were "work needs" reasons. Seven or eight of them listed specific needs-if they were all work needs, it would be more targeted. .

But this way, there is an opportunity. Like the Fu Bin of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, the secondment letter from the district government says that he requires cadres with "strong party spirit and high awareness and good political work." The district government believes that "Comrade Fu Bin is more appropriate."

This is just a slight tactful, and it is unexpected that Comrade Fu Bin is not only sick. The Discipline Inspection Commission also deliberately found a person named Liu Hua to replace. The meaning is very clear-the district government stays if it wants it, and it doesn't want it.

one left. The situation is similar. There is only one chief member of the Party History Office, who is not coming to the Party History Office. Is it even worse?

"If you don't want to come, then don't come," Chen Taizhong ordered Wang Yuanyuan after the list of personnel, "You inform these 13 people, tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock in the small conference room, and tell them that I will attend when that time comes. ."

"Then Liu Hua and Huang Xiurong...will not accept it?" Director Wang's frown lightly and whispered for instructions.

"Which green onion are they two? Whom the district government wants to second, and there is no need for someone else to call the shots on our behalf," District Mayor Chen snorted disdainfully, and then asked about other things, "has the coal yard management regulations come out? Let me take a look... the coal yard in Xiwangzhuang will cut the ribbon in two days, and it must be completed as soon as possible."

"A coal yard requires at least four formal workers," Wang Yuanyuan frowned. "If there are temporary workers, there must be about eight, and there must be a few really can't be less."

"The folk customs of Beichong will not lead to organized theft of coal, right?" District Mayor Chen felt that this establishment was a bit too big. In fact, he believed that he had a very good public foundation in Beichong. Who dares to steal.

"I have fully considered this factor. Otherwise, the number of temporary workers will be increased to at least shift work," Wang Yuanyuan replied with a frown, "In fact, it is also a deterrent if we take a closer look at the beginning. , I think that if you manage it loosely from the beginning, it will help the masses' fluke and it is very inappropriate."

The growth rate of the little girl is really amazing. Chen Taizhong discovered that Xiao Wang and Wu Yan are really similar. Not only is the problem very detailed, but also very objective, even a little bit of disagreement, the overall sense is very good-this This quality is rare in female cadres.

"There is still a shortage of people," Chen Taizhong sighed. There were only 13 people from the district party committee. As soon as the coal yards in Xiwangzhuang Township and Xiaoling Township were built, at least eight people disappeared - and among these 13 people , I’m not sure how many can be used.

Then think about the expansion of these two coal yards, and eventually 1.5 million tons of coal will be stockpiled. The few seedlings in this district are not enough, and the planning committees are not limited to coal yards.

"This management rule hasn't come out yet... the computer of the Planning Commission is broken," Wang Yuanyuan's face blushed slightly, Fang Shi asked, "Should I send it to your house at night?"

"Okay," Chen Taizhong nodded, and didn't pay attention to her reaction. What he was struggling with now was...there is really a shortage of people in the district.

In essence, District Mayor Chen does not like bloated personnel organizations. He does not want to expand the establishment needlessly. This will bring a heavy financial burden, but now Beichong is waiting to be thriving, and it is really supported by his hands. Can't go down.

Moreover, if you want to recruit people, you must recruit people with a little real ability-sadly, there are not many such people in Beichong.

Then the consequence of recruiting people is more likely to take care of the related households. In this way, people are recruited, but few can do things, and the organization is getting bloated. Why is this embarrassing?

This question made Chen Taizhong very entangled. He even began to seriously consider whether he should make a big effort to take down the oil shale refining project. Once the project can be taken down, it will definitely attract all kinds of predators.

As soon as the predators come, the talent problem can be alleviated-you have to bring talents to Beichong. If you can't bring talents, don't try to win the project in this project.

There is a reason why he thinks so, not to mention, because of the interference of the ground electricity. The power plant. There are not many management personnel invested by Beichong, and many things are shared by the people of geoelectricity-in fact, geoelectricity is a well-known shortage of manpower.

The same is true for cigarette factories. Several managers from the Tuyang Cigarette Factory came over. Although they could not lead the construction, they saved a lot of attention on many things-some things were clear. But it is something non-professionals cannot think of.

There is also the ramie factory. The construction of new projects has attracted many foreign talents. To a certain extent, it has greatly eased the pressure brought by the shortage of talents in Beichong. However, these supplements are far from enough to make up for Beichong. The thirst for talent.

And many of these people come and go with the project. Can't take root in Beichong.

With this entanglement, District Chief Chen returned to the small courtyard, waiting for Wang Yuanyuan to bring the documents. Unexpectedly, Xiao Wang hasn't come yet. Lin Huan knocked on the door first, and Chairman Lin came in and sat down. After a few gossips, he asked, "Too loyal... I heard you don't want that Huang Xiurong?"

"I didn't second him at all," Chen Taizhong replied casually, "There is no question of wanting or not wanting."

"But this Huang Xiurong is a real talent," Lin Huan said with a straight face, and said solemnly, "He has a great deal of finance. He was originally from the planning committee and was very sensitive to numbers. After the relationship was linked to the party committee, he worked in Chaotian. It was very good. The business even expanded to Shanghai, Hai, Shenzhen, and Shenzhen, with assets exceeding 50 million at one time."

"I really don't know about that." Chen Taizhong spread his hands. He was really new to Huang Xiurong. He had never heard of this name before. Today, he heard that this product is going to top the tank, but he refused without saying anything. I don’t even know the idea of ​​this person—what the district government should do, it’s not a turn for others to point out.

So at the moment Lin Huan’s Guan said that he is also very offensive. I am blind and deaf when I work with him. I should listen to your old Bei Chong’s instructions-I said, Lao Lin. We have been dealing with each other for so long. The kind of person who comes in, but if you really have this opinion, is it difficult to say hello in advance?

So he smiled faintly, "Then he has done so much, why come to Beichong to join in the fun?"

"He was pitted," Lin Huan's nerves were also very thick, and he didn't feel that District Chief Chen was dissatisfied at all. He laughed, "He invested 60 million yuan and built an iron ore, but the iron ore did not formalities……"

The co-author of Huang Xiurong is also a very sad reminder. After making some money, one of his customers said, I have an iron mine, and I can start it with a difference of 40 million. Should we do it together?

Huang Xiurong knew that this client also had a lot of money, so he directly smashed the money in. Later, he learned that the iron ore was in a mess between the village office, the municipality and the state-owned enterprise-his client was all caught in it. Fifty million, I asked him to cooperate in order to solve the problem.

By the time he understood, 60 million had already been thrown in, and in the end, the court awarded the mine to the provincial state-owned enterprise with a ruling-and also fined him 10 million.

Of course, he is already a multi-millionaire, and he cannot afford to pay the fine. The penalty is to stop him from tossing about it. If you don't know what is good or bad, be careful that we enforce the fine.

After this incident, Huang Xiurong finally realized that the verticals and horizontals in the shopping malls were all fake. In China nowadays, after all, the money bag cannot bear the seal. If you want to develop, you still have to rely on a foundation.

That’s why he repented and returned to Bei Chong to develop. Lin Huan understood this fairly well. “He pays the money he owes. I think he has the ability and experience to engage in finance. , Really a rare talent."

Chapter 3774 Strong Support (Part 2)

Is it rare? I think it's nonsense. Chen Taizhong sneered when he heard it. Unlike Lin Huan, he was very knowledgeable and knew the value of the financial elite.

But he didn't want to irritate Lao Lin too much, so he asked, "Then he can come back to work, why bother to meet the lack of Lu Huaqiang, the party committee office? Really think that the district government wants to go in and out?"

"The party committee has no room for him to give play to it, so he can only come to the government," Lin Huan replied with a smile. "Besides, Beichong's current development is good, and he thinks it is more useful... Lu Huaqiang wants to come too. Persuaded, haha."

How can you convince me? It must be persuaded by RMB. Chen Taizhong heard it very clearly and couldn't help sighing inwardly. The buddy made a small secondment. It was also full of moths. Someone didn't want to come to death. Some people have to come to spend money. It's really a hundred kinds of rice to raise a hundred kinds of people, "He thinks that when the government comes, I will definitely reuse him?"

"Why don't you reuse him?" Lin Huan looked at him in amazement. "He can help Beichong's development speed up and improve your plan. Such talents are really rare."

"He intends to perfect my plan?" Chen Taizhong smiled slightly.

"Yes." Lin Huan nodded. In fact, Huang Xiurong's tone was bigger than he said. After learning about the recent development of Bei Chong, Huang Xiurong immediately expressed a little disdain-if I had Chen Taizhong like this My family, I have earned at least 500 million back in the past six months. Very few people who do government work really understand finance!

However, Chairman Lin just knows this. He knew very well that District Chief Chen was also a very stupid young man, and he would never hear such harsh statements. Then he might as well leave it alone—Lin Huan really wanted to make Bei Chong better.

"See if he can." Chen Taizhong snorted dumbly, although Lao Lin didn't say anything. But he also imagined that Huang Xiurong must brag about something. Bei Chong is really too backward. With the knowledge and experience of that guy, it shouldn't be any problem to fool people in poor areas, young and old.

But for Chen Taizhong, people who are engaged in finance...he really look down on him. In the end, he is thinking about how to swindle money. Virtual economy is based on the real economy.

You said that you have developed in Shanghai, Hai, Shenzhen, and Shenzhen. Do you know how much your buddy made in sniping Vodafone’s acquisition of Mannesmann? Don't show off your ridiculous experience.

In short, Huang Xiurong wears a halo, and Chen Taizhong really won't be fooled by this halo-it's not bad if you can return to the system, and want to improve the plan of our district government. Who do you think you are?

District Mayor Chen emphasized doing things, and what he hates most is this kind of talk, so he sneered, "Since he thinks that the virtual economy is better than the real economy, why should he come back and wrong himself?"

"Isn't he out of money?" Lin Huan is good at everything, but he has got a little nervous, he replied indifferently.

"Lao Lin, when he is rich, he will also engage in iron ore!" District Mayor Chen reluctantly patted the table, "Why didn't he push the virtual economy down? Because he knew very well that virtual ones are unreliable. Yes, it’s just gambling. It’s the most reliable to hold it in your hands for real money... Okay, the food is here, let’s eat first."

Liao Dabao arranged the food and put it on the table. Lin Huan froze for a while before picking up his chopsticks, "Taizhong, you make sense, but besides you, Huang Xiurong is a rare economist in Beichong."

Just economist? My buddies don’t dare to say that. Chen Taizhong is really sad in his heart. He is still too backward. When he encounters such a half-bottle of vinegar, he is a treasure. If he put the goods in Phoenix, no one will care—but, I also guarantee that the ungrounded Yin Fang will be a treasure.

Anyway, this kind of deceitful master is not allowed to enter the district government, because the information is not equal, and certain inciting words are really disasters for Bei Chong.

The biggest problem that Beichong is facing now is development. It is a down-to-earth development, not a **** virtual economy. This is not to say that this is completely undesirable, but it is always necessary to wait for the real economy to come up, and then consider this aspect. .

Lin Huan didn't expect that the recognized talent, in the district mayor's place, made such a comment. He felt that he had saved his face, but after drinking two cups, he would throw that grudge aside, "Now They are all engaged in capital operation, why do you disagree?"

"In Phoenix, maybe you can think about it, but Bei Chong's foundation is too weak," District Mayor Chen chuckled a glass of wine and replied casually. "The entity is the foundation of development. If all funds go to the financial market, this It is an abnormal phenomenon in itself. What government work requires is down-to-earth development, not speculation."

"It turned out to be like this," Lin Huan nodded slightly blankly. He had always thought that he could get a lot of money in order to develop faster, and the business wars and financial turmoil in the TV dramas were the big ones. The city should have the background, and he is very envious of it, this is about the beauty of distance.

Today, District Chief Chen’s words are from a different perspective. They have revealed the truth behind the prosperity. His vision and sight are far better than those of others, and he has reversed Chairman Lin’s consistent perception. He cannot fully understand it at the moment, but experience tells. What he—Xiao Chen said, is probably insightful.

"Then the emphasis on capital operation now can be regarded as abnormal economic development?" He tried to use more fashionable words to ask.

"This is true for Bei Chong." Chen Taizhong nodded. At this moment, Wang Yuanyuan walked in with a small bag, and the topic stopped there. He picked up the wine glass, "Didn't you eat? Eat something first..."

At 8:50 the next morning, District Chief Chen came to the small meeting room. The thirteen people have all arrived, some look expressionless, some do not look good, but more people have eager expressions on their faces.

"Hello everyone," District Mayor Chen nodded blankly, walked to the conference table and sat down on his own. "Let me just say a few words. This time the district government is seconding you. It is a challenge for party workers, but At the same time, it is a rare opportunity. An opportunity to prove your own abilities."

The dignified district mayor. Since he has his own aura, he will not explain after he finishes talking. Instead, he faintly scanned the people present, and from the eyes of some people, he saw a look that didn't agree with him.

However, although these cadres were strangely seconded, they were mixed in the system after all. They had doubts of this kind in their hearts, but they would not ask questions casually. Some people might want to talk, but they glanced around and found that others were not shutting up. Say, that can only sit there without saying a word.

District Mayor Chen sat there and waited for half a minute. After Director Wang had prepared the tea, he said again, "Now, if you have any questions, you can ask questions. You must raise your hand first."

A black and thin middle-aged man in his thirties raised his hand. After obtaining permission, he asked with a slight smile, "I heard from Director Wang that we are seconded to work at the Planning Commission. Will we continue to work at the Planning Commission? Go down?"

"I didn't say this all the time, it was just a secondment." District Mayor Chen shook his head. "When the time is right, you can go back or go to other departments, but the Planning Commission is currently short of people."

"That is to say, it is possible for us to transfer the working relationship?" The black and thin middle-aged man continued to ask with a smile.

"If you perform well, there is no problem. In fact, you all know that the treatment of the district government is better than that of the party committee," District Mayor Chen replied with a smile. "This is not bragging. Even if Secretary Sui is here, I dare to say so. , And now there are many opportunities in the government."

"Everyone has seen this. The government's work has achieved outstanding results," the black and thin middle-aged man smiled brightly, very happy, "My problem is over."

Nima, how can you do this? Others hate in their hearts, saying that you don't know how to ask. You have asked all the questions to the point, but when you come to the most critical question, you kid... are you finished?

In fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts that this person is a bit tricky. Not only do you want to know the first two questions, you can also use this to please District Mayor Chen, but the next questions are a bit utilitarian and it is inconvenient to ask.

Sure enough, you are the first to act first, and then you will suffer. If you do something to please you, others have to do something that offends someone.

After a period of silence, a 37- or 8-year-old middle-aged man raised his hand. He is already a chief clerk. This question is of utmost importance to him. "District Chief Chen, the work relationship can also be transferred outside the planning committee. Other government departments?"

"Of course, the premise is that you have to prove your abilities," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. "Among you, there are many chief staff and deputy chief staff members. It is impossible to always accept the leadership of Director Xiao Wang... It is estimated that many people are now in their hearts. Not convinced."

" Everyone chuckled. The district chief told the truth. A group of men in their 30s and 40s listened to a young girl in their early twenties. They felt a little unbalanced in their hearts. It couldn't be more normal.

"If you are not convinced... you have to reserve your opinion and actively cooperate with Director Wang's work. Only when you do well in the planning committee can you take up actual positions in other departments." District Mayor Chen clearly expressed his support for Wang Yuanyuan, and he did not forget to throw out. Actual job" bait.

While talking, he took out the cigarette and lit it, then handed the cigarette to Wang Yuanyuan, signaled her to take a walk, and then added, "Of course, this actual job may not belong to the government department, it may also belong to the enterprise... government department There are so many seats, everyone is watching very tightly. I want to push them down and let you go. This is not easy, and you will also be under pressure."

"Ha," everyone laughed again, but this time the laughter was very relaxed. District Mayor Chen was telling the truth, not to mention it, there was some personality charm.

At this moment of enjoyment, Liao Dabao walked in with his mobile phone, "District Mayor, there was a kid robbery case in Linyun Township. Director Zhu would like you to give instructions in time..."

(Sent with 6,200 words, currently ranked 14th dangerously. Thank you for your support. Does anyone have a monthly pass?)

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