Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3911: Weird and tangled

Grief and anger returned to grief, but Chen Taizhong could only grit his teeth temporarily.

"I won't accept his benefits, okay?" Wang Yuanyuan asked timidly. She has a great future and is unwilling to be caught by such small things. "I'm still young and don't want to get this kind of stain, and... this pair You are very unfair."

"It's fine if you have this heart. Where does the world come from so much fairness?" Chen Taizhong said softly. "He still owes Beichong 500,000. He doesn't mention it. We don't mention it. This kind of money is the most collected. An Sheng, don’t do it in vain... Don’t make us behave like idiots, I'll take care of you if I have something."

In this world, who doesn't like money? Wang Yuanyuan's economy has always been insufficient. In the past, she was restraining her own hopes. Now she was ordered to accept bribes and relaxed a lot for a while, "but I always feel that it is quite dramatic."

"Life is like a play," Chen Taizhong curled his lips. "With my wit, I didn't understand Shi Shuhua's intentions at the beginning. There are always things that keep refreshing everyone's bottom line."

"Hua Heng was the first one of the four families to propose to terminate the contract," Wang Yuanyuan muttered in a low voice, "In my opinion, the shot must be severely punished."

"The first person who proposed is easy to be shot out," Chen Taizhong smiled, "but in a relatively relaxed environment, this also guarantees that it will not be taken seriously, the second or third imitator, Will be the harshest punishment."

"Then, I told Zhang Sui, I am doing work for the mayor?" Wang Yuanyuan asked with a smile.

"This is only a special situation, Xiao Wang, I would like to emphasize to you again that you must maintain your own bottom line. There are too many weird things that you have never heard of. I have heard of this method of handling today for the first time. ," Chen Taizhong smiled, "Many times, people are offended by not taking bribes. This is a common situation, but you still have to take a good measure."

"If you don't take bribes, you can offend people," Wang Yuanyuan muttered softly. For a young girl, such a statement was too rare and too subverted the outlook on life, so she humbly asked for relevant skills, "Then I usually pay attention to Is it okay for others to have an inaccessible impression?"

"It's good, but it's not very useful. It's difficult to approach and you are not gregarious. You will be rejected by everyone. This is the taboo of cadres. Lonely praises the betrayal of others." District Mayor Chen played the role of mentor patiently, and not without pride He said, "I have done the forcible gift giving. He didn't want to give a gift to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but the gift I gave...he dare not?"

"Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee...What gift did you give?" Co-author Wang Yuanyuan also has a gossip heart.

"Just send money, what else can I give? Not too much," Chen Taizhong replied casually, "I resolutely resist this kind of trickery... ahem, why do you think there is someone outside the door?"

"Oh, I have been constipated for several days. Have a good time today," Lin Huan opened the door and walked in with a smile, "It's a bit long...I didn't miss anything, right?"

"I missed it. Your wife called and said that she still owes half a catty of public food. It will be there soon," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "Old secretary, you have put too much effort on the little girl. Now, be careful not to complete the task."

After everyone left, District Mayor Chen turned his wheelchair alone and came to the courtyard of the district hospital. He looked at the stars in the night sky and carefully counted the cause and effect of today. Wang Yuanyuan was there just now, and he didn't want to let some emotions. Spread away.

He really planned to demand liquidated damages, and he also fully delegated powers. Unexpectedly, he ended up with such a result.

Of course, Chen Taizhong knows that liquidated damages are hard to come by, especially in the face of powerful and funded companies like Hua Heng. Not to mention that they offend private individuals for public affairs, but that the lawsuit is irrelevant.

It doesn't matter if District Chief Chen is in the court. He doesn't have many contacts in the province. That is to say, in Beichong, no one dares to provoke him. But what is the use of Beichong to cover the sky? People have no assets in the district and nothing can be enforced.

But Chen's most indispensable thing is off-board tricks. What he is best at is violent violence, so he saw that Hua Heng's attitude was fairly correct, so he had to comment on his own: Well, it's quite interesting.

But things were abruptly handled like this, is Liu Haifang too greedy? Is Wang Yuanyuan responsible? Is Shi Shuhua too much nosy? Or did Li Shilu work hard in secret?

It is necessary to emphasize again: there is only one person in Beichong who can demand liquidated damages from Hua Heng, and that is Chen Taizhong, and Hua Heng is jealous, and Chen is alone.

The young district mayor was really not reconciled. Things developed like this, but he had to admit that this result had the least impact on Bei Chong. Although he did not receive any benefits, Zhang Sui’s hostility towards him would be reduced to lowest.

I really have any regrets, that is, Bei Chong has not received the liquidated damages of half a million, but... that is also hanging on the book. If the successor is responsible, you can completely ask for this money-although this It may be minimal.

In fact, what Chen Taizhong is most entangled in is whether the decentralization of power is too great, and is there any suspicion of indulgence?

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was not the case. The chief of a district could not personally intervene in everything. That would be exhausting and incompetent. You must make good use of your own assistants, and this penalty is really not a big deal. ——This is not the contract amount of 10 million yuan, but a question of more than 500,000 yuan and less than 500,000 yuan.

Secondly, this result is really not bad. From some perspectives, it is better than the plan he thought. For example, Shi Shuhua clearly expressed her support. She can't be bought by a small amount of money. Mr. Shi is probably also for Bei Chongneng. Keep your head in development and avoid trouble.

He can't completely deny that the suggestions made by the people below deviate from his design. If that happens, it will seriously impact the work of the people below.

In fact, the people below follow the leader and can only work hard. If they can't get any benefits, they will be more active in their work.

In particular, what made Chen Taizhong undecided was that it was still too late to order them to change their suggestions!

He looked at the starry sky, entangled so much that he was silent for a long time, and finally suddenly thought of substitution method: If Mengyi faces this problem, how will he decide?

The old man sits and watches! Chen Taizhong was too familiar with Mongolian art, and he came to a conclusion in the next moment, so he immediately relaxed: No one is perfect, a little selfish and distracted thoughts are normal, and the buddy would be ignorant when he asks, and sometimes he doesn’t say anything. , On the contrary, it was a great deterrent--presumably Liu Haifang and others would not think that they didn't know anything.

However, the young district mayor was a city without a Mongolian secretary. After he was relaxed, he curled his lips helplessly: Seriously, what happened today is really funny.

The next moment, Chen Taizhong turned in his wheelchair, lowered his head slightly, but unexpectedly found that there were more than a dozen cigarette butts on the ground... District Chief Chen was so entangled that he smoked more than a dozen cigarettes before he made a decision, but he did not expect the second At around nine o'clock in the morning, Zhang Sui came to visit again. He tactfully stated that the company has recently been financially tight and is eager to repay the loan interest.

Chen Taizhong is too lazy to pay attention to him, so you can talk to the relevant person in charge about this matter. After the talk, you will have to go to the meeting. You are always soaking in my place. It's useless. Go to Wang Yuanyuan. It's unbelievable that Zhang always sees no one around. Quietly stuffed a card over.

Co-authoring me is your biggest public relations object? District Chief Chen was so angry that he laughed out loud.

"Take it," he said coldly, "otherwise I will arrest you for bribery. The money in this district is all mine. I can use it whatever I want. It's rare for you to give it?"

Seeing Zhang Sui walking away in embarrassment, Chen Taizhong realized that I was also one of the links in the chain of interests, or the biggest link, and those few probably thought so too-Nima, what is this all about!

Anyway, this matter is really entangled. Hua Heng sent another vice president, and he tossed here for two days. Finally, Director Wang reported to District Mayor Chen that they wanted to give me a 100,000 card. Make a decision, let's tell them that I agree.

In the afternoon, District Mayor Liu, Director Wang, and Hua Heng’s vice president came to the hospital and reported on the results of the friendly negotiation. Chen Taizhong did not say anything, but said indifferently, “This time I’m too soft-hearted, so let’s not take it as an example.”

He didn't say who was soft-hearted, just click and stop.

District Mayor Liu and the vice president did not dare to stay longer, they left after reporting a few sentences, but Wang Yuanyuan stayed. When she picked up Liao Dabao and went out, she asked the leader with a blue face, "Accept this card, in my heart I was trembling and daring not to spend."

"This is the least risky, even if you spend it," Chen Taizhong instructed faintly, "you don't spend it, they are uneasy...but I still want to emphasize that some hands can't be extended."

When the news of Huaheng’s termination of the contract came out, Wu Fengshan called and said that we also wanted to increase the price, but he was directly pushed back by District Mayor Liu-if you want to terminate the are all Not telling you for breach of contract is just four words, and you are at your own risk.

This is how zhèngfǔ feels emboldened with state-owned enterprises. Wufengshan saw this situation and continued to supply after humming a few words-in fact, it was just making less money for the public, so why bother with private grievances? However, they did not want the 50,000 tons target to show their indignation.

They don’t want anyone to ask for it. The Haichao Group did not hesitate to eat these 50,000 tons. Haichao’s coal resources are rich, and the original price and original parameters have taken the order. From this point of view, even if you don’t talk about personal benefits, Bei Chong It is equivalent to making half a million.

After Li Jian heard about it, he also approached Chen Taizhong and said that the coal has risen sharply recently, and the remaining more than 8,000 tons will basically have a small loss of four to five million yuan-his supply is greatly affected by thermal coal.

Recently, there is a shortage of electricity across the country, and the units of major power plants have increased their load operations, and the load has increased, and more coal will be consumed.

"Grit your teeth and hold on," Chen Taizhong kindly comforted him-only Li Jian from the four families was the only one who was responsible for all the trucks. This person earns little, and the supply is unambiguous. Everyone knows that, so District Chief Chen speaks a little bit. , "The coal reserve is more than that, but after this batch is just need to know it."

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