Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred thirty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty one to change

Chapter w3830 to be revised (on)

Faced with such a strong reaction from Chen Taizhong, Sui Biao could only respond with a wry smile. In fact, this is already in the category of party affairs, but he could not speak out against it, "Then what do you mean?"

"In fact, this is the same as sending warmth and lowering the grassroots level," Chen Taizhong replied lightly. He originally only wanted to solve the problem of improving the skills of Beichong's labor force. It was unexpected that this proposal was put forward, and so many people opposed it. ⒈⒋⒋Book! There is no hospital. , Pop-up window www.⒈⒋⒋...

The more this happens, the more dissatisfied he is, because he feels that his suggestion is not wrong, so the cadres can only sit in the office, or go down and watch around, and find a specific group of people to show their care. All the work?

Since we are talking about party style building, we must remember bitterness and sweetness, why can't cadres go to the construction site? Are you really so delicate, or is your identity tainted when you are a cadre on the construction site?

So he simply went into the matter and said, "I think about this activity. It is possible to form a system. Our cadres will set aside a period of time each year to learn a basic level skill. They don’t need to be proficient, but at least they have to pass the assessment. …Party members and cadres should emphasize the improvement of their own cultivation and link theory with practice. This is a very good way."

"Same year?" Yes, even Lin Huan opened his mouth in surprise this time, "Too often?"

"Then it's the same for two years. At least when the cadre is promoted, there should be a non-professional skill." Chen Taizhong could hear that he insisted on linking this matter to the promotion of cadres. "Next time you are promoted, add another... …"

"You can sit in the office and be a cadre without diligence. In addition to eating, drinking and having fun, it is just a form of show and walking, and instead regards labor as a shame. I wonder, when did our system degenerate into this way? Pushing forward sixty years, has this style beat the Kuomintang?"

"You make sense," Sui Biao nodded. This is a fact and no one can deny it, but he also has his own opinions.

"But you talked about self-cultivation. I'll tell you, no matter how glorious the work is, the first thing we have to emphasize is the leadership of the party. It is to understand the spirit of the party, the central government, and the higher-level organizations, without hiding from you. Say, even if I am the party secretary, just study these theories and policies seriously, all my spare time will not add up."

"This kind of behind-the-scenes. It is also the stereotype of the party." Lin Huan's mouth is really bad, and what he says is very hurtful. "The idea of ​​being too loyal. The biggest advantage is that there is an assessment, which means that it will not be too The form...Anyway, it is to send warmth. Going to the countryside to visit poor households is to send warmth. Teaching migrant workers craftsmanship is not a warmth?

"It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish." At this time, Liu Wangnan interrupted, "I also came from a small county town. The proposal of District Mayor Chen is more in line with the interests of the people, but... it is not easy to be on TV."

Who did you learn from, you with sharp teeth? Sui Biao picked up the wine in front of him, drank it, and took another bitter gourd to bite it. After a long time, he smiled slightly, "Since you insist, then I am willing to support it, but this system is not easy to form."

"Then hold a mobilization meeting," Chen Taizhong retreated and asked for the next best thing. His idea was to form a system, it was really not easy, and he didn't want to set up a system, but he really didn't expect that everyone would treat the cadres to the construction site. , Such a resistance, on the contrary, made him feel dissatisfied-who stipulated that cadres can not go to the construction site? My buddy really wants to be true.

As for the possibility of causing public outrage? He didn't care. Although Chen was beaten back by the concerted efforts of the immortals, he was very sensitive to the anger of the people, but he believed that nothing would happen this time.

First of all, his proposal is pragmatic, not a retreat-although it looks like a retreat, secondly, he is the head of the government and a leader. As long as he can reach an agreement with Sui Biao, there will be no problems with forced implementation.

It’s hard to get better and better. This sentence is no better in the officialdom. Of course, the more important thing is the sentence, "From the masses to the masses", no one dares to say nothing. Cadres shouldn’t take part in manual labor—even the party and the state lead and guide people and plant trees in Shenzhen, Shenzhen and other places.

"The mobilization meeting? Let me think about it," Sui Biao pondered for a moment, but in the end he didn't give a clear answer, and he had a very strong intention to draw a line. "And I will convene the most. You suggest you to host. ."

In any case, Secretary Sui's performance today was quite satisfactory and there was a certain degree of resistance, but in the end he agreed, but for some reason, District Mayor Chen always felt that he was absent.

But he didn't care too much. After the young district chief expressed his enlightenment in an impassioned manner, he began a very personal expectation-tonight, how should I enjoy sex?

Early the next morning, Chen Taizhong got up for breakfast, and it happened that Jiang Lizhi also got up early. The two "meeted" at the gate of the district government. Student Xiao Jiang said that he wanted to see Danier.

"The little guy is recovering well and can now run around everywhere," District Mayor Chen said confidently. "Unless someone who knows the inside story, even if you look closely, you won't see any difference in her."

"Uncle Chen," Yang Zixuan smiled sweetly when she saw him coming, and then her face sank. She saw the woman behind him, so she asked annoyedly, "Why do you bring outsiders to my house?"

"Why is this an outsider?" Chen Taizhong frowned slightly and criticized her with a little dignity, "Aunt Jiang brought you a doll last time. She likes you so beautiful dolls."

"She... she's an outsider," Yang Zixuan saw him turn his face, so she hid behind her in fright, but muttered quietly in her mouth, "You are my uncle, we are a family, and she is an outsider."

"We are all a family," Jiang Lizhi replied with a smile, not at all angry with her, and then stretched out her hand, revealing a paper bag for clothes. On the paper bag is a little girl wearing a pink princess dress. "Auntie brought you a skirt for you to wear at the beginning of school, do you like it?"

The morning sun shone obliquely and shone on the girl in the white dress and white dress. There seemed to be a halo of holiness faintly, but even if she was smiling happily, she still could not help but give birth to a trace of pity.

"I..." Looking at the beautiful skirt on the paper bag, Yang Zixuan swallowed involuntarily. But the next moment, she put her hands behind her back and said firmly, "I don't want it. My father will buy it. Grandparents and Uncle Chen will buy it for me. Take it back."

"Auntie bought it specifically for you. You don't want it, auntie will be sad," Jiang Lizhi frowned and made a tearful sadness-she was originally a girl with melancholy temperament. It would be really pitiful for another outfit like this.

"Okay, I want it." Although Yang Zixuan is a small devil, she is also compassionate. She replied a little bit irritably, "Thank you, Auntie Chen. I and Uncle Chen are in harmony with the world and dare to be with Junjue. Don't be a shameless third party."

"You...what did you say?" Jiang Lizhi looked at her incredulously. Immediately afterwards, her body shook violently-she was suppressing her smile. For very sensitive little girls, this may mean mockery.

"Uncle Chen is mine. You can't compete with me," Yang Zixuan warned her seriously. Although the little girl is serious, it feels a bit ridiculous no matter how she looks. "He touched me, and I am his person in this life, he It's the best gift God has given me."

"I said, you should watch "Returning the Pearl" and the like less, okay?" Chen Taizhong laughed and laughed, and put it to an adult woman who dared to talk like this. He had already kicked it over, but Danier still Children.

Especially after she was rescued back, she not only has a deep attachment to him, but is also extremely sensitive to his attitude. If he is a little impatient, Da Nier can spend more than ten hours at home as soon as he turns his head. In the end, Yang Boming will call for help.

After being so tossed for a few times, District Mayor Chen was also tired. Try to rely on her anyway, so he doesn't say anything hard now. "Look more at the preschool textbooks. School will start soon."

"Well, I tolerate you women outside," Yang Zixuan sighed and nodded, and said solemnly, "But when I start school, you have to accompany me. This is my bottom line..."

After Chen Taizhong and Jiang Lizhi came out, they laughed for half of the road. In the end, District Chief Chen started to cough with a smile, "Cough cough...Now children, I really don’t know what they watch all day."

"Actually, it's quite cute," Jiang Lizhi raised her hand and wiped her tears of laughter. "When I was a child, I also liked the boy across the yard, a very domineering boy, especially when my parents were away. They can play table tennis on the street, that's a sense of security, but... I never dare to tell anyone."

"What is this boy's name?" Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, rubbed his palms alternately, and said with a grinning smile, "Dare to seduce my wife's heart, and I will go around the cloud... I will definitely beat him up. pingpong."

"I don't remember what his name is, Er Fat, Er Dan? It seems to have two characters... I moved in the first grade of elementary school," Jiang Li smiled, "In short, at that time, I was very insecure, so I can understand Da Ni'er's feelings, but she dare to say that this is how the child is now."

"Okay, let's not talk about it," Chen Taizhong raised his hand to take a look at the time. "It's almost eight o'clock, let's go to Wushui to play."

District Mayor Chen has already wanted to take care of life and work. Although this group of beauties are really eye-catching, they all come under the banner of Mr. Tang's friends, and they are not afraid of people chewing.

In fact, it’s not a bad thing that there is a bit more or less material argument. There is no cadre who hopes that his leader is a sage. If he is far away, he will complain, and if he is near, he is not inferior. This is true. The leader and his subordinates should keep a distance. Necessary, but with a saint leader, everyone will live very tired.

Chapter 3891 to be changed (below)

Zhongmei took Ding Xiaoning’s modified Kesbauer on this trip. Chen District drove his Santana on vacation, and his mind had already flown onto the bus.

In short, it was a very leisurely day. Everyone had a picnic outside at noon. Kesbauer’s set of cooking was slightly inferior to the Golden Dragon Bus, but it was also different. Everyone was still having a good time.

In the evening, everyone turned around. On the way, Ding Xiaoning received a call from Bai Fengming, saying that the list had been pulled out, and he hoped to talk to Mr. Ding in detail.

So after returning to the district, District Mayor Chen parted ways with Zhongmei. He is going to Liu Hua's house to visit the family of the deceased. Ge Baoling is ready for related work. He merely expressed his condolences in the past.

Liu Hua’s house is very pitiful. It is a small bungalow built by the Board of Education. It was built forty years ago. It is considered a single dormitory for the Board of Education. It has a total of twelve or three square meters, which is worse than being poor. Liu Hua also argued for a house for a long time.

Liu Hua's body is not in the small courtyard, and there are more than a dozen people who came to visit. A simple mourning hall was built in the yard. Liu Hua's wife took a seven or eight-year-old girl and talked to the guests there.

In particular, what shocked Chen Taizhong was among the visitors. There were two families who came from the whole family - and these two were Qugou people, students of Liu Hua, and they came to worship the teacher with their parents.

From their speech, District Mayor Chen could hear that although Liu Hua complained about his teaching experience in Qugou. But as a teacher, he is still very competent. He is responsible for teaching Chinese, music, and ideological and moral character. Maybe this is a high political level?

Feel the sad atmosphere. Mayor Chen and Mayor Ge did not stay too much, Ge Baoling stuffed one thousand yuan into Liu Hua's lover's hands. Sorrowfully said, "This is a little bit of my colleagues. As for the perpetrator, please rest assured that the district must be severely punished and will give Teacher Liu an explanation."

The truth of the accident has actually come out. I told the driver that the master had said that this Beichong people card had broken the road. It was really horrible. I had to scare them anyway.

In this way, the idea is very clear. It does not mean that the driver who caused the accident will hit someone, but it cannot be said that he has no intentional heart. Ya just wants to create a thrill of "passing by" so that the people of Beichong can restrain themselves. , Even if it's not good, remember yourself, remember this team-we can be fined this time, but if you stop next time, be careful of getting hit.

But the driver didn't expect that Liu Hua would encounter such a raw egg, was a tragedy.

"Old Liu...was he sacrificed for his duty?" Liu Hua's wife said with tears in her eyes, "My mother-in-law was hospitalized because of sadness. My mother was with her in the hospital. Can we claim compensation from the murderer?"

"You have to compensate, and the district will absolutely support it, as long as you can get out of your anger," Chen Taizhong nodded his head at hearing, "If there is, not only the murderer needs compensation, but the district will also have compensation...We plan to declare him as a martyr."

"We have no money, but we are so poor and ambitious that we are not short of that money," an old man next to him said coldly, "murder, pay for debts, pay for debts," just ask for one life for one life. "

"Don't, dad," another middle-aged man said, "the second one commented on a martyr, Xiao Ni'er's job has been lost... District Chief Chen, can the martyr make a comment?"

It can be said that the people who enjoy the treatment are also the immediate family members. It has nothing to do with you. Chen Taizhong didn't know the purpose of this middle-aged man's questioning. For a while, he felt a little annoying, "We try our best."

At this moment, his phone rang, and he took this opportunity to hide out to answer the phone.

The caller was a familiar stranger, "Hello District Mayor Chen, I am Fang Wen organized by the Provincial Party Committee, do you remember?"

"It turned out to be Fang Chu," Chen Taizhong said dryly, "I didn't expect you to call me... How is Li Jing recently?"

Li Jing was the one from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee who came to investigate the style of District Mayor Chen. He was turned overcast by his fellow Fang, but Chief Chen didn't care who was overcast. What he cared about was whether the matter ended.

"Chief Li recently adjusted and went to do research," Director Fang's answer was calm, unable to hear any emotions.

"Congratulations, now the cadre supervision office is Fang Chu?" Chen Taizhong said with a smile, "I realized later that this congratulations is a bit late... but it's not guilty if you don't know it. When the boss comes back to Bei Chong, I will show you Alcohol apologizes."

"Hey, bosses or bosses are all for the leaders," Fang Wen sighed politely.

In fact, this is not a denial, he has already confirmed the change of his position, but in front of Chen Taizhong, the director of the cadre supervision department of the provincial party committee organization department is really nothing to brag about.

The next moment he changed the subject. In fact, he called Chen Taizhong, and there was really something wrong, "District Chief Chen, I heard that you are planning to launch a "Long March Road Underfoot" activity?"

"This... is currently in preparation," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly, and said to his heart how did this matter reach the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee? "It's just a little idea. It's not very mature yet. Any instructions?"

"Can I have any instructions?" Fang Wen laughed as soon as he heard it, in fact. After meeting Chen Taizhong’s faction in Bei Chong, he made up his mind to treat someone with humility, "I just think. This idea is quite interesting and deep, maybe it can be promoted... Everything is very sensitive, you know."

"Then I solemnly invite you to invite Fang to participate in this mobilization meeting. With the support of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, we can also change the name to be more plausible," Chen Taizhong said in a deep voice, before adding another sentence. "Well, we plan to organize a mobilization meeting."

"You invite me, this... okay?" Fang Wen pondered, and then hesitated a little. "District Chief Chen, I'm just a kid in the organization department. If you really want to, you have to invite the main leaders."

Regarding Director Fang's hesitation, District Chief Chen didn't dare to ignore it at all. He remembered the scene of the district party committee a while ago. The guy looked at the harmless humans and animals, turned around and stabbed Li Jing with a knife.

This is very good at covering up and forbearing. At the same time, a very determined guy, Chen Taizhong also pondered. Asked slowly, "Should I invite the main leader?"

"Is it better to invite?" Director Fang accelerated the pace of speaking. "Regardless of whether the leader has time or not, you always have a right attitude when you make a call."

"Oh, thank you for your reminder," Chen Taizhong replied politely, and then pressed the phone and talked to Fang Wen, which made him feel a little strenuous. Of course, he didn't know it, and Director Fang felt the same way.

Next, he called Yue Huanghe. Minister Yue's cell phone was "on a call." Ten minutes later, he called again. The call was still being made. The young district head couldn't help but curl his mouth angrily.

At 6:30, Minister Yue's secretary called back. After checking the situation, he passed the mobile phone to Minister Yue. The Minister hummed faintly on the phone, "Well, you said."

Chen Taizhong talked about the matter concisely. Yue Huanghe didn't say a word there. If it weren't for the occasional low breathing sound from the earpiece, he would almost think that he was talking to the air.

After listening to him, Minister Yue paused for almost three seconds before speaking slowly, "Did you finish?"

"Well, we would like to ask the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to give an instruction. It would be better if there were leaders to participate in the mobilization meeting," the young district mayor sent out an invitation.

"First of all, if you can guarantee that formalism will not be achieved, I am willing to support it." Yue Huanghe deserves to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and he hits the point in one sentence. "Leading cadres should not only speak solid theory, but also emphasize grounding. gas."

"I heard you say that, someone has done this?" District Mayor Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Listen to me first," the boss Yue Huanghe reprimanded him, but then answered his question, "Tie the steel bar and mix the concrete and work in more than one place. What's the fuss about this? But in the end, If you have gone away with formalism, if you also engage in formalism, I don’t need to support you specifically."

At this point, Minister Yue paused, but Chen Taizhong didn't dare to interrupt anymore, and then he slowly said, "Secondly, I can't go there personally, you know."

"Finally...this event, it is said that you intend to name it'Long March Road at your feet'?" Minister Yue indicated to someone that although he is aloof, he can still keep his ears and eyes clear-in fact, he knows this, but he can still listen to it calmly. After Chen Taizhong's introduction, this in itself is a manifestation of self-cultivation.

"The Long March Road is at your feet, and the people are in their hearts," Chen Taizhong answered concisely.

"It's not good, it needs to be changed," Yue Huanghe replied lightly, but it felt beyond doubt.

why? Chen Taizhong was very hung up and asked this But after thinking about it, he still asked for instructions in a very correct manner, "Then Minister Yue for instructions."

"This title is too big to be used in the province," Minister Yue explained lightly, without asking someone, "I will arrange for someone to design one on this topic."

"Thank you, Minister," Chen Taizhong said a few more words, then hung up, but couldn't help thinking about it in his mind-the title is too big?

Thinking about it, this evaluation is not unreasonable. The Long March Road is underfoot. This slogan was put forward by a small county. It is really too arrogant, and it has a vaguely insinuating meaning-the current development is better than seven. It was much stronger ten years ago.

To put it more rigorously, now that the country is safe, why do you want to launch the Long March again? What is the purpose?

"It's also a learning to be named," Chen Taizhong said softly when he thought of this...

(Updated, it's the nineteenth, call the monthly pass loudly.) To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.


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