Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy five-three thousand seven hundred and seventy six

Chapter 3775

"The child was robbed?" Chen Taizhong frowned, and then his face sank. "He can just arrest someone and go. Does he need me to give instructions?"

"The gangster drove a green van," Liao Dabao knew that the time was pressing and explained the key points straightforwardly. "Director Zhu has ordered the tracing, but he is worried that the gangster will escape from Beichong. He hopes that the district government can contact various towns and villages. To block the road where the opponent flees, and hope to use the power of the masses to find the gangster..."

After receiving the report, co-author Zhu Fenqi immediately arranged for chase and interception at the intersection, but it is really difficult to tell how effective these methods will be. www.)

Thinking of Yang Zixuan’s being abducted and trafficked, District Mayor Chen had made a big noise. Director Zhu did not dare to conceal the incident. He immediately wanted to report to the leader and made suggestions to express his strong concern about the abducted children.

"This request is reasonable and I strongly support it," Chen Taizhong heard that it was such a remark, and immediately stood up, "Xiao Liao, find some people, and immediately notify the leaders of the towns and villages. I will call Secretary Sui 97net... It must be mobilized."

"District Chief Chen, Chen Cunzhen has given me notice." The thin black man who asked the first question stood up. This guy's ability to seize the opportunity is really first-class. "If the trafficker appears in Chencun, I promise him no Retreat."

"Xiao Zhao Township... is mine," Wang Yuanyuan immediately followed up and said, ignoring the upcoming forum. "Xiao Zhao has no contact with other counties, but the possibility of the gangster hiding in Xiao Zhao Township cannot be ruled out. "

"Shuangzhai and Qudao I have taken care of it." There are even more ruthless ones. They directly take care of the two towns, but this is also normal. The people of Beichong may marry a girl and marry a daughter-in-law, not necessarily from the township. If both families have strong powers It is not difficult to launch two townships.

"Listen to me," District Mayor Chen stretched out his hand and pressed vainly. "I am very pleased to see you so jealous. The key to the problem now is. To understand the basic characteristics of the suspect, the characteristics of the vehicle, and the characteristics of the missing child, Since we want to mobilize the masses, we must make these clear, Xiao Liao, please introduce to everyone first. I will call Secretary Sui 97net."

District Chief Chen did not leave either. Sitting there and calling 97net, Liao Dabao also called Zhu Fenqi to 97net. He also knew that the leaders hated human traffickers very much, so after hearing the news, he hurried to report. Some details were really unclear.

The two of them were calling 97net, and no one else was idle. According to Mayor Chen, they had the exact information and contacted the township officials, but everyone at the scene. They are all cadres with a weak sense of existence, and they are afraid that they will not be able to call 97net temporarily. Just get in touch first to make sure that the communication goes smoothly-it will be miserable if the link is dropped.

As for making a few more calls to 97net, it will affect the work of the township. It is really not within everyone's consideration. Seriously, it is finally possible to use the head of the district and scream, why not?

So, in the small meeting room, there was a very rare scene: less than twenty people were sitting there. At least a dozen people are holding mobile phones and dialing 97net, all looking anxious. But deliberately lowered his voice.

This kind of weird scene, even if a security guard who doesn't understand anything comes over, he can't help but guess that this is a big issue, a big event.

Sui Biao received a call from Chen Taizhong at 97net. It is also a bit strange. There is a child trafficking incident in the district. You must pay attention to it. However, it is rare to pay attention to your level.

There was an accident at Yang Boming's house. You ran to the north to catch so many people. Today you called 97net so anxiously. If I remember correctly, at this time, you should be talking to the seconded cadre. Right?

You hate human traffickers so much. Could it be that you have been trafficked in your previous life?

Thinking about it this way, Secretary Sui didn’t have the guts to say that you are too loyal, and that you are too enthusiastic, and people greet him as the monitor, which is regarded as respect for him, so he said that if life is a matter of life, you just let it go. High attention-you say hello to you, I say hello to me, it does not matter if the greeting is heavy, the key is to get the child back and catch the suspect. There are too many hidden dangers. If there is a car accident, it will be difficult to find the perpetrator as long as the car can run away.

Isn’t the black car that Liao Dabao ran without a license plate? Zhu Fenqi murmured sadly, but he was talking about his difficulties, "Many of our cars are scrapped in big cities. It is not worthwhile to get a brand, but the cars that dare to go on the road without a brand are usually acquaintances. I can only educate if I catch it."

"Tsk," Chen Taizhong slapped his lips. He really couldn't say anything about it. Bei Chong was still too poor. He ran on the road all day and saw a lot of unlicensed cars.

Therefore, he emphasized, "The temporary license must be strictly grasped, and the road is not allowed without the temporary license... And from now on, used cars and scrapped vehicles that have not been registered before will not be issued temporary licenses in principle, and the vehicles will be on the road with illness. Not only is it irresponsible for the lives and property of the people, it is also not good for car owners. Don’t save money that shouldn’t be saved.”

"District Mayor Chen gave prompt instructions. I used to be negligent about this issue. I will deal with it severely in the future." Zhu Fenqi nodded with a smile, "but there are still no green vans, green and white vans found at various intersections. No one was found. It seems that the traffickers have not left Beichong."

The child who reported the crime was terribly frightened. He urinated his pants at the time. When he recalled the van, he could only remember that it was green, whether it was all green, or mixed with other colors. He couldn't remember it anymore.

But these days, green vans are really rare. Most vans are not white, or yellow ones that are eliminated in the city. Red is rare, let alone green.

"Will there be another car to support it?" District Mayor Chen thought about it, and then asked again. If there is a green van with a brand on it, and no child is found, should he let it go?

"A human trafficker group, if it can have two vehicles and connect to each other, it will be quite large," the deputy director Gao interjected. "In recent years, there have been no intensive incidents of missing children in Beichong."

Chapter 3776

"Indeed, I also think that stealing children with a car occurs more often in big cities," District Mayor Chen nodded, and stayed in the elderly, with poor traffic and information. Taking pictures of children is below. It is very common in rural areas, but now the transportation and information are very developed. Whoever takes a picture of a child in a township will not wait for him to walk ten miles away and call 97net to inform the world.

And the one who shot Huazi is not a wanted criminal, and the whole family is safe when he hides alone-he is still taking his children.

Even if you use a car to grab a child, the township is not the first choice. For the township in Beichong, if you just pass a car, it will attract the attention of others. In ancient times, it would be equivalent to riding a tall horse to shoot flowers. The goal is too big.

Seriously, in a big city, there are many cars and people, and just taking a kid and walking away will not necessarily attract the attention of others-even if someone notices it, getting out in the busy traffic is not too difficult.

"That's not necessarily." Director Gao shook his head. The current police force still retains a good habit of expressing one's own views when discussing the case, and there is no need to deliberately welcome the leader-this is also the guarantee for solving the case as soon as possible.

Therefore, he is not afraid to express his disagreement, “Stealing children with cars has not happened in the village. Villagers are wary of foreign vehicles, which is one of the reasons. The risk of stealing children from the village is relatively high, but at the same time, the children in the village are more pitiful. If no one finds it when it is stolen. Parents may not think that the child is lost. It is likely that they will call the police three to five days later."

At this point, Director Gao spread his hands, "This kind of thing hasn't happened before. Parents thought that their children went to other people's homes to play. If they were left in the city... If they didn't see their children coming home that day, the parents would definitely call the police.

"It is true," Director Zhu nodded. "When I was in the Municipal Bureau, Jingde happened like this. The child disappeared for half a month, and the parents remembered to call the police...The day lily is cold."

"That's true." Chen Taizhong nodded, he didn't mind admitting his mistakes, "Nowadays, there are very few parents like this in the city... Even that Li Siyi, her mother is also very worried... Well, let's not talk about it. Up."

Zhu Fenqi didn't know what the three words Li Siyi meant, so he didn't bother to care, "So these people are in remote places, and once they find that no one is around. They are more courageous to steal children... Hey, the green van dared to start. I did it for a year. I can't see a few such cars."

"This car is really rare," Chen Taizhong nodded. In his impression, only the postal van is pure green. As for the armed police, do they have a van?

But the next moment, his body shook suddenly, "Fuck, is it possible that this child is red-green-blind?"

"My day," Zhu Fenqi listened and slapped the table fiercely. Green vans are rare, but red vans are not rare. "Mayor, your hypothesis is too timely. Let me just say it. I feel something is wrong."

"I will call Linyun 97net immediately to confirm the situation of the child." Director Gao couldn't sit still. If this hypothesis is true, it is likely to let go of the culprit. Check the van too."

"Leave this to me... you go and implement it," Zhu Fenqi waved his hand impatiently, and grabbed the phone 97net. "If it's a car, you have to check it carefully. This must be emphasized..."

Ten minutes later, Director Gao came back with a stifling news that the child was red-green-blind. The person who checked was Dr. Wang from the health clinic. This person was not only the reporter, but also the deputy secretary of the original township party committee Wang. Hong's son Ah even cooked a deep-fried mushroom dish for District Chief Chen.

"This is really..." District Mayor Chen really doesn't even have the strength to be angry. The child is color-blind, and no one else knows it. Everyone believes the only eyewitness's words-but who can blame this, the child?

In fact, there is no time for everyone to be angry at this time, so let's seize the opportunity to inform people.

It took five minutes for District Mayor Chen to call 97net to inform people. He hung up 97net within ten minutes, and his cell phone rang. The person who called 97net was Huangfu Yichen, the secretary of the Party Committee of Xiaoling Township. He was excited. Report, "District chief, the person has been caught, thanks to your notification...I fuck, took the child hostage? Nima!"

The co-author Huangfu secretary was answering the phone 97net while calling 97net. The good news has not yet been reported. I suddenly heard that the kid was taken hostage over there... What's the special thing?

"Don't worry, speak slowly," Chen Taizhong heard that there is a child whereabouts. This is really not anxious. As for taking hostages or something, does this count as a problem?

While speaking, he signaled Zhu Fen to get up and take the gun with me. At the same time, he rolled a circle with his hand and made two gestures on his eyes-preferably a sniper rifle with a scope.

"There is no such thing," Director Zhu spread his hands with a wry smile. "There are only two fifty-six submachine guns and sixty rounds in the bureau... even if they go to the armed forces department, they are five or six, and there seems to be a mortar."

"What am I going to do with a mortar?" District Chief Chen snorted. "There is always a sharpshooter, right?"

"Sharpshooter... that's right," Zhu Fen nodded in thought, "Lao Lu's marksmanship is good, Lu Dongzi."

"Can we change someone?" District Chief Chen's mouth twitched. Director Lu's marksmanship was good. Everyone said it was good, but the last time in Mingxin, the incident of June 4th smashing a cannon and ricocheting people was just the fuck. ——Because it was the police from Mingxin Branch who was injured, Bei Chong was very passive.

"Then I can only find Minister Hong of the Armed Forces Department," Director Zhu sighed. There are many veterans in the branch, and more than one policeman with good marksmanship, but they were trained against the target and really wanted to hit the moving target. Shooting people in the head, this kind of thing... or find a professional. "We can find the armed police and ask for support."

"It's too late." District Chief Chen stood up and walked out while calling 97net, "Bring a few long and short guns, as soon as possible. The dog over there jumped over the wall. The child's neck was cut with blood."

It took about five minutes before the firearms were taken out from the sub-station. Seven or eight policemen rushed to the scene in two vans and two motorcycles. There were police officers coming in successively, but they could only go on motorcycles.

Chen Taizhong was not with them. He drove the car by himself, and took Zhu Fenqi's gun, and fired two shots in the branch compound on the spot.

The first shot was unremarkable, but in the second shot, he raised his hand and exploded a gecko on the courtyard wall from a distance of meters away. The gecko is not big, only seven or eight centimeters long.

"Good marksmanship." Director Zhu clapped his hands with a smile, then raised his eyebrows, staring at him in amazement, "District are not going to do it yourself?"

"Be prepared, you are in front, I will follow behind, try to convince education to be the main thing," District Chief Chen smiled and took two bullets and filled the magazine. Turn off the insurance and hold the pocket, "The marksmanship practiced during the training of the militia. Fortunately, there is no hand."

Zhu Fenqi gave him a weird look, and got into another police car. With so many police cars and police officers, the main purpose is to gradually blockade and control the scene, and at the same time hide as much as possible the motorcycle that is easy to pursue.

Amid the roar of the motor, the police car and motorcycle rushed out of the yard and saw District Chief Chen behind him opening the door. The policeman who drove muttered, "District Chief Chen's marksmanship... is it reliable?"

"Who knows this? The quasi-head is really good," Zhu Fenqi replied absently, "I really don't know what he doesn't know, if there is no sharpshooter in the branch...I don't know he can play guns."

"I can play with guns and dare to hit people, is there a gap?" The policeman murmured. He didn't think District Chief Chen's marksmanship was so good. The reliability of June 4th smashing guns was really not worthy of compliment. Whether a handy gun can hit a living person from 30 meters away basically depends on the character's character, and has little to do with marksmanship.

"District Chief Chen is so skilled, maybe he will give us something unexpected," Director Zhu answered faintly, and then picked up his mobile phone, "Let's see where the armed police are."

The intersection where the car was stopped was a small road leading to Mingxin from Xiaoling. When the police car arrived, they discovered that there were a dozen cars parked here. The surrounding hills and trees were full of onlookers. Huangfu also came in a spot of dust. Direct people to talk to the kidnappers.

In a red van, half of the window opened, revealing a child's head. On the child's chin, a sharp dagger was quietly mounted. The people in the car roared, "Quickly change the car! "

Director Zhu stepped forward and asked, only to know that this intersection was originally held by a few people from the village committee. When he stopped the car, he was very inexperienced. First, he was ecstatic and escorted the people out of the car. A woman, with a man hidden behind her, put the knife directly on the child's neck.

This kind of complicated situation everyone is not sure what to do. As a result, the man and woman took the opportunity to break free and returned to the car. At last it was a young man who was alert and pierced a tire with a knife. He waited. When the second one was tied, the kidnapper's knife was swiped on the child's neck, and the blood oozes out.

This change also broke the kidnapper’s attempt to escape by car, and the two sides froze here. In fact, the traffickers dared to act as the kidnappers, and what they were worried about was that they drove and ran away. It will be honestly dead.

Secretary Huangfu recounted the process in a low voice, "Does the police have a sharpshooter here?"

"There is also a layer of car windows, with the sun film attached to it, and the sharpshooter can't hit it." Director Zhu frowned in distress, "Ah, I can only count on it when I change the car. I will arrange it first. "

In the distance, Chen Taizhong’s Santana also stopped, with a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of Chen’s nose, while calling 97net, he opened the door and walked down...


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