Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and thirty-four-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-five harvest

Chapter 3834 Harvest Season (Part I)

For most cadres in Beichong, the speeches of the provincial and municipal party committees plus district party committee cadres can't add up to the last words of District Mayor Chen. First, the construction site is subsidized. ⒈⒋⒋Book! There is no hospital. , Pop-up window www.⒈⒋⒋...

In a county, the most people are the grassroots staff. Most of them don’t have the opportunity to come and go quickly, and Beichong is an extremely backward district. Think about Liao Dabao driving a private car while working, you can imagine them Of distress.

The strongest resistance to the construction site is these people. The district government will do your face-saving project and let those leading cadres go. Why bother us?

Some people say it even harder. Since I am going to the construction site, I might as well find a construction team to work hard. By the way, help the construction team coordinate the relationship between all parties. The work will not be too tired and the money will not be too little.

In fact, many of the public officials in Beichong have secretly pursued their second careers. They let their parents and brothers build a grass-roots team to pick up projects, run transportation, or sell materials. Some people are engaged in greenhouses and planting saplings. Like, the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers. Once the economy develops rapidly, the ability to drive surrounding industries is quite terrifying.

District Mayor Chen currently adopts a tacit and indulgent attitude towards the family members of public officials in doing business. His rigorous investigation in Tiannan is not inconsistent with the current indulgence. People are in different positions, so the angle of handling matters will not be the same. .

When he did this, he turned his elbow inward, wanting to keep his wealth in the district, making it cheaper for his family, and secondly, he hoped that the people of Beichong could improve their skills as soon as possible through exercise.

He designed the blueprint of the city to be very grand. If he waits for the cake to grow bigger, if Beichong can't eat it, he can only watch it. Chen is going to jump and scold his mother.

The families of cadres are not allowed to do business, but it is not too late to emphasize after Beichong develops.

It’s a long way off. For the grassroots staff, it’s too painful to engage in this formalism in the district. With this time, it’s better to figure out some ways to make money. It's hot.

As for when it comes to the construction site, who might take care of it in the afternoon? Let's not eat this meal.

When Sui Shuji announced that the cadres who went to the construction site only had one lunch, and when the food standards were to be in line with the workers, how many people had decided, I would not sign up even if it was too big.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the meeting, such a statement suddenly popped up. For those public officials who have no means of foreign money, this is great news. That’s right, double the daily salary subsidy is enough for people. Heartbeat.

As for lunch, it’s really not a problem for poor public officials. They have not participated in the event. Most people think that instead of eating and drinking, it’s better to spend money on wine and vegetables. Converted into money, but this idea is a bit of a fruitless idea, usually everyone is embarrassed to say.

Is there an example that everyone is familiar with? Is it true that Liao Dabao should let everyone know him?

Director Liao back then, even if he was so desperate that he ran into a black car, he did not miss benefits and gifts. Given his situation at the time, if he could choose, I believe he would not mind to say three words with a discount.

This is really good news for public officials who have nowhere to go. For those who have nowhere to go, going to the construction site is the only choice. If they don’t respond to the call, then it’s not to give District Chief Chen face. Come, their access is not good enough to live in [Sailing House] District Chief Chen is definitely a true lover.

Ordinary public officials have no objection, and leaders large and small are naturally even less objectionable. From the perspective of people outside the system, all leaders have to sit in the office and talk about style. It is a shame to go to the construction site. Chen Taizhong will be offended by such tossing. Most people must point out that this is a real layman.

In order to please the superior, in order to keep the official position, in order to be motivated, the masters of bankruptcy and giving away money, and disregarding shame to give away their wives and daughters, really don't have too many. In comparison, it is a big deal to get rid of your arms for a few days?

The majesty of Qianbu is just relative to the common people, and it's just dignified to the leaders.

In short, District Chief Chen waved a check, and the wind in Beichong’s officialdom changed in an instant. After the meeting, it was 11:30, and there was a dinner at 12, but in this half an hour, The cadre ran to the bulletin board of the district government and copied the division of labor and time limit of the construction site under the cadre.

For them, the district leaders are always above the top. Even if they wait in line, they may not be able to see one side. It is good if the leader can turn around the table during lunch, but it is better to have something affordable.

The government of Beichong District is also a wonderful work. This kind of purely internal activities has actually been publicized, but it is the words of District Mayor Chen that the cadres in the district have done something for the people, and the people should also be seen.

In the bulletin column, there are a series of work types and deadlines for the construction site, as well as the arrangement of the quota of personnel. Although the quota is enough for each cadre in Beichong to report two, the quota for those long-term hard work is not special. many.

After all this tossing, it’s lunch. Just like everyone thought, since it’s a mobilization meeting, in order to boost morale, the municipal party committee’s organization minister Chi Wanjun had to accompany Fang, Sui Biao and Huo Xingwang to respect everyone. At this time, Li Qiang didn't need to come forward. Li Shushu Ji came as a distinguished guest, so he really didn't need to worry about such trivial matters.

After eating and drinking, it’s time to rest and leave. Li Qiang and Chi Wanjun returned to Yangzhou, but Zhang Hao, the deputy head of the organization department, stayed behind and made a special call to Minister Fang Zhang, Director Fang and Chen Qu There is a long friendship, so this arrangement.

In fact, Minister Chi also intends to stay, but even though Fang is in the Organization Department, his mouth is a bit short. If it is in the three major divisions, Minister Chi can be regarded as equal without hesitation, but the cadre supervision division is really not enough. , And legend has it that Director Fang has won the appreciation of Minister Yue. To avoid suspicion, Chi Wanjun had to leave first.

Fang didn’t stay for long. At about 1:30, Chen Taizhong drove him on the expressway. Zhang Hao was also with him. When he was on the expressway, the director of the expressway pulled District Chief Chen to the side. Is it responsible for calling?"

"He saw many leaders, right?" Chen Taizhong smiled and replied, "You said hello to me last night."

He didn’t care much about this. Although Lao Sui took away his speech, the news of the subsidy was that the news he announced was the most morale booster. District Mayor Chen felt that today’s limelight is still on his own. Get the biggest.

"However, I didn't expect Li Qiang to come too. You are too loyal." Fang smiled and nodded. He didn't think he had come. There was nothing inappropriate. After all, District Chief Chen was in the eyes of Minister Yue. He was a small director. Come join in the fun, no one can say anything, but it is not something ordinary people can do to get Li Qiang over.

Before Li [Book] came, the largest cadre in the venue was just upright. Even if the organization department saw more than half of an official, Director Fang was only upright, but when Li Shu's note, the largest cadre directly became In the main hall, not only skipped the level of deputy hall, but also the top cadre in the main hall, half-step deputy province.

Moreover, due to his arrival, the deputy hall of the municipal party committee standing committee level also appeared in the deputy hall, and Director Fang had to admire it.

"Li [Book] has been relatively free these days" Chen Taizhong smiled, and he didn't have to say this much, so he could only bring the topic back. "Sui Biao is the leader of the party committee after all, and it is more appropriate for him to make this speech. Implementation, anyway, this logistical support is the statement of our district government, I have not suffered a loss, am I?"

Not only did he not suffer, but in Chen's calculations, his last speech played a major role in turning things around, and Sui Biao did not compete with him for the right to declare. The cadres present in the district should be able to make a half judgment. Whose words are more authoritative.

"You are right" Fang nodded, but he didn't know what was going on, his expression looked a little weird. "However, there may be other factors, so you have to think about it."

I was the most annoyed to think about it. In the bones of Chen Taizhong, he is a kind of gratitude and enmity, and he least sees others talking hesitatingly. But thinking that Fang can't be aimless, he hesitated and tentatively asked "The money bag in the district" It's in my hands...and I announced it, [Sailing House] Isn't it wrong?"

"His eyes are different from yours. He doesn't care about the people below very much." Fang smiled slightly and turned to go to Mou.

"Stay in the place" Chen Taizhong caught him in one fell swoop. At the same time, his mind was turning quickly. Sui Biao didn't care about the people below. This is normal. The reason why Sui Biao took the manuscript was intentional. The Provincial Party Committee, like the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, just wanted to take advantage of the ride, but he didn't care very much. After all, the district committee's [Book] records were the cadres.

However, Fang, who is the master of chapters in his belly, was able to solemnly remind him of the matter. The meaning was different. He pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Sui Biao is going to leave?"

"This..., haha" Director Fang gave a dry laugh, and also replied in a low voice, "District Chen, it's getting late, I have to go, others can't go, I'm a little guy who said nothing."

This answer confirmed Chen Taizhong’s guesswork. If it is nonsense, Ya must have denied it right now, let alone there are so many hints. District Mayor Chen asked in a low voice, "Who will come?"

"I don't know, this is still brewing. Sui [Book] remembers whether to leave or not. It's a matter of two things." Fang smiled slightly, took his hand away, turned to his car, and said loudly, "I can't leave. !"

I said, let Bei Chong An live for a while, will it die? Chen Taizhong watched Fang's car drive away, and a deep sense of helplessness appeared in his heart. The buddy just got close to Sui Biao...Chapter 3835 Harvest Season (Part 2)

Zhang Hao didn't know what the two said, but seeing Chen Taizhong walking back with a sigh of relief, he forcibly endured jealousy and stepped forward and asked, "Too loyal, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I feel a little boring," District Chief Chen replied absently, and got into his car.

After all, it is a society where strength is respected. Minister Zhang looked at his back and shook his head without a trace. One or three people were in the same place. They met on the same day and got along well, but those two were in the right place. The official is more than half of the rank, a new person is so hot, and everybody can say, I am not qualified to die...

He is entangled here not to mention that Chen Taizhong is also ups and downs, he really did not expect that Sui Biao is going to leave, the party congress has not been held for a few days.

However, some things still have signs. Now that I think of the "Long March Road at the Foot" event, Sui Shuji disapproved at first, but District Mayor Chen made a few words impassioned, and Sui Biao stopped saying anything. Putting it aside, there is a similar regression. Sui Shuji must fight for some compensation, but he did not fight for it.

Secondly, when Li Qiang talked about Sui Biao in the city two days ago, he also had a weird look on his face, indicating that Li Shuji had heard of certain developments.

Of course, the most important thing is that today’s speech was read by Sui Biao. District Mayor Chen only saw that there were many leaders. If he wanted to change his original intention and show off, he said that I let you show off. It’s up to me to announce it.

Unexpectedly, when Xiangfang was leaving, he had to ask how Sui Biao changed his original intention. This reminder was very tactful, but it was not necessarily a reminder. He just wanted to know whether Chen Taizhong knew.

Of course Chen Taizhong didn't know, but he thought, Sui Biao wanted to improve his political achievements, but he didn't care about people's hearts. What did he do?

After much deliberation, there is only Yihua possible. Sui Biao is leaving. Because he is leaving, I don’t care about people's hearts. After I die, how can I care about the flood?

But at the same time, because he was about to leave, he saw the activity of "stepping forward, using hands and brains", supported by so many heavyweight leaders, and forming a system from top to bottom. Sui Biao probably thought this incredible activity, very It may succeed.

Then he can consider rubbing the light, even if he leaves behind, this activity is also initiated in his hands, if he does it well, he has his share of the credit, and if he doesn't do it well, the people behind it won't live up to it.

As for the feelings of the people below, he didn't need to care about it, so he didn't care about Chen Taizhong's taking away the biggest piece. It was true that he seized the right to initiate.

"The eventful autumn" Chen Taizhong couldn't help sighing. In the eyes of others, Beichong is calm and peaceful, and the people are harmonious, and the development is also very fast. It is the object of everyone's envy, but who can see...

Liao Dabao closed his lips and drove the car blankly. He felt that the leader was simply sighing at this moment, rather than saying something to himself.

District Chief Chen didn't mean to say these things to him either. He closed his eyes and was silent for a while before slowly saying, "Go to Flash Gold and see how the textile factory is doing."

The current projects in Beichong, except for the oil shale and Qingyang River power projects, are just as big as the ramie plant. The degumming plant is a primary processing plant with a relatively long construction period and is extremely environmentally friendly.

The textile factory is reprocessing, with relatively high technical content and convenient equipment installation. Xu Ruilin is also the main concern, and the construction progress is not much slower than the cigarette factory.

However, one thing needs to be pointed out that Beichong’s ramie and high-count yarns are always a technical barrier that is not easy to break through. This barrier is not limited to textiles at all, it is related to degumming, and even breeding is more responsible.

In any case, the two factories are under construction, and the tone is set high. When District Mayor Chen walked into the degumming plant and inspected the sewage treatment tank under construction, he met Chief Xu coming over. He was wearing a safety helmet and sweating. Dropping drop by drop along the lace of the helmet, the front and back of the t-shirt have been soaked."

"How is the progress?" Chen Taizhong asked casually.

"There is no problem with the progress. It is hot now. After a few hours, I will be able to cool down to work." Xu Ruilin raised his hand and wiped his sweat. "I'm about to respond to you. Please allocate some more money. There is not much money for hemp."

"Didn't we set aside five million?" Chen Taizhong was a little surprised when he heard, "How much area do we have for ramie?"

"There is a lot of ramie coming from outside counties and districts" Xu Ruilin smiled bitterly and replied, "Our purchase price is RMB 2 per kilogram, which is much higher than the door-to-door purchase price of RMB 5.5. Now we have collected nearly 700 tons, not much money. No, the second stubble can't be carried down."

"Those three crops are even more difficult to carry." Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment before asking, "Is it enough to draw another ten million?"

"At least so much." Xu Ruilin nodded. "Our fame has spread, and some of them will be sold with their heads in their hands, plus the price of hemp will fluctuate..., it can't be less."

"Oh, I opened my mouth and went out again after 10 million yuan." District Chief Chen shook his head with a wry smile. How about the difficulty of being a master? Beichong is currently rich, but there are more places to spend money. "Can you limit the ramie in the counties and districts outside and buy the local ones first?"

"If you restrict it, it will be all local" Xu Ruilin laughed as he heard it, and raised his hand to wipe a sweat. "Just find a local person outside and spend a small amount of money to transfer it. How big is that? And let's this The scale of the ramie factory is going to go up sooner or later, so it's the right to make a good bond."

"Then you can draw another 15 million." Chen Taizhong heard this, and lost his temper, so he simply drew out a little bit more. "Old Xu, pay attention to your body, this big sun."

"No way, I have to go to the muddy water in a while. In two months, the baby fry will arrive." Xu Ruilin replied with a wry smile.

If thousands of people are like you, how happy are the people? Chen Taizhong smiled and turned around before leaving. He suddenly remembered a question, "Old Xu, you said our ramie products, can you get an order from the army?"

"This... I don't know." Xu Ruilin hesitated and shook his head honestly. "I am not very familiar with the procurement of troops, but this is a commodity, not a novelty. There should be competitors."

Chen Taizhong nodded to those with vested interests. The current Bei Chong really couldn't stand the toss.

Seeing that Mayor Xu worked so hard, Mayor Chen felt that he had been a little slack in these two days, and he was a little bit ashamed, but he could think about it again. The buddy has been holding back for so long, and he can relax for two days. Small house] You understand, right?

Among his women, only Zhang Xin, Ding Xiaoning and Liu Wangnan are still here. The others have gone back because they are on vacation, but Meng Xiaoyan and Ren Jiao are coming over recently.

In this broad daylight, there is always something to do. After Chen Taizhong got in the car, he indulged and told Liao Dabao to "go to the cigarette factory."

The cigarette factory has started normal production. It is currently in the tobacco leaf buying season. There are a lot of vehicles coming in and out. The construction of the factory is still in full swing, that is, there is no delay in construction and production.

A row of bungalows were built at the entrance of the factory, where the tobacco leaves were purchased in the factory. Although the sun was poisonous, there were many people in line, and there were flatcars and tricycles filled with goods, under the shadow of the houses across the street, Many people were still squatting. There was a building under construction. It stopped because of the hot weather. The frame was crowded with people in the shade. The landlord did not interfere with the Beichong people. It was still very simple.

District Chief Chen slowly walked over, found a corner and squatted down. An old man next to him was smoking his pipe. He asked casually, "How about the purchase price in the district?"

"Very good," the old man replied with a smile, and he recognized the person. "District Chief Chen, it would be better to be more expensive."

"Isn't that talking?" Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. "I really want to give you more money. You have to grow tobacco.

"Actually, fairness is good," a young man next to him replied. There was an eleven or twelve-year-old child beside him. "Good tobacco is of course expensive."

"Is there a phenomenon of lowering the quality of the purchase?" District Mayor Chen did not go to the cigarette factory, but chatted with the farmers, he wanted to understand the voice below.

"No, it's fair to give," the young man replied with a smile, "It's not as good as the price of the best market five years ago, but it's really fair."

"Since then one year has been worse than one year", the old man grunted indignantly. "If it weren't for the district's call for planting this year, I wouldn't plant tobacco in this life."

There will be more tobacco planting next year. District Mayor Chen smiled when he heard this. At that time, when he first came to Beichong, he had not established enough prestige, so next year would be very different.

Seeing a lot of tobacco leaves piled up everywhere, Chen Taizhong remembered Xu Ruilin's words, and he couldn't say "Are these all you planted yourself?"

"Yeah." The old man nodded and did not speak any more. He looked a little silly, but the man answered calmly, "It's not mine but also the neighbor's. I've already asked about the price when I came... I can trust it from the folks in the village."

"Huacheng also wants to sell tobacco leaves" someone next to him said "but it seems to be very strict over there."

"Of course they thought about it. Let's get fair and don't suppress the grade." On the other hand, someone smiled gleefully. "The tobacco gang don't dare to mess around...I wonder how much they hate us."

(Faint, almost falling to the twentieth, calling for monthly pass loudly.) (to be continued

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