Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and thirty-two-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-three Toned Ta

w3832 Chapter Tone too

"This topic is really enough..." Chen Taizhong grinned at the eight words he had written on the paper. ⒈⒋⒋Book! There is no hospital. , Pop-up window www.⒈⒋⒋...

Yesterday he answered the phone call from Yue Huanghe. This afternoon, Fang Wen called and said politely that the Minister informed me that he wanted me to go to Beichong to participate in the mobilization meeting you organized.

Now that Minister Yue has expressed his position, even if Director Fang is a very cautious person, he dare to speak plainly and plainly-the two are a little affectionate after all, and they are still in the same camp.

However, the theme designed by the Organization Department was really a bit bloody, so that Chen Taizhong had to ask, Fang Chu, did you design this theme?

It was not designed by me, the minister gave it, Fang Wen said decisively, but at the same time he also said that this theme is good, there are positive elements in peace, and it is easy to understand.

It's too easy to understand! District Chief Chen looked at those eight words helplessly, "Go ahead and use your brain"-I did it. Is this the level of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department?

He was in a daze here, and the phone rang again. The caller was Li Qiang, the secretary of the city party committee, "Xiao Chen, are you free tonight?"

"The leader personally called, and he is free," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. Now the municipal party committee and the zhèng mansion don’t care about Beichong, he is happy to calm down and develop, but when Li Ji calls, he still has to be correct. Attitude, "I will see two people next, about half an hour... do I need to push them out?"

"It's up to you, but it's late, I don't care about dinner," Li Qiang laughed as soon as he heard it. For him, Chen Taizhong could take the initiative to come for promotion, which is very good, saving him from taking the initiative to run to Beichong again and again. , It really doesn't hurt to be early or late.

Chen Taizhong arrived in Yangzhou near seven o'clock. Li Ji had almost eaten, and saw him come. We need to arrange additional dishes from Giant China.

"No, I've already eaten a piece of bread on the way." Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, "The food and clothing problem has been solved, and now the most lacking is spiritual food, just waiting for Li Ji's instructions. Guide me in the direction of struggle."

He didn't want to stay in Yangzhou more. In the past few days, due to the many beauties of Tiannan, the young district mayor reversed his thoughts, work and life were not delayed, and his life was truly nourishing.

"You yin and yang talking weirdly, I'm really not used to it," Li Qiang shook his head dumbly. If someone else said so, he could consider it respectful, but what he said before him would be ridicule. "People are iron rice or steel, eat first before talking."

"It's all ready, just let me get some food," Ju Zhonghua answered with a smile, "District Chen, if you want to eat, just order it."

"I really don't want to eat it at all," Chen Taizhong shook his head with a smile, and took a sip of the tea in front of him. Upon seeing this, the giant secretary stood up and went out to urge the vegetables.

"Call you. It's no big deal," Li Ji waited that there were only two people left in the room. Then he said slowly, "Beijing has recently done a good job in party affairs in addition to economic construction."

"This is mainly written by Sui Ji in cao, I just helped beat the drum," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. He guessed that Li Ji was referring to college students returning home to start a business and the recent cadres' work on construction sites. Both of these things were him. It was initiated, but it was indeed supported by Sui Biao. This cannot be denied.

"Sui Biao..." Li Qiang muttered thoughtfully, then glanced at the young district mayor, "Not to mention him, the cadres engaged by Beichong on the construction site seem to have had a great response, with both support and opposition. Very strong."

"Well," Chen Taizhong nodded, and said nothing.

"There are no outsiders. Who do you show such rules? Chen Zhengkui, you dare to fight," Li Ji snorted, "I'll just ask you, what's the matter?"

"There may be people coming from the cadre supervision office," Chen Taizhong squeezed out. Sooner or later this thing could not be concealed.

"Fang Wen from the Cadre Supervision Office? You two are old acquaintances," Li Qiang nodded quietly, and then whispered, "How does the Organization Department set the tone?"

You know Fang Wenlai, don't know what the tone is? Chen Taizhong was really puzzled, but after another thought, Fang Wen's itinerary couldn't be concealed from someone who was interested, but who could figure out the thoughts of Yue Huanghe?

"It's generally supported," he said nonsense first-how could Director Fang come if he didn't support it? Then he sighed, "But the tone we started to set seemed inappropriate."

"What tone did you set?" Li Qiang asked with great interest.

"The Long March Road is at our feet, and the people are in their hearts," Chen Taizhong replied happily. This theme was not announced in a high-profile manner, especially in the second half of the sentence. Few people knew that it was normal for Yue Huanghe, but Li Qiang didn’t. .

"This... is really not appropriate," Li Qiang pondered for a long time before he nodded slowly, "The slogan is a bit big, but the key is the wrong color. At this knot, the Organization Department will definitely not support you in doing this."

"The color isn't right?" Chen Taizhong was stunned. He had never thought of the color issue-isn't everyone red? Do you suspect that I am playing the red flag against the red flag?

Wait a minute, "at this juncture"-is this about or is it an ideological problem? District Mayor Chen thought of the upcoming conference, which is related to the transmission and continuation of the fire, during which there is a fierce collision of ideas and consciousness.

Will it involve the country's development direction? He lowered his head and picked up a chopsticks and leek, put it into his mouth, lost in thought.

"Hehe," Li Qiang said with a dry smile, just at this moment, when Ju Zhonghua pushed in and he was happy to silence his mouth.

He did not express his position, and Chen Taizhong refused to agree, so he asked, "Is the color problem or the direction problem?"

The question of direction is whether to turn to the left or look to the right, or there is no such obvious difference. After careful calculation, it is roughly classified into the question of camp.

"The question of setting the tone," Li Qiang replied vaguely, "I must say that your tone is set a bit high, and you have said that you have to concentrate on doing things...just lower your head and pull the cart."

Hearing this, the great secret didn't say anything. After pouring the two of them, he sat down in silence, but he didn't need his eyes to judge that his ears were absolutely erect.

"Then I'll lower my head and pull the cart," Chen Taizhong was too lazy to say when he saw his pretending to be a ghost-if he didn't get some dry goods, he wanted to ask me about Yue Huanghe's tone and see if you are beautiful.

He thinks so, but who is Li Qiang? Just the reaction of the eyebrows. He knew Xiao Chen was unwilling, so he smiled slightly. There is no scruples about the presence of Ju Zhonghua, "Too loyal, you have to be a bit politically sensitive. This year is a very critical time. Who can tolerate you to speak out?"

It's really a problem! Chen Taizhong understood. So nodded silently, this is really not just a conflict between interest groups, but also a conflict between development direction and ideas.

(At this point, I suddenly realized that I can’t write it. I want to briefly understand the problem. At least 10,000 or 20,000 words must be filled-it must be a condensed and ambiguous version. If it is written in detail, it will be another book, or even more than one. , Then. Skip it.)

He did not speak, but Li Qiang would not let him go. "I'm thinking about helping you this way, what's the tone of the organization department?"

"Take a step forward, use your brain," Chen Taizhong uttered eight words ardently, only to feel a burst of heat on his cheeks--this tone is really nonsense.

"Step forward, use your brain?" Li Qiang repeated it in a low voice. After five or six seconds of silence, he raised his hand and patted the table, "Okay. The tone is good."

Did you hide me on purpose? Chen Taizhong raised his head and glanced at the city party committee record coldly. But he found that Li Ji's eyes were full of relief, and he was a little puzzled for a while, "I really don't know what's the good thing, Li Ji, can you give me an indication?"

"Fortunately, the tone is calm, and the aftertaste is endless," Li Qiang smiled. "The four words of hands and brains should be the most concise and clear summary. Brains are theory, hands are practice... Only four words are used to explain. Theory is inseparable from practice, and practice is to verify theory. This is really a great talent..."

According to Li Ji's understanding, in the past, everyone only emphasized the combination of theory and practice, but now they all emphasize hands-on. This is to show the support of horses and horses, but it is inconvenient to say too clearly.

As for taking a step forward, it is also easy to explain. It can be understood as getting rid of the shackles of ideology and taking a firm step in development-this is the political side; it can also be interpreted as the relatively backward economy of Beichong, and it can be interpreted as a step forward. , Seek development wholeheartedly.

In someone’s eyes, the eight words that are unacceptable to the purpose can be recognized by Li Qiang. I have to say that the Chinese language is too profound and broad, but how to interpret it correctly and deeply depends on the perspective and level of the interpreter. relationship.

At the same time, the more straightforward and popular activities the county engages in, the better, not to mention any color-even if it is sensational, it should not be related to sensitive words, so in the eyes of Li Qiang, these eight characters are really good.

After the interpretation, he glanced at Chen Taizhong, "Do you have any objections to what I said?"

"There is no objection, but I feel very boring," Chen Taizhong sighed and shook his head sadly, "We really want to do something, this kind of encouragement... Few people can understand."

"The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has paid attention to it. Are you still not satisfied?" Li Qiang shook his head dumbly. "Let me tell you, Minister Yue has high hopes for you, don't be dissatisfied."

"He has high hopes for me?" Chen Taizhong asked in surprise, why didn't my buddies feel it?

"He helped you set the tone, didn't he have high hopes for you?" Li Qiang asked earnestly.

Hey, I understand. At this moment, Chen Taizhong really understood—Yue Huanghe didn't have high hopes for me, but high hopes for his buddies' achievements.

So, I even thought about the theme for me!

Chapter 3833

Chen Taizhong thinks this way. It's not for no reason. It's not easy for a small activity in a county to alert the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. If you want to get specific guidance, it's really too difficult and too difficult-people don't want to guide you. It is to guide you too much.

So the things in the counties and districts below are simply swept away from the top. If no one cares, the "Long March Road is underfoot" in Beichong District is not a big deal-it won't be the provincial level. From the leadership level, how big can it be?

From the perspective of Yuehuanghe, there are too many uncertainties for cadres at the county and district level in doing things, and they are far apart, which means they cannot reach them as the saying goes. Besides, he has to prevent others from hitting him. The banner of a fuss-not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. This is really the case in the world.

But Chen's ability to do things is well known in the world, and it is basically a golden sign.

So Minister Yue is concerned about this, so Minister Yue helped him design the theme, so Minister Yue sent Fang Wen to participate...

In short, if this matter has no obvious effect. That has nothing to do with the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, once the effect is extremely good. Let's take a look along the line—oh, it turns out that this tone was set by Yue Huanghe.

Realizing this, Chen Taizhong was a little bit sad, and all of them were really good players. But he changed his mind and thought again. If others want Yue Huanghe to stretch out his hand, they have to have this face. Is this... also an affirmation of buddies?

"High hopes and disappointments are often just a matter of thought," District Chief Chen said with a little bit of excitement.

"The day after tomorrow is a mobilization meeting. I have no specific schedule for the time being." Li Qiang picked up a toothpick and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he stretched out a hand to cover his mouth, picking between the teeth gracefully. "But it's not appropriate to go rashly. You don't even have a deputy office."

This is a very crucial statement. The provincial party committee and the district party committee are separated by a municipal party committee. The relationship between Chen Taizhong in the city is basically a blank. No one dares to mess with him, but no one gets close to him.

Li Qiang's willingness to go to the mobilization meeting is a high degree of affirmation of Beichong's activity, and the above text is added. With the recognition in this province, city, and city, everyone feels more at ease-Chen Taizhong can forcefully promote this activity. But...Who would think he has fewer helpers?

But Li Ji was right. Even if Fang Wen came forward, it was just a director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. He wanted to get involved in this matter. It seemed a bit...anyway, it would give people a strange feeling.

"Li Ji has something to say," Chen Taizhong saw it. Li Ji seemed to have something to ask. "I have listened to the leadership's instructions all day long. If I have appropriate instructions, I will definitely implement them."

This was a bit of a feeling of taking advantage of others. Li Qiang hesitated in his heart, and finally said with a smile, "It's okay, I heard that the female cadres in Beichong... are very active recently."

"I really don't understand this," Chen Taizhong was startled, then smiled and shook his head, "Who is more active?"

"Everyone said that Liu Haifang is not bad, and Wang Yuanyuan is not bad," Li Qiang replied with a smile. "Liu Haifang is going to talk about it, but Wang Yuanyuan... Many veteran officials believe that she has the qualifications to be promoted to a full-fledged college, too loyal. The opportunity is rare."

"Someone wants to protect that bastard?" Chen Taizhong finally reacted. Gao Zhicheng has been closed for the past two days. As for what reason he has been closed for so long, he doesn't know what happened in the sub-junction, nor is he interested in knowing.

At that time, he offered Shi Shuhua the condition that whoever wanted to keep that squad would have to straighten Wang Yuanyuan, and once the two-year red line had passed, he had to take a deputy.

"What should I do if I don't guarantee?" Li Qiang gave him a helpless look. "Nothing in the name, it's been closed now...There are people on the Supreme Law side who have commented, and no one can hold it like this."

The news that Li Ji knew was far more than this. He knew that the Gao family had hired a lawyer to keep up their lives and sincerely, and even threatened to publish it in the newspaper. However, there was a private message from the Beichong branch: As long as the situation gets bigger, Those with a high surname must "try to escape". If you don't believe it, try it.

In the place below, I met this kind of unreasonable master with deep-rooted Chen Taizhong's support. No matter how much energy he can't come down, don't think that Gao Zhicheng is a child of the Supreme Dharma. Illegal detention till now.

What benefit did you get Lao Li? Chen Taizhong glanced at Li Qiang with a half-smile, and nodded in a deep thought, "After those two years, Xiao Wang's deputy office will have to trouble Li Ji."

"Two years later, who can make it clear?" Li Qiang smiled and shook his head. He can help people, but he definitely doesn't want to put himself in. "Even if I promise you now, you have to believe it?"

"I can trust Li Ji," Chen Taizhong laughed.

"Furthermore, if I have the ability then, of course, it will be fine." Li Qiang will never say anything to death, not to say anything else, just say that if he is transferred away, what if Xiao Chen chases after the official? He believes that this guy will definitely do something like this, "I am going to join you in the mobilization meeting the day after tomorrow."

"Haha," Chen Taizhong continued to laugh. This time he simply did not answer, but at this time, silence is better than sound. Everyone understands the reason-Lao Li, you told me that Yue Huanghe is going to take my career car, you go to join. Why don't you want a piece of the pie?

Li Qiang glanced at him helplessly, throwing out a piece of fat weakly, "What are your plans regarding Liu Haifang?"

"I think it's okay. Recently, I'm thinking about setting up a district asset management company. Meng Zhixin is the first choice." Chen Taizhong replied slowly, "Liu Haifang's question. It depends on the city leaders. I can't say anything."

"She has already begun to take over the planning committee, you can't be beaked?" Li Qiang grunted dissatisfiedly.

"I'm definitely willing to use someone familiar with Beichong," Chen Taizhong replied frankly. He is fairly satisfied with Liu Haifang. But he was also not interested in trying to get her deputy district chief, this favor is not easy to get, it depends on her own activity ability.

Therefore, he is simply discussing the matter. "The city will send cadres over again to get acquainted with Beichong. We still have to go through it. Now we can't wait at all, and what Beichong needs are cadres who can work hard."

The boss said that you are not polite, so he said it clearly-we are worried in Beichong that the city will send another unreliable cadre.

Ju Zhonghua was shocked when he saw Li Qiang and Chen Taizhong's bargaining. He already knew that someone was strong, but he didn't expect it. This fellow can be so strong-daring to hold on to Wang Yuanyuan's deputy director's problem, and to openly express that he is not at ease with the cadres sent by the city.

But in the past, the strong boss, facing this aggressive guy, was so patient. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing inwardly: Unconsciously, Chen Taizhong has grown to this level, he believes. Even if I put a county party committee record outside, plus the support of Boss Li. I'm afraid it is not as strong as this guy.

However, whoever has such a powerful subordinate can have a tingling scalp?

"Then it's settled, this face is for you," Li Qiang waved his hand and forced Liu Haifang's favor on Chen Taizhong's head - in fact, there were other people who greeted Li Ji, and one favor sold several people. This is the way to be an official.

This favor was really inexplicable, and Chen Taizhong smiled helplessly.

But conscientiously speaking, he is quite satisfied with Liu Haifang’s ability, and she gets along well with Wang Yuanyuan. If Chen is really going to decide, she is almost the first choice. He can get so much, he can already be content. Up.

So the young district mayor asked, "Chen Zhengquinar, will there be interference?"

"Even if he has an idea, does the person who sends it stand up?" Li Qiang asked indifferently.

At nine o'clock in the morning on the third day, the cadre mobilization meeting of Beichong District "take a step forward and use your brain" was held in the cadre training center, which filled the auditorium with more than 300 people.

All the members of the Standing Committee of Beichong District were present, and most of the members of the district Zhèng Mansion were also present. In addition to Fang Wenfang, Director of the Cadre Supervision Office of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Li Qiang, the boss of Yangzhou City, and Chi Wan, the director of the Municipal Party Committee. Jun also both attended the scene, and some other cadres of the municipal party committee, such as Zhang Hao, the deputy head of the organization department who also participated in the investigation of Chen Taizhong last time.

Otherwise, Li Qiang thinks that it’s important to have his own support. Once he came, plus the people he brought, the entire conference was raised to at least a level—the officials in Beichong saw the city’s party committee’s presence, and most of them really He didn't even dare to get out of the atmosphere.

However, Li Ji seemed very kind. Sui Ji asked the leader to give instructions. He smiled and said, “I’m mainly here as an observer. For new things, the Municipal Party Committee is willing to strongly support it. As for how much you can do, It depends on your efforts and the courage of the district leadership team."

Then there was Chi Wanjun’s speech. Minister Chi didn’t say much, just saying that Beichong is a pilot project. If it is done well, we will consider promoting it.

In short, these two verbal support is there, but that's what it is. They don't seek merit but no demerits. The intention of rubbing achievements is obvious, but Fang Wen's attitude is very obvious.

"Beichong has continued to innovate in organizational construction, from college students returning to their hometowns to start a business, and now starting to use their Provincial Party Committee Organization Department pays great attention to this and welcomes this positive and positive attempt. Before I came, Minister Yue once told me to walk more and take a look, bring ears and eyes, and it doesn’t matter if I bring my I won’t say more.”

Playing the banner of leadership has always been the only way for people from above, but Director Fang said to this point, the attitude of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee is clear.

This is not what surprised many cadres the most. What is even more surprising is that originally everyone heard that Sui Ji was only responsible for convening, and the main speaker was District Chief Chen. Unexpectedly, Sui Ji will face The microphone talked endlessly about the content and specific procedures of the event, and in the name of the district party committee, called on everyone to attach great importance to it and actively sign up.

Chen Taizhong sat for two hours before it was his turn to speak. The young district chief took the microphone and emphasized a little with a smile.

"The district government will do a good job of logistical support. The time spent on the construction site will be paid twice more. Those who have been awarded the title of excellence will also have a bonus. However, I cannot say how much this bonus is at present, so as not to delay your work... "

. .


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